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 Open call for all honest women

Author: Mitch  (
Date:   12-03-05 09:22


OK Honest Women, here's your chance to declare your sincerty.

If you do not:

Need money for internet cafe expenses
Need money for translation services
Need money for a sick or injured relative
Need money for a sick or injured pet
Need money for passport/photos
Need money for visa
Need money for computer
Need money for travel (Most of us would offer to reimburse you for your ticket when you get here. )

Catch the drift here? Did I forget any of other current scams?

Need money for ANYTHING!

Then please............

Add your name to this thread so we know who you are. We can then write to you with confidence that you are a real person, seeking a bond, not a buck.

Be the first on this thread/list to declare that you are a real woman who is not here to scam some dumb guy for money, and that you are sincerely interested in finding a soulmate/partner for a long term relationship. I know I am sure getting tired of meeting the bad apples here that are looking for an easy rubel. We're onto them and It's such a waste of time and effort. Myself, and a growing list of others are aware of these deceptions.

Unfortunately these bottom feeders are casting a bad light on all of us, and making it more difficult for honest, real people to meet, and have trust in each other. Shame on them!

So.. let's put these looser out of business. Spread the word, we know what is going on and we don't fall for it. Declare your purposes here for all to see.

Guys (and I know your reading), when you contact these ladies who have signed up here, tell them you saw their name on the list of honest women and you appreciate the fact that they have openly declared their honest intentions, and renounced those who do these scams.

Peace & Love to all!

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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: Liliya  (
Date:   12-03-05 20:09

ok, Mitch, good point... but you forgot money for learn english :)) and maybe something else? I don't know.... But I know that I am and a lot of any honest woman no need any money from someone, even if our income and life not so good.... we have not enough money , but we have pride not ask.... and I not afraid to say that almost all woman think so.... yes sure, we have a bad experience and can see a lot of any scammers, but who told you that all this scammers is a woman???
I want tell more, please not send money if you never did not see this woman on real, even if you had meet with this woman, not forget that almost 70-80% woman from FSU have not such possibility to get a visa and flight in your cointry, so would be much better if you will visit her country first.... after your meet with this woman you will know her real and you will be able to see her life internal/ after your meet with this woman you will be able to start paper work for fiamsee visa/ Except this all man can book and paid her ticket through internet and no need to send money for this, she will need only go in the agency and get this ticket. I think so should be much better for both...
I have found my best man and true love, and after our first meet in Tashkent, he not once time wanted to send some money, but always this talk was ended angry-bargy.... I NO NEED MONEY, I NEED ONLY LOVE AND RESPECT, FRIENDSHIP AND FAITHFULNESS.... and soon we will again together, only 3 weeks :):):)

Be happy, Liliya

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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: Mitch  (
Date:   12-03-05 20:45

Hi Liliya,

Thanks for the reply. Yes you are correct in many things. It is true that it is not just women that do this. There are men too. And yes you are correct regarding the visa process, and sending money.. I think many people are aware of this. Unfortunately the un-sincere still waste our time and cause distrust in our attempts at relationships with others.

I think the majority of men & women are good people, and I hope they can all find happyness. I'm happy for you that you have had sucess in your personal quest for love and friendship.

Peace & Love!


ps.. How well did the Russian translation work? Does it convey the same message as the English text? Thanks!

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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: Bonny  (
Date:   12-03-05 20:53

I think you're just greeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeedy man!

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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: Mitch  (
Date:   12-03-05 21:10

Unfortunate for you..

I am actually extremely generous to charity and those special to me..

Peace & Love!


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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: Liliya  (
Date:   12-03-05 21:42

dear Bonny, you are not right :)

Mitch, thank you for you whishes... :) your translator work not bad...

all the best, Liliya

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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: Kate  (
Date:   12-05-05 09:49

Mitch, do you really think 22 y.o. woman can be with you beacuse of the love?

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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: Mitch  (
Date:   12-05-05 14:17

Possible, but unlikely..

And your point is?

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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: Mitch  (
Date:   12-05-05 15:36

Even if a 22 year old found me attractive now, what would she think in 10-20 years?

I'm not really looking for a 22 year old, I did not mention 22 year olds (or young women in general), so I don't know what your point is here.

I asked for honest women to declare thier honest intentions here. Not thier intension about me, but there intensions in general.. So far I've got 1 person stating she is honest and unavailable. 1 person calling me names, and you asking me about 22 year olds..

Not a good start..

Peace & love


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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: Kate  (
Date:   12-05-05 17:30

Hey, Mitch, I told you about 22 y.o. women just because I remember you wanted to flirt with Bonny ;-). So, figure. Here is my opinion: 22 y.o. cannot fall in love with a 49 y.o. man. She can fall in love with his pocket.
Now... Not each honest woman will advertise her good intentions. What about me? I am not looking for a man here, so I have no need to declare I am honest.
Can't you feel this? If you are starting to talk to the woman you like, you should feel it... Well, if you write to her once or twice per week, of course you cannot recognize it. But if your intentions are serious, you talk to her everyday, you have to understand...
But my point is also here. Yes, I understand, the scammers always ask for money because they have problems, someone of her family died and etc. I never asked for money, but I have a very especial work that tells me, "some people really need a help sometimes". Yes, from 1000 women who ask for money or other help only 1 will have the propre intentions. But this "but" exists. And I hope you understand me.

