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 What does it mean?...

Author: Ksusha  (82.200.250.---)
Date:   06-09-06 06:41

At last I met my "Fairy Prince"... I met him on this site... we were communicating for a long time via e-mail, phone, msn... at last after whole eternity we met in Moscow... He appeared great... really nice, good-looking, attentive, tender... but... he doesn't know what he wants... he says "I need time..." .... again... what does it mean?... doesn't he like me?... or what?... ppl, how do you think?...

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 Re: What does it mean?...

Author: Lorentz  (
Date:   06-09-06 07:10

Ksusha; - In helping you determine the best possible "guess" as to the disposition of your "Fairy"- perhaps you could answer a question. - Were you the first or the last woman he had scheduled to meet on his vacation to Moscow ?? - In your reply, do not answer that you were the only one unless you personally picked him up from and dropped him off at the airport, and can account for all the time he was on the ground, and that the plane he left on had no other "stop-overs" in another FSU city.

My thought is that he was certain that he liked you before he made the trip, but the amount of time you actually spent together ( which you also did not state, - or as to the degree or "quality" of this time ) might indicate that he might just have another "stop" or two left on his travel itinerary.

Your friendly neighborhood Viking.

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 Re: What does it mean?...

Author: Ksusha  (82.200.250.---)
Date:   06-09-06 07:19

I was only who he met in Moscow... I met him at airport and went with him to say "Good-bye"... we spent together whole days and he came to Russia just to meet me...

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 Re: What does it mean?...

Author: Sam  (
Date:   06-09-06 09:23


I hope you will take what anyone says here as only a possible explanation: we are only guessing here. I say this because as I am about to offer my guess I worry that I may be placing a thought in your head that does not belong there.

You did not explain what you mean with “he doesn’t know what he wants.” I can only assume this means you know what you want and he does not want the same- at least now. What is it that you want and what do you expect him to want at this point? Also, what IS he doing differently now after he met you? Have your relations progressed? If he is calling you often, speaks warmly to you, writes romantic letters but is not talking about marriage, he may be among the rare Americans who is not impulsive and wants time to develop more serious feelings. If on the other hand, he seems to avoid speaking of warm feeling toward you, or if the contact level has dropped, then you are right to be concerned. There are signs you can look for: is he the one who wants to end most of the conversations when on the phone; does he talk about returning; does he volunteer ideas about what he feels or thinks about you, missing you, thinking about you, or does he wait to be asked. These are important clues that tell you if he is avoiding or delayng a commitment of feelings to you.

American men are known in Russia to be very impulsive; I heard this many times from Russian girls that Americans ask to get married after a couple of meetings. I happen to be very different; I need months of contact before I mention fiancée visa or marriage. This is because I want time to get to know the other person. But of course I will never say, “I don’t know what I want.” On the other hand it is also possible he is like two Americans I personally know: men who are simply dating and having romantic adventures. They are not after sex; they are after spawning of romantic adventures they will not commit themselves to once the girl is ready. It is an illness I have seen a few times among foreign men coming to Russia. When such a man has already been intimate with a young emotionally open lady, he typically says “he doesn’t know what he wants,” because it is easier to say this than anything else. Frankly, “I don’t know what I want,” is not a good sign. It usually means something else, and in my opinion people who say this are pushing the other person’s interest away, either temporarily or permanently.

The important thing is not to measure his interest in you through the prism of your disappointment that he does not want what you want at this time. Only you can know this: if he acts interested in staying in touch, but doesn’t know what he wants other than seeing you again, you should give him time. If a month goes by without his mentioning meeting again, then I think you have your answer. In other words, he should at the very least know what he wants in terms of when to see you next. As you wait for now, remember if he senses your despair or even worry, he will pull back from a feeling of guilt even if he’s interested in you. Then you will never know if he pulled back from lack of interest in you or because he was afraid of hurting you. For now, control your attachment, relax, be upbeat in your dealings with him, do not show more interest than he does, and read the clues.

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 Re: What does it mean?...

Author: Ksusha  (82.200.250.---)
Date:   06-09-06 09:41

Thank you, Sam...

I say that he doesn't know what he wants... he says "I need time... I thought everything would be much simplier..." before meeting he said about marriage as soon as possible, but now he needs time... but he looked very interested in me... never met better man, more tender, more attentive...

