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 This is (really) too much!

Author: nicola  (
Date:   01-24-06 14:11

I hate to do this and passed over every kind of dumbness..
but this is more that I can bear!!
This is not my favourite romance in complete edition but just the 1st letter from a lady..:-(((
(I can't won't do either..)

Hello Nicola!Thank you for your letter. You are a handsome man. Are you as
sweet as you look? I want to tell you Internet is not best place to
a persone for life but it is better then nights clubs or bar and i am
I would like you bless my life. My interest is a long relationship
Is that your interest too? About myself: I

was born 27 March so my sigh of Zodiac is Aries I live and work in
Vologda It’s near Moscow and St.-Petersbourg ( 10 houres travel by train
one hour by fly ) I had mother .She was 64 years old. She died a

last year...My heart is crying... I have brother. He has family and children. He lives near to Finland I’ve got hight
education. I ‘am a teacher of foreign languagues by profession. But now
work in Passport-Visa service. I like it. About myself… I am
sincer by nature, responsive, kind,serious and responsible. I
appreciate honestly in people, i disapprove of greediness or lies,
betroyal, absence of culture. I am complex person. I want to have
everything or nothing. I can decide something for one hour but I have more a patience before then I destroy everything… i am sure in
myself and i want to tell you i am strong personality . I like marine food…
Of all
good wines i prefer light dry wines . I do not smoke. I like a cosy
home. I love white roses a lot. I am not fond of sticky snow or wind. I

>love early autumn, warm rain. I love classic music, especially i like
>Bethhoven and in the evening i often play the piano to do me busy
>Perfums… I prefer the smell of the forest and the grass. I love french
>perfume(a firm Christian Dior). i prefer classical style in clothing
>Favorite colour… I think a choose of colour tell us much more about a
>psychology of the person I like a black colour because it fit me and a
>sandy colour. I like travelling , ,. I have 50 days leave annually
>and i have visited other countries.. but i have never been in your country… I hope one day you invite me... I usually go to the Black Sea on
>. Now i study languages. It’s my hobby. but it be easier to learn it
>having constant practice of its usage. i read text without translator

and i write independently and i undestand a conversation…
I think the main features in a man
are reliability, faithfulness, responsibility . I’d like to meet an
intelligent , provided man for whom i could be a wife , a parther, a good

helper at home. I’d like to love and be loved. It seems banal words but I put a lot within them.. I’m dreaming of a

happy family , of meeting a man who understand me and take care of me ,
with whom it would be easy and interesting to live. I
think Love is very important for a family life When love is dying ,
everything is dying .
I was never offended by men’s unattentiveness and i

already don’t pay attention to compliments addressed to me but getting
older one looks for oneself something unusual i start evaluate the man’s
soul , thoughts and appearance becomes unimportant. I demand much of the
man who is with me. My former husband was a navy officer. He was always

on the ship. Everything fell apart broke into pieces by itself. Any

woman needs attention. But i obtain great will it helps me in solving
a lots of problems. I believe and i am sure everything has been determined
beforehand in everybody’s fate. And i am an optimist however, so i guess
everything will be all right. It’s very hard to find a person for life and

when the choice is large it’s even harder because one becomes choosy. It
often happens so in life- it seems people living together have everything

but between them there is a wall of misunderstanding and finally it lead
parting. And only when people fell that each of them is half of a whole
when everything material is pushed backwards then it is possible to avoid

the habit which parts people. Probably the main thing in family life is
take care of each other , to be patient to each other’s drawbacks, the
skill of understanding and the ability to love each other. My life is
dull and boring . Every day repeats the previous and honestly speaking
I would like to
change it. I feel the lack of man who would take care of me
>understand me , would love me , with whom I would like to be sure in my Tomorrow. I
have decided to look for love and marriage abroad because just its
happy and She and He are happy. .
The commitment to family of Russian women , their idea

that a relationships can work even if a day or two are not the best ,
>devotion to man and their beauty of soul and body. I think women from
another countries do not hold themselves in such high esteem. I want
everything between us stay well, so don’t forget about me. If you are
interested in me I’d like you to come to Russia very much because i
believe only our meeting can solve our doubts. I think we’ll understand
each other. I am very serious woman and you understand that we must eat

