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 I just encountered a gamer woman!

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   04-03-06 08:27

She is in this site,but I will leave her name unmentioned. I corresponded with her for about a month. She fell in love with me after just a couple letters. ( I am such a charmer! ) I do not pursue these women,or try to get justice anymore. Maybe they only have skills of deception--so let this be their destiny! Anyway,she changed her photo,and I wrote to her again. She would not answer my letters. I wrote a not-very-nice-letter to her, because I wanted her to "come clean" with me,and reveal her true personality ( because I am one curious fellow). After my mean letter,she wrote back and here is her whole letter: " You make me laugh,and I laugh at you". I am glad that she at least got a laugh from me. She did not get any money for the orphanage,however much I love children!!

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 Re: I just encountered a gamer woman!

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   04-03-06 09:51

A follow up already. I just received the letter which said that my absence caused her much pain. There is no end to the excuses and denials!! She DID ask for money for an orphanage--she DID have different names on other sites. But I suppose I could be wrong. Remember the " Mans Prayer" from the Red Green Show----- I am a man,but I can change if I have to,I guess.

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 Re: I just encountered a gamer woman!

Author: Smiling  (
Date:   04-03-06 11:35

Blaine, I can't believe it ! You was cheated by the woman. You,who has experience in Internet.

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 Re: I just encountered a gamer woman!

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   04-03-06 12:32

I was with her this morning on Yahoo Messenger. She forgot that she told me she lived in a particular city,and this morning told me she was in another!!! I was not always knowledgeable about the deceit--or even how to use a computer. I bought my first computer in 1999,although I had used other computers. I fell for, and gave 1000 dollars to Yana Volkova. It was Christmas too,and I was strained financially. She missed her airplane flight--on purpose I am certain!! She is a famous scammer who is listed in almost all of the blacklists. A pity that I did not know this sooner. I actually sold my beautiful 44 magnum handgun to send her money!! I really am not embarassed any more to tell this story,because it was a good life lesson for me. The lesson being : when things seem too good to be true-they are probably too good to be true. My pain was worse than losing the money. This is what so may women do not understand---the money is secondary to the emotional pain a man goes through if he is sincere,as I am. I met another woman from Kremenchug in 2002. She was very personable,answered all my questions and seemed very real--again,too good to be true. I often wondered why we had no differences of opinion in the 200 letters we exchanged. Her last letter to me was good--full of affection and news from Ukraine. Then,she just disappeared!! I was hurt badly again. About this time,I met another woman from Kirovograd,and we spoke much on the telephone. I practiced my russian words with her. She also disappeared. When I finally became in contact with her-she was living near New York City,married to a man who beats her,and we resumed our conversations. I was very upset that she met a man at the Borispol? airport in Kiev,who secured for her the B-2 visa. She flew to the US,and married him. We spoke until just last year. Her husband actually called me on my telephone,cursing at me and threatening me if I came to New York. It was all too much,and we stopped talking. I did call and talked to her 3 weeks ago,to find that she was granted the "green card",her sister came to New York ( WHite Plains) and was married in Las Vegas. I was upset that she was only 5 hours away from me,but did not contact me. At this point in time ( today) I have lost all trust in her. I should also tell that I have sent perhaps thousands of dollars to women as gifts. I knew that they were probably not serious. The last woman,from Almaty,disappeared also--very mysteriously. I called her home and asked for her,and was told she was with her father in a small town near Almaty. Yes,I know what I am talking about when it concerns women. My last real love was an American woman whom I had been dating in Montana for years.. She persuaded me to leave here and go back to Montana. This was in 1999. I moved from here ( Phoenix,Arizona ) back to Missoula Montana. I asked her to marry me,and as is the American tradition,gave her an engagement ring ( 2 of them !! ) She started acting strange,and mean to me. We were on vacation in Los Altos,California,and when we returned,our flight connection to Montana was in Seattle,Washington state. We were circling in the sky for the approach to our landing,when I found out that she had accepted another marriage proposal from another man. I was devastated !! When we broke up,I had no place to live,no money ( I gave it all to her,her home,and her cats!!) To make things worse,I broke 2 of my ribs at my work,and started drinking alcohol very heavily. I went into a deep and terrible depression which I could not make go away. I got drunk,fell asleep while I was driving,and almost hit a police officer with my truck!! I was arrested,thrown in jail,and convicted of driving while under the influence of drugs and alcohol ( I had taken muscle relaxer pills also! ) I wanted to kill myself,but did not have the strength to do it. I went to a clinical parapsychologist for loss/grief counseling. It really was like my wife had died--but what was even worse was that she was very much alive!!! It was the most difficult time of my life. Nobody would hire me for work,because of my driving record,so I lifted hay bales,and found work as a painter. It was so bad!! I could not drive,I had to pay for alcohol counseling,and for a year I slept inside of a camp trailer that was no bigger than a tent!! I knew people who sold cocaine,and I became addicted to it. All the police in town knew me,and I was always looking over my shoulder,always afraid I would be arrested again! The doctors gave me pills because I could not stop crying--but the pills made me soil myself. The pills ( Zoloft) made my mood better though. I became addicted to these pills too,and could not quit them!! In 2003, I started seein another woman. We would get drunk all day long--and on Sunday morning,we would go to the bars and get hammered! ( drunk) It all became too much! SHe got in trouble for drinking,and was sent to prison for 1 year. I had finally had enough,and moved back to Arizona,where I quit drinking,quit cocaine,quit Zoloft,and quit women!!! After a few months of being here,I was well enough to have a life again,and to rebuild it. I am clean and sober now,and I am living witness to sadness,despair,and pain. I learned much,and I tell the story often to people who think their lives are really bad. So,that is Blaine`s story,thank you for taking the time to read about my last 6 years!!! About drugs and alcohol: there is no substitute for happiness,or living a good life!! ABout relationships: no matter how much you love,it does not mean you are going to be loved in return!! Poka!!!!

