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 I am happy!!!!!

Author: Olga  (
Date:   04-21-06 01:17


I leave in marriage for Russian the man. He the perfect person. He has the business, is brought up. Simply super!!!
Girls throw these old grandfathers with complexes of the old age, anxious scammers))) and like Russian mans!!!

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 Re: I am happy!!!!!

Author: Elena  (212.116.244.---)
Date:   04-21-06 03:41

Dear Olga, my the best, sincere congratulations to you! hope you will be happy with that Super Russian man and tell us more better about his merits.:))

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 Re: I am happy!!!!!

Author: Richard  (63.168.131.---)
Date:   04-21-06 06:07

His main merit seem to be having a business!

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 Re: I am happy!!!!!

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   04-21-06 07:37

Super is better than soup!! almost as good as superb,but short of one consanant. Congratulations,Olya!! May you have much happiness and many children!!

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 Re: I am happy!!!!!

Author: Andy  (
Date:   04-21-06 07:56

Is he the one that speeds his G-2 Porsche up and down Carl Marks Street ?? (smile)

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 Re: I am happy!!!!!

Author: Lorentz  (
Date:   04-21-06 08:20

"O" - If it is true that someone has considered that they have the where-with-all to make an "honest woman" of you, - I think everyone deserves a chance at happiness. In this event, I wish you best of luck and offer no advice whatsoever. - It is for certain that I will miss your provacative man-bashing, and note that you could not help but leave us without offering up one last negative commentary. Most of all, I think that I will miss your alien looking, homemade altered photo looking back at me as I browse through these threads from time to time. I am certain that it is what you needed to do however, so - here's to you getting rid of all your email addresses and spending less of your life on line. Buenas Suerte Amiga !!

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 Re: I am happy!!!!!

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   04-21-06 10:21

yes,who will call me grampa now? Olya do you have a sister? Oh well,you can`t argue with manly perfection!! Best wishes for the super nuptuals and a superb marriage!!!

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 Re: I am happy!!!!!

Author: Sam  (
Date:   04-21-06 14:45

In the short time I have been checking out these posts, the only person who showed “complexes” regularly was you Olga! First, there was the Moslem-men bashing, then the Turkish-men bashing; next came the “Americans are good only for friendship” idea, and finally the labeling of us men on this site collectively as “foreign grandpas!” Still, I for one looked well beyond all that aggressive talk and saw traces of bitterness in your past, bitterness that must have come at the hands of men in your recent or past history. I have sensed all along in this form that you were brought to us not by hope but disappointment, the kind of disappointment that required a forum to voice your bitterness with which to punish us men. Perhaps this new love, if he is real, is what you deserve and will hopefully remedy those injuries that added the bitterness and cynicism in your voice. I hope in time love will wipe away your disappointments. So, I sincerely join in with Elena and hope that you too find will happiness with this man, the kind of happiness that will inspire a little more love for all people.

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 Re: I am happy!!!!!

Author: Andy  (
Date:   04-21-06 20:37

I still want to know, if it is the guy in the Porsche!!!

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 Re: I am happy!!!!!

Author: Ronnie  (
Date:   04-22-06 18:42

I wish you the best and congratulations on you getting married hope every thing turn out for you. and as you planed we will miss you here you had some interested thought. you know we will miss you calling all of us grandpa's I don't have any grandchildren as of yet so dose that leave me out (smile) no kidding the best to you .

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 Re: I am happy!!!!!

Author: Ronnie  (
Date:   04-23-06 11:29

It must have been the guy in the Porsche and she is taken a ride. and she went out of town to see her new business that she is going to get
a Porsche and a business sounds like money payed a big part in this now where is the love.

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 Re: I am happy!!!!!

Author: Andy  (
Date:   04-23-06 12:43

you meen I was not the only one who saw that Hmmm, interesting DA

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 Re: I am happy!!!!!

Author: Ninel  (195.16.72.---)
Date:   04-24-06 04:21

Congratulations, Olga!
May be it,s better! Looking for man near, not far.
There are many grandfathers who looking for girls in this and other servises, you are right!
Crazy people! And I tied read about women-scammers...

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 Re: I am happy!!!!!

Author: Olga  (
Date:   04-25-06 00:41


I do not recognize " Paradise in a tent ". You could love the woman who will go in hair curlers everywhere and which is not able to behave in a society correctly? The man should be able to earn money. It is his man's force. I respect the man which could in young earn to myself comfort, receive formation and which wants to have normal family and children. I can love only that whom I respect. I do not measure love in Porshe, but I would think I could not see myself with the wrinkled grandfather near to me in machine Porshe))) I perfectly feel in Volvo))) near to the young guy.)))

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 Re: I am happy!!!!!

Author: Olga  (
Date:   04-25-06 00:43

Thanks, Ninel

I think happiness it always somewhere beside, it is just necessary to see it. The god never closes for me a door, before it not having opened a new door.)))