Good luck.

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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: Mitch  (
Date:   12-05-05 18:39

Hi Kate,

Sometime ago I did attempt to flirt with Bonny. If you research this you will see that I did not know her age because her profile was hidden.

I have no arguement with you regarding the potential future of a relationship between 2 people with such an age difference. It is obvious such a relationship would not have much chance for success.

I stay with my original premise. Scammers are wasting everyones time. To email someone everyday for some time only to find out it has been a clever ploy to seperate me from my wallet is disappointing. They will not get my money, I am wise to thier schemes. They only waste my time, thier time, and make it more difficult to trust the next person I may meet. This is very unfortunate, because then If I do meet someone nice, and we start to develop feelings for each other, and she has a true valid need for some type of financial assistance. It will be difficult to believe her, because of the prevalance and frequency of the scammers.

So.. Yes I think I understand you (There are good people, with good intentions, who may need help). My point is, and has been that these good people now will be teated with doubt because of the scammers. We need to be agressive and stop them, expose them, and be done with them. They only make it difficult for good honest people to meet and develop a relationship.

Peace & Love!


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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: Bonny  (
Date:   12-05-05 22:17

Oh, I will be cry right now! :))) Man don't attemp to flirt with me because I'm too young! :))) Even old wrecks wake up when I pass through...

But Kate is right 22-yeared beautiful girl can love just money in old man. So sorry, but it's true! Sorry if I hurt someone. If you want young wife, just admit you wanna buy her. And don't ask love. Just sex and friendship. It's cruel, but truely. Search for women near your age.

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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: Mitch  (
Date:   12-05-05 23:03

No major revelations here...

Hate to disappoint you, but I'm really not interested in a marriage to anyone so young. Of course Kate is right. No one disagrees.. Try to keep up.. ok? ;O)

Nobody hurt here either. In fact this topic is not about you at all.. Sorry to disappoint you again.

Although the young ones are pretty, I personally prefer someone who is more experienced and knowledgeable in the ways of the world. No offence intended. Your certainly a pretty girl, but that is not enough for me. Perhaps you will understand better when you have more maturity and experience.

Anyway... this is again off topic..

Still looking for the honest people to step forward. If your not one of them, please move along..

Peace & Love,


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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: Kate  (
Date:   12-06-05 10:11

Okay Mitch, now I completely understand that you just want to find good people trough this topic.
I liked your points of view, so I'd like to advice you something...
I wanted to tell that the honest women won't declare their good intentions here, they can do it only if they are not alone already...
As I understood, the problem is to find a good person here. Some people won't like it, but it's not common for a russian girl to write first. Only about 10 % of writing first will be the good people. But it's very pleasant when the beautiful woman writes you first, you can only answer. What if to pay attention just to the women who liked you and answered to your letter? Use a web-camera, the messenger, phone, sms, maybe something else. You know, our wishes are always lower when they do come true. In fact, if you plan to have 100% profit of your project, you will have only 80%. The same is in the relations. So you cannot find a good person not wasting the time.

Bonny, our dear Bonny, she said she was going to leave this board, but she is still here. :-)
A few people openly laugh of her, but it doesn't matter for her :-)
Sweety, I adviced you to try to work, now I just want to put another point - try to live using only your money. Your $100 per month. No? But why do you want to order these men how to use their money? If you tried live for your own salary, you'd know what is the price of each thing.
It's out of the question, but I cannot stand it ;-)

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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: Watt  (
Date:   12-06-05 12:56

Kate!! I like your honesty and straightforwardness.. :)) Well said :))

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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: Elena  (
Date:   12-09-05 03:55

Mitch, all problem is that usually simple scammers don't read and the more so don't post their opinions in this or any other forum. They don't need it at all. They know their ways, methods very well and aren't going to waste their time for useless for them things like this thread or any other here. So if you want to know people really looking for love here you can read any topics and you will find them.:))

Good luck to everyone here!

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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: Blaise  (
Date:   12-27-05 21:37

thank you for your tips but I have one for you Most of girls are patient with us in order to make us confident and I play there game. But when they talk about money I reply that I do not have objection without any promise. But I ask them to find an internet cafe with web cam and I know there is some overthere. This is not the africain country. I was in Asia and there is many internet cafe with wed cam. If they refuse or tell you that they cannot find any well stop talking and lost time with that crap. hope it will be of any help

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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: CharmingTiger  (
Date:   12-28-05 00:33

Why a girl of 22 or even 18 wont love a man of 40 -50 yesrs old???
It is a heart and no one can control his / her heart.
i know 18 yesrs old girl who loves 48 years old man and both are so happy .Now she is 22 and he is 52 with very cute lovley baby.
i can see happiness in her and his face.

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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: James  (
Date:   12-28-05 02:29

I dont believe women from FSU are just after money, because one of my best friends is 29 yrs old, he lives and works in Kiev, he makes alot of money as a corporate lawyer there, owns his own house, yet he still struggles to find any girls to date, and hes good looking !!!!! So if women were just after money only then he would be good catch. I think alot of women just want to experience a different life in a different country. If a woman really loved u for who you were then she would ask you to get job in her own country. If she did this then this would prove that she loved you, and not your money.