an Apple that we know sour or sweet it….and i think you are serious too. I

feel some attraction to you . I am sure you get many letters every day

and of course i am the same But nevertheless i don’t want to be neither
the second nor the third. I love myself. You ‘ve very nice eyes but even a photo can’t give the full image a
I think you agree with me that sometimes three days spent together
tell you much more about a person that even a year of correspondence.
Anyway one can’t know a man with the help of letters It seems to me that
people having been writing to each other for a year and having decided to

join their lives should’t be so hasty to part for some reason which is not

clear when they thought they knew everything about each other. And
sometimes people having met and known each other for a few days live
perfectly.. It’s odd but still it’s like that. Nobody know a sexual
chemistry between a man and a woman while they do not meet…Then it turns
to be the correspondence for joy?! I think you understand i do not want
waste your and my time for a correspondance. I think my life is still
full because i do not have a man by my side. I want to find a man who will

share my life I want to find a man that i am drawn to like a moth to
so that
i cannot stay away from his for very long I want to find a man with whom

i share so much love that when we attend events and functions, other
people will envy us and say that we are the luckiest people in the world
have found what we have. I want a life time partner, my best friend In

one letter i wrote much more about myself Share with me your thoughts….

Write me more about yourself and send more your pictures? What a reason
that you are alone? Why do you want for yourself a Russian woman? Can
protect a woman from another country and help her to adapt
I know bad experience of Russian women in another countries
of course many women return to Russia But also i know good experience of
acquiatances when they are happily married I don't know exactly why maybe

the fact of speak diffrent language and to have lived so diffrent
experience have made that they give more attention the one to the other,
they are more united,more understood( the one inside of the other one ,
identified) even they show a diffrent affective language a diffrent and
more intense, open, delivered sexual relationship… I want to tell you now

for me is very important a character of man, his attitude to me At
least i don't want to mistake any more Nicola!
I invite you in Russia. I want to tell you that

i am very serious about you and i don’t want to conceal i get many letters

from men every day Many men i don’t like at all, many men play

computers games and i feel it, many men with children but i think it is
very responsibly for me. Men at age of 25 –27 years old write me but i don’t think
that it is seriously , i am looking for a Special man , for familly life

and i want to feel inside it is my man… Men of biblical age write me but i don’t
to be their daughter Yes it is very difficult to find a person for life,
I think if a man is serious to
find a woman for himrself he does some steps for it. Nicola! I invite you in
St.-Petersburg or Moscow
I need to know about your arrival beforehand in a two day because
i have to ask the permission to take some days off work

Certainly i will meet you at the international airport Sheremetievo-2 in Moscow and i ask you to let me know the

date of your arrival, plane route number and the Moscow time of your
arrival. I don’t think there will be any problems with food and meals
either. As for the
sightseeing or any other management i am sure we will cope with them
together , find the way out
I don’t find my Diamond yet but I hope You… Share your thoughts…
My mobile phone (XXX) XXXXXXXXXXX Have a great day… Take care

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 Re: This is (really) too much!

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   01-24-06 16:30

I just skimmed over your letter,and my opinion is that it is a good letter. She does not ask for money,and even better---goes straight to the point and invites you to her "neck of the woods". And even better it is Moscow,and not a little cow town accessible only by rail or bus. It is still the off-season and you can get a good price to go. Funny line---men of biblical age write me.... Good luck Nicola,and ask many questions of her as she has of you. Grow together if it is possible.

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 Blaine you're a good soul..

Author: nicola  (
Date:   01-24-06 16:57

..that's why I often read your posts, as balanced and clean as they are..:-))

Blaine, I corresponded with several Ukrainian women since 2001, had relationships with two wonderful stars fallen from the Sky (where they returned, alas..) and my passport is crammed with Visas to Ukraine where I had the chance to talk with people, understand their views and appreciate what of good they have..
I can assure no "normal" woman would ever send a letter so long and as such as her very 1st and invite you to Moscow without even exchanging a few words..
Her reply message on the site being just her email (!!) yes, nothing more, straightaway, so little doubts about where this would lead..(but I tried just to be sure)
Keep eyes opened and good luck!!

(And never forget the thumb rule "when it looks too good to be true..well, it is!!"

ah, forgot to tell that along with this "romance" she sent teasing photos in a separate mail

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 Re: This is (really) too much!

