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 hi every body . i am back again in hope to find her

Author: CharmingTiger  (
Date:   12-26-05 21:57

Do you think this way of seeking soule-mate in the internet willwork?
do you know any body who got married by the help of dating websites?
i hope to have answers of these quistions.

with my greetings to every body

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 Re: hi every body . i am back again in hope to find her

Author: Watt  (
Date:   12-27-05 14:38

Hi!.. Yes it works...I have known several people who met this way and it
worked out.. I am always the optimistic one anyway.. just be careful of
the scammers that only want money. Also keep in mind ( I know of some who came here to the USA on the fiancee visa and it was a very big
culture shock for them).

Good luck to you sir. Be sure to check the Scammers area for the known

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 Re: hi every body . i am back again in hope to find her

Author: James  (
Date:   12-27-05 15:10

Say Watt, What was the big culture shock for them by coming to USA on the fiancee visa? What happened .. I would say that most of them would like the culture in America.

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 Re: hi every body . i am back again in hope to find her

Author: CharmingTiger  (
Date:   12-27-05 15:21

Yes watt this is the big problem ( scammers).
i was in matchdoctor for 2 monthes to find serious girl who really wants to be good wife but i descovered many of them are serious in how to take money from you in the name of love.
I really like to help and it is pleasure for me to help but not in scammers way.
Any way i wish you and every body here good luck.

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 Re: hi every body . i am back again in hope to find her

Author: Watt  (
Date:   12-28-05 01:29

Hi James.. Yes it was a big culture shock.. Its our way of life and living, our everyday thinking about things, the way we do things.. many things they are not accustomed to.. thats what i was told anyway... and being so far from home, not knowing anyone here or how things are done... Its like starting all over again.. Depresssion usually sets in for some of them for the first few months until they become adjusted..

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 Re: hi every body . i am back again in hope to find her

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   12-30-05 09:24

Hello again,Tigger!! Nice tie! It is good that you have not given up in your efforts. Just remember that there are many,many venues out there that advertize women looking for men. Try many of them out. It seems to me that Matchdoctor has done a pretty good job of getting rid of the deadbeat women there. In the past few months they have taken what seems to be thousands of women out of their system. There are so many free dating sites--and mind you--you get what you pay for--and if you pay nothing--expect little also. I have paid again to be in this site--but it is the forum that I was,and mostly always have been interested in ( I am available for hire,New Dating. I will bring your little forum lots of conversation!! ) Here there are many women who,rather than outright scam,work with agencies which offer to interpret your letters for a fee. This fee is split with the women actually,as I am sure James could tell you ( by the way--hello again to James from Arkansas! ) There is a site which I have used in the past called Webdate. Often women will simply not answer you--which is better than being lured in for monetary gain. This is just one example of a free site which has fewer insincere women in it. I personally think the worst free site is Jumpdates.

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 Re: hi every body . i am back again in hope to find her

Author: Greg  (
Date:   12-31-05 06:42

It was a big shock for me too! I found my Russian wife online. The weekend after she received her US citizenship,(3 years) to the weekend. .....she left. I must not be as smart as I think I am, because 6 years after the fact, I am But for my story, I know a dozen others that were successful.

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 Re: hi every body . i am back again in hope to find her

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   12-31-05 08:31

I think it goes even deeper for the ladies than culture shock. My friend from Kirovohgrad could find the foods she wanted here,but the cabbage does not taste the same-the milk is not the same-the style and quality of clothes not the same (unless you pay much more for them). Americans do not have to live cloistered together,and her social structure changed. Friends here pop in to her home less often. She was lonely for them. She could not convey her cultural/emotional feelings adequately in english,and she clamored for the Ukrainian community in New York--eventually finding it. She had to learn how to drive an automobile. Who is not homesick for home-wherever that may be?

