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 Desperate men look for woman not in their own countries,

Author: JeffS  (
Date:   07-18-05 16:12


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 Re: Desperate men look for woman not in their own countries,

Author: James  (
Date:   07-18-05 20:36

Not desperate !!!!!!!!! Maybe you are, but i am not.

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 Re: Desperate men look for woman not in their own countries,

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   07-18-05 22:30

Desperate for what? A woman? If you do not have enough panache to attract an American woman,I seriously doubt your ability to charm an FSU woman

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 Re: Desperate men look for woman not in their own countries,

Author: James  (
Date:   07-19-05 04:27

Agreed - So Jeff you can't attract any FSU girls?

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 Re: Desperate men look for woman not in their own countries,

Author: Lance  (
Date:   07-19-05 16:53

Probably true.

Desperate men bring home green card girls. Others take their time and try to find the Right Girl, not just any girl. Anyone can bring home a foreign bride. Just go to Lugansk. Whether she is still there after day 731 is another matter altogether.....

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 Re: Desperate men look for woman not in their own countries,

Author: Roy  (
Date:   07-23-05 00:53

Wow, Unfortunatly for me it is not desperation, it is finding woman that are more old fashioned. I have a hell of a time with US women because they have been "corrupted" by MTV and other things into being submissive to the point that THEY LET THE MOST AGGRESSIVE PLAYER CHOOSE WHO THEY SLEEP WITH in many cases. I have went to many night clubs, hangouts, meeting places and tried the old fashion buy a drink, conversation and a few dances without trying to become an octopus. Well, It seems women are under the assumption that if you do not try to touch them everywhere in the first half hour or take them home the same day you meet them, then you are not really interested. Unfortunatly, I lost many potential women this way to players who took them home and the next week they where trying to pick me up.. Gee, i wouldn't look twice after they gave themself away so fast. Many actually said I wanted to you to see what you more missing.. (Well, should I think all women want this type of aggressiveness?)

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 Re: Desperate men look for woman not in their own countries,

Author: Roy  (
Date:   07-23-05 01:06

What women need to know is that "dogs" will be "dogs" even after they go home with them.. And then they keep holding out for a more agressive dog thinking that agressiveness means love... And they wonder why they get used and hurt.. They need find a "puppy" because he will usually stay that way..

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 Re: Desperate men look for woman not in their own countries,

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   07-23-05 17:35

It is a weird thing about American women. They want a gentle man who has a rough edge,one who is passive but will also take control. A nice guy,but one who will put them in their place. It is no wonder there are so many homosexuals. Being a woman`s man is confusing!!

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 Re: Desperate men look for woman not in their own countries,

Author: James  (
Date:   07-23-05 21:28

For one of few times i must agree with Blaine. Being from England and having been married and divorced to american girl for 2.5 years, every day of our relations i was in a state of complete confusion and not knowing where i stood. For our 2nd wedding anniversary i took her to Paris, Venice, London and Heidelberg for romantic break, and when we came back, she said to me" my father says i can do better than you. " Thats an example of what american women are like.

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 Re: Desperate men look for woman not in their own countries,

Author: Lance  (
Date:   07-23-05 22:05

James, I have known Russian women like this too. They exist in every culture. The trick is to see that side of their character before you become serious with them.

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 Re: Desperate men look for woman not in their own countries,

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   07-23-05 23:27

If you are too much of a gentleman,women think you are a girly-man. Some women just need a good spanking sometimes ;o)

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 Re: Desperate men look for woman not in their own countries,

Author: James  (
Date:   07-24-05 00:45

I am sorry lance but i think its alot more common in USA than elsewhere. Try living in different countries around the world, and you will see the differences.

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 Re: Desperate men look for woman not in their own countries,

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   07-24-05 03:26

If a man is too nice,women may think him to be boring--unexciting. To have passion is one thing--but to be adventurous and playful is another. I am not a rough man necessarily,but I become bored easily,so I must have physical activities and adventures. If not,I feel that life is a monotonous circle of work,eat and sleep,then work again. It is more of a challenge here in Phoenix,because the heat prohibits many activities. It has been 115 fahrenheit ( what is that in centigrade--46?)

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 Re: Desperate men look for woman not in their own countries,

Author: Lance  (
Date:   07-24-05 05:12

Cheers James. I've lived an travled to nearly 30 countries on 4 different continents. Where, where do you not find women attracted to wealth? Please tell me, and I will be moving there tomorrow! :)

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 Re: Desperate men look for woman not in their own countries,

Author: James  (
Date:   07-24-05 08:26

So Lance why are you not married to american woman right now, why are you on this website which is pretty much full of eastern european women?

My answer is that "all" my american and canadian guy friends are happily married to foreign girls, and none found happiness in US, only divorce, bankruptcy and misery.

Oh yes i have lived in 5 countries (England, Ireland, USA, Netherlands and Belize) and travelled to over 50 countries in my life so far, and i see differences between women there and the USA.