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   01-24-06 17:18

I have known Ukrainian and Russian people here in the US,and I like that they are inquisitive and conversational--most with good senses of humor. When a woman does not ask questions I know something is wrong. When she says she has no phone my alarm bell starts to ring. When she writes that both parents are deceased ( very often the story) and that she lives with grandma,my red flag starts to come out with the alarm bell in full swing. So often the women I correspond with go from "hot" feelings to cold. The letters become short and non-informative,she stops mentioning daily trifles in her life--never mentions her child or even her friends,she does not directly answer questions from you ( this also clues me that she can only pay for a certain amount of translations,and possibly only gives your hard written letter a cursory glance) . The relations have gone into decay at this point,and the curiosity has waned out like a candle at the end of its wick. My search is similiar to yours,Nicola. I have learned a lot in 6 years,and met many different women,most from here in the US,and most of those in person. I no longer believe that there is any scam center of the world. Women are women anywhere on the planet. Some good,some bad. And this experience has either taught me much,or made my alarm bells more reactive.

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 Re: This is (really) too much!

Author: Irina  (
Date:   01-25-06 03:11

I very much am surprised, when the man publishes correspondence with the woman and discusses it. nicola, you not the gentleman! It is unworthy!

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 No, Irina..

Author: nicola  (
Date:   01-25-06 12:23

..maybe you misread the post, for sure you're a candid soul as well..
This wasn't our "one month's correspondence" but just her 1st letter to me(!!)
This letter is completely false and includes (all-in-one) several uncontestable signs of scams (I'll help you to recognize them,if you want to, but off forum..)
I received every kind of oddities during my search for my half and always skipped over as fast as possible, mostly being absolutely naive and harmless..
But in this case they crossed the limit! They believe I (and anybody else received these letters) am completely dumb..
So I can't stand it any more and decide to waste a few minutes to let other people believe the unbelievable..
keep it up and good luck!

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 For Nicola

Author: Irina  (
Date:   01-25-06 15:09

But how you understand then the man's code abuse? False people are both women, and men. Always wrote how the man deceives the woman. And for this purpose always there is a set of occasions. But women do not wish to speak about how them has artfully deceived the man. Because a deceit it always is a shame for the woman. But men freely shout as them have deceived. And it is in my opinion low. To publish female letters to convict the woman is a man's act. Probably, you any more do not consider, that it was a good act. I think, when the man will do that in the life, he will be good to think as it will look for other people. It will try to be very courageous the man. I think, that Nicola very good the man and he too sometimes regrets about the acts. Whether not so? Success all to us.

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 Re: This is (really) too much!

Author: Ayman  (
Date:   01-27-06 00:57

Well, with your philosphy, you made the man guilty. I agree with Nicole and there is no reason for your reaction except that you may be fanatic woman.

It's underestimating the human mind ...what this scammer wrote.

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 Re: This is (really) too much!

Author: Ayman  (
Date:   01-27-06 01:21

I hate to do this as well but this:

This is this scammer first reply when i sent her:

Greetings Ayman!

I hope, that you day were remarkable. Let me to speak you more about me directly.

I am distinguished with good nature, sociability, virtue. I seldom have bad mood.

Still I to be fond of fitness and as it seems to me to receive quite good result, I like to run in the mornings (it helps to be always vigorous and never illness) to prepare national Russian I peep. To prepare I peep me to learn my grandmother. She to have very ancient recipes which to it were given by its grandmother. Very for a long time, from generation to generation, and to have really traditional the foodstuffs. In the summer I with girlfriends like to go to a wood, to have there small travel, to put tent in which to live, prepare for a meal on a fire, to collect mushrooms and berries. In general I am positively adjusted for a life,

I have two animals, cat Barsick and dog Reks. Also like to be pulled out with ease in a court yard of a house where I live, and recently Barsick have come struggle against whom - that. It limps on its correct forward leg to a support, but it slowly recovers. I sing to them when I feed them " Kitty Kat and Chappy the Foodstuffs! It is strange? But I love them!

I also love to lift flowers... I was in the habit to have 55 flowerpots all ceramic and clay, before my house filled with colors every summer, but recently requirements of my work, I not was is capable to serve them.

I love a wide variety of music... Especially very modern..., but I really have all Beatles Albums!

I - very alive and happy.... A kind of the girl, which always jokes of others on work to cheer them up!

You sound so sweet.... I also - the sensitive and romantic person. There is no need to argue..... I prefer to tease and smile and make so that who - that teased me back! The life is interesting and good.

And I like to go at cinema for an entertainment... Good restaurants, theatre of concerts, art. Better dressing shops.

Please, write to me more, I aspire to receive news from you!