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 Re: I am happy!!!!!

Author: Olga  (
Date:   04-25-06 00:47

Thanks, Sam

I did not experience bitterness, simply I like to reflect and listen other people and to draw conclusions from another's histories. When the writer writes the novel -he does not experience all plots in this novel))) simply he the person observant and able to state well.

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 Re: I am happy!!!!!

Author: Lorentz  (71.116.231.---)
Date:   04-25-06 02:03

What did you learn Dorothy ?? - "That if I ever go looking for my hearts desire, I don't have to look any further than my own back yard."

Apparently we are not in Kansas anymore. There may be a problem casting Toto, some Munchkins and the flying monkeys, - but I have a clear idea who would be best in the role of the Wicked Witch.

So Dorothy, you started this thread by stating " I am happy." - Sorry, I don't see it, only another thread to set up the male members on this site for some more of your bashing. - When ? - EXACTLY - did you say you were leaving us again ??? - 'Cause, if it's gonna be one of those really long drawn out processes, I think it's only fair to give us some idea, so we know how to react to your posts. There is ordinarily some above the norm tendancy to be cordial when saying adieu that comes into play over and above those remarks that might be made to someone who intends to stick around.

Don't get me wrong, you are entirely welcome to continue to hang out with us crazy grandpas for as long as you like. I myself would love to have you, as you are our only alien presence on site. But if you are gonna follow that yellow brick road, tap your ruby slippers, jump in the Porsche and ease on down, because you are confusing people. Poor Ninel thinks you've actually met someone and has forgotten why she is here. This is unfair to her as it is less than upfront to make some of the comments you have and expect us hold back our replys because we think you are leaving. So, stay or ( I hope not ) go, - just tell us WHEN !!

Sincerely, your friendly neighborhood geriatric lunatic.

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 Re: I am happy!!!!!

Author: Andy  (
Date:   04-25-06 07:13

Well, give the lady a cigar, she would rather ride in a "Ford" than a Porsche, Hmmm.
by the way olga, the driver of the porsche, flying up and down Carl Marks street, was about 30/35, the day I saw it last Sep.

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 Re: I am happy!!!!!

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   04-25-06 07:22

I would choose the Ford also--much more comfortable. . "Paradise in a tent" I sent photos of my nice little house in Montana to a lady from Khabarovsk some years ago,and she said exactly the same as Olya. " I do not believe in Paradise in a tent". But she could not see the inside of the house from the photos, and it was a very nice tent!! Perhaps it would have been better for her to have "Drama in a castle". If there is a paradise kind of love-then who cares if it is a tent or a cardboard box? If she would follow me to the end of the earth--paradise could be in a Volvo!! ;o)

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 Re: I am happy!!!!!

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   04-25-06 07:24

says the wrinkled old man while rattling his bottle of Viagra

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 Re: I am happy!!!!!

Author: Olga  (12.4.27.---)
Date:   04-25-06 23:55

All people at a forum are anyhow married to the Internet))) especially you Lorenz. I leave in marriage for the real person, but it to me does not prevent to have conversation here. Whether I do not ask you " had yesterday evening with the girl " when I receive from you post))

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 Re: I am happy!!!!!

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   04-26-06 00:59

So,I come to infect your topic,Olya!! It is yours,and I respect it as such. Never a glimpse of age ever defined the beauty inside a man`s heart,nor the content of his soul. Man ( and woman) are fleeting of life,and the best of loves is fragile,like a butterfly with an injured wing. So fragile,so desirous to attain the highest reach of heaven-yet so struggling in hope that any infirmity is nothing to their new-found love but a small aggravation. I really wish you all the best!! I hope that when you find the point of disagreement ( which you certainly will ) that your differences will be good natured,and acceptable for each other. May all your days be pleasantly spent!!

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 Re: I am happy!!!!!

Author: Angel  (125.246.81.---)
Date:   04-26-06 02:04


you force to click simply a teeth of these sharks of the Internet))) the Dentist presently the expensive pleasure, is especial for people "liking" to count the money - capitalists))))))

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 Re: I am happy!!!!!

Author: Richard  (129.44.35.---)
Date:   04-26-06 02:28

..and those who like to take the capitalists money - former communists!

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 Re: I am happy!!!!!

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   04-26-06 03:52

All people are capitalists. People want,and they take what they think they need to have. For some this is money. For some it is position and title. But for all,it is more than what is needed to guarantee life,health,and happiness.

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 Re: I am happy!!!!!

Author: Lorentz  (
Date:   04-26-06 07:20

Well Dorothy; After 16 years of being married to a woman, - maybe a machine isn't such a bad choice. - Somewhere over the rainbow, I hope the bluebird of happiness does fly up your nose, - but based on what I see from you here in the Emerald City, I think the truth about your new happiness is a horse of a different color. Your continuing to go on and on about being off to see the wonderful, wonderful Wizard, is so much stuffing in the Scarecrow. Nothing you have expressed relfects the demeanor of a person who is in love or very happy at all. Your choosen title of "I am happy" - speaking to the opposite, you should be aware that marriage is no automatic cure for this anyway. Neither the Wiz nor myself can help you with your individual and personal struggles towards being a happy person.

