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 just a question?

Author: Toni  (
Date:   05-26-06 22:16

I think of thas many times a week, many ask them self this question,,WHY?
I talk about us who still are single and do try hard to find the second half. We try hard, we still stay single,,,,WHY?? Is there a good way out of this, or do we still have to look for how long? one week,,,6months,,2 years,,10 years,,or do we have to be single the rest of ouer life.
Is there something wrong?
Are the women/men sceard if we have been single to long? I just ask?

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 Re: just a question?

Author: Andy  (
Date:   05-26-06 22:55

Well, Tony, I am not the expert on this subject, but as I have been there myself, and have watched others. I believe the longer wwe are single, the harder it becomes to find a mate. Some reasons are, after being alone so long, we become used to a way of life, and we look for some one to share ""our"" life, da, and the chances of that are very slim. all you need to do is look at 90% of profiles, and all tell what they want, but the
chance of finding the ""one"" becomes less each day we stay single, and we stay single to wait for the ""one"" (smile).

The other is not wanting to hurt again, to loose something "money and/or some one you have grown to love, but they did not learn to love you. This one comes under ""memories"" good or bad.

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 Re: just a question?

Author: Toni  (
Date:   05-26-06 23:27

I am not sceard to live alone... But i thinks it would be much better to have somebody spesial near who could help me and who i could to care about too. Guess everybody from us want to have Love
But really I think that there are a lot of people here for fun because they are bored or may be do not know what they can do... or may be cannot do anything in real life
I can not agree, that it is possible to get used to loneliness. I more than 10 years - one. But get used to this I can not and I do not want!
Fear of disappointment, mental anguish which many from present here already had... Yes, with it I agree. It is necessary to be more cautious in a choice. And still a choice (attempt) to do it is necessary.
I hope to meet My Man one day any way

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 Re: just a question?

Author: Toni  (
Date:   05-26-06 23:32

It is a pity to me, that there is a deceit. The deceit will cripple BELIEF. But there is still a HOPE for LOVE. Love pure, sincere and mutual. Which will be a basis of happy family

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 Re: just a question?

Author: Andy  (
Date:   05-27-06 08:25

yes Toni, that is why most of us are here da. But I did not advocate to liveing alone, only it get harder to change, to fit another life in with your own (smile)

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 Re: just a question?

Author: Sam  (
Date:   05-29-06 12:12

Being alone is not a condition beyond our control; it is a choice we make, although most of us do not recognize how much we contribute to this condition. I cannot outline all the reasons I can think of without committing myself to a book-long essay here, but I can simply list a couple ideas I can think of without being able to explain them in much detail: these ideas are not novel, but I think most people do not see how relevant they are to their condition.

People of our generation, especially those raised in Western cultures, have a heightened sense of individuality; as a result we are less likely to give in completely to traditional social agenda, and we are least likely to want to conform and be more in keeping with the sentiments and ideal of those around us. Mostly because of this we are more free and have a greater sense of who we are, but this comes at a cost to us all: we are diversified in tastes, habits, and attitudes but because of this diversity very often we’re out of sync with those around us. This diversity requires flexibility and compromise in the company of others, but thevirtues of compromise and patience are harder for us because of our heightened sense of being an individual and its rights. We are more sophisticated in dealing with ourselves but our heightened sense of who we are- our constant focus on ourselves- allows very little understanding of people around us who in modern times vary greatly from person to person.

As we are so different, quite often being together means having to abandon certain elements of what we want to be and do. Any union of two people requires letting go of certain aspects of what the two in that union value in their individual lives, and so our heightened sense of individuality complicates our union with others. Add to this internal process the simple fact that modern economics and social norms encourage our independence from each other. As we learn to make our own money, cook our own meals and so on and on, we learn and practice a form of independence that starts out as merely an economic or logistical one, and soon develops into a full-blown social orientation. We learn to be singular cells who like things just as they are; we are threatened by the idea of letting go of any aspect of this pseudo independence.

I think in time we learn to be afraid of the presence of other people, especially if we have had pains in our initial experiences. When we are young and hormones and passions run high- and having a less developed sense of who we are- we find it easier to make all kinds of concession just to have and enjoy the passing adventures of our youth. When these raw experiences are behind us, and especially because often times we emerge from them some with emotional scars, we not only have this overblown sense of who we are, but also we are afraid of letting anyone else or our need for them to control us. We do not recognize how much fear is a part of the decision to be alone: our fears quickly transform into expectations, setting limitations and boundaries, and they rob us of our natural inclination to feel and bond. In time, our fears register in our minds as precaution, smarts, reasonable expectations and such.

If you find this implausible, try to visualize this. Imagine crashing on a deserted island and being alone for a number of years. The day you site another person swimming ashore onto your island will be the happiest moment of your life; you will expect to bond deeply with this person no matter what this person’s attitudes or ideas about life, wouldn’t you? At the very least, you would know this person would be very important to your happiness. What’s more, you will give no thought to how you will meet this person or what to say: the path is clear and simple. Why should that seem plausible & simple to you? Because in that scenario, you see yourself differently: you have removed from your insights and aspirations your past fears and the petty ideas that formed the bases of your identity and the world as you knew it. In that scenario your have removed the modern world from your insides and have become a natural being who has clear and simple ideas. In a world without too many distractions & seductions, a world not defined by constant apprehension about how others will limit your complex web of identity and expectations, you would be far more in touch with your basic human needs.