And this is the second one only after 1 one day from my second letter to her:

Greetings Ayman, you for certain again have lost me. Yes, I know. That I for a long time to you

Did not write. At me happened very big to mountain... At night since Saturday on

Revival the automobile has brought down my girlfriend. The machine went about speed 140

Or 160 kilometers at one o'clock, having brought down her it has not stopped at all, and has left

Therefrom. She has died at once... The Traumas incompatible with a life... Her all

Has broken... It is very terrible. Very terribly. But this villain

Has lost number of the machine as in front of his automobile has broken up from impact and

Has fallen off together with number. To find it now a matter of time...

To it there were 24 years. I could not think of anything, except for it all these days.

I hope, that you of me

You understand. It is hard for me now, I probably still for a long time cannot in it

To believe up to the end. It simply does not go in. Ridiculously and

Silly. She was such person about whom anybody and never could

To tell anything bad. She all life tried to help all. To it anybody

Could not help... But the life proceeds, whether not so? Its mother has told,

That we would not mourn, and lived further, storing kind memory of it in

The heart. Today I of anything cannot tell any more. I still hardly hardly

Not in itself. I shall write to you as soon as I can. Most likely tomorrow.

Write to me... Yours Kate.


This is (really) too much!

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 Re: This is (really) too much!

Author: Ayman  (62.114.3.---)
Date:   01-27-06 13:24


Be sure of onething.....any man would never publish a real or serious conversation or letter sent by a woman and I believe it is actually a duty to publish such letter as long is one is damn sure that it is fake letters sent by women for the sake of getting money through deceiving others and the full usage of men's good intentions.

This site policy, as i noted is strongly in favor of exposing scammers through encouraging providing a proof for that purpose and what Nicola did is no different.

Some letters are really unbelievables and insultig to the mind and such letters should be published for the sake of enlighting others who are either naieve or unsure.


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 She bad? The God with it! And what you?

Author: Irina  (
Date:   01-28-06 03:21

I am not assured, that so the man which feels the nobleness can act. It is a choice of the woman how to behave and how to prove to be, even if it is the compromising evidence for it. A choice of the man - only nobleness and condescension if this word is in English language. The man always strong and kind to weak. Only then it present. About bad women we have already talked. I suggest to talk about what should be the present gentleman. Men! Express! Perhaps, at us and consequently I badly you understand different opinion on it.

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 Re: This is (really) too much!

Author: Irina  (
Date:   01-28-06 04:20

I have read through the letter from Kate two times, but has not understood, why it counterfeit? Unless Kate has asked for you money? It has written about the to mountain, but nothing asked...Probably, you are too suspicious, at us different mentality. We variously think. Here one more Russian proverb: that is good for the Russian person, for the German person death.

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 Re: This is (really) too much!

Author: Ayman  (
Date:   01-28-06 12:21


You seem read Kate letter but skipped my comment. She said at the start of her letter:

Greetings Ayman, you for certain again have lost me. Yes, I know. That I for a long time to you Did not write.

Goshh....This letter I received after sending a reply to her first letter the following day and then she replied after one day.....can't you see? come I lost her? how come for long time she did not write to me? it is not about money now....but for sure may be later about it.......

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 Re: This is (really) too much!

Author: Irina  (
Date:   01-28-06 21:49

Probably, we such different, that do not understand that speaks another. I too corresponded with two men. Correspondence has ended very quickly. They to write to me did not begin simply. I do not know, than I could offend them. I did not ask money, I have enough to live independently.
They have not explained anything to me, to write did not begin me simply. Probably, too something seemed to them. All because of a difference of mentality. And because of your suspiciousness. You think, that you it is better, than we, from it occur problems to dialogue. I am assured, that among men as many bad people. The some people are borrowed by search of free-of-charge sex.

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 Open letters..

Author: nicola  (
Date:   01-30-06 18:32


I don't wonder any more about anything (and you shouldn't either..;-)..)
this situations happen very often..such weirdos lose the sequence of facts and the correct time frame, they believe perhaps you're so mind-boggled to pass over such mistakes (?) and to succeed in the end all the same...we're dealing not with "organized gangs" at all but simple gamblers.. some samples from my (X-) files:

-several months (4-5) after I had dropped the correspondence, (because I had the final proof I needed) received the email "Hi Nicola, I was back from a short trip in the neighbourhood and was surprised not to find any message from you.."..

