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 A Warning to Ladies - be Careful of Lorentz

Author: James  (
Date:   04-28-06 16:57

Read through the posts between this guy and me and make up your own minds. But, as I have posted scam warnings to men, I ask my self what should I do if I have knowledge of a man who is a possible danger to ladies? Well, turn around is fair play.

So, given all the anger that runs through his fingers into his keyboard, what would happen to his significant other when this anger boils inside him and you are in the direct path of his fist? Despite several efforts to turn down the rhetoric on my part, he just gets madder and madder. If he has any sense he will let this post pass with a quick, short insult,

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 Re: A Warning to Ladies - be Careful of Lorentz

Author: Lorentz  (
Date:   04-29-06 21:38

TORQUEMADA; It is with the biggest smile I have yet to enjoy at your expense that I want to thank you for taking your valuable time from your life’s mission to start this new thread, (not post,) solely for the benefit of the membership. -What a guy !! - I am certain that most all are appreciative. - As far as it is intended to concern me, I couldn’t be happier, since I have always heard it said that some press is better than no press, and I would point out that if nothing else, you have least started one topic that does not concern your “Scammish Inquisition.” ( Which some of the members may actually appreciate.)

Demonstrably not the sharpest tool in the shed, if you don’t “get” the jokes, maybe you should try to find someone who might be able to explain the concept of mordant humor for you, (using really small words,) before you conveniently claim that they are instead, some expression of anger. This works no better than you trying to copy my quoting Shakespeare, when it is clear you do not comprehend it, as you both mis-quote and mis-apply the phrase. I’m thinking it’s probably better that you stick with the stuff you are familiar with like, “go pound sand” and “take your med.’s” – you know, all those words you employed in your sincere “efforts to ‘turn down’ the rhetoric.”

In attempting to make the case for your ugly allegation, I am obliged to observe that for you to come up with it in the first place, given your limited faculty, and by that same measure, for you to describe the subject as you do, as if you have had some first hand experience, ( like court ordered classes ?? ) leads me to the inescapable conclusion that you have some much deeper “issues” than I at first had surmised. You certainly have displayed some overt frustration and flame up almost instantaneously at the slightest prodding, considering that I have yet to make any concerted effort to insult you. Does it drive you nuts knowing for certain that you do not have the ability to slap me around in any environment or circumstance like you did your wife and children ??

I think that it’s funny that you in your personal attack here make a “public” appeal for support, when to date, you have spent your time on this site belligerently proving to all that there is absolutely nothing “appealing” about you. – Isn’t this the same public that just yesterday you expressed contempt for by stating that you would continue to waste the space on this page and start new separate threads as you pleased, and as many times as you might like for each Scammer that you uncovered , - no matter what anyone else had to say ?? Irrepressibly inconsiderate is still the best and most accurate description of you.

Boy oh boy ! – you sure “showed” me. This ought to teach me not to mess with the Grand Inquisitor. – As you can see, I have learned my lesson. I mean if I don’t ‘show any good sense’- and insert only one insult, then disappear, what horror may next be in store for me ?? You might “tell” on me, and let my momma know that I’ve been a bad boy. – Gosh, - I’d really be in trouble then. It seems a bit incongruous though that you would expect good sense to be shown by someone who is raging out of control with violent anger, don’tchathink ?? – Oh, I forgot,.. as I mentioned before, you proudly do not. I look forward to my next opportunity to stream through my keyboard at you.

Sincerely, Sam Spade.

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 Re: A Warning to Ladies - be Careful of Lorentz

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   04-30-06 13:43

Oh heck--you already used Sam Spade. You will be running out of names soon,if James keeps posting!! It is ironic,because when I first came to this site,there was another James who was the lead investigator who sounded out when he detected dishonorable women. You can certainly understand why the ladies grow sick of the cloak and dagger stuff. Enough so that I feel we are losing them. BY the way,if anybody reads this posting--Lorentz is a big teaser. I have been laughing at the posts,and watching ( imagining) some faces turn beet red with borsch --I mean anger!! I provoke people sometimes too. James you have taken this all way too seriously,and there are some forums that would really roast you for being too open with your tattle-tailing. is one place where you would really get attacked. And there is very little censoring of words there too. If you have some good,legitimate questions--such as Ron`s which deal with visa and immigration,lets have them!! But please do not scare the chickens out of the henhouse!!

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 Re: A Warning to Ladies - be Careful of Lorentz

Author: Andy  (
Date:   04-30-06 16:33

Ah crap Blaine, I thought we guys would have this place all to ourselves,
and you go and tell every one about it, now the women will come back and
start all over again, darn... U think they really know what thier talking about lol?

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 Re: A Warning to Ladies - be Careful of Lorentz

Author: Lorentz  (
Date:   05-01-06 18:52

Blaine; - Did I really use Sam Spade more than once ? - It’s my own fault. I type too fast, refuse to review and even if they had spell check here, I still wouldn’t use it, as that would spoil the spontaneity of interacting, plus involve extra effort that certainly Deputy Dawg doesn’t deserve. Had I expended any energy at all, I could have said to him, No Duhhh Dick Tracy, or responded as Mike Hammer, Lew Archer, Dan Fortune, Ellery Queen, Martin Hewitt, Dr. Priestley, Inspector Morse, or even Jim Rockford, (one of my personal fave’s.) I suppose I should consider that the Great Mouse Detective would not have started this thread if he was not already at his wit’s end, but let’s be honest, - it sure didn’t take him long to get there. Not that I am questioning the veracity of his profile as to him stating that he has a Masters degree, but when the guy writes, huk’d onn fonickss werkkid fo mii, and it takes him three hours to watch 60 minutes, - you know that there must be a village somewhere that’s missing it’s idiot.