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 Re: What does it mean?...

Author: Sam  (
Date:   06-09-06 10:24


Again, it is difficult to read into this with short replies from you. He says he needs time for what? If he means for marriage declaration, I understand that, but if he says this about seeing you again, then I am afraid he may be slowly and gently trying to end it. I could understand this if he were a young European man from Switzerland, Sweden, or Finland. This is not strange behavior for them and not so alarming – they think everything to death before they do something; but this is not typical of Europeans from the South or Americans. It would help if you wrote with more details: his culture, his age, if there IS STILL affection, warmth, regular contact and so on, and how your contact is different since he said goodbye. You can’t focus entirely on the one statement of “I don’t know what I want …. I thought things would be simpler.” Both in your reply and in your mind you need to stop focusing on the one statement and review other things in your dealings; only then can you know the context and real meaning of the statement.

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 Re: What does it mean?...

Author: Ksusha  (82.200.250.---)
Date:   06-09-06 10:44

Maybe... but I have very high level of self-cricicism and think "He doesn't like me!" and wanna cry... he is American from the USA of 40... but he has kids... much responsibility... don't know what to think... maybe it was mistake to meet man on-line... feel so sad...

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 Re: What does it mean?...

Author: Sam  (
Date:   06-09-06 11:22

Clearly you are in much pain over this. It is also clear that the pain in this situation is rooted not only in his unclear approach to you but also in your own past – the reasons for your self-criticism. In my contact with Russian women I have known that for many of them suffering is an expected component of love and at times a testimony to it: “If I am suffering, then I must be in love.” Truly, those who have self love would not suffer in this way, and their romantic feelings for a man who lacks their enthusiasm and desires would diminish; for a woman who lacks self-love, the absence of his enthusiasm only inflames her affection for him.

The love AND suffering of such women has more to do with their past, their self-doubts, all rooted in their upbringing & key events in their past. Sometimes people suffer in these situations not because they search for love of another, but because they seek self-love by validation from the love of another. I think this combination of his doubts and your urgent need for validation is a tragic one: it allows him the luxury of doubting and waiting since you are his completely; and his doubting and waiting only in turn inflame your need for his feelings. I cannot tell you why he is ambivalent; but I can tell you this is not something you are ready to deal with. I have some other things to say to you that I must first think about. I may address some of it to you privately, if you wish; otherwise I will post on the forum because there has been a long time since we had real issues about real feelings aired out on these threads. For now I recommend that you think less about him and more about your childhood and past relations. I think you should go to sleep now; it is past midnight where you live! Good night!

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 Re: What does it mean?...

Author: Smiling  (
Date:   06-09-06 13:01

Ksusha, it is much better for you to ask your man,what his words mean.
If I were you, I would ask. When people love each other they can speak and disscuss all. Don't worry,be confident person.

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 Re: What does it mean?...

Author: Smiling  (
Date:   06-09-06 13:23

Ksusha, tell honestly, are you waiting to get proposal to get married from every man, with who you meet in REAl life? I think no. Why do think, that a man, who you know sometime in Internet and who you know just some days in real life will marry you? That is not seriously.
You had big hope to get married. I see your problem in this. You should ask your man about his words. It seams to me , it is much better to know truth from your man and not from people here.
I am sorry very much for you.

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 Re: What does it mean?...

Author: Smiling  (
Date:   06-09-06 13:53

I would like to add. I had never trusted men, writing me in Internet , that they loved me and wanted to marry me as soon as possible, untill they met me in real life.
My husband and I had never spoken about love untill our meeting. We had just simpaty to each other and planed our first meeting as friends.
I got proposal to marry him after one month in his second arrivel to visit me. After he told me about what he was thinking that month.
Ksusha, I hope all will be well with you and your man.

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 Re: What does it mean?...

Author: Lorentz  (71.116.235.---)
Date:   06-10-06 12:00

“K”- In the interim from me asking you for some more information, you have received some excellent input and sympathy for your circumstance. – This is one of the most positive aspects of interacting here in this Forum,- there are some legitimately concerned and sincerely nice individuals here that participate in these threads. It’s as if they were all originally from New York City; - day to day a bit whiny and rude, but should some genuine circumstance arise, you could find yourself in no better company.