Also, where can you find an internet cafe in ukraine with webcam. Please tell me where. I would like to know because i have been to internet cafes all over Kiev and Dneptrovisk and i have never seen 1 webcam. If u want someone to be on webcam then u should buy them a webcam.

There are alot of marriages where there is a big age gap, and some marriages do work. I think it depends on the couple and the situation. Some women value a man that is mature and wants a serious relationship and also wants to have children. Many men under 30 are very immature and just want to play games with women and are not looking for commitment.

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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: James  (
Date:   12-28-05 02:49

So kate what are you looking for from this site? You say u are not looking for a man from this site, so maybe you look for woman instead. I am just being curious. :)

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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: Kate  (82.207.84.---)
Date:   12-28-05 19:29

Hahaha, James, in the other topic I said I am here just for fun ;-)

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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: Kate  (82.207.84.---)
Date:   12-28-05 19:38

I am here because of Bonny. I love her post ;-p
It makes me feel ROTFLMAO

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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: Kate  (82.207.84.---)
Date:   12-28-05 19:43

James, I am really a hairy truck driver from Arkansas, and I am here just to scam men like you. So far I have made a lot of money

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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: James  (
Date:   12-28-05 19:59

Kate you sound like evil woman like every mans nightmare !!!

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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: James  (
Date:   12-28-05 20:13

I am sure you have made alot of money scamming people, ok thanks for the info, now i can report you to the USA Embassy and some of the European embassies to prevent u ever getting a visa. Well u admitted that u r a scammer !!!!

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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   12-30-05 07:37

How you doing,James? How is the education going? Hello,Katie! Nice to see you again. If I am not wrong--I thought that you HAD in fact found somebody,or were interested in a Canadian visa? Good luck in your endeavors,and please share them here so we will all be more well informed about the visa process!!

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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: Kate  (
Date:   12-31-05 11:59

Hi James!
Visa? Who needs visa? Like most scammers, I don't live in the FSU... I
live in Arkansas :)

(It is a family business and I pay my taxes).

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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: Kate  (
Date:   12-31-05 12:02

Hi Blaine!
Oh, it's very sad, but we decided to meet in Ukraine like last time we did or in the other place. I didn't even want to apply because I don't have the main things they ask. Because if I don't receive the visa once, I won't have any possibilty to apply during a year after... It would be better to wait a little bit because I just changed the job.

Happy New Year! :-)

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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: James  (
Date:   01-07-06 18:38

I know some hairy truck drivers from US, but you don't even resemble them at all. You are much more beautiful , but please take off that mask. Maybe I will recognize you on the road.

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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: Ayman  (
Date:   01-13-06 18:14

Hi All,

It is really disappointing to find so many scammers here and I do agree with most of what Mitch mentioned in his posts.

Is there realy an honest girl that got good intentions to find her soulmate instead of thse scammers who always ask for money in a very naive way. I got request for paying translations,,hehehe...but I like to give I asked how much the girl wants and I\m waiting to see how much she'll know the scope she works on. hehehe

No fools these days ladies...try to live the decent life you are dreaming of. Many men here can afford it for you instead of these premitive ways in getting money.

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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: Ayman  (
Date:   01-13-06 18:18


Dear Ayman,

I have got your letter for Olga and will go to her as soon as she gets up.

I would like to explain everything to you myself as I am Olga's interpreter and neighbour.

Well, let me introduce myself to you. I am Larisa Kurnos, I am 38 y.o. and I live just 2 floors upstairs away from Olga. I live with my daughter who is 11 and my mother who is 74. I work at a secondary school as an English teacher. You know that Ukraine is a very difficult country to live in. It is not America where people who are very industrious and want to work live well. I remember the time when we - teachers didn't get our salaries for 9 months. It was awful! I have been a teacher for 15 years but my salary is very small so I need to earn my extra money with translations and giving extra lessons to different people. I need it to feed my family. I am honest and you will not regret if you trust me.

I am telling these things to you in order to let you know who you will, probably, let help you and Olga in your communication.

I will translate and send your and Olga's letters as much as you need, even every day including sending her pictures to you and even helping you to talk to her over the telephone. One letter from you + her letter to you from her will cost 5 dollars(for everything). If you agree to pay me 100 dollars a month I will send the letters to you and translate your letters not depending on the number of the, even every day because Olga told me that she would like to write to you every day. In this case you will save your money. Olga doesn't have her own computer, so I will send all her letters to you.

Ayman, you should understand me in a right way, my work should be paid. I promise you to work very honestly and you will see that I deserve your trusting me. I have a friend in Texas. His name is Glenn Hill. His e-mail is:

Glenn <> and his cell phone is 7133052760

You may call him to ask anything about me. He was a man of my girlfriend and that was why I got to know him. I have known him for 4 years and you may write or call him to ask anything about me. I helped him very much and I saved him a lot of money when he came to Ukraine. He came here 9 times. I was honest to him and in spite of the fact that he didn't get married to my friend he is still my friend. As he was grateful to me he decided to give me a present and bought me the computer to give me a possibility to earn money working with it. I am grateful to him endlessly. Our internet connection is very slow and bad. It costs a lot of money. There is one rule connected with it: I have to pay for the internet in advance, so I would like to have the money for it in advance, too.