I do not understand the last part of your post, but should state you might read the threads before putting words in my mouth just for the convinience of you making some silly post. I have not asked you to go at all, - although reserve the privledge of changing my mind at anytime.

Further, I don't know where all this newfound interest in my sex life has sprouted from, - as this seems to be what you discuss, but - the answer would be no, I did not get lucky last night, - it was a school night - so not with four kids in the house, - but you can ask again, should you feel the need, after the weekend if it is some sort of twisted "turn on" for you.

Sincerely, your friendly western capitalist porcine computer lover.

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 Re: I am happy!!!!!

Author: Angel  (12.4.27.---)
Date:   04-27-06 01:18


you nobody allowed to name rights Olga as Dorothy is a rudeness. Olga does not tell to you and all here as she is happy because she has on it rights. You for her an empty phrase on the Internet and she have the right to not open to you the feelings to the favourite person. The most part of people at this forum cynics with sarcastic sense of humour.

You even have put its{her} happiness on one balance with Porshe))) you try on all post on the account (the capitalist, the grandfather, only is a pity you not a moslem:))) you Lorenz not the central figure here, as well as all of us))) are lowered{omitted} to the Earth.

I think Olga wanted to share with girls the happiness, and one hungry and malicious men have come running.

Olechka success to you. I understand you.

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 Re: I am happy!!!!!

Author: Lorentz  (
Date:   04-27-06 04:33

"IF I WERE KING OF THE FORREST !" - or the center of the universe, or a Moslem, lowered to the earth, - it would in no way invalidate the truth that 'sharing happiness' with "the girls"- or anyone else for that matter, is NOT what Dorothy came to the Land of Oz to do.

The entitiy that your defend and say you understand, and I believe that you do, as it takes one to know one, INVITED ME and my actually more mordant than sarcastic reparte, by engaging in her continued public man bashing and completely dishonest representations as she so often has before here in Forum.

I expressed my opinion, - as well I should have, as this is the place for it, and now you have expressed yours, which you also have every right to.
Please notice however that the comments I make, which you have chastised me for as being rude, - and follow with your much more obvious -at least attempts on your part to be directly insulting ( ouch! ) are measured within the context of decorum appropriate for this enviorn.
Yours are personal attacks, and name calling and poo slinging seem to be the first option for yourself and some other female members here and I question how you might react if I actually would sling back. - In your favor however you did not ( for the first time in such sillyness ) discuss my sex life, so,... thanks ?? .. I guess ?? and thank you for sharing your thoughts and revealing more of your true self for all of us.

Sincerely, your friendly neighborhood Moslem.

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 Re: I am happy!!!!!

Author: Angel  (
Date:   04-27-06 05:19


I think you have not correctly understood Olga about your sexual life. It the automatic device the translator is guilty.

I shall not become between Olga and you, I am afraid to die in this war))))

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 Re: I am happy!!!!!

Author: Lorentz  (
Date:   04-27-06 05:55

Dear War Victim; Please see post regarding my lewd and lacivious interests in both Blaine and Sam, ( who are actually two very attractive men,)- in earlier thread by Elena. This would be my primary reference for your completed understanding. Perfect example of someone who complains to others about mild interjection of levity and if disagreed with or not formally apologized to,(when humor was not even directed at her,) sees no hypocracy in her engaging in unwarranted direct personal insult and childish name calling as if she was some exceptionally vulgar sixth grader with some sociopathic issues that needed to be medicated. Her post was immediately followed by "Dorothy's"- which prompted my statement to you.


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 Re: I am happy!!!!!

Author: Phillip Flowers  (
Date:   05-02-06 10:02

I feel the same way that you do. I made my way early in life, but many women are materialistic and just want the house and vehicle. Women should respect a man that has provided for them without having to buy them a porche

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 Re: I am happy!!!!!

Author: Angel  (125.16.135.---)
Date:   05-03-06 05:32

But agree to grow not probably own children without good and constant " roofs above a head ". Probably each woman intuitively wants not only simply the beloved, but also material maintenance for future children with this person.

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 Re: I am happy!!!!!

Author: Luciana  (82.77.69.---)
Date:   05-29-06 16:20

Congratulations Olga!!!! Happy marryage ! and have a sweet honeymoon!

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 Re: I am happy!!!!!

Author: Tony Harper  (
Date:   07-07-06 11:39

Zdravstuite Olga,

What you have done is from your heart, that is all that matters.

I wish you a happy life and may you and your new husband enjoy it the full!

If you are ever in England with your husband and you want somewhere to stay then just ask with Friends from another country.

Do swdaniya Do scorogo?

Grandad Tony in UK!

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