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Author: Lilas  (
Date:   03-12-06 03:03

I adress my ??? to men foreigners,please. Why are you looking for relations and even more with women from Russia ,Ukraine etc.,who does not have phones,language skills and real imagination about life in your countries ,only some absurd fantasies? So it means ,they dont use even phones in everyday life,then they dont use any technics as you do,they even does not know sometimes to use lavatory[sorry!] right way,they are not civilized. Usually they dont speak any languages and their style of life[in all aspects] is rather different to yours! You are responsible for the problems and troubles,what happens after.Why do you continue to make same mistakes and to ask same ??? Dont get offended of me, but try to explain,please.All respect

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 Re: Why,dears,why?!?

Author: Ronnie  (208.65.80.---)
Date:   03-12-06 09:25

Well I can't speak for the other guys but I can tell you why I am. all the girls in the U.S or must I say most have lost all since and family value of what makes a family all they think about is whats in it for them. I have a friend Robert and he married a girl from Russia her name is Olga and she is one of the most family oriented person about the family values that you would ever want to meet Robert was 52 and olgas was 28 and they got marreid and have been married for 6 or 7 years and they have 2 kids and she is nice person you would ever want to meet she said that she would never go back to Russia and they have a nice big home and that she wishes all the girls over ther could get out of there. so that is one of the reason that I am looking for some one from your country. Ronnie

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 Re: Why,dears,why?!?

Author: Andy  (
Date:   03-12-06 09:39

Ronnie, I think she was trying to ask why you would be looking for a girl with no phone, and an outhouse for toilet, and liveing in remote areas.
I think that is what she asked about

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 Re: Why,dears,why?!?

Author: Ronnie  (208.65.80.---)
Date:   03-12-06 10:01

well you see I was born this way I didn't have and phone tell 1959 and yes I used the out house I was born in the country and and this was all we had I no how it is and andy I still live in the country in Kentucky and love it but I have a new home with the tolit in side now this is nothing to be a shame of

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 Re: Why,dears,why?!?

Author: Lilas  (
Date:   03-12-06 11:09

Ok,boys,should I explain better my ??? I dont understand,why to look for apples from banana? Ronnie's story is exception,but not the rull,same as Cinderella's.How you could understand about personality and values,if these girls even dont speak English? Conversation of eyes? :] I cant imagine to look for the native man,living in tree and hunting grasshoppers in savanna for example.May be,he is great personality and happy life,but how to catch his perfections and to get right communication?

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 Re: Why,dears,why?!?

Author: Lilas  (
Date:   03-12-06 11:24

Hello Andy and others, it means ,only these kind of girls have family values,etc. And more these women are simple,poor,less education and information have-more they have values ? Interesting,interesting theory...

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 Re: Why,dears,why?!?

Author: Andy  (
Date:   03-12-06 12:03

Lilas, Im not one to get into, cultural philosophy, but some people that do, believe that over education has caused the deterioration of the "family values" of the home unit. Also with the dependency on the need for monetary gain, in a capitalist society, there is no longer a need to have a family social structure, of one in charge, and the other second in command of the
family structure (da).
Im sure this will cause a stir on the left side. I only bring this up, as my parents lived by this,
and were together for 60 years.
This is in response to the undereducated ladies, or men, of the remote areas of any country.

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 Re: Why,dears,why?!?

Author: Lilas  (
Date:   03-12-06 12:13

But when the reality arrives and rulls win the exceptions,why do the men complain,that Russian,ukranian etc. women are ALL scammers,prostitutes,gold diggers ... And your TV does not show lucky stories,only owful.

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 Re: Why,dears,why?!?

Author: Andy  (
Date:   03-12-06 12:37

As for the TV News, "good" news never sells, only bad news.
as for the other (smile) I have been to some of the small towns of Ukraine.
There I have seen much difference than what is in Kiev, and the other big cities. I believe most are very honest, and strait forward. But there is always the temptation for them to try to conn something (smile), but also they quickly back away from it when they understand I know of it.
The prostitute thing, is another all together from anything I have ever seen or heard of locally. I believe most of them are collage girles trying to "work" their way through school. Another part of them are wives tired of drinking husband, and make money for life, and husbands drinks too.
That I call very interesting (da).
Not all scammers are women/ladies, but are men, with womans photos.
the ones that are women are usually working for the mafa, and are protected. Some are just scammers, and men are also scammers.

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 Re: Why,dears,why?!?

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   04-01-06 16:39

I hear of American women being scammers,prostitutes and gold-diggers too. There is beauty in simple lifestyles and values which are slowly disintegrating in the US. No country can call themselves the best,most morally and ethically upstanding peoples. People are good and bad wherever you go. Values are taught to a person. They could be poor as Appalachian country folk,and still be raised in families that believe in certain codes of conduct and behavior. I also want to point out that there are a growing number of Russian/American scammers who live right here in the US. Some of these women are married to American men,and the men have full knowledge of the frauds,yet still support the idea that a person can do nothing productive in life,and gain everything. At what price your soul? What is a person willing to give rather than take? I write this because I know the mail server will send this message to Lilas. I am interested in your viewpoint--if you are still part of the forum

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 Re: Why,dears,why?!?

