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 Online Dating & Women

Author: Reggie  (
Date:   04-27-09 23:36

HI Guys!

Note: My age is 53, so my hopes of finding a younger bride are slim to none and I realize that. My objective is to just find an honest woman and build from there!

I am constantly amazed at all the women posting online seeking their second half, yet when it actually comes down to it, it is the rarity, the EXTREME RARITY, that you come across an actual honest woman. I can only assue the same hold true for a lot of men as well, just to be on the fair side.

I have an Internet presence known as the Scamhunter and I can say over 5 years time, I have seen just about every scam scenario a woman can devise. Most times it is the generic, pre-written letters sent when you reply to them. Now, the first time is not so big a problem, but when you write and seek a dialogue with them and they ignore it, all I can say is RUN! 99.99% of the time they are out to scam you. And PLEASE guys, never send any woman you have no personally met any MONEY! That is why all these scammers stay in business, preying on gullibility, fantasy and just trying to do the right thing by them. Been there done that, and BURNED every time! When I did, I had at least spoken to them by phone, webcam and developed a reasonable repoire over a few months. And still I got scammed. I am more knowledgeable than most out there, but my knowledge has also saved me from hundreds of scammers.

Tips to avoid betrayal and broken heart (or emptied wallet)
1. Rule #1, repeated, NEVER SEND THEM ANY MONEY! When you meet them, verified that they are legitimate (not asking you for big shopping spree) then give them some money if it feels right. If you want to send money, send it to me and I will advise you who a scammer is or not....I earn my money! I also have legitimate contacts who can help you find REAL women.
2. Do a google search on their email address, popular scammers are posted on scam sites. Do an IP address lookup to make sure the email is coming from their country. I get a lot of Russian women writing to me with IP's in California, London, New York. Go figure? Check the major anti-scam sites and go through the search database for all the THOUSANDS, yes THOUSANDS, of posted scammers there. Educate yourself to the photos of these posted scammers. (A side note: Remember, these scammers will often use magazine, Internet or even stolen photos of women and post as their own. The photos actaully might be of an honest woman, but not knowing her photos were stolen.....I had scammers using the same photo, from different cities and different names. How stupid!
3. Read their letters. Is it basic generic info with no reference to anything you wrote to them? Do they answer your questions at all? Do they use "Hello Dear" instead of your name? Is your name mentioned over a dozen times in the body of the letter? Do they sign with the same name they say is theirs (how many times I got an Olga signing her name Sveta, for example). Is their location the same as posted on their profile. A lot of scam letters are a boiler-room, they get a message and sent out one on file. Learn to spot them!
4. Photos! Learn to recognize REAL photos from your fantasy photos. If it looks like a model posing for a photo shoot, 99.99% of the time it is! Men are visual creatures and that's how most of these scammers hook us. A real beauty going for an average guy like me, it is the dream come true! Most women do not even have a camera, let alone access to digital, touch up make over services. I know very few women, even with good access, that could send me most of the photos I see online. And a few I know are actual models! Use common sense and not your "pants" to see who is real. And please do not cry when you find out they were just the fantasy, you have been WARNED!
5. Telephones. Most women should have access to talk to you by telephone. Legitimate ones do. If they do not have one, a friend will. Also, inbound cell phone calls to most Eastern European countries do not cost the woman anything because it is free to them. If they say they need help to pay their cell phone just to talk to you, it is a LIE! Also be very wary if they say they do not have access to any telephone for you to call them, but they can call you?????? Duhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! Get it?
6. Internet. Now most women do not have a computer or Internet access, they use their work, a friend or the ever popular Internet Cafe where the cost is a few dollars (I have used them myself on trips, to help educate myself). Now do remember, if the woman has no English ability, her letters somehow need to be translated to you and yours to hers. This should NEVER cost you $5-$10 per letter, and saty away from Translation Agencies. If she can not afford to write you, then forget her. An honest woman can have a friend translate or use a FREE translator program such as to write, it just takes some time to do it. Most scammers don't have such time to "waste" on their beloved man, if you get my drift. Remember their sole goal is to get something from you, money, support, gifts, etc.
7. Ready to meet, but they need money for visa, expenses, airline tickets, etc! How many times have I seen this SCAM!!!! SCAM!!! SCAM!!!!!
They can NOT get a visa to USA as easy as they claim. Men, educate yourself to our immigration policy. I do NOT care what they claim, unless the US Consulate issues it (not help or contacts involving a travel agency) it is NOT going to happen. It's hard enough just trying to get a Fiancee over here (and that I know perfectly well how to do). Be leary of any invitation to meet somewhere for a nice vacation or holiday (free trip for them at your BIG expense) the first time. Do you offer a woman you met off the street or in a bar an exotic trip? I don't think so. And if you do make the trip, handle all the arrangements yourself (my friend has travelled and left stranded once any money exchanged hands and the woman disappeared. Or, the woman ended up being a travel guide with NO interest in him at all. Her job was to get men to travel and rent flats, use taxi service and other travel services of which they get a cut. Again, education is the key. Know all you can on the person you are meeting, full name, phone, EVERYTHING.

