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 sammer or not scammer?

Author: Alexandre  (
Date:   03-29-06 06:34

Let me explain what happened to me. One month ago I met a very nice girl on “rbrides”, we exchanged a lot of e-mail and since the beginning I fell she was the people I wanted.
I feld in love with her and she was too. I asked when had some holiday and she said she’ll take some in April. Then I propose to come to meet her. But she proposed to me to come directly in Belgium ( yes I live in Belgium) . I said why not? She went to go to see how much cost a visa and passport ans she said that she was very surprise about the amount (178$). She told me that she have only 50$ and she asked me for 150$. I sent 150? to her last Thursday, she takes the money Friday morning, then she write to me that now she is very busy with her work but she’ll write to me this evening more. Friday evening she wrote to me a long letter of 2 pages. Then since this letter I had no more news from her. Sunday I started to be perplex and it’s only this day I heard about scam letter. Then of course I talked to my self and say “she got me” I wrote to her to say that she disappear just after got my money and I said you just wasted my time. Tuesday she wrote to me and apologize and explain that the cyber café was out of order since Saturday and she couldn’t write to me until Tuesday. I explain to her everything about scam girl and that’s may be a misunderstanding but I also told her that in future I’ll never send to her more money and for her flight ticket I’ll buy it from here and shall be at her disposition at the airport. She answer me that she is still soory about this misunderstanding but she repeted her sentiments for me.
My question is what do you think about it and I would like to know if it really exist some agency in Russia who do all the necessary to obtain visa and passport for someone and in two weeks.

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 Re: sammer or not scammer?

Author: Alexandre  (
Date:   03-29-06 06:42

I also have to say that she gave about 12 photo of her sometimes good, sometimes less, even the friday after she got the oney in her long letter she sent to me a picture!

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 Re: scammer or not scammer?

Author: Richard  (129.44.35.---)
Date:   03-29-06 07:27


Not sure of the exact visa situation for Belgium, but for USA or UK it is extremely dificult for young Russian to obtain tourist visa. However. you need to check the exact situtation with someone from France / Belguim

Even for Germany, where I know visa is possible, an invite would be required from the German host

Have a look on scammer site also: www

Best regards


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 Re: sammer or not scammer?

Author: Andy  (
Date:   03-29-06 08:16

I would say the odds are she is scammer, and remember it is always best for you to go to her, first. Even then she can scam you, but you are on a different level, at that point.

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 Re: sammer or not scammer?

Author: Alexandre  (
Date:   03-29-06 08:31

Thank you Richard and thank you Andy.
But I was very clear with her and I told her I wont give her money anymore. And for her flight ticket I'll pay from here directly to the airplane compagny. Then what is still her interest if she lies and know she won't get money anymore?

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 Re: sammer or not scammer?

Author: Andy  (
Date:   03-29-06 10:06

if you pay to airline direct, make sure it is non refundable ticket only to you! (smile). I had one ask for ticket money, on month ago, told her NO, and yesterday, she mailed again, telling of computer problems, and wanted to know if we could start communicating again, I said why. have not heard back.
Always remember, it may not be a girl at all but Boris (smile), telling you what you want to hear.
I wish it was different, and you will look at it differently from now on (hope), but don't stop looking, there are good ones out there.

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 Re: sammer or not scammer?

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   03-29-06 10:28

I like that question,Andy "WHY". It is a good question to ask any woman. I used to be different ( inexperienced) but now I demand answers from women to direct questions I ask. And I ask many,many questions in many letters. If she is a bullshitter,she will not bother to respond even if you ask her the same question 5 times. If she is false,she will not have your letter translated even. Some people have gotten very good at writing canned letters which seem responsive to you,but are really just a lot of blah blah blah. Why pay for translation for possibly hundreds or thousands of personal letters sent by men? Alexandre,you must go to the woman. You can travel there inexpensively ( without visa, am I correct?) and make sure she is not a man or a fraud.

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 Re: sammer or not scammer?

Author: Smiling  (
Date:   03-29-06 11:11

Dear Alexandre, you sent small money your girl to suspect her. If I were her I would not write you any more after your terrible suspectios .

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 Re: sammer or not scammer?

Author: Alexandre  (
Date:   03-29-06 11:22

Than-you to all of you for your reply.
I just sent to her another letter where I tell her clearly that I shall not send money to her anymore. If she needs money she must ask to friend or parents. And if she’ll come really here I’ll refund to her what she spent. I also told her that her flight ticket shall be not refundable to her.
If after that she continues to write to me and she is a scammer. Then I don’t understand what should be her goal.