Ayman, I know Olga very well, she has been my neighbour since 1984 so she can talk to me openly, and it will help her to be open-minded with you. She is a very good girl. She is from a very good and calm family. I have never heard that somebody from their family cried at each other, never, they respect each other very much. When she saw your picture she didn't even have a doubt if to reply you or not, she told me that you had come into her heart from the first sight, she always dreamed to get married to an older and bigger than her man. She will reply you after her and my work if you agree to pay my work for you.

She asked me to put her profile into the internet to find a real man to her because she doesn't go anywhere where she can find him herself, she is modest and descent. If I had a son I would like to have such a daughter in law.

My dear friend (let me call you my friend), a lot of the girls want to live well without doing anything for it. I cannot understand it. I know that Olga isn't such a person. Believe me: she is a very shy, honest and reliable young lady. You will get a chance to get to know it yourself if you want. She isn't married yet, because she hates men who want to drink without working and don't know the word ''respect''. I want her to be happy, because she deserves it. Her family is very friendly. They are like one whole union, they are always ready to help each other in any trouble and to share any joy together. I could and can watch it. You will not regret that you have started communication with her. I am not kidding with you and I agree with that there are a lot of good people in the world and the only problem is how to meet them.

Ayman, I am divorced and I take care of my daughter and my mother who is an invalid, she is unable to walk now after the operation: they cut down almost the whole her foot, because of the diabet. My former husband didn't help me and doesn't help me at all, out law is helpless to make him do it.

My dear friend, if you decide to give me work and to use my service you may send me the money with Western Union on my name:

Larisa Kurnos


Krasnoarmeyskaya str.,


Kherson region,



I feel that you are a real gentleman and you will not cheat me. I sleep for 4-5 hours a day ( I work at school, give extra lessons, translate different texts for students,...) to earn some extra money to feed my family and to give my daughter all necessary things instead of her father, so every cent is very important to me. Nobody in our country cannot survive with the salary, I m mean ordinary people .

Ayman, if you ask me to teach Olga English I can do it.

I wish you all the best!

I will send you my picture in order to let you know who you are communicating with.

When you come here I can help you with everything if you ask me.

Best wishes to you!

I ask you to reply me.

Thank you for understanding me.

Yours faithfully,


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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: James  (
Date:   01-14-06 03:42

I don' t really see a problem with it. She sounds sincere. Ayman, it is difficult to make the living there and she is probably telling the truth from my experience. But there can always be a little doubt and you only know if you play it out .. Call the Glen guy and see. Or ask her for her phone number, bc she probably has one.

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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: Ayman  (62.114.3.---)
Date:   01-15-06 02:50

Thanks James, I like the girl indeed but still has doubt as to the real intention. Anyway, it's my issue to find out my way and to decide wether to go on or not. I thought to take opinion of experienced guys here.

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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: karl  (
Date:   01-15-06 18:21

HI i am English living in Ukraine and i have been going with my lady for all most a year and let me tell you age has got nothing to do with LOVE she is 35 yr old and half my age but we are a couple and i do not give her money she earns her own she asks for nothing only LOVE ,there are some very honest girls in Ukraine and it took me 4 years to find one .Good Luck guys in your search for the right one

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 Though I'm Nigerian but I'm different!

Author: Dammy  (
Date:   01-27-06 13:24

My name is Dammy and I'm a 24 yr old Nigerian Girl. It's even a shame introducing myself as one but what do i do? I cant deny my country. We have good girls here too,and i'm one of them. Im in my final yr in University and i hope to do my masters as soon as i'm done with first degree.
Im an intellect,not a scammer.

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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: Jim  (
Date:   02-11-06 22:11

This one is very honest. These threads are so funny!

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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: Marina  (
Date:   02-19-06 12:04

Hi, Ayman! Tell me more ab this girl. How long have you be in touch? As for me, I think that if you really like her it'll be better for you to come to her & communicate in real life, it'll cost cheaper than to pay Larisa for her work. Of course it's a kind of adventurism but it makes life interesting. It'll clear all your hesitations.

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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: Mariya  (
Date:   04-07-06 09:45

?????? ?? ???? ????.... ???? ? ????? ???????. ?? ????? ???, ???, ??????, ?????? ??? ????, ??? ?????????? ???? ????????? ???? ?????????? ??? ?? ????????? ????, ??? ?? ????????? ??????? ?????? ? ?? ???????? ?? ???? ? ?? ?????? ???? ???????, ?? ?? ?? ?????????? ? ??? (? ???? ? ???? ???????), ? ? ?? ????? ????????????????.

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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: Lorentz  (
Date:   04-07-06 11:06

Mariya; As I have only been exposed to Russian for a couple months, I may have lost a bit in translation, since you have responded to this thread, you must be able to decipher the English somehow. My question is that since you mention "Cry from the heart" thread, and this one has not been touched by anyone for two months, why not place your post there? I intend no argument for your message, as many posts are unfair towards women in my view also. What perplexes me is your choice of so old a thread and the fact that again I see the "make a comment, - followed by an immediate apology" that seems so common, and I completely do not understand. "Excuse please, so sorry, hope I do not offend." - Why not just more carefully state what you have to say in the first place and thereby aviod what is in fact, the absolutely worse and more insulting insincere apology ? If this is a "cultural thing" maybe you could explain why it seems so prevelant, as I am not "picking" on you personally. - You seem far too nice for me to do that, and I know I do not want to be unfair towards women after your post here.