I have been searching for over 5 years and seen THOUSANDS of letters. I have reported over 700 women to date that I could directly prove were scammers, hundreds more I had high suspicions. Needless to say, finding an Internet bride in these times is like finding a needle in the haystack, but it IS possible, if you don't let your pants guide your brain.

Hope this helps someone avoid the pitfalls of Internet Dating. Not to knock this site, but for the most part it is a joke. You pay membership (how they make money) and rarely find a woman who is serious as she claims. I rarely will pay for a membership, if I do, it is only for short time, as I have yet to see any success from any PAID membership site. But maybe there is hope!

And always, REPORT ANY SCAMS! Prevent others from falling prey to your mistake. Thanks and ALL THE BST in your search for love!
Scamhunter USA

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 Re: Online Dating & Women

Author: LORA  (
Date:   04-28-09 01:14

Good afternoon Reggie!
I am a beautiful woman. From your words I knew that all beautiful women were skammer.
Do you so think and about me? Do you consider that I also will extort a money for men?
Please, honour my theme of "my question to the gentlemen of site "....
I will ask God, that he inlaid the soul in your body...
Possibly, you will understand something...
I wish you the world and good...

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 Re: Online Dating & Women

Author: Reggie  (
Date:   04-28-09 01:30


I do not think you understand what I write at all. First off, I seek younger woman for children. You are older woman and I am not interested. It has nothing to do with your beauty or personality, perhaps you are a great woman, just not for me!

No, not all women, beautiful or not, are scammers. The vast majority who post online are and I am speaking from 5 years of experience and over 2000 women writing to me. Less than a handful I would say were actually honest and sincere. 6 out of 2000. You do the math.

No, I do not think you extort money from men, but I don't know you. Please read my post and open your mind to understand what is being said. Not all women are bad! I did not say that. I said most women who post online often times are very dishonest. Most, NOT all! I am speaking from my experience and of hearing others. I am considered an expert on scammers, are you? Of course there are exceptions. Honest women do post online.

I wish you all the best and success to find love. IN my case, you do not meet my requirements for the woman I search for, it is as simple as that. I often do not meet the requirements a woman seeks either, so that is life and I understand.


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 Re: Online Dating & Women

Author: LORA  (
Date:   05-01-09 14:30

I hope that you will not die of sexual exhaustion with your 2000 women...
Think, that such men, as you, have no authority to propagate oneself.
Be careful venereal diseases, SUPERMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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 Re: Online Dating & Women

Author: Reggie  (
Date:   05-01-09 16:49

Hello Lora!

May I ask "What is Your Problem?"

Your statement to me is completely assinine and shows what filth of character you possess. Are you so bitter to have to come to such rude and insultive measures? Where do you get I have 2000 women, let alone have sex with them? Perhaps in your filthy imagination and bitterness apparently towards men because most will not give you the time of day?
No wonder, being a bitch is never a turn on for a guy, no matter the age.

To clarify and if you can actually READ, I said I had received over 2000 letters from women over the course of 5 years time. Over 1900 went into the trash. To also clarify, in the past 5 years (2 of which I was engaged), I have only met 1 woman from Lithuania (a scammer), 5 introductions through marriage agency in Moscow ( lunch or dinner date, 1-2 times), and the fiancee in Romania (2005-2007). My fiancee was the only one I had sex with. I haven't been with a woman since 2007, so all I can say is shut your "FAT ASS MOUTH" because you know nothing of me. How dare you make any judgment! I guess you the "God" and so worthy person to make such claims against someone?

It seems you can't find a man (I wonder why with your mouth) and have to attack others who do not agree with you. I was NEVER rude to you in my response, I simply explained my position. Now we see how well you take rejection! And the low quality of your character for all men to see YOU online. I warn all of them to beware of a woman like you, sure misery and regret lie in store.