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 Re: sammer or not scammer?

Author: Smiling  (
Date:   03-29-06 11:39

Then go to her country and spend your money for your meeting.

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 Re: sammer or not scammer?

Author: Andy  (
Date:   03-29-06 13:27

Alexandre, Tell her your coming in two weeks, and for her to give you her address, if you allready have it, tell her you will meet her at her house.
I did this once and she wrote back in minutes, that she was leaveing the next day to meet her new husband, in another country!! stoped the "bull ****" smile. Go to her!!!

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 Re: sammer or not scammer?

Author: Karina  (62.183.25.---)
Date:   03-29-06 23:07

You have made a small good act, but what for it to spoil the doubts. Go to hers country and it will be the most correct decision. Correspondence on the Internet should not last longer 3 months, for one year of correspondence it is possible to leave in marriage really see you))). The woman values each year of a life because you men count us old even the ambassador hardly 30 years. You value the money, and women count time and men always it is necessary to remember it.))
The man should give the woman gifts. To the man it is always pleasant for present to do it. It is not pleasant for me to look, how you shout about a friendly act of the help on all Internet.

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 Re: sammer or not scammer?

Author: Richard  (63.168.131.---)
Date:   03-30-06 01:08

If a man made a small good act to every person who asked him for money on the internet, he would soon have a small case of bankruptcy.

Its not a mans duty to send gifts to complete strangers, and as Alexandre has not named the person I do not understand the comments Karina made

It would however be interesting if anyone knew what the availability (and cost) of a visa is from Russia to Belgium.



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 Re: sammer or not scammer?

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   03-30-06 11:12

I just have to say it---I have lost all self control!! Karina,you are just adorable in those glasses!! That has to be one of the sexiest photos I have ever seen here. Did you do that on purpose? Slinky Minky!!

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 Re: sammer or not scammer?

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   04-01-06 19:22

3 months or 3 years--it does not matter. If there is desire for the relations--it will happen. If 2 people write daily,ask and answer questions,and are responsive and attracted to each other,then a lifetime of waiting for the mutual reward of meeting will suffer a few months conversation before happening in reality. People want the "quick fix" and "instant gratification". I would prefer the "snail mail" or regular postal communications if it meant growing into deeper levels of intimacy with the woman. There are people who believe the slow postal letter method is better than the internet. It shows desire and attentiveness to actually hand write a letter. I am honored by this because it also means that I will receive a real and personal communication,and not a canned letter.

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 Re: sammer or not scammer?

Author: Olga  (
Date:   04-01-06 22:52

It is ridiculously everyone the man so strongly values and protects the fine savings, but does not store time and years of the woman. I think everyone will agree with me that the woman after 30 years is not in demand any more at men. If with everyone to write who writes on one year of correspondence I think there will be no also all my life.

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 Re: sammer or not scammer?

Author: Andy  (
Date:   04-02-06 00:58

Olga, I am sure if you stay from people that smoke, and keep eating healthy, you are going to still be looking good at 40, nat least. I have noted that women, (American and fsu, and other countries) when woman reaches 30, they start looking for the younger men, and lieing about there age, and looking for "plastic surgons" (smile). I belive it is because of the movie industry, and TV sitcoms. da

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 Re: sammer or not scammer?

Author: Olga  (
Date:   04-03-06 02:00

I am still young to speak 40 years women about experience. But I think, that simply young weak in the material and sexual plan to reach for more confident and provided woman. When I write in acquaintances required age of the man from 28 till 35 years, write grandfathers from 45 till 80 years. Thus the grandfather wants that the woman was young, formed and without expenses from what his party side. Ridiculously. My familiar corresponded with the grandfather which meets the young girl 3 years live with her only, stops and to search new. The girl about it at all does not suspect. It is his way of life.

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 Re: sammer or not scammer?

Author: Smiling  (
Date:   04-03-06 02:29

Andy, not all women over 30 want to get men who are younger than they.
Otherwise very often young men want to get interesting good-looking charming older women.

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 Re: sammer or not scammer?

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   04-03-06 03:19

I knew I was born too late!!

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 Re: sammer or not scammer?

Author: Andy  (
Date:   04-03-06 09:15

ya Blaine, you got it too (smile).
Smiling, it is never "all" women or men, but I see many womens profiles in America, and is normal, for the woman to look younger, but not "all" most of it happens at womans age of 34 to 44, then reality catches up, and it changes attitudes (smile).
Olga, I think Blaine, can concure with me to the fact, that there is a time in American culture called "Hippy" where it was normal for communing, where man and women only live together, and had many sex partners. This age is about where you are talking, it happend after me about 4 years. So you are going to find of that age many men that would like to go back in time,
to this way of life, with a younger girl. I asure you that is not the case with me. da.