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 Re: hi every body . i am back again in hope to find her

Author: CharmingTiger  (
Date:   12-31-05 21:17

Gentelmen , the fact is that,, money is realy ruining the purity of beautiful emotions.Long time ago some families here reject the suitor who belongs to very wealthy family. They say when our girl lives in big luxurious palaces and among many servants then she will forget beautiful values and be away from religion.
I think this is true and the evidences are many.Many wealthy people commited suicide.
Many people run after money and forget them selves and just pass by the buities of life without feeling these beauties.They run after money for the sake of money and not for the sake of happiness.Some of them succeeded in achieving thier goal but they still ((psychologicaly poor)) because they still run after money to have more and more and they will still run after money till they die.

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 Re: hi every body . i am back again in hope to find her

Author: CharmingTiger  (
Date:   12-31-05 21:19

Gentelmen , the fact is that,, money is realy ruining the purity of beautiful emotions.Long time ago some families here reject the suitor who belongs to very wealthy family. They say when our girl lives in big luxurious palaces and among many servants then she will forget beautiful values and be away from religion.
I think this is true and the evidences are many.Many wealthy people commited suicide.
Many people run after money and forget them selves and just pass by the buities of life without feeling these beauties.They run after money for the sake of money and not for the sake of happiness.Some of them succeeded in achieving thier goal but they still ((psychologicaly poor)) because they still run after money to have more and more and they will continue run after money till they die.

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 Re: hi every body . i am back again in hope to find her

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   01-01-06 01:21

It seems like having a lot of money can buy more choices in life. But with more options come more responsibilities,and more poor choices. It is why our former president Jimmy Carter made the statement that wealthy people have a responsibility to be generous to others who are without. I am certain that communism==or communalism--or communal living was meant to be this way. All people would share equally in the work, rewards and wealth,and as such,there would be no economic ranks among people. We would all be the same. It is a beautiful idea gone bad because of selfish,greedy individuals who were ( and still are ) corrupted by the sight of so much money. A problem with government is that one man will see so much money in government,and think that he is not taking very much for himself. But when hundreds or thousands of men feel this same way,the amount of money stolen,squandered,or used for special privileges adds up to be an incredibly large amount of money.

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 Re: hi every body . i am back again in hope to find her

Author: Liliya  (195.158.19.---)
Date:   01-02-06 21:13

yes, we was meet on internet and 30 December was our wedding :)

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 Re: hi every body . i am back again in hope to find her

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   01-03-06 07:36

Congratulations Liliya!!!! You are the first I know of from this forum who has married! Best wishes to you and your lucky man!

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 Re: hi every body . i am back again in hope to find her

Author: James  (
Date:   01-07-06 18:22

To all of you looking for a Russian lady. Perhaps you should spend a lot of time to make sure that the personality of the lady is very suitable for you. I see quite a few of the ladies that have money #1 in their mind. But the most important is the personality and adaptability . There are many beautiful women that have their priorities right and there are many more girls that have them this way. #1 moving. #2 money. #3 right man. And if they don't have them right, then probably it won't work for
a long time. Just like in US ladies , a relationship needs to be correct.
There are many girls out there who only want to spend your money. I found that out in Kiev last week. And if that is the type of girl that you want to go highballing with a nice girl , let me tell you that they are wonderful . ha
But there are just as many girls who want a true relationship if they will find it. And that is what most people want, including me.

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 Re: hi every body . i am back again in hope to find her

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   01-07-06 18:34

I mostly forget about the stunningly beautiful women--especially if they are showing cleavage or dressed-down seductively in their revealing best-with few clothes on. I choose a pleasant looking woman who is conservatively dressed and down to earth. Big city women may never want a quiet,small town life. Small town ladies may never get their photos posted,or be in a dating site. It is the same in America,where women from Palm Springs,California,could never live in Spearfish,South Dakota--unless that is where they are from originally.

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 Re: hi every body . i am back again in hope to find her

Author: Dammy  (
Date:   01-27-06 13:51

I think its possibe if u go in there with a good heart and a clear conscience because thats wat u get in return. I wish u luck.

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