-after three absolutely "canned" letters all accompanied from the same "pretty school-girl" photos, with her favourite puppet..4th one: boobs out and heavy make-up!! and the text said: "sorry my travel to you is cancelled (?) I need 1500$ for my mother (??), you'll be refunded as soon as here in Russia (???)"

-after suspending the correspondence with her for a short while: "Nicola my heart is broken, if you aren't going to write any more please let me know.."
My answer sounded like "Sorry, XXXX, I'm away at relatives' and have little or no access to PC but will resume corresponding soon"
this altered the "correct flow", since I received again the 1st (!) letter (with the 1st photo). "Hi Nicola!! I'm so glad you wrote, my name is XXX, I live in XXXX.."

-a girl claims she's still 29 while her form says 30: of course (!) if you looks carefully she registered one years ago but the site updates age according to date of birth..(while such letters will be the same forever..)

-another one claims her "birthday is on the 25th" of course I sent a short greetings' mail a few days ago: no response at all and no mention in further letters..
Obvious! she declares herself a Capricorn so the 25th is in December and she registered earlier that month.. from then on, the letters she's going to send will always include the sentence "My birthday is on the 25th"..

In the end, sharpen your mind, the keyword here is “patience”..they will do mistakes for sure and if you keep cool you’ll able to detect them at once..up to your sensibility not to “pull the rope too tight”, though, because if the girl you’re corresponding with is real, she’d get bored of empty letters and dump you the first..(an early recognition of the % chances whether she’s real/scam is vital..)

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 Open letters..

Author: nicola  (
Date:   01-30-06 19:14


as you can see, Irina, the end result of such dirty business is the generalized lack of trust, so all people should contribute to keep balanced and not generalize too much, nor getting to conclusions too fast.
Perhaps you didn't realize yet we're not dealing with women here but with frauds, behind which can actually be a woman, a man, or nobody at all, in the sense that a PC could well be programmed in order to deliver messages in a given sequence, according to incoming IP..(ok, maybe also this would be "too much"..:-))..)
I don't know whether this would settle the matter out, but we all also feel women are the weak part here, since they’re called to decide about leaving their homes and relatives and friends, and if a man really deserve this..
In many cases he doesn't, but “the history here is written from men" so only reports of scams and escapes after marriage are to be found..
Finally, don't think please, a man doesn't keep writing because he's afraid of losing money (even if you never asked in that sense).
There can be several reasons instead: perception of a low suitability between each other, late awareness of how difficult this task (long-distance relationship) really is, dating a local woman, growing interest toward a different woman, personal problems..
My best advice is to keep searching and searching because people alike always find each other (and possibly meet!)
Good luck!

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 Re: Open letters..

Author: Irina  (
Date:   01-30-06 21:45

Dear Nicola! I cannot solve who is right, who is guilty. I think, in some cases you are right. I as well as you think, that some letters can occurs from men of swindlers. I hope, that you have kept belief in Mankind! And I strewed a head ashes... I Wish you and all men of success and happiness. I wish all to us to women of good luck. Success all to us!

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 Re: This is (really) too much!

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   02-02-06 18:46

The better the translator,the more understandable the letter. If the person beomes interested enough in you--good chance she will not want to divulge her private feelings through a translator,and will,in broken english,write a letter less understandable-- depending on her english skills. I am all for this,because it shows genuine interest,and determination. This can also backfire,however. Some insincere women have excellent english skills. BUt they write mushy letters which adore you for no really good reason. Instead of asking questions about your mama,or the details of your working day--she romances you with sweet words,and neglects to tell you of her working day,or the line of people at the market that day,or how she strained her back carrying the groceries. Small and seemingly insignificant details,but ones which humanize us,and make us seem real.

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 Re: This is (really) too much!

Author: Ayman  (
Date:   02-03-06 01:46

and here is this scammer final destination:

ID: 38566


Guess she's already in the list but still active

I recongnized that she is scammer even before sedning that letter but I waited till I get the solid proof:

first letter:

Hello my sweety,

I'm glad to get your letter today.