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 Re: sammer or not scammer?

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   04-03-06 09:39

I was hitch-hiking in the Idaho panhandle in 1976. A semi truck driver picked me up,and over the CB radio I overheard the other drivers talking about a "nudie community" I was hitch hiking to Lewiston,Idaho,coming down the Lolo Pass in western Montana/Idaho. I asked the driver about this place,and talked him into dropping me off near there. I walked the mile or so up the trail,and could not believe my eyes. Naked women all over the place!! So--I got naked too!! And that`s how I stayed--naked,for about a week of delightful partying and general grab-ass. No men walked around with erections preying on women. Everything was really groovy!!! I miss this time of life

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 Re: sammer or not scammer?

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   04-03-06 09:46

What I was going to say is women especially can alter their appearance. I learned this after a beautiful lady from North Carolina had the 500 dollar makeover for her photo. She came to Montana to visit me,and my first reaction was " WHo let the dog out?" She then proceeded to show me how very different she was in reality,as compared to her profile. Every person has a blemish--whether it is on their ass,or in their soul. This is not an easy task--finding the person on the internet. But--nothing good in life is without its` difficulties. I realize that finding the woman from the internet is just a lot of work and hassle--but obviously not impossible

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 Re: sammer or not scammer?

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   04-03-06 09:48

Oh,by the way--nice new photo,Olya!! I think this is a true photo,incidentally,although you could be a very pretty man named Oleg!!!

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 Re: sammer or not scammer?

Author: Andy  (
Date:   04-03-06 13:34

Olga, all were speaking about it, so I take a look also, very good, the photo, Da

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 Re: sammer or not scammer?

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   04-03-06 13:38

All bow before Queen Olga !!! I will be your slave,my queen!! I must neuter myself to be worthy enough to perform as your harem guard!!!

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 Re: sammer or not scammer?

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   04-03-06 13:38

I am just kidding--don`t get all feisty on me!!

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 Re: sammer or not scammer?

Author: Andy  (
Date:   04-03-06 13:52

don't neuter your self Blaine, she might come into season (smile).

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 Re: sammer or not scammer?

Author: Angel  (
Date:   04-03-06 23:59

I have read a theme of this forum and wanted to answer, but I look that the main theme is douche by dirty Olga. Men cannot find right answers on her post, therefore click a teeth. But Olga if about you speak and write and notice your changes it means just you have noticed and watch you.I think to men more pleasantly to think that you the dirty programmer in shabby jeans with a bottle of beer in the hands, knowing 8 programming languages Delphy, C + and ...)) blindly writing on SQL and playing breaks open passwords of credit cards. And thus liking to chat with different crazy people here at a forum. You do not consider what is it too?;-))))))

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 Re: sammer or not scammer?

Author: Andy  (
Date:   04-04-06 00:09


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 Re: sammer or not scammer?

Author: Lorentz  (
Date:   04-04-06 23:19

Well "Angel," - I think Andy has entered the most perfect responsive post I have ever encountered, and I, ten fold, echo his commentary. WOW !!!! If I have understood even just a portion of what you have said correctly, I am in serious need of some further education about what "new" scams to be wary of. If the principal of "it takes one to know one" is even slightly valid, I am doubly concerned.

Without naming names, you sound extremely knowledgeable in this area, I would say clearly have access to your own computer, and, like the individual you make reference to, show posts from multiple network carriers. Since you apparently have become great good friends already with so many in Forum, I am hoping that you will take the time to enlighten us as to what you may be aware that some individuals are after doing with their computers that might affect some of us here on this site. I am certain that none here would enjoy being victims and would rather avoid any such grief if at all possible.

As the type of criminal activity you make inference to is "skilled" behavior that has most serious consequences if uncovered, I would expect your responses to be guarded to reveal no individual or incriminate them. Since you have expressed concern for some Forum members, and are obviously mentioning something you have a degree of experience with, I think you could do a big favor for many by letting them know how exactly the process you mention works and what specifically they can do to take steps to avoid possible victimization.

I look to your early positive response.

Sincerely, your friendly neighborhood Viking.

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 Re: sammer or not scammer?

Author: Smiling  (
Date:   04-04-06 23:36

Lorentz, could you express your thoughts simpler? That is not science forum here:):):)

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 Re: sammer or not scammer?