Sincerely, your friendly neighborhood Viking.

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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   04-07-06 16:08

You are correct,Mariya. People should have sense enough to understand when they are being deceived---but tell me--have you ever been deceived by a man whom you thought loved you? Or did you keep your eyes closed to it,or live in denial,even when your close friends told you that he was a bad man? Most people see what they want to see--believe what they want to believe. They are vulnerable like a new-born puppy. For some people-me included,deception was,and is a valuable lesson to be learned.

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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: Mariya  (
Date:   04-13-06 10:06

Dear Lorentz! I am so sorry!!! I was wrong and I want to explain
> you why did I write that. When I was looking at the forum's pages my
> attention was been attracted by the Russian text I read it but I was
> in a hurry that is why my reading was fluent. I didn't like the
> s?ance which I found in the text and I wrote my message. I wrote it
> on Russian because at first I thought that you are Russian speaking
> one and the second reason was that I was in a hurry (as I wrote
> earlier) and I had no time to translate it into English. When I have
> got your answer I had read your origin text and I understood with a
> terrible that I made a bad mistake! Also I understood that the
> Russian translation of your text has been done by computer and it
> was done not well. So my massage is an absurdity. I hope very much
> that you will forgive me. I really sorry. All the best!!! Mariya.

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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: JERRY  (
Date:   04-13-06 23:01


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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: Toni  (
Date:   04-16-06 05:13

Hi Ayman
It was interesting to know your opinion on this question. I in one with you disagree. You have placed the letter of the woman which has addressed to you as to the employer. That is she asked money for the services. This your right to give it this opportunity whether or not. I do not think her The beggar.
But I do not welcome women who apply to send money. It dishonours us. Men have an opinion, that them try to use. It is bad. I want to tell, that there are women for whom feelings and family mean more.

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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: Toni  (
Date:   04-16-06 09:32

Surprisingly. What for to the girl with which you correspond the translator is necessary. Mail has the automatic compiler on English and back. Also there are sites of translation into various languages. It free-of-charge. Besides communicating with western the man it is necessary to study language. It is dear rates? Means it is necessary to sit down the textbook

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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: Lorentz  (
Date:   04-23-06 11:27

Mariya; - You are apologizing,..... again,.. and still have made no attempt to answer my question. - As it seems so noticeable to me, is it a cultural "thing" to first make effort to insult someone and then immediately apologize and ask them not to be offended, as opposed to the idea of just simply not offending them in the first place ?? I would sincerely like to understand.

You may feel free to express your opion in any language you choose and if I need help should you again choose Russian, I can have Blaine or Toni translate for me. French, Spanish or Norske will work, but for the benefit of all, English might be your best selection. - And please, just say whatever you feel and make no apology. There is no need.

Sincerely, your friendly neighborhood Viking.

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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: Julia  (217.25.199.---)
Date:   07-10-07 12:04

I'm here.

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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: francis loveland  (
Date:   07-11-07 06:23

Am Francis Loveland you can reach me
i read your profile and i think i really like it and i will like us to know more about you and i will like you to give me your yahoo id so that i will add you to my list and have chat with you hope to hear from you soon Francis

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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: Iwona  (
Date:   08-13-07 08:36

Maybe it's time to start this topic again?
I'm real woman :-)

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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: Ninel  (
Date:   08-30-07 10:43

I don,t understand....why?
If I have a russian man-I have a flowers, gifts, money, interesting tours in Europe...and helpness if I need.
If I have a forein man -no flowers, no gifts, no money. no helpness if I need...and if we will meet-no sex-very old 53-70 y.o. men-very popular in Internet/ I ask-what for forein man for me?????????????

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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: Vix  (
Date:   09-06-07 04:42

Yes !
I am a very dangerous scammer;)
I will scam you for a Big Mac, a newspaper, and a bottle of Diet Coke when I'm out for a nice long walk in the park.

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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: Irina  (
Date:   09-28-07 05:55

think that who wishes to find each other will necessarily find. Only time is necessary. I wish all good luck. And me too. :-)

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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: Irene  (
Date:   10-10-07 09:36

Greetings Mitch!

OK Honest Man, here's your chance to declare your sincerty.

Answer, please, on follow questions:

1. why do you prefer to stay at lady's home on your Russian visit?

2. why do you prefer go by taxi from airport, but lady book it?

3. why do you like so much Russian dinner at Russian home?

4. why do you forget immediatelly your language when you read price tickets for Russian and foreign visitorts in any Russian museum?

5. why American men are ready forget kid, if ex-Russian wife pays him for possibility to get this kid?

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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: Ann  (89.16.36.---)
Date:   10-11-07 22:17

ooooo how many honest women)))
so I m in good company))

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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: Vix  (
Date:   04-28-08 16:02

that's me
achingly sincere

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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: Jesus  (
Date:   08-07-08 04:50

Hello Kate

I am 41, ugly, skinny, etc.... I just got a beautiful love history with a 21 years old girl (22 by now). she was absolutely stunning and by that I meant every word I say, beautiful as I have ever seen a woman. I mean she could easily be miss any country to say the least

She, well we, got absolutely in love with eachother and actually was love at first sight. we spoke one day and we were in absolute love by the day after

So young beautiful woman can get totally in love with old ugly poor guys. Did you ever heard love is blind and have no age???