Cant we change the topic to something more positive :)

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 Re: Desperate men look for woman not in their own countries,

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   07-24-05 09:05

I do service work,Lance,and I meet some of these spoiled and wealthy ( and rotten as Liliya said) people. I was in a home a week ago where all of the young children had their own laptop computers. I owned my first ( tube type) black and white television when I was 14. And I bought it myself. AT this time I also worked at a peat packing warehouse.I made 1.30 USD an hour for a man`s work. ANd living with my grandma,as many young women from FSU do.I am fond of women who are old enough to have worked in Communist Russia--digging for potatoes,preserving cabbage,working in state-owned collective farms. My dad`s mama was made from the same stuff as these women--tough,versatile,hardworking,resourceful. To know hardship is to experience the very depth of life and it`s shortcomings--and if it cause a few more wear lines in my face-I would perceive it is heaven sent. We are here to experience life in it`s greatest joys and sorrows.. As the world becomes slowly westernized,countries fall in love with the ideas of capitalism ( rotten spoiled greed ) It is only since 1991 that the full impact of independence came to these countries. Plenty of the women who came from the traditionalist Russians and ukrainians are still present. And they are markedly different then many young women. WOmen who roam the profiles of this site,for example,and demanding,difficult,precocious women that make us men yearn for a fundamentalist wife.

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 Re: Desperate men look for woman not in their own countries,

Author: Liliya  (195.158.19.---)
Date:   07-24-05 10:50

Dear friends, about what you are talking here? Who has told that wealth can to be instead true feelings? You are so much and beautifully talking here.... but I think that many women from FSU will agree with me: we have wealth insufficiently, but we have enough a pride.... we have a good school of life, educations, many different things we can to do with own hands, we can have income and $ 30 per month and $3000....:) and even if we have the minimal income we are looking like queens..... Do You want to know why? Because ALL WHAT WE NEED IS LOVE.....:) yes, sure I mean true, honest women only...

best regards, Liliya

P.S. I am sorry for my english.... :)

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 Re: Desperate men look for woman not in their own countries,

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   07-24-05 11:17

John Lennon--all we need is love. Everybody! All we need is luba!

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 Re: Desperate men look for woman not in their own countries,

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   07-24-05 11:21

I am bad. I believe in communalism. I hope you won`t think I am communist,although I love the idea of people working for the same cause. Liliya,it is so different here. I know I was born in the wrong time and country. In the 1950s USA I would have been shot. Some people truly believe that the person who dies with the most toys wins. I believe that people forget where they come from

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 Re: Desperate men look for woman not in their own countries,

Author: Roy  (
Date:   07-24-05 20:49

Gee, I have sufficient time in the military and drive the new redesigned Grand Prix that gets comments and looks everywhere in Europe I drive. The Frech especially liked it and normally they don't like to talk to Americans. I have many computers, more stuff than I can store but my problem is I don't act like a self important, king of the block money loaded-player. I agree that it is mostly American and it seems German women too who go for a man that will do anything (immoral or illegal!) to take what he wants. I see it everyday and I also watch the women that are "taken" be thrown to the curb and they still look for the next big dog player. I see women from simpler cultures as more family women and less impressed by a mans ego. Of course their are exceptions. Unfortunatly (Liliya), I truly beleive Western women mistake animilistic mating aggression and extreme self importance for love. And they keep going back trying to convince themselves that aggression is love. I even watch as they are insulted and degraded but then try to please that man more with physical offerings..

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 Re: Desperate men look for woman not in their own countries,

Author: Lance  (
Date:   07-25-05 05:42

"So Lance why are you not married to american woman right now, why are you on this website which is pretty much full of eastern european women?"

It's a fair question James, and I'll answer it. In the years I've been an observer/participant of this process, I see and know men who would say, all women from Country X are terrible. You name the country. These men have a mission, and that is to marry a Russian woman. These poor deluded men are of the opinion that a women who doesn't speak his language will be The Answer to his relationship problems. Unfortunately, it rarely works that way. Saying All Women Are .... whatever.... is a clear indication that the problem lies with the guy who looks back at you from the mirror every morning.

As for me, I really don't care if I marry a Russian, an Eskimo or a Watusi. If she's right for me, then that's good enough.

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 Eskimo dating sites

Author: James  (
Date:   07-26-05 05:38

That doesnt answer the question Lance - so why are you on this site that specilaizes just in eastern european women, when you make it clear you would marry anyone from anywhere including an eskimo? I am just being curious. Why arent you on a more general site like or which has women from every country in the world?

Ok i think most of the men on this site (who you clearly infer are deluded) inc myself are different than you, since we look for eastern european women (not necessarily just russian) and i am sorry but i am from England and having been brought up in a european culture, i seek someone that has similar ideals and values to myself (meaning christian values that doesnt go to church and bible study), and i feel that i have a better chance of finding this somewhere in Europe, though there is a slim possibility that i may find it in the USA.

You also infer that it is the man that has relationship problems, not the female, and thats why men seek russian women. I disagree with you, i think its the women that have the relationship problems, as they are the ones that constantly change their minds about what they want from life.