Anyways, as I closed before, I do wish you the very best and success to find love, if anyone now will have you. Before you attack people and reveal the trash you come from, why not find out reasons. It shows just how ignorant you really are.

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 Re: Online Dating & Women

Author: LORA  (
Date:   05-01-09 18:19

You are a not normal man. Therefore you so long and unsuccessfully search on your own a woman. I want you to warn - leave me alone, otherwise I will complain on you a moderator. Your waning does not give you a right to offend a widow. I was rights in the ideas. you will be in an eternal search. I advise vai to turn the look on Malaysia. Women are more more amenable there. I warn once again - I do not want to have with your conversations. Judge to your boor is God, nobody other.
I am not interested by your lustful adventures.
Not speak to me more, I despise you.

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 Re: Online Dating & Women

Author: Liliya  (
Date:   05-01-09 22:31

Hi Reggie or scamhunter usa - whatever beter for you

I agree with Lora in words - "You are a not normal man." True man will never ever do all this things you do.

It is a silly fish that is caught twice with the same bait

I wish good luck to you

Regards Liliya

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 Re: Online Dating & Women

Author: LORA  (
Date:   05-01-09 22:47

I am thankful Lily for support...

There is a sort of men which it is difficult to name men.

Probably, males. For them to offend a woman and rude is a matter of course.

It would be desirable, that such did not meet on our way.

I wish all a sun and heat.

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 Re: Online Dating & Women

Author: Reggie  (
Date:   05-01-09 23:55

Hello Liliya:

Please explain just exactly does not make me a normal man? I am very curious to understand exactly how you can come to this conclusion having known nothing about me or my experiences. Do you know anything about me or my life? No!

I did not insult or was rude to Lora, she was to me! Or did you not read the dialogue? I stated an opinion and then she insults me claiming I am some wild sex maniac. She did not understand the context of my message, just as I see you do not either. Lora wrote to me saying she was interested to know me, I explained to her NICELY that I sought a younger woman mainly for children. I want children. So what is not normal about that? And why I can not have relationship wiht a younger woman? You place restrictions on me because of what? Your opinion? How arrogant! Lora became angry, it is obvious because I rejected her. I am not interested in her and was polite to say so. she is NOT my type and her vulgar attack against me further proves she is NOT normal, and someone I would stay away from. There was ABSOLUTELY no call fo rher to attack me the way she did. And you defend her? OK.

There are many nice women in this world and I hope to find one. I will let them decide if I am normal or not. Your opinions, I could care less about!

I am sorry you have such attitudes.

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 Re: Online Dating & Women

Author: Liliya  (
Date:   05-02-09 11:36

Hi Reggie,

What do you want I explain to you?
What do you want to hear from me - that you are such a nice man and you doing a nice things?
Sorry, I can not say all this.
For my opinion - your problem is you are looking a woman twice younger yourself (26-37 yo) or do you realy think so young woman will fall in love with you? I am sure she will use you to move in to america, I guess the same thing happened with your previous experience.

Why you not go to find a woman more close to your ouw age?

Instead think why did you meet all this scammers and change your searching for more real age, you start call yourself "scamhunter USA" :)

and here is reason why I said above - "I agree with Lora in words - "You are a not normal man." True man will never ever do all this things you do. "

Good luck to you


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 Re: Online Dating & Women

Author: Reggie  (
Date:   05-02-09 15:13

Like I said Liliya. "who are you to judge"? You don't know me, or my life experiences. I made it clear that I seek a younger woman because I desire to have another child or two. I already have a beautiful 7 year old son (he wants a brother or sister). A woman my age is typically not going to want a child or be able to have a child. I guess I am abnormal for wanting to love a family? It is very typical of older women to condemn a man for wanting a younger woman. If I could find the woman my age who wants what I want, of course I would consider it. Just so happens I am not the typical 53 yo man. My ex-wife is 20 years my junior, Belarussian, and had it not been for some differences, we would still be married....we were just not the right match. She still at times tries to get back together (and she was a former model).

So, you and Lora, can go ahead, call me names, call me not normal or a true man, etc. That should shows the world your ignorance and arrogance. I don't have to explain myself to you as you do not have to explain yourself to me or others. I do not condem you for your circumstance, but PLEASE, just go ahead and show your poor character by attacking others you know nothing about. I feel sorry for you both!