Author: Olga  (
Date:   04-01-06 23:16

Russian girls not Cinderellas. Many of them are formed. I have three higher educations which I have received the mind. Many American men and women can dream of it because it is not accessible to the usual person there only. A question: who from us is the Cinderella? If all Russian and Ukrainian girls of the Cinderella then all foreign men princes))) it it is ridiculous. Everyone the man having on 1 cent is more, than the woman is Prince)) the Interesting theory.

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 Re: Why,dears,why?!?

Author: Lilas  (
Date:   04-02-06 07:47

Thanks for the answers.I am agree to both of you,Olga and Blaine. But it was more ritorical question,dears... Because a lot of complain from the men about girls without phone,not honest etc. I just wanted to hear one reasonable and honest explanation,why they continue to look for such accidents, if everything is so bad.Olga,nobody of these kind of men are not interested in formed or wise women...Because no chance to impresse and nothing to propose them... even with 2 cents... : ] They vote and screem for honesty and sincerety, but are not able to be ownselves. Still curiose...

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 Re: Why,dears,why?!?

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   04-02-06 09:11

Olya,do you think you will be an old maid in 4 more years? You are young and pretty,and you do have time to find the beloved man. I want to answer to Lilas and her question. Whatever men are looking for--they are looking for a change. A different kind of woman,because the women they are accustomed to will not suit their needs. It is good to mix the bloods--it is ethnic and cultural joining. As far as honesty goes--it is the main point I insist on. I insist on this in every person I know,whether it is my best friend or my brother. I demand respect secondly. Without respect,how can any friendship flourish? I will know an insincere woman,because she will not answer questions,will not be responsive to me or my questions. I want to be engaged and asked questions. This shows interest.

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 Re: Why,dears,why?!?

Author: Uri  (
Date:   04-02-06 10:10

Hello Lilas,I hear very often the concept of "uneducate" from many Russians, and I wander ,why are you using it as a point of referance,as if we all looking for an education.I can get my education on my own,I don't need to marry one. everyone in the world may or may not have the opportunity to get educated,but this is something that everyone can do.I know many"highly educated " idiots. the wisdom of life ,and relationship comes from the inside of a person, are we willing to look oppenly and honestly at ourselves, and question ,what can we be, to be a better being,and to find a loving caring and I are maybe"highly educated"what is about us,that we are still here,searching for the right person?what did we miss in our education?a person with less education maybe the right person. how long dose it take to learn to flash a toilet?is that your reference point?why are we still here,searching Lilas? why dear why? and what dear what don't we understand about us?what dear what?
thanks Uri.

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 Re: Why,dears,why?!?

Author: Lilas  (
Date:   04-02-06 11:29

Dear Uri, I never wrote that education is the main point of each personality.Or uneducated people are second race people... I just expressed my opinion that it is always easier and resultative to look for the person with same life look,social,educational etc level s as you are. More is difference-more surprises and misunderstandings.Yes,it is possible to pass everything [if you have good motivation].But are sure,that these lightly educated girls without future in their own countries will do huge efforts for your wonderful personality,but not for their own best and will use you only as a trampline ? After,of course,when they will learn to use WC,phone etc. But everybody gets what is he\she looking for,you are right! About us: I am still here for nothing,just 1 of 1000 chances,why not? More you are primitive-more ready for everything and easy to agree with first one variant,sorry. I am not in hurry,and you?

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 Re: Why,dears,why?!?

Author: Lilas  (
Date:   04-02-06 11:42

Also, you juge as from Western side. I could tell you that ,difference between people in Europe,for example,not so big[I mean different regions,city and countryside,worker or manager etc.] In Russia these differences are HUGE!!!

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 Re: Why,dears,why?!?

Author: Smiling  (
Date:   04-02-06 12:11

Lilas, Do you really think that people with education are better than people without education? Or is it your way to get attention of men here? Unfortunately, I know a lot of dishonest people with education. I remaind you all our dishonest politicians have education (univercities, colleges) .
And how it seems to me for a man is not important your Univercity, but much important your apperance (for first time) and your human quilities like kindness, honesty, generous... for together life after in family. Or do you think that people without education don't have ones?

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 Re: Why,dears,why?!?

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   04-02-06 13:32

Well you say you got the blues,
Got holes in both of your shoes,
Feelin alone and confused,
You got to keep on smilin, keep on smilin

Yeah, you're about to go insane,
Cause your womans playing games
And she says that you're to blame,
You got to keep on smilin, keep on smilin

Keep on smilin through the rain, laughin at the pain
Rollin with the changes til the sun comes out again
Keep on smilin through the rain, laughin at the pain
Rollin with the changes, singin this refrain

Singin in a honky tonk cafe,
Nobody's hearin what you play,
They're too busy drinkin anyway,
You got to keep on smilin, keep on smilin
Brother keep on smiling

You say you found a peace of land
Gonna change from city boy to country man
Try to build your life with your hands
You got to keep on smilin, keep on smilin


You're just hangin out in a local bar,
And you're wonderin who the hell you are
Are you a bum or are you a star? You got to keep on smilin

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 Re: Why,dears,why?!?