I want to tell you a little about myself.
I'm 25 years old.I live in Dnepropetrovsk,it is in Ukraine.My parents
live far from me,in Alchevsk.Unfortunately i can't visit them very often
because i have a lot of work here and that is why i visit them very

I've graduated from the University and now I work as a teacher there.I
teach music.I like it very much as some time ago i've finished musical
school.:)So now i can teach music myself :)Isn't it great? I play
piano and I play it all the time. It makes me calm and I feel myself
so free as cloud on the sky. I like to play classical music but also
I like to listen to music. I like
romantic songs but also I like "Enigma" very much. Do you know it?
I dream about travelling. I hope that some day I will visit other countries
and will meet other people and I will have a lot of friends all over
the world.
I go to gym, I try to go there almost every day. I think that every
person has to take care of his body and be healthy. I don't like when
girls smoke or drink a lot. I think it is not good as for health as
for their inside culture.
As you know already I'm crasy for music, I think that it is the
greatest creation of human beings. It calms my soul and makes harmony
in my mind and thoughts. I wish to find my soulmate and I dream
to dance for my man. I think that dance is the language of body and
woman can express everything she feels by means of dance. I also like to
dance very much, by the way it is connected with music and it's great.

One more thing i wanted to tell you is that i don't know English and have
to use the translation firm to correspond with you.I want to learn
English very much in the future because i think it's an interesting
language and i like it very much:)

So now i want to know more about you:)
Waiting for your answer,
Kiss you,
Yours Marina

2nd Letter:

Hello my dear Ayman,

Thank you for your letter:)I was very glad to get it:)
Well,i've told you almost everything about myself in my last letter.
Well,it's funny but we don't know each other very good and that's
why it's difficult for me to understand what can I take to my confidence in?
Well,i can tell that i'm lack of the man in my life who will be
always near and who will take care of me.It's not the dream but
the reality and i'm sure that there is a man in this world who
is waiting for me and we'll find each other now or maybe later
but we'll do it.:)Maybe i've found him already and it is you?
Well,I hope:))
Man in my
country can't be romantic, honest, truthful, responsible for their
words and acts, that's why I didn't find my destiny here. I knew
that I will find you. I will try my best to show you what love is and
I hope you will feel it, I hope I will wake love up in your heart.
I always dream about man who will always support and
protect me, take care of me and respect me, present me love
and tenderness. I think he have to be strong and tender in one
time, from my side I will be always beside him and support him in any life
situation, I try my best to be the most wonderful, pretty, tender, soft,
tempting, desired for him.

Kiss you,
Yours Marina


My darling Ayman,

Thank you very much for your letter!I"m so glad to get it:)

So that you would better understand me I’d like to tell you a little about my
I’m truthful, honest, don’t like lie and also don’t like to flatter somebody.
If it is
necessary to break my rules I feel myself vulnerable and weak. Frankly speaking,
very quick-tempered but surrounding me people rare found out about this, as I
try to
have everything well in my hand. I never forget goods and services rendered to
me and
try to answer the same. But also I don’t forget the insult or offense put to me.
Don’t think that I’m always quite and sad, it’s everything alright with my
Some time ago melancholy and loneliness were very close to me. Now everything
changed. But I still understand the melancholy and solitude of those who are
and confused in this world because I was at the same situation. But thanks to
today I’m standing one step higher in this life. Thanks that you helped me to go
through my loneliness.

A little about my thoughts conderning the family.I think that the man
should be the head of the family.It was gobbed up from the nature, it's a
norm,and it used have place in different nations.Any deviation from the norm
is unnatural.The woman in the family is the person who provides the
spiritual balance in the family,their calmness.The man has to provide
his wife financially.To make the long story short, i should say that
the man take cares about the external side in the family and the wife-
the internal one. That's my opinion.What about you?
Hope to find the answers to my questions in your next letter.
Waiting impatiently.
Your Marina

4th letter:

Hello my sweety,

I am so happy that you think about me, remember me. I was missing you
so much, I thought you already forget about me but I'm so glad that
you have written to me. I wanna show
you all my feelings to you and meet with you and hug you as
stronger as I can. But I have to tell you something and ask you for
something. I know you are real man and you will understand me in right
As I told you I have to use the translation firm to communicate with
you but unfortunately it's too expensive for me. I can't
afford myself to pay the services of the interpriting firm
anymore.So it's my last letter.I won't be able to write you anymore.
If you can help me to hold our correspondence and discuss our meeting,
maybe you'll have an opportunity to help me?
Except paying the interpreting firm,i have to pay for my flat which
rent and to feed myself.It is so hard for lonely girl. If you
can help me,you can reach the translating firm directly at
and ask them any questions you like.I hope you understand my situation...
I'm in despair.
I will understand and respect any your decision. It's so hard for
me to ask for help but I don't wanna lose you for all my heart. I've
just found you...
I hope this New Year will make a miracle for m: be with you!
Yours Marina


of course all these letters were accompanied with stunning sexy photos..thanks marina for these sexy photos....i'm goingt o reply to her telling her that she should have told me long ago so that I transfer money instead of her bearing such her hope that I believed her...