I am a confident man and I have helped saved hundreds of men from the treachery of dishonesty of online women. Why don't you educate yourself about it instead of throwing insults to people. I have excellent references, I do humanitarian works and I know lots of younger women who would laugh in your face for your stupid words. They KNOW me, you don't. So it is amusing for the letters I receive from you. You can not tear me down with your petty insults. I am a good and decent man. But you will never know it or see it. So why waste air convincing yoy? You and Lora are certainly NOT worth it! For those men who may be reading this post, take note of such attitudes you may face from such as these women. Never let them insult or put you down for being yourself.

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 Re: Online Dating & Women

Author: Liliya  (
Date:   05-02-09 18:38

I feel sorry for you Reggie,

If you don't understand simple things, I don't see a reason speak more.

For your information - I am married woman and very happy with my husband.

Doesn't matter what do you think about yourself, more important matter what another people think about you
You could have a lot of excellent references but you never will a Man - your education not mean you are an intelligent and nice man.

P.S. I asked my husband what he is think about your post and he said: He deserve to be scammed

Here is my wish to you :)
Better to do well than to say well


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 Re: Online Dating & Women

Author: Reggie  (
Date:   05-02-09 22:26


You are entitled to your opinion. Do I really care what you think of me? NO! You already show you are an uneducated Moron who makes judgment on people they do not even know. People who are educated and do not show the ignorance you do, fully realize you need to know who a person is before you make any judgments for or against them. I have my opinion of you for sure, but I do not know you to make any judgment. You and your husband deserve each other. And to say anyone deserves to be scammed I hope God will make judgment to Hell for it! No one deserves to be scammed. Again, it shows your ignorance and poor character to even say such horrid thing. And if you are married, why are you even on an Online Dating Site. Question arises if you are online to betray your husband? No married person needs to be on such a site. This is for UNMARRIED people seeking others for love and marriage. I wonder really who you are??????? Anyways, you deserve what you have and I do not care to know anything more about you. You disgust me as I am sure I disgust you, so we will leave it at that.

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 Re: Online Dating & Women

Author: Liliya  (
Date:   05-02-09 23:01

who said that this place only for the unmarried? I find my love on this site and I am here

I am here to warn the good people from such as you ignoramus

I am here to help people and with my assistance, many people find each other and they are happy in marriage

You deserve to be scammed because you are looking for them (scammers) and they come to you like flies to honey.

I'm happy and I help people to be happy

I finish this silly discuss

Thank you for your opinion and all the best to you.


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 Re: Online Dating & Women

Author: Reggie  (
Date:   05-03-09 01:57


I am horrified! That a Moron as yourself actually is here to help people? God help them to your corrosive attitudes.

I have helped many American men avoid such the likes as you and scammers alike, sharing my experiences. I have saved them many from a broken heart and emptied wallet. Let scammers come to me like the flies, I will expose them all! It seems you would fall into that treacherous category as your rhetoric only spews hate and insults when you know NOTHING!

Again, you show your ignorance. Tell your husband to give me a call, I would love to talk to him! I am the ignoramus? Thanks for a good laugh! When people like you attack me, I certainly will stand up against such evil. You do not know me do you? Answer that question will you? If you did actually know me, all would see the mud in your face from this silly dialogue, of which nothing you have addressed, only to attack and judge, which is NOT your right! Oh, sorry, maybe you the God? Why is it the older women just can't keep stupid opinions to themselves? Live your life and LEAVE ME ALONE! My quote......What a BITCH!

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 Re: Online Dating & Women

Author: Liliya  (
Date:   05-03-09 12:15


A clear conscience laughs at false accusations :))
?? smells best that smells of nothing, but from you, Reggie, only **** smells
and better to be a bitch than complete fool - a fool at fifty + is a fool indeed

All the best wishes & good luck


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 Re: Online Dating & Women

Author: Reggie  (
Date:   05-03-09 16:49

More bal bla bla bla from the Hag, Liliya!

Yes, you are right about the clear conscious and I have one. You really amuse me, showing me such the character and black soul you possess. I am thankful at least not all Russian women are representative of the blackness and hatred in your heart.

I have shared your posts with many of my friends, men and women alike and they are amazed at such ignorance, but more so the arrogance of being so "Holier than Thou" attitude, that you somehow think you are God
to make such unfounded judgments. They ask how can anyone (unless totally stupid) can make any claims against another without knowing them or the facts? I have never made a judgment against you, I DON'T KNOW YOU (nor do I ever desire to), but YES, I will defend myself from unwarranted and unsolicited attacks from such the Morons as you. I am sure you find amusement in this exchange, so have your fun. Does it affect me or my life at all, NO! You are a pathetic, bitter, old woman wiht nothing better to do than make insults and inuendoes against other people you have no clue about. So go ahead. But know in the end you will be judged by God and His Wrath on you will be the Salavation!