...... yea, you will probably ask me now what I do here, but hey, all or mosts relationships finished eventually no??. We been happy for a full year and was actually me, not believing she could have loved me so much who throught everything away

sorry to get on this thread just for this but I was wanted to tell Kate that despite unusual, love have no age. Well, I also have to say that we meet the "usual way" not by websites, letters, etc, etc

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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: Natalia  (
Date:   09-14-08 12:07

Yes, I agree with you such kind of women cast a shadow on good and honest women! Really is many girls and women which would like to create family and to be happy together. To deep regret, here and aslo at othere sites too many bad men which want to chat and have a good time only. How to act with such kind of men,huh?!

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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: John  (
Date:   09-14-08 15:25

Listen, girls. I have an ex-wife who is badly in need of funds. Can any of you help me out? You can send me rubles by Western Union.
Russian women have such beautiful teeth! Is it genetic, or maybe diet, lots of kasha, not many sweets? No matter.
What do you think, do women vary much from one country to the next? Do they ever really say what they mean? Ia dumaiu net, no nuzhno ikh lyubit!

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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: Rev  (
Date:   09-29-08 03:21

Personnellement je ne sais pas. Peut être attendre que la chance vous sourit. En tous les cas vous avez un joli sourire.

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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: Rev  (
Date:   09-29-08 04:06

hey guys

I found the most nice scammer on the net. So guys look at this one. The video is not so good but its just a glance. Don't be so sad keep your mood high (and changes your tie john).

Women are different that's all (fortunately). You have to accept this fact.
Some time its a torture but after that everything are ok.
Past and cut
Nobody want to dance with me?

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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: John  (
Date:   09-29-08 14:24

Rev, "Que la chance vous sourie" n'est-ce pas?
I like my red tie but I'll change it if you put one on.
In the Boston area we have quite a few Russians. They are all becoming billionaires, but they had better hurry before everything collapses.
Does anyone have a good Russian movie for me to get on DVD?

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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: Rev  (
Date:   09-30-08 00:46

Hello John

Ok you can keep your red tie. You look better on this picture! I wear it sometime, but only when i am working, and not always.. Here I am not working, it's like holidays.

I hope going soon in Russia, only 5 hours from Paris. For visiting a bit. I was some days in Ukraine before, and I liked the country. Russia could be great also. But there is nobody on this place?
Have a good day.

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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: Rev  (
Date:   09-30-08 01:49

Oui john "sourie". Subjonctif présent. Zut !!! Raté. Tu as raison il ne faut pas se laisser aller.

Bien, je vois que j'ai à faire à un professeur de Français. Je ferai plus attention la prochaine fois. Pour l'anglais oublie, je suis très mauvais.

A bienôt

PS: que fais tu ici?

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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: John  (
Date:   09-30-08 21:26

Herve, in general the Russian women like Frenchmen, but they all seem to be in hiding. I find them very intelligent and well bred, tres chic aussi.

I hope you have a good trip to Russia.

I have connections with several Francophone groups in the Boston area.

Did you know that "bistrot" is really a Russian word? It means "quick", "vite" and it was used by Russian officers in Napoleon's time who would shout it at poor little French girls bringing their drinks.

Amicalement, Jean

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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: Raisa  (94.180.91.---)
Date:   10-25-08 21:24

Hello all who is anxious with one problem!!
Perfectly, there is such forum where I have learned(have found out) much. I did not know that there are such people which extort money. Professionals.
Here I have learned(have found out) about it. Thanks for the information.
I can simply share the experience of correspondence and a meeting.
I never ask money!!! To go I do not wish in other countries. If the man wishes a meeting, I think, it(he) can arrive.
All men invite me to themselves. Yes, I can arrive, whether only it is necessary? I shall not work, I shall spend a lot of time and money to trip...
I want to give advice(council) to men. Do not think of all women poorly. If you doubt of the woman, take its(her) post address, send it(her) a card, write verses on it(her). She(it) will receive and will answer you. Send it(her) a small gift. Speak by with it(her) to phone.
My friend has sent me a gift by mail. Also was very glad, that I have received it(him). Called to me frequently. Thus I think it(he) checked me...
Only now I have understood it. Though I do not think that it(he) doubted about me. It(he) invited me to England. In the beginning of our correspondence. I have answered that I do not know it(him) well, therefore I shall not go. In two months of correspondence it(he) has arrived(flied) to me in my city. It is far from Moscow, but it(he) was not afraid of it.
Girls, women, lovely ladies!!! Never ask money! Do not hurry up to go to the friend on correspondence! Let it(he) will arrive to you! Do not hesitate of the city, the country!!! It(he) chooses not your city, and you! I have shown the Englishman the city where I live. Has shown the market, the Chinese market, shops, streets and parks, old houses and dirty roads. All as is at us.... We were in inexpensive simple cafe. I have shown our life, such what she(it) now. In a nature. Not at cinema... It(He) has been surprised what at us an expensive(a dear) life. What big and extravagant prices on habitation and on products, on clothes. And what small salary.
And what good women live in Russia.
It was pleasant to it(him). It(he) has been surprised!!! Till now writes to me letters with gratitude.
I have met it(him) in hotel, have come to it(him) with a red rose in a hand. It(he) has removed(has taken off) to itself(himself) hotel through the Internet. Itself has reached by a taxi from the airport.
I have come in the evening to it(him) to hotel at three o'clock. It was the first day of dialogue. I badly talk in English.
We communicated with it(him) well. Sometimes even wrote, drew, if I could not understand something. I strongly experienced that I can not well communicate. I ????????????? from telephone conversations.
But all turned out perfectly. I am grateful to it(him) for it. I did not want to speak by with it(him) to phone, thought that will be not clear. But it(he) has convinced me that at me with English all well. Actually I know it(him) a little. I communicated with it(him) through the translator.