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   04-02-06 13:34

This song is for you,Smiling. It is by an old American band called Wet Willie. Forgive me,Lilas,as I have polluted your topic!! I could not resist when I seen Smiling here. It is a nice name--I must commend your parents!!

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 Re: Why,dears,why?!?

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   04-02-06 13:42

Ignorance is bliss!! I only wish I did not know now what I did not know so long ago. Less is better sometimes--simple people often have simple dreams,and there is not a thing wrong with that!! Too much complication in life makes people not easily happy. I have so much information and thought in my head,I wish I could lose some of it. I am a little jealous of old people who lose their memories. Why do people search for the foreign mate? It is a child`s answer, "because" !! It is simple and acceptable. We seek peace in our domestic lives,and a woman different than any we have known before. It is obvious to me that if a search does not work out after 20 years or more--than there needs to be an alternative search with different methods and different women.

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 Re: Why,dears,why?!?

Author: Olga  (
Date:   04-03-06 02:24

Men do not like wise women. I do not think myself clever, because I still on this site)) As spoke Cheshicky a cat in " Alice in the country of miracles: " If you were not crazy similar to us, you would not come here ".))) But many men from this site count me the deceiver and write to me about it, I write just I think, I feel, but not silly ideas of little girls)) But I insist that at each person the truth. I that can also look for whom the idiot.))
Really people demand from people of advantages: honesty, erudition, romantic, etc. it not having. Each person is individuality and dreams at everyone the: love, children, a bag of money, crossing to other country))) And if all dreams are going to in one place of realization that here bad?

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 Re: Why,dears,why?!?

Author: Smiling  (
Date:   04-03-06 02:40

Olga, there are women, who are actres in life and women, who cannot play in life as in the theatre. How it seams to me you are the second one.I add that me ,too. Wisedom comes with experience and age to people who can study. (there are people who cannot study)

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 Re: Why,dears,why?!?

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   04-03-06 03:24

With wisdom comes the ability to laugh at minor problems. I personally like wise women very much,and am bored by an empty headed woman. This is another reason to admire the women from your countries. Most women put my mind to sleep. After 20 minutes of sound has issued from her face,she will look to see that I am snoring loudly.

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 Re: Why,dears,why?!?

Author: Angel  (
Date:   04-04-06 00:22

It is the truth. To some people with the years together there comes mind, but the some the age comes lonely ;-)))))

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 Re: Why,dears,why?!?

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   04-04-06 00:46

Are we following each other around the many topics? This is funny. I will be sleepy in the morning! But I am high-grading ( stealing ) Lilas` topic,so I will try to return to it. I have decided not too be active in my own search,because I know that the soul mate might drop in my lap at any time. I do like the conversation,because I am infinitely curious about people. I should have been a socialogist instead of a plumber? And I do crave deep campfire talk!! My mind needs too much stimulation! So--it could really be a woman from anyplace--anywhere. There must be mutual relations--so,depending on what both people are looking for, there does not need to be issues of age or physical differences. Any relationship starts with friendship,and it either withers and dies,or grows towards something else in another level of relations.

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 Re: Why,dears,why?!?

Author: Angel  (125.245.81.---)
Date:   04-04-06 05:57

One time I would know what the man I would like to meet, have then met he on 100 % corresponded to my ideal.

I think that often we do not know whom we want. Sometimes you sit and you think: " he will be most, most, most ", but meet at all princes and he to like you. I think simply what period in your life depends and if to appear the person corresponding to your condition, he it is necessary for you to like. Let he will be itself Features:-))))

Let the God of me will excuse)))) but fires naughty a demon in eyes, sometimes do not spoil Angelic soul :-))))

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 Re: Why,dears,why?!?

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   04-04-06 17:57

I think we want each person to be better then the last person. It is a nice thought that we can become better at finding the lifetime person ( practice makes perfect?)--but often we only find the same person,over and over again,in a different body.

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 Re: Why,dears,why?!?

Author: Andy  (
Date:   04-04-06 18:02

Recurrent Time Laps Syndrome

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 Re: Why,dears,why?!?

Author: Angel  (
Date:   04-05-06 01:46

Probably simply really the person with the certain mentality draws people of one type. In psychology the woman to search for type of the man as her father. I have nothing against mine the daddy, but my ideal is not a lot of other. My girlfriend during a life meets and likes identical people which even are given birth in identical number, month and year))) it was 4 times is any more concurrences, but law

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 Re: Why,dears,why?!?

Author: Andy  (
Date:   04-05-06 09:09

as I said (smile),

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