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 The wrong move..

Author: nicola  (
Date:   02-03-06 12:43, I wouldn't do that, Ayman..
The only effect these silly attempt have, is to have us lose our hopes and trust toward real women (which are still the vast majority)
Not to mention time wasted on empty correspondence, which distracts us from maybe a nice girl just waiting by, but which doesn't master English so well and sends short and truncated messages..
So the only thing is to skip as fast as possible, I can't really understand people here which like to tease the scammers and keep this play alive for longer!
This a psichological shift towards a different goal, and means you're abandoning the original one you were here for..
(think about it..)

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 Re: This is (really) too much!

Author: James  (
Date:   02-03-06 15:18

Yes men. It is a waste of time to chase the scammers. But the problem is finding which ones are scamming and which aren't. Like you N.. I Know that some of the girls are just wanting a good time and to have you spend lots of money on them.. and then it is on to the next dude that gets interested in them. These girls have a natural and appealing way to get what they like through the dating world for their closets and it is like their trophy room . So you have to find a girl that is natural and genuine in her interests and personality . That is where it gets sometimes discouraging to find . I think that it is best to get acquainted through the emails and really feel the connection. Just a thought.

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 Re: This is (really) too much!

Author: Ayman  (62.114.3.---)
Date:   02-03-06 18:26

Guess you guys are right. I will take your advice.

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 Re: This is (really) too much!

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   02-04-06 07:32

I completely agree James. If a man is experienced,then he might send money for bogus airfare and visas. I am more concerned about the professional daters. It is not just FSU women!!! I personally have a beautiful cousin who laughed once while showing me several rings that she was "collecting" from different men. Also,a young woman of 20 may be "sowing her wild oats",and experiencing the rapture of sexual arousal or emotional attention that she is getting from many different men.

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 Re: This is (really) too much!

Author: Ayman  (62.114.3.---)
Date:   02-05-06 23:53

It is really disappointing. This is really the third time I got a letter from Girls talking about the same subject: Is it a coincedance or may be many russian women want to runaway and ask me to wait for them at the airport??????

WOW!!!!!!!!!!!,you answered,it is SO wonderful,I have not thought that it can be
easy to meet nice man ,there are not any problems,usually I have
problems to meet a man in real life I think I am too modest for modern
world,I was born here and you can't imagine our life ,everyone knows
other and there are not any secrets here.
At first I think I should say that I am new in cyber space. you should know
that I am not very good writer in english.I see you understand my
english but I think that there are so many mistakes in my letters. But
it is better than nothing ,really?
to be fair it is hardly enough to describe myself ,it seems to me we all want to
look better than we are in real life!
I think that in principle I am usual girl.I think I should tell you about my
interests,tastes and hobbies.
I think I will tell you about things I want to know about you and you will know
my future questions.
My real name is Natalia Antonova ,I am 25 years old,my birthday is February
24.I will be 26. my sizes 37" breast--24" waist--36" hips.
my height is 5' 5" and weight is 120 pounds. they tell I look well
enough ,maybe there is any mistake here but I don't know your system weel.I have
real blonde hair and real blue eyes,I know that many women abroad can improve
faces and bodies,and they look so nice,
but it is impossible here we live so far from civilazation.
I have two sisters and it is great problem for us because we have only two rooms
you can't imagine what does it mean to be born in small town in Russia,there are
not any chances
to live well,to get nice job.All young people leave towns to search great luck
in big cities but nobody waits
for them there.
I think in future I can work as fitness trainer I have certificate.
My mother is my great problem too,she has great dream to marry me as soon as
possible and she wants to make me happy but I think
it is only my business I am not a little child.I don't want to marry to have the
ring on my finger I want to share
my life with the man I really love and I wait the same from him.
To be fair I am not sure I am able to explain all because I want to say so
I just want you to know that I am not afriad to work,I am fairly stubborn and I
am sure you will be not
disappoined to meet me in real life.
I will have all documents to travel in a few days and i will travel to moscow
,from moscow I will travel
to you and people from agency ask me about name of the town where I would like
to work,if you don't mind to meet me please
tell me the name of your town and nearest international airport!I will book my
flight from moscow!
I think it would be so great to meet kind man who has time to share in the
evenings.I know that it is not so easy like I think
but I think it is possible.
I don't smoke,I tried to smoke when I was younger.I may have a cup of red dry
vine,sometimes it helps to relax.
I try to care of my body and face.I know it is all I have .
I am not a little girl and I know that at first almost all men look at body
,legs and face.God created males
such persons. Well,I think I am lost in my letter,I am not sure you understand
my goals,please feel free to ask.
I live in Russia,town Marsk ,home 78 - flat 14,it is near enough big city
Barnaul,then Biysk and my town near .it is Siberia.Altaiskii krai(area).so far
from hollywood(joke).
I want you to reply if you understand my mind,my intentions,if not please reply
too,I will continue my
searching. Well,I will close this letter,I think you are tired to read it.
there are not cafes and possibility to use internet in my town,we have 4 digital
phone number and we can't call abroad.Even to call in any big town here in
Russia I have to order the call in advance.and I would like to say please don't
worry if I keep silence sometimes I have no
time to travel to Barnaul.I mean I can't be in cafe every hour,usually I try to
be here in the morning or in the evening!
Well,I will close this letter,can you Please tell me more about you,your
tastes,likes and dislikes .
also I have a few impotant questions----do you like strong drinks too much?can
you be very drunk?very often?
can you be rude with women?or children?
Well,I have to stop or I will write without ending.Kiss you !see you
later Natalia ,send picture of my friend,it is her idea to help me.She is
Anna!and I want you to know that I write my letters at home and here I only to
copy them because of so
many people here,voice and eyes.and it is the reason that my letters are so long
and may be I missed soem of your questions.
please fell free to ask again.

