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 Spotting Scammers

Author: John  (
Date:   03-13-11 21:17

Guys you need to be a little more vigilant in your searches. All it takes is a little time and research. When you receive photos from the ladies check to see how old they are, there are ladies here on the site right now posting photos of 6 years of age old or more.

The asking of money by any woman for any reason should be a red flag and say scammer! You need to think with your heads and not the ones in your pants!

Women from the Russia or that part of the world cannot get a visa on their own. NEVER except when the woman is rich or has family already living outside of the country and that can be verified.

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 Re: Spotting Scammers

Author: Feniks  (
Date:   03-18-11 20:55

For travel to Europe or another
country womens need a visa and a ticket and a
passport for travel. If a man want to see a
woman in his country as soon as
possible he can make an
invitation (visa) and buy e-
tickets through the Internet or
a travel agent in him country.
This is for you to be without risk of being
cheated. But you know: risk you have all time if your head can not to think.
Many women really want to go
to your country to become
more familiar and for take marriage, but
they have not money for visa
and for ticket. If you found your
woman - do not waste time on
doubts and drive to her or give
her a chance come to you.
Russia and Ukraine - is not
Salary of 150 Dolar per month
and the lack of a reliable man
forced many to leave she's
country and go in search of a
better life. The first: Ask why
she needed money, and then
make a decision as and where you
can meet with she. Good luck to all persons.

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 Re: Spotting Scammers

Author: Feniks  (
Date:   03-18-11 21:00

I am ask pardon for my english, because this is a 4-th language which i know.

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 Re: Spotting Scammers

Author: Al-Cole  (
Date:   04-21-11 07:41

here are some tips I have experienced from many pretty pictures;
They get you hooked with pretty pictures and fall in love with you fairly quickly.
Once they decide they want come to me, I ask them to send me copies of passport, ID and USA Visa address and phone number.
After I receive their Visa I try and send copy to embassy to see if its valid or fake. To date all Responses said the Visa are fakes. Then I do not send money for airtickets or help out in any way. I not have money to waste.

Another way is to get their ID and Home address and phone number, so, you can send a surprise low cost flowers and ask the flower shop to send you back a photo of the girl receiving the flower and to verify I-D's. Do not tell the girl you sending the flowers to warn her. Element of surprise.

Another way is to do instant messenger video. or Telephone her if she gives you a number. Beware when they say they not have phones or video. Red Flag

The risk of you going e to meet her in her home country turf, is risky because if she is fake, then you will never find her and you loose cost of the trip and hotel. You also want make your own travel and hotel reservations in case its a dead beat. You not want be homeless or get robbed or injured in strange environment. I been given phony numbers by girls here in the states many times, so, don't take everything at face value on internet.

The last thing is to hire a private eye to do a background check on her, if you want spend the bucks. I seen some for $100 bucks or so to get a good feel if she legitimate.

To date I Not had any pretty ladies that has the bucks to come to USA or is legitimate and not asked for money help.. Its going cost more than $2000.00 USD from Moscow to Los Angeles for passport, visa and airfare. I can understand most girls do not have saved up or want spend it such. I not want spend it on a bum trip either. But if I go there to meet her, then I have to leave after a week or so, and she still is not here in USA. You may still have to pay her way to come to you and then spend lots more bucks for immigration and marriage. After a few years, she may divorce you and you will be stuck with child support and alimony payments and may loose half of your assets, retirement and savings??? Mel Gibson happened to him. Also Charlie Sheen an dmany others. The Divorce industry benefits the womenhere in USA and elsewhere.
Guys do not get married-ever. Not worth it.

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 Re: Spotting Scammers

Author: Angelina  (
Date:   04-23-11 17:52

I think first you have to talk and seeeach other on line! Than if you like each other you can meet. You can go to Russia to her city or town. Or meet with her abroad. But remember, woman in Russia very often haven't got money to travell. That's better to buy tickets through Internet for her and don't send money for her if you don't want to go to Russia and really want to meet her.

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 Re: Spotting Scammers

Author: Aigulya  (
Date:   05-26-11 08:31

Expensive men, you so well write negatively about women, I too want to share, you too have men - the big swindlers who extort money, creating the scheme on extortion of money from women, I have exposed them, add to the arsenal: Woods - - id - 146332 - from America; Love is pain (Charles)--- id - - 144637 - - From England, therefore it is not necessary ñâåõ to judge women, you too have many swindlers and not decent men.

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