The world is a changing place (esp in USA) and the traditional norm of a woman staying at home and looking after kids has changed, and now it is common place for the man to stay at home and look after kids. I know of 4 examples of this just from my work alone. Whats wrong with guys like myself looking for a traditional old fashioned relationship?

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 Re: Desperate men look for woman not in their own countries,

Author: jbowe  (
Date:   07-26-05 17:48

Don't knock Eskimos James. lol I was raised in Alaska and some of the prettyiest women I ever met were eskimo women in their teens and early 20's. Wouldn't want one after that but they really are great people. All I know is I am not desperate nor am I lonely. I am just alone but that has been by choice. Career obligation's were never conducive to a marriage so I remained single. But on the other hand american women really do turn me off. They for the most part have bad attitudes, have forgotten how a man needs to be treated, and basically have become to competitive. Thats the main reason for the break down of the family in this country. What they seem to not be able to grasp is that when they demanded to be treated as equals, joined the work force and demanded equal rights and oppertunities they took what were traditional male jobs and careers to the point where it actual had an adverse reaction. It drove down wages, left kids to fend for them selves and turned this country into one where it now takes two to be able to live the way they could on one income prior to the womens movement. That is why I search over seas. I want a wopmen that knows shes a women and will support and not demand. Whether that will last after shes been here a few years and become americanized only time will tell. But for the immediate future it will be a wonderful thing and hopefully she will be happy enough to just remain the way I found found her to begin with.

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 Re: Desperate men look for woman not in their own countries,

Author: James  (
Date:   07-26-05 18:29

jbowe - actually i fully agree with your views on women in the states, women here are very competitive, and if one man does not give them what they want they will move on and find another that will.

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 Re: Desperate men look for woman not in their own countries,

Author: James  (
Date:   07-28-05 09:49

I think that Lance does have some valid viewpoints on women. I agree with James that a CSI lady can easily capture your attention. I have met them and there can be a wonderful attraction that is hard to resist as a whole. But I also have met a girl that was from Ukraine and had been living in US for a couple years and she was on a fiancee visa with a guy, but met another man and then they decided to marry with another fiancee visa for the girl . She already had become an American woman in my opinion. And she also had developed a lot of cuss words and frankly I was kind of turned off by all that .
My point that American women probably get the bad press and there are a lot of nice ones. I believe that in two years of living in a new country , that a girl will adapt to the new customs and traditions, good or bad. So there needs to be something wonderful in a relationship from the beginning that will continue to be exciting, romantic, loving, and caring.

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 Re: Desperate men look for woman not in their own countries,

Author: James  (
Date:   07-29-05 04:29

I think american women deserve the bad press. My english friends have all had bad experiences with american women, part of it is their casual nature and the multiple dating thing is not normal outside USA.

But to change the subject - it depends upon the girl. One of my best friends has been married to a german girl now for over 4 years, and she has not become americanized. Her english has become better, but she focuses on looking after their son, doing housework, shopping and so has no close american female friends, so she has remained the same. And yes i met her the first day that she met my friend, and she hasnt changed one bit.

Also, another friend is married to s korean girl for 3 years, she hasnt changed either, and once again she spends all her time with my friend, and has no american friends, that influence her, and my friend does not treat her good, but she is still loyal.

If you bring a woman over and she spends all her time hanging out with local women, then they will give her advice - saying he doesnt treat you good, and you should find someone better, or you deserve this or not.

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 Re: Desperate men look for woman not in their own countries,

Author: Roy  (
Date:   07-30-05 00:02

Wow, this kinda explains what happened with my wife. She is from Central America. Her and her parents never could afford a car. She knew almost nothing of computers. They had a tiny house with barely a single light bulb and very little possessions. I married her and now she has her own car, computer, more clothes than I ever had, knows how to use yahoo, MSN and is quite good on the computer. But now we are getting a divorce because nothing makes her happy and she is always complaining about something. Doesn't work, doesn't speak English after 8 years and her friends have taught her how to use the US military to almost hold me hostage.
She was not all like this when I married her. It took years of training and now she knows how to use man like the best of them..

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 Re: Desperate men look for woman not in their own countries,

Author: Nadya  (
Date:   07-30-05 09:41

Hard case. Roy, she was always so, only you were blind, because you loved her. But a bad expierense is a expierense, too.

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 Re: Desperate men look for woman not in their own countries,

Author: Roy  (
Date:   07-30-05 13:12

Dear Nadya, She was not always like this because she lived such a simple life and KNEW nothing of the US Military or how to use the US military against her husband. She admitted in arguments what some of here friends from Panama, Puerto Rico and Spanish Americans told her to do.
She never had enough to be materialistic in her home country. She came from a very simple peasant-like village who knew little of the "riches" of elsewhere. It was like winning the lottery almost. If you suddenly were handed more than you dreamed of, you would take it for granted and it would take very little bad advice to even demand more.. For example, she claims the military would make me live in a barracks instead of a nice apartment with her if she left me.(information from her friends). She tried to threaten me with this even though I know at my rank and time in the military, I would have my own apartment regardless of if I was married or not.
I went to marriage counseling alone and she went to "war college" with her freinds"

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