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 Re: This is (really) too much!

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   02-06-06 07:32

Ayman--do not be disppointed yet. Ask her some personal questions,and for her opinions on a personal level also. If she will respond directly,you may have a blossoming relationship.

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 My opinion..

Author: nicola  (
Date:   02-06-06 14:32 far as it could be worth..(I suppose you posted here to learn from other's experiences.. if not just ignore it straightaway..)
is that it's still too early to judge (not from this letter alone at least..)
You should be always cautious of course but never obsessed from the fear of scams..;-))
Nothing bad can happen until you're screwed in your once you selected one (or, better, more) girl for your possible future, time has come to unscrew and go there the first!

I see, this letter is not written with a translator but from somebody skilled enough..You can learn whom, simply by asking (politely!) whether she speaks English fluently..
At worst, you'll know for sure at the first phone call..but better you ask for the number after correspondence gets's a matter of good education because this violates her privacy so no wonders if at an early stage you'll receive a negative answer (or no answer at scam here..!)
Hmm, I see she's rather hectic and frenzy, and "aggressive" in advertising herself but she's so young! Nothing bad here, maybe good instead (?) because she's got the power and energy for handling such a difficult task as living abroad..
About traveling to you..looks like she not even knows where you live (!) this is a BAD point girl would travel to a complete foreign but no fear, because YOU're going to be there the first, no doubts here (!)
Then you can discover whether she simply wants to run away as fast as possible from a village's life straightaway or she wants you..
(this is the most important, maybe only, point so far..!)

About Visas, the ONLY competent source is your Embassy in Moscow (!) all answers can be found from them (they maybe have a site with relevant infos) and, if you didn't yet, you should be completely aware about ALL procedures for obtaining a Visa to your Country (this can be different from one Country to another) and no half-measures here: if you know everything, chances for scam are very thin..
keep it up and good luck!

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 Re: This is (really) too much!

Author: Andy  (
Date:   02-06-06 18:09

Well, I received the same letter all but the name and her city, but close on the city. The difference is mine is two or three letters ahead of you. Mine she is in Moscow, staying with a friend, and has gotten every thing except she is a little short on her ticket, about 600usd, as soon as I send her the Western Union, she will bo off to the Embasy, the get Visa "Ya see". I'll just send her your letter, and tell her to get it from you (smile).

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 Re: This is (really) too much!

Author: Ayman  (
Date:   02-08-06 04:00


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 Re: This is (really) too much!

Author: Svetlana  (
Date:   02-08-06 11:13

Dear gentlemen!
May be it is not good idea to write here but I would like...
I lived/worked abroad for some years. It is more clean for me to understand how hard our culture that each of us have inside must work trying to understand people.
You are fully right telling about strange letters that you get sometimes from our young ladies.
The problem is deeper than you think.
That is why I feel me like a foreigner here too.
Good luck for everyone.
With best regards.

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