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 any opinons on this Jeff Rense article?

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   04-29-06 07:10

Russian Christians now admit that the concept of human rights and liberties as advocated by America and the West has no application in contemporary Russia . That country is drowning in vices directly linked to the West’s concept of inherent rights and liberties: abortion; homosexuality; dissolution of traditional marriage; pornography; slavery, prostitution, and exploitation of the oppressed, etc. The Russian Orthodox now understand that such American “values” are, in fact, vices which harm every human society as a collective. Such American “rights” have not brought happiness. They represent the deviance of the cult of the individual.

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 Re: any opinons on this Jeff Rense article?

Author: Andy  (
Date:   04-29-06 10:39


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 Re: any opinons on this Jeff Rense article?

Author: Andy  (
Date:   04-29-06 10:40

I think this is why most of us are here (da)

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 Re: any opinons on this Jeff Rense article?

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   04-29-06 10:45

another reason so many people and religions hate the USA--the westernization of other countries and cultures has mistakenly allowed certain "freedoms" which have exploited and caused decay to centuries old traditons and lifestyles.

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 Re: any opinons on this Jeff Rense article?

Author: Andy  (
Date:   04-29-06 16:33

It is begining to sound like the place that the woman turned to stone at!!

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 Re: any opinons on this Jeff Rense article?

Author: Lorentz  (
Date:   05-05-06 14:09

Hey Guys; Have not read the article, but like the look of it, and sounds like I agree with what I “see” you saying. – Certainly this is more the type of issue ( any other type ) that should stay at the “top” of the page, as opposed to the monkey-poo posts. - I have to ask for some forgiveness in this, as I realize my participation in it did not help matters.
( Although, I hope that I at least elicited a smile or two from some folk, while being so engaged. ) – Blaine, so you know, I liked the “statement” you made with the photo, and am not surprised, but a bit sad that it got censored, and am confused why that would go first as opposed to some of the posts we discussed being much more inappropriate. If it makes you feel any better, I would guess that they too will eventually get “waxed” – and also should add that had they been dispensed with immediately, I would have not bothered to reply to any attack at all.

Let’s hope that this topic, as it appears to be so far, is not just a boy’s exclusive, as I think that opinion from the behind the FIC ( former iron curtain,) / FSU - would be most interesting for me to hear about. As to my agreement, I think that for anyone with a fair amount of knowledge of world events, and an understanding, outside of classroom textbook history would have to agree that U. S. foreign policy is and has long been very stinky and is not well regarded by anyone. With the end of colonialism after WWII most are familiar with the ideological conflicts that caused many former colonies to become battlegrounds for the conflicting powers. In some sense of fairness however, the U.S. has always been easy to criticize, still is, and ‘back in the days’ - the competition would not be so commented upon – “ because Comrade,.. Vee Do Nott Ahlloww suchh tings !!”
Both were equally guilty of wrongdoing against the peoples in these particular areas we discuss. – For the U.S. – most Americans to this day still do not have any accurate picture of what went on in the Former French Indochina. Few residing outside various southern California neighborhoods, like Little Saigon, are aware that Ho Chi Minh’s favorite document of all time was the Declaration of Independence. ( yep!! – 100% true.) Many are aware however of the countless books that have been written regarding the subject of emerging countries being ill suited to, and are mistaken in attempting to be, “moved” so soon and directly into some type of American democracy. The results are usually disastrous for the people in dramatic example.

Now, though - with the “Collapse” of soviet communism ( as opposed to revolution or some other impetus for change, ) and their attempting to enter the world economy, where else are they to go to seek a model for change ? No western European country offers too much of a difference, ( although I hear that “East Germany” –former D.D.R. isn’t doing too badly at all – under the EXACT SAME type of adaptation, )- truly what are their choices ?? - Again not reading the article, I only know that it is incredibly easy to criticize and find fault, and these views become “popular” if it is obvious that some things are not working and people are suffering. – But what you always see very little of is positive suggestion for improvement and virtually never hear is any mass agreement in these “superior” choices for “the people.”

Neither the U.S. nor any “power” in the “West” strolled into Moscow and pointed howitzers and tank turrets at the Kremlin and said, here is what you must do. These changes were implemented by “their” choice and efforts. – Perhaps the system isn’t working due to “cultural” differences, but instead that the cultural differences are, in a way, perverting the “system” from working positively and to the benefit to all. I understand very much that Russia is for “Russians” and that the other areas and former countries prior to the FSU are not considered with the same priority. Who knows how much of the problems the masses are now being frustrated with is directly linked to internal corruption and greed ??? - Not me, I have no knowledge, only some miniscule observation, that nothing has been “forced” on anyone in the FSU. Their “system” failed, if their version of our system also fails, “American Values” or “Western Culture” is not to blame.

I know of three historically similar scenarios that relate directly to “forcing” western culture and “values” upon the “East” – and America “officially” rejected all three, and who is to say that the greater number of people in this world would not have been much better off in the long view, had the choices been different.( Certainly it could be argued well by the folks in both Japan and West Germany that they were much better off to come under “direct” American control, as opposed to the alternative. The short version is that at various times in recent history ( last sixty years,) three American Army Commanders suggested LOUDLY that they had the troops and equipment in place, and if they were allowed, they could “eliminate” the problems that most assuredly loomed ahead, in short order. All three were ordered to retract their public comments and were given the immediate “opportunity” to resign, which two did and one was killed in a traffic accident. Of what I know of these individuals, all were extremely well educated, the very best at what they did, exceptionally competent , completely honest in every respect and true believers in freedom and liberty- and I have never heard of any argument to the contrary. How much different would the world be today, or have been over all our lifetimes if in any one of the three scenarios any was allowed to act as he had requested, keeping in mind none made claims that they could not successfully complete.

No more in charge of anything now as I was back then, I say this only to point out that I am uncertain of the reasons for the problems that exist in the FSU, and feel sorry for those who are enduring the consequences. There is no denying some common experience of both the citizens here and there, that remains unchanged, and that is our respective governments have lied to us for a very long time and neither respect the true “will of the people.” I am certain beyond all doubt that “Americans” wish no suffering on any people and that their “value system” while demanding perhaps “more advanced citizenship” damages no one in any malicious intentional manner. – You can’t fix a problem by bashing anyone, especially if they are the only ones standing around who can help you fix it. If I was rewriting the book, from were I stand, I would have said “Go Get-Em” to Patton, Mac Arthur and Stormin Norman. WaDDAYAHHTHINK !!!

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