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 Re: I just encountered a gamer woman!

Author: Smiling  (
Date:   04-03-06 13:01

Blaine, I am sorry very much, you had such time in your life. I think you are a brave man. No everybody could tell here a story like yours. I have read all what you have written here for long time,and I always thought you are a clever man and now I don't understand you after reading of your story. You wasted so much time! How could you do it?

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 Re: I just encountered a gamer woman!

Author: Smiling  (
Date:   04-03-06 13:13

Blaine, may I ask you? Who brought up your daughter, when you wasted your life? If I remember , your daughter is 20-22 now and then she was too young to live herself, so your wife died.

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 Re: I just encountered a gamer woman!

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   04-03-06 13:20

I was just going out the door when I seen your post,Miss Smiling ( such a lovely name! ) About life: the more times we have the wind knocked out of us--the more times we suffer,the better prepared we are for the next world,and the more intensly we feel the pleasurable things in life!! I am not a sad man at all,and I do not regret a thing!! Oh,there is so much more to me!! Raped at 6 years of age by 3 men ( I told no one until the clinical psychologist!! Imagine--over 30 years,and I could tell nobody!! ) No mama,because I was kidnapped by my dad and did not see her for 6 years!! Dad tried to rape my sister,and I could not understand why she wanted to sleep with me. She wet the bed every night too--but I was there for her protection--and I always will be. ( you can imagine how much I cherish women after this!! ) Abandoned and left to take care of myself at 13!! When I was 17,I drowned in a boating accident,because my feet were caught on a tree root,and I could not get free from it. I was actually breathing the water,feeling peaceful and warm from it,ready to die,when a hand took me by the shoulder and pulled me from the water. When I came out-there was nobdy there,and the 2 men who were with me were walking near the river,searching for my body. I actually breathed water!!! I floated past them and they saved me.After this,and multiple head trauma from car accidents--I love life,and all that is good and bad I do not regret,because I have really,really lived--even though it has been sometimes terribly hard for me. The closer you come to losing life--the more you appreciate it! All in life happens for a reason,and for a purpose. I am an empath now,and I feel another persons pain,and I will beat a man bloody if he uses his fists on a woman,or another man who cannot defend himself. I hate liars,thieves,and men who disrespect women. I will not tolerate sexual abuse,and I dislike most men who think that they discovered sex. I do not like most men anyway,because they act like dogs in heat ( estrus) I am glad you read my short history. I understand much because I have suffered much.

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 Re: I just encountered a gamer woman!

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   04-03-06 13:33

When I was 21 years old,I was working on an earthen dam in the state Nebraska. I bought a very nice car--a 1970 Chevelle. When the dam was finished with the construction,I drove back to MOntana. On the way,my car broke in the town called Sturgis,South Dakota. I ran out of money on the repair ( the clutch),and was forced to take a job in a lumber mill. I met a young lady,and had relations. The sawmill went out of business,and I left with the lady to my home in Montana. We discovered that she was pregnant. Remember my ******* father? I had not seen him in 5 years,and so I wanted to drive to Seattle,Washington to see him before he went to prison for sexually abusing a young boy ( you can imagine my shock,anger,and horror ) The lady had psychic abilities,and felt that her own dad was going to die. I told her this was nonsense--but she wanted to go back to South Dakota and see him,and give birth to our daughter. I paid for her flight back to her home,and went to Seattle to find work on a fishing boat. When I was there--her father DID die. She gave birth to my daughter,and also met another man. She married the man,and had another child with him. The man sexually abused my daughter ( do you see a pattern here?) and was sent to prison. My ex then married again and had another child ( her 3rd one ). We could not be together,and time slipped by us. She just had another child,and was divorced from her husband ( the 4th child is from a 4th father ) Yes it was sad,and we had no clear ending for the relations. She is still living in South Dakota,along with my daughter.

