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 I guess you are the subject really--

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   08-03-05 07:07

And you know who you are---addicted from the sensation of your first orgasm,you play different people who resemble the image of the perfect lover in your mind. Preoccupied by sexual gratification,and not truly interested in a mutual relationship--only one that meets you on your own terms. Not caring that you are cared for,and not returning affection,attention or warmth from another real,live,breathing human being who sincerely gives to you what you so often ask for --but then reject. So you are 20 something? A mass of knowledge--book and school knowledge,and now the student of carnal knowledge--just another child with big people words who only wants to get fu***d by as many people as possible so that you can revisit the orgasm again and again. Remember that dogs do it--snails do it--even a couple of rats do it--that`s the story of love. I did not invent this story--nor did you,but do not pretend that you are oblivious to what is real,and naive to what is not. It is a facade--a charade to claim that you seek what is always within your reach--then disclaimer it when it is as obvious as the nose on your face.

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 Re: I guess you are the subject really--

Author: Gabriel Magana  (
Date:   08-03-05 07:21

Err.... Are you angry at someone?

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 Re: I guess you are the subject really--

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   08-03-05 08:06

Gabe,I wrote for no person in particular. I hope that people will examine themselves and their intentions. On this,or any forum,you will read about the insincerity of people in the quest for mutual affinity. The trouble is that so many have pre-conceived notions about this,and the person they look for they will not recognize because of some blemish or characteristic that differs from their ideal. Most people do form a pattern in their outline or "stencil" of the person they want to be with. It is a pattern which will present itself time and time again. And although they say they are looking for a particular charicteristic ,they really only see what they want to see. Usually they end up with the same person over and over again--oblivious to the pattern of relations which they repeat. I would rather have one very good friend then many mediocre and insincere friends,but mediocrity and insincerity seem to be the norm,rather then the exception. It is a subject I think much about now,because people tend to communicate,then disappear for no apparent reason. And yes,this does piss me off. Being ignored or abandoned is something that when you do experience it--you never forget it.

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 Re: I guess you are the subject really--

Author: Elena  (
Date:   08-03-05 15:04

Blaine, it's a pity that we are really often faced with this that people tend to communicate, then disappear for no apparent reason.
But maybe this person don't have possibility to contact you for some days?...Such happened some times with me too, that after obvious interests, exchanging letters and after nice phone talks person disappeared, then connected me in some time (in two-three weeks or even month) and told that he is interested...
I believe that if people feel real interest to each other and some "spark" between them even during correspondence ( before real meeting), they have desire to keep in touch every day. And I am sure that it's better to arrange real meeting as soon as possible that don't feed yourself with some illusion.

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 Re: I guess you are the subject really--

Author: Mixtli  (
Date:   08-03-05 17:27

Blaine, and they only show to you what they want you to know, and as I answered to you on a different thread, I completely agree with you: it is so easy to fake the real you over the internet in order to try to get what you want... what the heck, people fake their personalities even in real life... Just read at all the profiles –including mine- what a bunch of perfect people you find around here, no? ;-)

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 Re: I guess you are the subject really--

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   08-04-05 02:05

I do not reflect a profile of illusions--rather I write what it is I expect from a woman,and if this is too much for a selfish "ME me ME me" woman,then so be it. I make no claim to perfection. In my profile I say it like it is--and if being a dreaming romantic says to a woman that I am merely sleeping--so be it too. I have more reasons then beauty and tradition in my search. I am a unique man,and if that is not noticed in 3 or 4 letters,then it is a dumb or blind woman that I am communicating with. Some things you just cannot fake,Mix. You cannot fake being educated. This ruse will wear out too quickly. You cannot fake flowers and snail mail packages with photos of your familiy,friends,homeland, and photos made expressly for the woman. If you send a woman 20 photos,and she has only this to say,"they are nice" then she is the fraud,because she did not wonder who the friend was in the photo,or make a comment that you have your mother`s looks,or that the cactus she seen in the photo is different then anything she has ever seen before. Trust and intimacy are dependent on growth,but a man can call a woman 3 times a week,and she may never call back,because she has other motives that you are not included in. This is the "need to know" woman--who lures men in and then retreats when he becomes too close to knowing her..

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 Re: I guess you are the subject really--

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   08-04-05 02:11

Elena,you are a kind and optimistic woman. I am also quite hopeful and optimistic by nature. But here is the scenario. She ( lives in Almaty ) makes 3 trips to Moscow in 1 month? Some people just think I am stupid. It has been almost 3 weeks now since my self-proclaimed "yours only" has contacted me. This is a game and I know it. No person does this to any friend--if they are truly a friend. I would not break off communications with anybody like this--by just ignoring them or disappearing. But it happens here on this forum,and it happens everywhere else too. No amount of complaining will change the insincerity of a self-serving person.

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 Re: I guess you are the subject really--

Author: Elena  (
Date:   08-04-05 13:08

Blaine, I was keeping corresponding with one my good friend for two years, a month ago he told that had some problems and can not connect me for some time. Such as I know him as noble open-minded honest man
( we met in person), I respect him enough and believe that he has some obstacles, what prevents to connect me on regular basis, as usually. But in your case you can feel better person with whom you keep corresponding, can you trust her or no…
Such is nature of communication in Internet, that we need to have a lot of patience and be optimistic!

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 Re: I guess you are the subject really--

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   08-04-05 13:56

It is so true that everybody could use a little more patience,me included. I do not believe that overnight romances usually succeed. True relations take time. I appreciate your optimism,Elena.

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 Re: I guess you are the subject really--

Author: john  (
Date:   08-04-05 14:31

Can we put this soap opera to music?

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 Re: I guess you are the subject really--

Author: Mixtli  (
Date:   08-04-05 15:26

Only if you dance :)

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 Re: I guess you are the subject really--

Author: Mixtli  (
Date:   08-04-05 15:40

Definitely, there are some things you cannot fake, but it is very easy to pretend being someone different, or mislead the other person. People can hide things… even in real life… people can hide if they are married or not, their real age, their appearance, the things they like to do (most of the times they will like what you like), the heck, there is people than can fake being a different gender… of course, there are thing that cannot be fake, but, thanks to internet anonymity, most people tell others only what they want others to know, and the way they want others to know.

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