The idea that you have both “oversold” yourself on the attributes of the man you met,- you refer to him as a “Prince,” – and that you have combined this with some expressions of your own insecurities, and ‘needy-ness’- is immediately obvious, and neither mindset is healthy or advantageous for your circumstance. – You ‘feeling bad,’ falling to pieces or discontinuing to interact on the net, - serves no one and exhibiting this attitude for your “Prince” will do nothing towards bringing you closer or help him with any decision that he may be faced with making. Have a little faith that he came all the way around the world to meet you and that you made a positive “connection” upon his visit, as most often, this indicates a certain degree of “mutuality.”

If in your answer to me, your “sensors” are telling you that you are the one and only interaction for this person on his “vacation” to the FSU, why doubt them now ?? – Pressuring him or ‘grilling’ him from 8,000 miles away is an awfully weak position to stand on. ( Of course you must consider that my advice could be just as bad as this idea that was suggested to you. ) It is entirely possible that he meant exactly what he said and nothing more or less. His expressed need for extra time may not be what you want to hear, - but if you have any true feelings for him, you must allow this without objection or “punishment” from your end. There are several substantial scenarios that would easily explain his actions. First, he may have only now come to grips with how truly difficult our governments have made it for he and you to allow you to come to this country. – These regulations have just this March become far more expensive and involved. - No less viable is the possibility that when actually “faced” with the reality of taking on the additional significant responsibilities of the care of another, as a divorced man with children in this country, he needed to seriously assess his position before taking action. – Consider if nothing else, that the fate of his children is a matter that remains before an arbitrary and unfeeling court, leaving his and their lives extremely vulnerable until they are all grown.

Unfortunately, any action you take at this point is counter productive to your stated goal. You are forced to sit, wait and do nothing if you are to have any chance at the outcome you desire. You are not in prison however, and therefore should endeavor to move forward without any anger or disappointment for your Prince, and most certainly none for yourself. ( How silly is that ?? ) You are who you are, and if someone hasn’t sufficient appreciation for your uniqueness, they are the very last person you should grant any power over you. – It’s much less painful to discover now that someone is not right for you than it is a couple years and a couple of kids down the road. – So, as we say out here in the wild, wild west, - it’s time to “Cowboy Up” get back on your horse and ride.

Sincerely, Your friendly neighborhood Viking.

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 Re: What does it mean?...

Author: Ksusha  (82.200.250.---)
Date:   06-11-06 13:51

My Fairy Prince offered me to be friends for awhile... he has too many problems now to solve and can't offer me more... such sad end of happy fairy tale... I don't want to live... don't eat... don't sleep... just lie on the bed and cry... we were so happy!...

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 Re: What does it mean?...

Author: Ksusha  (82.200.250.---)
Date:   06-11-06 13:59

Really unhappy now... what to do here?... I lost already not virtual, but real man... why destiny is so cruel?...

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 Re: What does it mean?...

Author: Sam  (
Date:   06-11-06 18:12

I doubt if anything anyone can say to you will make you feel better; but painful experiences can tell us things about ourselves, the way we interact with others, and how we need to do things differently. I would like to offer you some thoughts that may or may not be relevant to you; but if they are they may help you. Happiness is not the only benefit of romantic adventures; often learning is our benefit, and it is that learning that prepares us for the happiness we seek.

There has to be a balance between how quickly we believe in happiness and how quickly we drown in sorrow. It seems to me you believed in this happiness too soon and now in the same manner see your fate as entirely cruel because of one man’s dilemmas. It might help you to remind yourself that you do not really know this man. As I have said in an earlier post on another thread, it is easy to fall in love with someone we have not met when we write or only speak to them for very long. Lonely people are often dreamers; at times they are victims of unhappy childhood, daughters of absent fathers, victims of too many romantic involvements in which their love was not returned; so they go through life with a hunger to find love, a hunger that feeds their dreams, dreams that that leak into their minds and paint the reality of what is shaping in their lives. That is why for such romantic people it is not a good idea to communicate for so long without real contact, because their dreams begin to overtake reality. They fall in love with another lonely person they dream and invent from words on the page and from a warm voice on the phone.