Dear men if your girl asks you money for translations of its(her) letters, advise it(her) to begin to rock from the Internet free-of-charge the translator.
I now write so. You understand me? For the beginning your attitudes(relations) of it will be enough.
Yours faithfully to all people which search for love, instead of money!!!

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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: Smilla  (
Date:   10-31-08 00:15

Can I ask also all honest man ^)
Don’t tell 2 woman u need a family if u just need a sex tourism
Don’t insult women (who didn’t give u a right 2 do it) by ur sexual fantasies
Don’t behave with women as with ur slaves just because theu don’t live in Europe

And at lest
Don’t write 2 women who r much younger than u r
Find ur happiness with a woman of ur age and this time u don’t worry so much that she need ur money but not ur old body…

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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: Dieter  (61.7.145.---)
Date:   11-15-08 08:17

Hi, interesting Thread indeed. I appreciate Mitchs attempt to find honesty, but it will not work. Who is dishonest will not admit that.
I have no problem to spot a scammer very fast, sometimes it needs a bit more time, but I can say that I never lost money, only time and motivation to search for partner via internet. The best way to reduce the number of scammer are less unclever guys who send money to not well known internet conntacts.
I find the tip of one of the ladies who replied here very good. It's better to write to women, than to reply to a model like looking girl who wrote first. It's really unrealistic, that a 20 year old girl, who looks like a filmstar will write to a 40 year old average guy. She do not even search in the internet for a partnership.;)

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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: Mila  (
Date:   11-23-08 16:52

It is always pleasant to read opinion clever man

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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: Raisa  (94.180.65.---)
Date:   11-24-08 21:26

?????????? ?????????? ??? ??????? ?????? ???? ??????? ??? ?? ???????? ??? ????!!!

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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: Vika  (
Date:   11-25-08 14:20

Vix, ???? ??????? ????? ?????? ??????????? :)

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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: Richard  (
Date:   02-12-09 19:05

Wow, Dieter...... you took the words right out of my mouth.....again...:-)

This is a great thread....

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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: eristiccapricorn  (
Date:   02-14-09 11:47

Why on earth would a Russian woman want an American man, but for the money and chance to live in America? It's arrogant to think otherwise.
American men are among the least desirable in the world. They are completely steamrolled by the feminists. Bossy, bitchy women run the United States. American men are emasculated wimps.
Who would want a sissy over a true (Russian) man? Unless money was a factor of course....;)
Russian men are the best because they don't tolerate women's nagging, conniving bullshit.

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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: Steve  (
Date:   02-28-09 09:03

Find New Honest Friends! A Sweetheart! A Women!
Featuring Singles and Couples Worldwide
Find exactly what you're looking for - now!
Exciting fun & safe events across the globe!
join free, and make all age & all type dating friends. No scam, only real and verified russian girls,Great opportunity to meet your love.


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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: mika  (
Date:   03-19-09 14:05

Hello to everybody there! Thank you for the call! And I declare my sincerity. Most women register on such sites to find a foreign man to firstly leave their country some day, to secondly find a real relationship. They don't need your money, they need to see you in real life. As mostly of them don't have gross income they usually can't go to your country to see you. Young naive not so educated girls think they could ask for anything any man, it's only Eastern Europian women's nature and their tradition to depend on a man. You should not be scared of this, just try to openly explain them that you are not going to give anything to anybody before you know and see them. I wish all of you to find exactly what you want to find. I am honest in my searching and have a great hope to find my soulmate. Good luck to every one on the site! :)

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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: Anna  (91.103.153.---)
Date:   04-08-09 02:47

????, ???????, ??? ?????? ????????!
??? ????? " ???? ?? ??? ??????? ???? ?? ?????" ?????? ????? ?????????????. ??? ??????, ?? ?? ????, ??? ??? ?????-????????...
????? ???-?? ???? ??????? ? ? ?????? ????????. ????? ?? ???? ?????????????????? ? ????? ??????? ???? ??????? ???? ??????? ?????? ??????, ?????? ??????? ???? ??????, ? ???? ??? ?????? ?????????, ???????, ???????????? ?????? ? ?????? ?????????.
? ??? ????? ????? ??????? ?????? ?????? ??? ????????? ???? ?????? ?????????? ??? ???????

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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: Anna  (91.103.153.---)
Date:   04-08-09 02:50

Just agree 100%. Why what is not possible there is easy possible here?