I also wish you the best in life and please NO MORE response to me. This exchange is pointless. All the best!

PS Is there a way to block this user?

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 Re: Online Dating & Women

Author: Nazim  (
Date:   10-28-09 23:38

everytings are lie on this site .I sent letter to much ladies for seriusly relationships. Every lady wants the money and they are not orginal peoples .Because they sent mail whit controlled whit some peoples as agecy or else. Here is a spent money office

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 Re: Online Dating & Women

Author: Notice: Undefined variable: new_dat  (96.18.72.---)
Date:   03-29-10 01:34


Unfortunately most young russian women are xenofobic and do not like men from the middle east and turkey. This is the reality. So the ones who write to you are scammers. You are old enouph to understand this. Leave the russian, ukranian and belorussian women alone. Try your luck with turkish women.
Does not work either? Then blame yourself.
There is nothing personal. For me all the people are the same.

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 Re: Online Dating & Women

Author: Notice: Undefined variable: new_dat  (96.18.72.---)
Date:   03-29-10 01:55

Hi Reggie,

You are a nice looking man and you are not that old. If you find so many scammers on the dating sites why don't you stop visiting them?
Atlanta is a big sity. There must be so many chirches over there. Why not to visit them on Sundies and try to meet women over there?
I am pretty sure, that if you spend even half the time you wasted on dating sites, in chirches you would meet a few women of the age 25-35 who would be glad to become your wife.
Just seriously think about it.

Best regards

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 Re: Online Dating & Women

Author: Notice: Undefined variable: new_dat  (
Date:   05-15-10 23:08

Scamhunters are sick people.

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 Re: Online Dating & Women

Author: Notice: Undefined variable: new_dat  (
Date:   06-01-10 23:42

I ask you just one thing.......more respect towards female! it´s not pleasant to read such things (not polite by the way!) which have been written by a man of......!!! AGE!
my best wishes and good luck!

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 Re: Online Dating & Women

Author: Yuliya  (
Date:   06-15-10 11:13

I would like to have dialogue with you. To me it would be pleasant if you have written to me on kissyulangel (at)

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 Re: Online Dating & Women

Author: Notice: Undefined variable: new_dat  (
Date:   07-16-10 21:37

Dear Reggie,
You are telling about women scammers and how about men-scammers?

I had one scammer from the US. He wanted money from me- to get through all the Embassy procedure. He asked me to send him by Western Union- about $1000.

Really girls give you good advice why not try your chance in your country?
No nice women?
But it sounds unbelievable!
Why do you need a Russian girl.
Really there should be big problems to obtain a Visa in the US Embassy.

Look around- America is a big country.
Good luck.

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 Re: Online Dating & Women

Author: Notice: Undefined variable: new_dat  (62.139.36.---)
Date:   07-18-10 19:05

hiNotice: Undefined variable: new_dat wrote:

> Dear Reggie,
> You are telling about women scammers and how about
> men-scammers?
> I had one scammer from the US. He wanted money from me- to get
> through all the Embassy procedure. He asked me to send him by
> Western Union- about $1000.
> Really girls give you good advice why not try your chance in
> your country?
> No nice women?
> But it sounds unbelievable!
> Why do you need a Russian girl.
> Really there should be big problems to obtain a Visa in the US
> Embassy.
> Look around- America is a big country.
> Good luck.

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 Re: Online Dating & Women

Author: Notice: Undefined variable: new_dat  (212.103.170.---)
Date:   07-18-10 19:08


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 Re: Online Dating & Women

Author: Samantha L  (112.203.255.---)
Date:   09-25-10 17:41

Please guys, don't send money to any girls you haven't met in person. Just be careful.. good luck to all in finding your perfect match..

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 Re: Online Dating & Women

Author: Notice: Undefined variable: new_dat  (
Date:   11-21-10 02:49

Two months ago a man from Texas asked me to sell my kidney to send him money for the business organization.

Do you think this is normal ?????

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 Re: Online Dating & Women

Author: Notice: Undefined variable: new_dat  (92.101.125.---)
Date:   11-29-10 01:05

To me of 40 years, I the expert in computers

I like to be at home, I am able all
Hobby: a chanson, booksNotice: Undefined variable: new_dat wrote:

> Two months ago a man from Texas asked me to sell my kidney to
> send him money for the business organization.
> Do you think this is normal ?????