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 Re: I just encountered a gamer woman!

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   04-03-06 13:35

okay then--New Dating is censoring my language--this is bullsh** !! I should have said,"My dad-the anus hole! " Well I will see if this is censored too!! Pardon my poor French!!

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 Re: I just encountered a gamer woman!

Author: Smiling  (
Date:   04-03-06 13:57

Blaine, I can't believe you had such terrible childhood. And that is in the USA, where people are protected by rights. I can't imagine it , perhaps because I had and have different life. Your story for me is like a novel of an unknown author

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 Re: I just encountered a gamer woman!

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   04-03-06 15:42

People of the world regard Americans as rich,well-off,and insulated by a great country governed by democracy. I do not know any of this. I was a 6 year old kid eating out of a garbage can ( this is why I love Kentucky Fried Chicken`s coleslaw )--this is what I know. I certainly did not come from a safe place!! When I confronted my dad 3 years ago--he said to me, "Well,look what a good man you turned out to be" I said to him,"Dad,you beat me across the back until I was bleeding. My brother and me bandaged each others wounds" The conversation went nowhere. But I was able to say to him what I felt. It was soon after this that he got drunk and tried to do things to my sister again! She was over 30 at this time. I was so angry that I told him I was going to beat him very badly. ANd this is the last I have seen or heard from my father.

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 Re: I just encountered a gamer woman!

Author: Angel  (
Date:   04-03-06 23:45

Your story is really similar to a sad American thriller. I admire with you because you still believe people. You really the strong personality. I had the difficult moments in my life, but thanks God a line was always my mum.

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 Re: I just encountered a gamer woman!

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   04-04-06 00:04

Thank you. Some of the story was difficult to tell the first time I told it. Every person carries sorrow and unfortunate incidents in their lives. There are many cliches to describe the healing process; " If it does not kill you,it only makes you stronger". Every day I wake up is a gift from God. I do not always make the best of it. But when my time comes to pass on,I will be able to say I really lived. I ate and drank and swam and danced in the water of life,and did not live my life in a box ( except my apartment--I guess you could call that a box )

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 Re: I just encountered a gamer woman!

Author: Angel  (
Date:   04-04-06 00:12

You the strong person. I too have confidential secrets of the soul, but it to be so far inside, that I not when do not get it and you reject it

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 Re: I just encountered a gamer woman!

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   04-04-06 00:24

I would like someday to have the "Primal Scream Camp" for men. I would charge a nominal fee from each man,and we would go be as men used to be and go out in the deep woods,make a camp and a large fire,and tell stories about how much we hated our fathers ;o) and just get these inner demons out and throw them in the fire. American men,when not working,are watching TV ( not all ) instead of cutting and bringing in the firewood,or carrying water and cooking food over a flame. Most men I know would want to bring alcohol or beer,but this would probably not be a good idea !! Somebody would get angry because of their terrible secrets and start a fight!

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 Re: I just encountered a gamer woman!

Author: Angel  (125.245.81.---)
Date:   04-04-06 06:05

Each of us has the Demon in which soul never shows. I not the ideal person, but I would like to become her, but show me the Standard of it of an ideal.. I have perfect parents and these most my big riches. My best friend - mum. But many men are jealous of her:-))

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 Re: I just encountered a gamer woman!

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   04-04-06 17:49

Demons need to be acknowledged and confronted. I am no ideal either,but I am mostly certain of who,and what I am.

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 Re: I just encountered a gamer woman!

Author: Andy  (
Date:   04-04-06 17:58

I see some of the problem already, you are putting up the "Motherinlaw"
spicter, to the men in begining (smile)

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 Re: I just encountered a gamer woman!

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   04-04-06 18:00

Yes,I see it too now!! Men are jealous because your mama,and not them,get to live with you!!

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 Re: I just encountered a gamer woman!

Author: Andy  (
Date:   04-04-06 18:04


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 Re: I just encountered a gamer woman!

Author: Angel  (
Date:   04-05-06 01:33

I have said that they are jealous, but I have not said that men address to the psychiatrist on this problem))) Men only run to complain to mummy)))

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 Re: I just encountered a gamer woman!

Author: Angel  (
Date:   04-05-06 01:41

Mum for me the good friend, and my friends need to be respected even))) I do not keep for a mother's skirt, but I listen to advice of the person senior and wise, but not always. I have many own impacts on a head and they too are dear to me.

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 Re: I just encountered a gamer woman!

Author: Andy  (
Date:   04-05-06 09:08

Well, as for me I have no "mummy" to run to, so I must make the reasoning, for myself, and stand by my own convictions.

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