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 Light hearted story time.

Author: James  (
Date:   05-10-05 06:39

I liked this joke that a girl sent to me. Maybe we can get a bit of light hearted humor in here for a change.

So There were 3 turtles Slava the oldest was 375 yrs. Nikita was 250 and the youngest Joseph 100yrs, they decided to go on a picnic they packed the lunch in a basket and began the long journey up the mountain walking 2 weeks 8 weeks, 3 months, 6 months till they found a beautiful place over looking the whole valley, they sat down and opened the basket only to find that no one had packed the beer, Slava looked at Nikita and Nikita looked at Joseph, Joseph said “no! no1 I am not going back for the beer“, but Slava and Nikita convinced him that he was the youngest and fastest and that they promised not to eat any of the food for lunch until he returned, Joseph asked Slava and Nikita again for the promise and they assured him, not to worry they would wait until he returned, so Joseph took off down the mountain and Slava and Nikita sat on the rocks and waited 2 months 6 months 1 year , two years, finally Slava said Nikita, I am getting hungry, I do not think Joseph is coming back let us eat the lunch, so they opened the basket and just then Joseph popped up from behind a rock. And said” I knew that you would eat the lunch with out me and for that reason I did not go down the mountain to get the beer.

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 Re: Light hearted story time.

Author: tann  (
Date:   05-11-05 00:00

Fidel Kastro got a Galapagos turtle as a gift for his birthday.
- How long do they live? – he asks
- 300 years.
- Oh, what a pity! It is always the same, once you become to be attached to them, they die…


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 Re: Light hearted story time.

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   05-11-05 07:40

A man walks into a bar and sees some men and a dog playing poker at a table. Astonished at seeing the dog,he says to one of the men,"That dog must be pretty smart!!" The man says,"Not really. He wags his tail every time he gets good cards."

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 Re: Light hearted story time.

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   05-11-05 07:45

A man lay dying in his bed in the upstairs of his house. He smells the delicious odor of chocolate chip cookies that his wife is baking downstairs. These are his favorite cookie,so he crawls and slides down the stairs to the kitchen. He sees the warm cookies laying on the table,and reaches for one. His wife slaps his hand and says,"Stay out of those cookies! Those are for the funeral!"

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 Re: Light hearted story time.

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   05-11-05 07:53

There is a woman who can not get her lazy husband to make any repairs in their home. Their washing machine breaks down,and she asks him to repair it. He says to her."Who do you think I am,the Maytag Man?" So later,when the toilet is not working,she asks him to repair it and he says,"So,now you think I am Mr. Plumber!" So when the television stops working,she decides to hire a television service man to make the repairs. When her husband sees the TV is working,he asks the wife what she paid to have it repaired. She says to him,"The TV repairman told me I could cook him a nice pie,or sleep with him." The husband asks her,"So what kind of pie did you bake?" She looks at him and says,"Who do you think I am,Betty Crocker?"

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 Re: Light hearted story time.

Author: Terry  (
Date:   06-12-05 13:20

Paddy walks into a bar looking really fed up, his friend Sean says "whats wrong with you Paddy" he says in return " Jesus Sean my brother gave me some water skis for my birthday, and I've been to every lake in Ireland, theres not one with a slope on it"""

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 Re: Light hearted story time.

Author: Terry  (
Date:   06-12-05 13:27

An American goes to Ireland for a two weeks fishing holiday, everyday he goes out with the boatman Paddy and everyday it rains and he does not catch a single fish. On the very last day the sun comes out and he finally catches a fish!! he turns to Paddy and says " Paddy do you know this fish has cost me $10,000" , Paddy replies "sure sir aren't you lucky you didn't catch two""

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 Re: Light hearted story time.

Author: Andrew  (
Date:   06-29-05 14:37

A guy walks into a bar and was surprised to see a grasshopper sitting and drinking a beer. The man walks over to the grasshopper and says " hey did you know they named a drink after you"

The grasshopper replies - "What!! is there a drink called Leroy?"

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