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 What is it that I'm doing wrong?

Author: Shivangi  (---.kd.ny.adsl)
Date:   09-17-09 14:19 r u baby
can we be a frend baby

my mobaile number

This is the standard message I receive *disgusted* Today I feel sarcastic and irritable and have finally decided to do something to change thsi situation because I'm serious about marriage and cannot just let it be.

Well, To begin with I am very new to the idea of dating -online or otherwise. I say 'idea' because I am quite shy and was a nerd throughout my academic life :) I can be painfully honest which is something I am trying to curb given the way I have seen men react to something which imho is perfectly normal.

I am an educated lady with a good familial background and due to some very unfortunate circumstances I have had to seek divorce from my husband. I was married for such a short time it felt like a blur but something that etched some very painful memories in my soul. I am just seeking a mate to share my life with, grow old with and hear a child's laughter with.

I have posted a profile on a few sites on a friend's insistence as I rarely have the time to socialise given the fact that I am a student and am working at the same time. I don't know what I'm doing wrong but if you have an opinion that is sensible I would love to hear it.

I get men who are:
* the type above who send vulgar trash or become extremely rude when refused.
* too old (though I am very flexible about age - I DO have a limit. I don't intend to play shopping-mate to your daughter as old as me. I was married to an older man and I DO know, thankyouverymuch).
* with children from previous marriages (a personal preference because I don't believe in shared affections, call it what you may).
* without a decent level of English (sorry, but communication is the cornerstone of all relationships).

If you have to be rude please spare me. However, I just wanted to let out a bit of steam and though I belive that my foot is firmly planted in my mouth I would be calling anyone who is serious about marriage.


P.S.: If you have really read through all that, thanks.

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 Re: What is it that I'm doing wrong?

Author: Dale  (
Date:   10-09-09 18:22

Well you could post a better set of Photo's for one thing !
No one can see who you are in this Photo .
If you don't know by now men are very interested in your looks first then other things fallow .
And post Photo's not done professionaly so we know you are not some dating scam marriage agency .

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 Re: What is it that I'm doing wrong?

Author: Shivangi  (219.91.248.---)
Date:   10-10-09 14:51

lol if the men are just that shallow then I guess I quit.

I don't want anyone to like/dislike me for just my looks (or lack thereof). I'm not judging anyone and saying they are shallow for asking for a picture but I guess basing EVERYTHING on a picture is kinda.... shallow (lack of a better word).

I do know people who would stop writing if they don't like what you look like. And no, I have never received such treatment myself because I am picky about whom I write and/or respond to.

So if you're one of those who asks for a picture before any kind of talk - no, thank you. I just don't see how such people can be gentlemen - sorry but that's my opinion.


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 Re: What is it that I'm doing wrong?

Author: Shivangi  (
Date:   10-14-09 17:50

Guess the vulgar messages I get from this site speaks for itself that the apparent lack of a profile photo doesn't deter some people at least.

Did it ever strike you Dale or whatever you are, that I may be a bit too mature to fall for that? Old trick buddy, being rude is going to gain you no ground with me.

Actually, judging by previous posts on this forum I guess you need a whole lot more than luck. And of course if you got a cent for every time you cry "scam!" you'd be leading the Forbes list.

I will NOT reply to any more posts to by the likes of you. If my profile does not appeal to certain people, there is a X button at the top-right of your screen.

Lay the insult on thicker Dale. The only person who'll be making a spectacle is you.

Best Regards,

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 Re: What is it that I'm doing wrong?

Author: Dale  (
Date:   10-18-09 18:06

Your a funny girl !
I don't have any interest in you what so ever !
I only date women from Eastern Europe ( Ukraine - Moldova - Romania and maybe from time to time a sweet Russian lady I have dated .
Where I live now in the U.S we have hundreds of women living here from India I see every day and they don't impress me on bit !
Sorry to blow your over inflated bubble your the hottest women on the planet that every man wants just you !

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 Re: What is it that I'm doing wrong?

Author: Shivangi  (
Date:   10-18-09 18:51

Mr. Dale,

Unfortunately I cannot return the compliment for your humour.

Paranoia and bitterness make cold bedfellows.

I don't understand why you bother spewing venom on someone who hasn't bothered with your profile or even professed undying love for you. I don't understand also why you visit my profile everyday - haunting or stalking tendencies??

I have enough male attention not to need yours.


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 Re: What is it that I'm doing wrong?

Author: Notice: Undefined variable: new_dat  (112.203.142.---)
Date:   10-02-10 08:58

It's good Shivangi that you don't let people like Dale bother you.. I can't understand why he would be so bitter about your profile?? I NEVER send out pics to guys until I have sent many messages back and forth.. some guys expect naked pics on their first message.. these guys are just scumbags that have no interest in the girl..

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