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 Americans have to much money to be SCAMMERS.

Author: JeffS  (
Date:   10-10-05 08:16


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 Re: Americans have to much money to be SCAMMERS.

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   10-10-05 11:04

all people scam with improper intentions

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 Re: Americans have to much money to be SCAMMERS.

Author: JACOBRIO  (200.217.141.---)
Date:   10-10-05 17:18

hello jeffs beacuse the amnericans have to much money to be scammers this is the main reasen that to many russia and ukranins are in this sits lloking for some americans to send money i visit ukraine i only know americans man to send money to girls that does not even exsist i know many spanish italian and israeli clever man than never send money to girls before know tham and some ukranian poor girls only wont meet american man even he is old this girls know what they wont belive me if you wont stop this scammers or at list 50 procent of it be clever with the girls of of course that there are alot of ukranian and russian girls from this site that are good and srerios you just must be clever and not compain after to many scmmers in this site

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 Re: Americans have to much money to be SCAMMERS.

Author: Bonny  (
Date:   10-14-05 22:11

hahahahaha, there is such Russian expression: "it's impossible to have toooooooooooo much money!"... the more you have the more you want, need etc. ... so JeffS, your citizenship isn't proof you aren't scammer ;-P!

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 Re: Americans have to much money to be SCAMMERS.

Author: Watt  (
Date:   10-14-05 22:45

And an american expression to : Money doesnt buy happiness!!!

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 Re: Americans have to much money to be SCAMMERS.

Author: Liliya  (195.158.19.---)
Date:   10-14-05 22:59

and russian proverb to: Money doesn't buy health

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 Re: Americans have to much money to be SCAMMERS.

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   10-15-05 01:13

and the old bible proverb-- `Love` of money is the root of all evil. But it for certain buys more choices!!

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 Re: Americans have to much money to be SCAMMERS.

Author: Marcus  (
Date:   10-15-05 03:05

A rich man once said, "money can't buy happiness" The beggar on the street said, "then you've never been poor."

It is true, money can't buy happiness....but when you have none, many will do almost anything to survive....this still doesn't make it right.


THE rich man has his motor-car,
His country and his town estate.
He smokes a fifty-cent cigar
And jeers at Fate.

He frivols through the livelong day,
He knows not Poverty, her pinch.
His lot seems light, his heart seems gay;
He has a cinch.

Yet though my lamp burns low and dim,
Though I must slave for livelihood—
Think you that I would change with him?
You bet I would!

Franklin P. Adams

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 Re: Americans have to much money to be SCAMMERS.

Author: Bonny  (
Date:   10-15-05 20:54

Wow! It's really. Russian also say: "Money can't buy happyness... but it's much better to cry from unhappy life in own Mercedes, than in public tram..." :)

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 Re: Americans have to much money to be SCAMMERS.

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   10-16-05 00:25

It is better to cry for the unhappy life of other unfortunate people,and to feel blessed for every single comfort we so often take for granted.

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 Re: Americans have to much money to be SCAMMERS.

Author: Bonny  (
Date:   10-16-05 14:46

It's better to be happy in anyway... because LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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