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 Question about UK visas: help required

Author: Paco  (
Date:   05-05-06 12:17

Hi All,

I am new in this services as an active member and I would appreciate if you help me to understand whether is difficult for a young Ukrainian woman (29 y.o.) to get an UK visa.

I have read many of your discussions in the forum and there is too much information about USA visas but a little about other countries. She is a standard girl without any properties in her country. We have been in touch for a while and I was ready to visit her. However, I have now some business commitments and cannot leave my work in the next 2 months, so she suggested to come to London. I told her that maybe to get a visa was a difficulty but she investigated this and send me a scan of the visa.

I am not familiar with UK visas and I don’t know if this is a fake and how difficult is to obtain one. I should be grateful any help based on your experience.

Many thanks

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 Re: Question about UK visas: help required

Author: Smiling  (
Date:   05-05-06 12:23

If your girl had the UK visa already, it will be not hard for her to get second the UK visa, if her money situation still the same like when she got her fist the UK visit visa.

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 Re: Question about UK visas: help required

Author: Paco  (
Date:   05-05-06 12:27

It is the first UK visa for her. This is one of the reasons that raise the red flag. I would like to see her but I don't want to be cheated, so it is difficult to say what to do.

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 Re: Question about UK visas: help required

Author: Lorentz  (
Date:   05-05-06 22:17

Paco; - Congratulations, you are asking questions at the right stage, which shows, at least that your head is still doing the thinking for you and you have your feelers out. Since Smiling is the resident expert on the U.K. – and I know no details of the specifics for their visas, or if they differ at all from U.S. in any way, I just popped up, since you asked to offer my two cents, ( in U.S. dollars not Euro, so – either way, not worth much, - like all advice perhaps.) and maybe some different perspective. Just so you know,- under such circumstances, folks after having asked for opinion, 99.9% of the time, just go ahead and do what they were already pre-disposed to do before they asked. Ask Smiling.

Your profile says you have been here two months, - especially if you met your 29 year old here, that is not a lot of time to interact, but has been sufficient for you to see her on and converse over a web-cam, (?? ) send some flowers to her home, call her on the phone, give her a good googelling ( as Blaine would say,) and insure yourself as best as you are able to discover both the strength of your feelings and the legitimacy of her expressions of interest in you. – RIGHT ?? ( You have already taken these steps.)

– My point is, that if you have waited only two months, certainly two more would not be unreasonable, if as you say business commitments preclude you from going to meet her, which is – as you must already know, if you have read these threads, the one and only single proper way to approach your interaction, period. – If so busy with busy-ness, you may want to consider how much quality time you can devote to over this time anyway.
“ You must go there to meet her.” – ( after you have taken the steps I listed, which you already have of course,….)

So now that we know that you know the only “right way”, and in spite of knowing this seem intent on doing it the wrong way, - and have posted here to ask about the details and possible in’s and out’s of how to improperly proceed. - Well, if nothing else, should your risk not produce any positive results in return, - at least you will know where not to come and sing a sad song about “scammers.” – Knowing that you are inviting long odds, especially if she sent you both the suggestion and the “proof” – I have made my point.
Hopefully, someone more knowledgeable about the particulars will pop up here and tell you to contact your embassy, fax them what she has faxed you, ask them if they can be paid directly by you for her, send her no money but only an airline ticket that can not be cashed, etc. etc, etc, - but that won’t be me.

As a business man, you must understand that your time is valuable ( thus hesitation or delay in making a trip yourself ?? )- and you should consider the amount of time and energy taken up by all your research into “not getting cheated” may cost you more than just making a wish, sending the money and heading on back to work hoping for the best, - because let’s face it, there is that possibility that she is completely sincere, 100% genuine and you should in that case not poison yourself with all the negative doubt.
A relationship without trust is no relationship of any worth.

Good Luck !! - Lorentz.

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 Re: Question about UK visas: help required

Author: Smiling  (
Date:   05-06-06 02:40

Paco , I can tell you only from my experience -I have got my first UK visit visa for me and for my daughter very easy. But I wrote in Application that I would pay for our tickets myself (that is very important for getting the UK visit visa ) and attashed the paper about my bank acount . But I can tell you honestly for getting the UK visit visa very important to have one or more Shengen visas in the pasport, because that is the first that Consulate officer want to see in the passoprt of an applicant. I watched it myself. Fortunately, my daughter and I went to many Europe countries before.

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 Re: Question about UK visas: help required

Author: Paco  (
Date:   05-06-06 16:17

Many thanks Smiling and Lorentz. Your replies have helped me a lot. I know now that I have to go to visit her instead of poisong myself with these negative doubts. You should be aware that I am not here as a scammer hunter, but only as love I will follow my heart and your recommendations.

I wish you also the best to both of you and we will be in touch


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 Re: Question about UK visas: help required

Author: Angel  (193.26.13.---)
Date:   05-07-06 00:44

Hi, Paco

I completely agree with Smiling. Probably your girl really had no communications with visas and does not understand difficulties with it. I too thought earlier, that it is easy, as in a fairy tale - it is necessary to make a wave of a hand)) 2 months of expectation are not the big term for serious attitudes)))


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 Re: Question about UK visas: help required

Author: Smiling  (
Date:   05-07-06 07:26

Dear Paco, I wish you a good trip to Ukraine. Spring is the best time for visiting Kiev and Ukraine. I recomend you and your girl(if she lives in not Kiev) to visit Pirogovo,willage- museum near Kiev. That is really nice place. My family (my husband, my daughter and me) went there 2 days ago .That is very romatic place.

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 Re: Question about UK visas: help required

Author: Paco  (
Date:   05-07-06 15:48

Hi Smiling, I will take into account your recommendation. I don't know nothing about Ukraine but I don't mind to learn in good company :) Take care and thanks for all suggestions.

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 Re: Question about UK visas: help required

Author: Svetlana  (
Date:   05-11-06 01:19

I have got my visit visa to UK in Kiev during 4 hours.
My English friend sent me the invitation by post (it was a simple letter with his sign), information about his salery for the last three month. I gave also our correspondens (mails) and letter from my work-place. It wasn't any problem.
But really could be better for you to come to Ukraine and tried to get her visa in Uk Ambessy during your visit time.
Good luck.

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 Re: Question about UK visas: help required

Author: Angel  (193.26.13.---)
Date:   05-11-06 11:57

I think to receive the visa to people than 30 years and with normal incomes are more senior, with many visas on much easier to receive than the young girl who was not married and has no visas. )))

Svetlana of the right - you should her help with it very much.

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