What you dreamed continues to remain powerful and present even now. You still see him as a perfect man lost, and your loss is so great it extends to the entirety of your fate. Why not try to see him as he really was: a confused man, who had 17 more years of adult life than you, and still made the error to implant so many hopes in your mind and even talk of marriage before meeting you; he was a man with children, a testimony to another incomplete dream in his life. I do not mean to criticize him because he was divorced with children; but some men learn and improve from past failures; and some go on to repeat them. So, I only mean to show that in his dealings with you he did not seem to use better judgment than he had in his previous marriage. Yes, he was tender and attentive, but he was also immature in his judgments, both in how quickly he spoke of love and marriage and how quickly he abandoned it after one visit. Isn’t it surprising to you that he was 17 years older than you and still did what you may have done: dream wonderful things so quickly and then just as quickly despair and collapse when reality is not as perfect as his dreams? Wouldn’t it better for you to trust yourself to a foreign man who has greater emotional sophistication, someone worthy of trusting with your new life in a new country?

Clearly, you throw in a lot of yourself into the romantic mix; it is a great risk to you, but it also means you have a lot to offer; and once you find someone who returns your enthusiasm, you can lead a romantic life so rich and so beyond the comprehension of many. Despite what you say, you can be happy, but for that to happen, you need to control the hunger that burns inside you; to separate your own sense of your worth from what a man will or will not offer you; to hold back what you dream and desire from men who have yet to prove their intelligence, experience and emotional sophistication to you in person. Already you have come closer to that possibility of happiness because of this experience. You now know what you may want to do differently next time. Perhaps fate placed this man in your path so you may learn what is necessary before the right one for you appears. You do not have to believe this, but you also do not have to believe that your fate is and will remain cruel. You deserve to be happy because you are passionate and sincere; it is important that you remember at least that.

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 Re: What does it mean?...

Author: Ksusha  (82.200.250.---)
Date:   06-11-06 18:27

Sam, thak you very much... hope you're right... maybe later everything will be much better... but now it's too painful... anyway thank you for kind words...

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 Re: What does it mean?...

Author: Lorentz  (
Date:   06-12-06 01:18

Ksusha; Sorry to hear,- and further sorry to say that everyone takes a tumble sooner or later. I think the best advice however still is; - Cowboy Up and get back in the saddle.

Once you realize that the fall didn’t break your back, all the fear is gone, and you’ll be a much stronger rider, next time out of the gate.

Hope the ‘Horse-sense’ analogy helps.

Sincerely, your friendly neighborhood Viking.

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 Re: What does it mean?...

Author: Ksusha  (82.200.251.---)
Date:   06-12-06 02:10

thanks, but now I feel myself absolutely broken... want nothing...

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 Re: What does it mean?...

Author: Jens kristensen  (
Date:   06-12-06 02:19

a pretty woman as you are,,,you can find your husbond easy,,


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 Re: What does it mean?...

Author: Ksusha  (82.200.251.---)
Date:   06-12-06 02:42

easy to find husband, hard to find real love...

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 Re: What does it mean?...

Author: Tony Harper  (
Date:   07-07-06 11:10

Zdravstuite Ksusha!

Kak dela?

Something to think about, belive in your inner self:-

Love, Devotion, Feelings, Emotion.
Don’t be afraid to grieve my friend
Don’t be proud to be strong
Just look into your heart my friend
That will be the return to yourself,
the return is the beginning not the end

When we have nobody we need to trust ourselves
Loving is the experience of feeling good my friend
If we stop loving we will never feel how we should
Warm inside, and feeling fulfilled with a friend

Just believe in destiny….
Don’t give up the chance to be yourself
That’s not the beginning to the end
It’s the return to yourself
Return to innocent my friend

You’re responsible for our own unhappiness my friend
To love is to be happy with, then return to yourself
Be your own friend, this will be the beginning not the end
Everyone of us has the freedom to choose
The freedom to change, to be yourself

There is nothing wrong with you my friend,
Do the best you can , the best you know how
Just trust your beliefs, look into your heart my friend
That’s where you’re find yourself, your inner self
It’s the beginning to bring sadness to an end
The opportunities to give ourselves back to ourselves
It’s the beginning of the end

It’s the return to yourself that will permit, to love is to be happy with

Do swdaniya Do scorogo?
Tony in the UK

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