So, we are alone, because we have made a secret, undetectable and undeclared choice: it is more important to us to be exactly who we are, be right, and entertain all kinds of vague possibilities, than to enjoy the company of another and pay the price of letting go of some of ourselves.

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 Re: just a question?

Author: Andy  (
Date:   05-29-06 12:24

I see we agree again Sam, I just said it shorter da

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 Re: just a question?

Author: Lorentz  (
Date:   05-29-06 12:40

Sam; If it is somehow possible; - I think your posts are getting better...

- I almost wish I had something "important" to ask .

Sincerely, your freindly neighborhood Viking.

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 Re: just a question?

Author: Andy  (
Date:   05-29-06 16:01

Ahhh sleep on it Lorentz, you'll think of something (smile)

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 Re: just a question?

Author: Elena  (212.116.244.---)
Date:   05-30-06 04:37

Sam, do you find that many of those characteristics what you told about above are inherent in a bit more than needed selfish persons?

Toni, maybe, just too high, unattainable are the requirements, demands to other person?

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 Re: just a question?

Author: Sam  (
Date:   05-30-06 20:04

Lorentz, thank you for your compliment! I still have not had a chance to reply to your post on the other thread, but I will eventually get around to it.

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 Re: just a question?

Author: Sam  (
Date:   05-30-06 20:04

Andy, you are right: we do agree on one essential point, but my longer post says something beyond what you have said that is the essence of my post, and I like that to be clear. You have said –and I agree- that as we get older we find it harder to mesh with another person’s expectations and character; but I have added the less often admitted truth that we are not really looking because we are not really motivated enough to find someone else. And we are not motivated to find someone else to love because we have already “fallen in love” with ourselves and our ideas about ourselves. More importantly, I have said that although we have more sophisticated ideas about ourselves, we are more removed from our basic, simple emotional needs. We have lost the ability to cite our simple emotional needs and navigate to them with singular focus, mostly because our ideas about ourselves have become complex, entrenched, and overriding of all other considerations.

Repeating myself in other words, as modern men we live in the age of jet planes, in cities of many millions, Internet and 5-cents a minute phone call to anywhere in the world; and yet being alone is so frequent a problem. At times even when we are with someone else, we are still alone, a more tragic sense of being alone in my opinion, often leading to separation and divorce. Why is that? Why are we alone as our horizon and options expand? It is because even though we are becoming more and more sociable, we are at the same time becoming more emotionally reclusive. As the world opens up and its enormous diversity unfolds, we learn to be emotionally insulated because a heightened sense of self awareness and preservation, even when conceptually flawed, is the simple answer we have to the force of diversity that is before us. It is the dilemma of modern man, and not one of aging: as he encourages diversity and openness, he finds himself inevitably barricading himself emotionally against a wide open world that often threatens his overblown sense of self. This threatened sense of self is the very wall that makes us emotionally reclusive. Behind these walls we talk about meeting and finding the “right” one, but what we are really saying is that we want someone to live within our walls! Our trouble is that most others want the same for them.

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 Re: just a question?

Author: Sam  (
Date:   05-30-06 20:09


I find it difficult or unfair to use the word “selfish” to describe such people. As I explained above, modern man is simply more self aware and self-absorbed. One of the core issues at the root of our problems with the Eastern cultures is this fact: they value tradition and conformity and are less preoccupied with themselves as individuals. They have a social identity of traditions, formulas, and duties that exceed their individuality. We are guided by individual ideas; our lives are more experimental and diversified and therefore more chaotic. It is this chaos or the confusion of our life experiments and our many choices that make us more self-absorbed.

Many forces are at work in making us this way, to different degrees, of course. Liberal ideas have been a large part of it; and some of what has happened to us has to be called progress. What was at the root of the women’s freedom movement and their eventual sexual liberation, if not self-awareness of the women? Was it selfish for them to want to be economically independent? Was it later selfish of them to want to be sexually liberated and have the same opportunities for self-indulgence as men do? We become what we do: economic independence and experimental lives are only the beginning. Once our focus shifts to individual paths and choices we become something different and less conforming - often inalterably, and in time we invariably see ourselves as the focus of the world we know.

Take what has happened in Russia. Do you not see a concrete difference between Russians who are products of the Soviet era and those who were teenagers when Russia began to import Western culture and adopt capitalism and private ownership? I find the older Russians softer, more humble, compromising, and accepting of fate. The new generation is much more self aware, demanding, and aggressive and secretly insecure. I found the old Russians open, warm and kind; the young were friendly but emotionally less open, more independent and less giving. They will become more so as you incorporate more of Western culture. The economic & political realities of your new life, plus the more liberal ideas you borrow from us, will bring you closer to this self-absorbed way of life in time. I am reluctant to call it selfishness because once it is so common it becomes the new norm! For you this state of mind is selfish because it is alien to you; for many younger Russians and certainly for most of us in the west, it is simply how people are.

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