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 Re: Online Dating & Women

Author: Notice: Undefined variable: new_dat  (
Date:   11-29-10 01:06

To me of 40 years, I the expert in computers

I like to be at home, I am able all
Hobby: a chanson, booksNotice: Undefined variable: new_dat wrote:

> Two months ago a man from Texas asked me to sell my kidney to
> send him money for the business organization.
> Do you think this is normal ?????

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 Re: Online Dating & Women

Author: Notice: Undefined variable: new_dat  (
Date:   11-29-10 01:06

To me of 40 years, I the expert in computers

I like to be at home, I am able all
Hobby: a chanson, booksNotice: Undefined variable: new_dat wrote:

> Two months ago a man from Texas asked me to sell my kidney to
> send him money for the business organization.
> Do you think this is normal ?????

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 Re: Online Dating & Women

Author: alan  (85.172.220.---)
Date:   12-07-10 09:28

Thousands of couples who met on the internet and live well .

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 Re: Online Dating & Women

Author: nenni  (202.152.243.---)
Date:   01-23-11 07:57

hello reggie
i understand you and what you told about.
i wish you can find the best in your life.

human being can not measure you,i know we can have high dreams,i believe you can do it if you patient and never give up.always spirit,life is adventure.
your life in your hand and in your decision.
better not fight and just cool's your vision to joint this,God willing we can find someone who really understand us and real love.

let's we learn from experienced.

God luck

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 Re: Online Dating & Women

Author: Marina  (
Date:   02-04-11 15:01

Hello:) My name is Marina:) That came to this chat and decided to talk to someone. Is introduced?

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 Re: Online Dating & Women

Author: Natalia  (90.151.241.---)
Date:   02-18-11 22:53

I have read your message. To me is it is a pity you. Similar your search of the woman is is difficult also thorny full of deprivations and disappointments and a grief of your broken heart. You wage heavy and difficult war. You can be lost in this struggle and not reach the purpose. There can be you will to search better for the love among women of your country. These Russian women are really so are artful and false. Good luck to you in searches. (p/s I have simply shown sympathy. You is not in my taste.)

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 Re: Online Dating & Women

Author: Al-Cole  (
Date:   04-21-11 08:17

I agree with you Reggie-
I have received many emails from pretty pictures and not one has ever been real or ever came to visit me here in los angeles.
Paid sites do avoid the cheap scammers that not want spend money to register. Unpaid sites seem to attract more scammers. I do not register any more on sites because it is a ad for you to be scammed and who has time to read all the daily emails. I get email over loads.
Sooner or later it all turns to the money issue.
Do notsend nayone any money ever.
Do not get married
You do not need to marry to have sex with a woman.

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 Re: Online Dating & Women

Author: John  (
Date:   09-19-11 02:22


You are getting sucked into the suckhole. Women are experts at getting us sucked into the black hole of an argument. An argument that you never win. Even if you win........ you lose. So don't give them the time or effort of your thoughts and words

Let it go.

And good luck.

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 Re: Online Dating & Women

Author: Yssle  (
Date:   10-19-11 15:49

lol lmao

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 Re: Online Dating & Women

Author: Tati  (
Date:   02-12-12 20:27

Excuse children, but with such negative thinking it is impossible to give advice. Реджи, it seems to me to you it is necessary to reconsider the outlooks on life. You with ease have slung mud at beauty Loru, have offended the clear head the Lily to defend the opinion.Мне you it is a pity, but most of all it will be a pity to me that woman who will agree I will not be.Я to enter with you with you debate, but I want to add the following for those who reads this message; DO NOT TRUST THIS PERSON!!!!. Sorry.

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 Re: Online Dating & Women

Author: Tati  (
Date:   02-12-12 20:36

ивините ребята ,но с таким негативным мышлением нельзя давать советы . Реджи ,мне кажется Вам стоит пересмотреть свои взгляды на жизнь . Вы с легкостью облили грязью красавицу Лору ,оскорбили умницу Лилию ,для того ,чтобы отстоять свое мнение .Мне Вас жаль ,но больше всего мне будет жаль ту женщину ,которая согласится быть с Вами .Я не буду вступать с Вами в дебаты ,но хочу добавить следующее для тех ,кто читает это сообщение ;НЕ ВЕРЬТЕ ЭТОМУ ЧЕЛОВЕКУ !!!! . Извините .

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 Re: Online Dating & Women

Author: Dmitry  (
Date:   02-23-12 22:35


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