You’re absolutely right in so much as, were he to be in some other forum, I would have considered being a bit more disrespectful. As example, - folks who post a blurry microdot photo, usually have something to hide. Open Phillip Marlowe’s profile and click on photo number two. – There should be a biohazard warning given on this before viewing. This picture doesn’t say “hello” – it says BOO!! I’m talking about a walking 365 day a year Halloween Horror Costume that would scare the beegeezus out of Freddie Kruger. There is no possibility anyone else survived that train wreck at all !! –

What in the world is this individual doing on a date line in the first place ?? He needs to go back to having blind dates with blind women. Any letters he says he has received, have to be from mass email scammers, in so much as, what real woman would actually express interest in having a date with partially decomposed road kill ?? - Buzzards circling overhead while you walk down the street traumatizing small children who would cry and run off in terror, can’t be appealing to any of the fairer sex. Even if they felt sorry for him, which is easy to do considering his parents must have been siblings and when he became a product of this union, later found out that the Doctor in the delivery room refused to smack him on the butt, and instead angrily slapped his mother. This certainly inspires sympathy, but even upon learning that his mom flatly refused to breast feed him and instead threw dead bugs at his cage now and then, plus when he got older everyone ignored him completely and not even his Rice Crispies would talk to him, also measure with this, the developmental issues derived from his parents both continuously and emphatically encouraging HIM to run away from home,.. Would this outweigh the inescapable disgust of suffering close interaction with him out of pity alone ?? .. Well,.. - look at the photo again,.. this is a face that makes onions cry when he chops them up, .. it is impossible to consider.

So, while all his contacts may be a lie, this is not to say that he is not an expert on female photos, you KNOW he’s waxed more wood than Pledge while ooggling them. It’s just that he’s trying way to hard to convince the membership that he is besieged by letters from women, when he should instead, be saving his energy and his breath because he’ll probably need it to blow up his date tonight. His arrival here may have been about as welcome as fresh flatulence in an elevator, but it should be noted that I had taken no issue with him until he began treating some of the members as his equal, which is way to disrespectful for me to put up with without saying something. I hope he is happy with his clever new ( and another wasted ) thread, and is clear that there actually are enough famous detectives to last, and that I do not yet consider that I have made any sort of sincere or genuine effort to insult him.

Shakespeare said “Better a witty fool than a foolish wit.”

I thought I’d toss that in, even though it goes without saying that T.J. Hooker just won’t get it.

Sincerely, your friendly neighborhood Viking.

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 Re: A Warning to Ladies - be Careful of Lorentz

Author: Elena  (
Date:   05-03-06 06:33

James, you are right. The best treatment for the wild boisterous patient is complete quietness...

Andy, I am sorry that I prevent you to have this place all to yourself and other men, but not all women are "the chickens in the henhouse" and you will be surprised - some of them even understand what you talking about(da!) .

Lorentz, Japan proverb says: "Talking with clever person you become more clever, talking with silly one - more silly"... And surely - better to have a witty wit. Try to use it someday.

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 Re: A Warning to Ladies - be Careful of Lorentz

Author: Lorentz  (
Date:   05-03-06 14:27

“E” – In again, your “following me around,” in your feeble attempts to attack, as opposed to posting with any legitimate input regarding the thread, -here, for this one, I want to - THANK YOU. - As one of my biggest Fans, if YOU have had no comment at all here on the premise that Quasimodo has stated as being his “reason” for starting this ridiculous thread, I consider it to be almost an endorsement for me.

As you have not, with such “golden opportunity” chimed in your two cents, that you might believe that I am a danger to anyone-( save for when attacked perhaps, ) –and also expressed no doubt that my comments are not in anger at all, but instead a mordant roasting of an individual, my point is positively re-enforced and it’s too late to take back what you haven’t said, ( even should you be later desperate for another opportunity to attack.) Thanks again, and also, in that you additionally echo (so agree with, I don’t want to “loose you” with heavy American slang, ) my Shakespeare quote with the strange Nippondenso version. It is clearly not quite as good as the original however, but then being best described as imitators, rather than original thinkers, - remember - this is why they both started and lost the war and the Brits helped kick their butts.

For the rest, congrats on the quick pick up of Andy’s hen house comments, but I should point out that he was taking about chickens and not tasteless old turkeys. - Once more, clear as to why you have posted here, since you have decided not to give me any credit for NOT commenting on YOUR photo, I am inclined to observe that between yourself and our Threadmaster, there are other areas in addition to appearance where you are not too dissimilar from each other. For both, the serious questions arises as to why you are here in the first place?? Neither of you have any good reason to be on a dateline. You say that you are married, and Quasimodo’s inappropriateness is, well, PAINFULLY obvious.

There has to be a more appropriate place to fill your needs for self expression, if your daily routines do not provide for any. Certainly as to the purveyance of negativity, - he in subject matter and you in continual criticism, neither of you is equaled by any other member and both seem to feel the need to “police” and control “something.” Also for both, there can be no denying that you can not tolerate any disagreement with your expressions and if some is maintained, both are immediately eager to attack, - not with the “wit” that you suggest that I employ, but instead with remedial blather, which you can’t ever seem to scream loud enough on paper to satisfy yourselves, and so – in that event then REALLY spread your negativity around for all to “enjoy.”

Thank you for your continued attack, as it appropriately here establishes one location for two negatives to be positively exampled for others to read.

Sincerely, The Bard.

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 Re: A Warning to Ladies - be Careful of Lorentz

Author: Ronnie  (
Date:   05-04-06 18:43

I thought that we mite have this all to are self, and look what (Blain) has done to us. he has got the girls attention and here they come again to call us grandpas I have realy enjoyed reading this I have had a ball reading this one. Blain has got all the hens out of the house and they are ready to flog us. lol

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