Reply To This Message
 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: Anna  (91.103.153.---)
Date:   04-08-09 02:56

Author: Smilla (
Date: 10-31-08 00:15
Can I ask also all honest man ^)
Don’t tell 2 woman u need a family if u just need a sex tourism
Don’t insult women (who didn’t give u a right 2 do it) by ur sexual fantasies
Don’t behave with women as with ur slaves just because theu don’t live in Europe

And at lest
Don’t write 2 women who r much younger than u r
Find ur happiness with a woman of ur age and this time u don’t worry so much that she need ur money but not ur old body…

Just agree 100%. Why what is not possible there is easy possible here?

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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: LORA  (
Date:   04-26-09 20:10

Moreover - many men under 30 find much senior women and insolently ask a money from them....under any pretext. Up to mythical death of wife and child. A man, writing similar, does not have God in a heart.

All my respect


Anna wrote:

> Author: Smilla (
> Date: 10-31-08 00:15
> Can I ask also all honest man ^)
> Gentlemen!
> Don’t tell 2 woman u need a family if u just need a sex tourism
> Don’t insult women (who didn’t give u a right 2 do it) by ur
> sexual fantasies
> Don’t behave with women as with ur slaves just because theu
> don’t live in Europe
> And at lest
> Don’t write 2 women who r much younger than u r
> Find ur happiness with a woman of ur age and this time u don’t
> worry so much that she need ur money but not ur old body…
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Just agree 100%. Why what is not possible there is easy
> possible here?

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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: Notice: Undefined variable: new_dat  (
Date:   11-19-09 14:42

Surprisingly-it a site of a tax and financial theme or love-be cleverer. The spam gets into any mail.
One badly is not present a questionnaire raising in the beginning of the list-it for administration.
I have an information-people on the Internet do not know that want.?????? the man in marriage agency so to me told there about clients. Has asked a photo of the blonde thin and with feet from ears.
Have invited him in agency to the express train I-will meet with 8 women by turns-10 minutes for conversation and acquaintance and you know it has left with small chubby and the brown-haired woman.??? nobody asked money-though any woman knows that it after sex-it a fundamental question.
It is necessary not to be afraid to speak openly about all and to set the most courageous questions in the dialogue beginning.

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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: Notice: Undefined variable: new_dat  (
Date:   03-10-10 16:15

This is a common old scam that was use long ago by a network of scamers working together .
One scamer works with another scamer as the so called Honest contact to call for a check up person .
I have see this scam hundreds of times .
Aymen you will use up your money on only one person and I am 100% sure their is no Olga at all !

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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: Notice: Undefined variable: new_dat  (
Date:   03-25-10 23:59

Dear Friends
Please tell me why men send maney for every body?
I know one women and men bue for her flat. And they not married.
She tell hinm good bye.
Pleae do not be stuped.Please belive in Ex Soviet Union life not sweet but not every women stay in internet fomr maney

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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author:   ()
Date:   11-20-18 16:05

i agree with you

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 Open Call

Author: Micheal W Warren  ()
Date:   06-21-21 11:47

Thank you for sharing such a useful post. Very Interesting Post!
I regularly follow this kind of Blog.

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 Re: Open call for all honest women

Author: Anette  ()
Date:   06-22-21 02:05

Hello men and women!

Join the best dating club!

Free sign up, thousands of verified profiles!

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 Re: Open Call

Author:   ()
Date:   10-01-21 20:01

Hello good afternoon nice to meet you here lovely my name is Abigail 34 years old i am new to this stuff i am ready to meet a nice person here to build a relationship and have fun too i want to meet my soul mate in the future as we can we ? speak to learn more? I am very happy to hear from you on the Hangout. Write to me in the hangout And I think we can share nude pictures and videos tooAnette wrote:

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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author:   ()
Date:   10-01-21 20:02

Hello good afternoon nice to meet you here lovely my name is Abigail 34 years old i am new to this stuff i am ready to meet a nice person here to build a relationship and have fun too i want to meet my soul mate in the future as we can we ? speak to learn more? I am very happy to hear from you on the Hangout. Write to me in the hangout And I think we can share nude pictures and videos too

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 Re: Open call for all honest women

Author:   ()
Date:   11-16-21 21:35

How do you feel about the relationship with girls from Ukraine-Russia
Hi, I want to tell you about how and where you can meet very beautiful girls from Ukraine and Russia. They are single and like to chat.
I hope you will like it and maybe some of you will be able to find a future wife or mother for your children there.
I will leave here links to those services where I actively communicate with them, I will be glad if it will be useful to some of you.

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 Re: Open call for all honest women

Author:   ()
Date:   12-06-21 23:18

I think you forgot something. Honest woman here

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 Re: Open call for all honest women

Author:   ()
Date:   01-15-22 06:17

agree with you

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 Re: Open call for all honest women

Author:   ()
Date:   11-02-22 22:04

all problem is that usually simple scammers don't read and the more so don't post their opinions in this or any other forum. They don't need it at all. They know their ways, methods very well and aren't going to waste their time for useless for them things like this thread or any other here.

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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author:   ()
Date:   05-24-24 21:32

Hello! Very useful information. This site has become a real support for me and inspired me to make new changes.

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 Re: Open call for all honest women - ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ????????

Author: alexseen  ()
Date:   05-24-24 21:33


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