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 please help me understand

Author: Uri  (
Date:   11-21-05 06:45

is it realy difficult to get to a phone in Russia? it looks to me that it is ,or am I being manipulated ?

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 Re: please help me understand

Author: Yulia  (
Date:   11-21-05 11:07

Probably in some little siberian villages it is difficult, but not in the towns/cities where they have internet access to tell you this story. Even schoolchildren have mobile phones now, not to say about young girls who are students or work.

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 Re: please help me understand

Author: Farrel  (82.142.178.---)
Date:   11-21-05 16:15

Actually depends on where she's from.. Take any town 100 miles away from Moscow - and there probably half of the population don't have phones at home. Even in Moscow where I live at the moment. Its the biggest and by far most developed city in Russia, yet some people still have to do without a phone.

I knew a girl who had a mobile, yet couldn't afford to have a phone line installed at home. There's a 'procedure' with papers (as with anything here - the red tape is unbelievable) and it would cost a certain sum she was making a month. It was a torture dating her!! :) Coz she lived on the outskirts of the city and her mobile company wasn't Quite covering that area.. It was easier to just come by with a surprise visit, than try to talk over the phone LOL

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 Re: please help me understand

Author: Uri  (
Date:   11-22-05 05:25

Thank you Julia
Is there a public phone anywere,or in the post office were people can recive a phone call from the outside?I was in Russia last year for bussiness and did not pay any attention to that potential problem.

thanks Farrel.
you must be living in Russia,to be able to surrprise visit.but for the right woman I would be willing to do that from the US.

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 Re: please help me understand

Author: Elena  (
Date:   11-22-05 12:37

Uri, i believe if woman has dasire to talk on phone with you she can anyway arrange this phone talk - to find friends with phone at home, to agree time when you'll call her there, or at least she can talk with you from post office.

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 Re: please help me understand

Author: Uri  (
Date:   11-23-05 22:02

Hello, Elena,
Thank you. you reconferming to me what Yulia was saying.I get this great letters,but from some strange reason,I can't get a phone arrangment. Yulia is right, if you have an internet connection you would think that the town will have a phone. is it possible to get a public phone number there were I can call to ? or this phones don't have the option of receiving calls?

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 Re: please help me understand

Author: Elena  (
Date:   11-24-05 13:03

Hello Uri, as I know It's absolutely not a problem to receive a call even to cell phone here. ( I got myself calls on my mobile phone from another country). And as I know my friends got many times calls from abroad to home phone ( from her brother, who is in England now).
So you only need to be informed about phone number and suitable time of your call. I wish you success!

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 Re: please help me understand

Author: James  (
Date:   12-23-05 02:10

Oh yes u can call mobile phone in ukraine from usa or western europe and it costs same as regular call to land line

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 Re: please help me understand

Author: Uri  (
Date:   12-23-05 02:59

hay, thanks james, do people in the Ukraine need to pay for incoming calls?I know that with a cell you need to pay, but with a land line I am not sure about.can I call to a public phone so it dose not cost her any money?
thanks again for your help.

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 Re: please help me understand

Author: James  (
Date:   12-23-05 05:09

Uri No they dont pay for incoming calls so u can call a girl on a cell phone or to her home and it will cost the same for you, and will be free for her.

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 Re: please help me understand

Author: Uri  (
Date:   12-23-05 06:16

thank you james you have helped me a you know if the same thing gos for Russia?

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 Re: please help me understand

Author: James  (
Date:   12-24-05 02:29

It depends on the city. In Moscow it will be free to the girl, whereas in Murmansk they have to pay for it. So Russia is very hit and miss, and it depends upon the city. So if it is a big city like Moscow/St Petersburg it will deinitely be free to the girl.

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 Re: please help me understand

Author: Uri  (
Date:   12-25-05 01:14

thanks James you are the man ! you realy cleared it for me. Uri

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