Author: Angel  (
Date:   04-05-06 01:02

I think that "good" scammers is a good psychologist.
The professional will never do:
1. To not answer the put questions
2. To not tell about the family and to not send a photo of parents. A photo of the passport for travel abroad - it will be sent - in our life many technologies and good programs of processing of pictures, for example Photoshop;-)
3. He will ask money. You will give and offer them to him.:-)))
4. If not to go deep into programming - at dialogue in MSN or ICQ. yahoo for the good programmer it is not difficult to get access to yours PC or webmoney. For example many are familiar with a site project Mamba - there there is an opportunity to fill up bill through webmoney - now after dialogue on this forum is possible to remain without money to the bill)))

scammers were, is and will be... But we good people should reach to each other))) I am right?

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 Re: sammer or not scammer?

Author: Angel  (
Date:   04-05-06 01:28

The Brevity - the sister of Talent))) I completely agree with you Smiling

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 Re: sammer or not scammer?

Author: Lorentz  (
Date:   04-05-06 06:46

"Angel" like "Smiling" - I am assuming, - since you are not originally from English speaking countries, and probably have not officially changed your birth names, are "screennames". - This practice is not only common, but compulsory on most American "interaction" sites. Here however, this is not the norm and judging by what I think Angel is saying should perhaps become so sometime really soon.

As we speak however, it seems that you have come to play at the nudist colony with all of your clothes still on. Which causes me to wonder what it is that you think or feel that you might be placing in jeopardy, that is superior in value to any other member on this site, male or female. Are you both individuals of some extreme wealth or particular celebrity ?? If not, I can't see how withholding your identity places you on equal footing with anyone here in your commentary. Perhaps one or both of you might explain why you have elected to conceal your identities.

If you choose to respond, please take your time so you can be clear to the rest of us less "talented" folk. - IF "Brevity" is indeed the sister of talent, it is also the mother of miscommunication. While Angel expressed concern that she might "loose me" with techno-jargon, which she would not have, but at the same time is not what I was asking, she did mention some issues that have caused more questions for me, and I think the clarification of these might be of interest to many members besides myself.

Angel, first you use the word programmer, when it sounds like you mean instead - "Hacker." Are you stating that is either sponsoring or rewarding hacking as an official policy ?? Are there any other "sponsored" programs out there like Mamba, ( perhaps Lambada or Tango ??) Your "brief" response to my question was shortened by explanation of scammers as pop psychologists which in the typical correspond and ask for money scenario is generally well understood by all. What remains unclear is the "bill" you mention and what essential data the average hacker must obtain to gain access to protected information, how often this occurs and what can be done to prevent it from happening. I know that this will be usefull news for some.

I thank you in advance for your enlightening response.

Sincerely, your friendly neighborhood Viking ( My screen name - not on this site)

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 Re: sammer or not scammer?

Author: Angel  (201.57.203.---)
Date:   04-06-06 00:25

I have knowledge but I cannot lead lecture on protection of the PC from the hacker. The hacker (the annoyed programmer, as for me). I think many sites exists for discussion of a software. You and I can make protection to ours PC, but there is no protection against Hacking in love. This forum is called to be an antihacker software for us))) But at a forum old versions often are discussed.

You do not suppose that mine screennames, there can be Russian reduction from my true name ?

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 Re: sammer or not scammer?

Author: Lorentz  (
Date:   04-06-06 22:54

Angel; - If I was from England my name would be spelled Lawrence, I am not so it is not. What else would you like me to consider??

I think you, in your talented brevity, wasted a whole bunch of letters just to say NO. No is simple, certainly brief, perhaps then talented and - well, it works for me. You could have left it at that without all the rest of the horsepucky. I can understand completely how you might be disinclined to respond if you thought that this might be detrimental to you in some manner. But we both know that "Love Hackers" and Software Lectures are not what I was asking you to discuss.

What I originally asked was that you please clarify what you had already revealed in your post of 4/3 - without any question or prompting from me. Your first reply revealed little, so I asked again and your next reply reveals nothing. Entirely your prerogative without argument. But please don't pretend as you have that I was in any way unclear or that the potential answers to my questions would not have had both relevance and interest here in Forum. Subject thread here includes in it's title the word "scammers" and that which you initially allude to is absolutely and directly relevant. Even if it were not, - we get to talk about just about anything here in Forum and in fact, most folks do.

Sincerely, your friendly neighborhood Viking.

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 Re: sammer or not scammer?

Author: Fausto  (
Date:   04-11-06 15:34

My best adice that i can give as to my brother is ;

1) you call the shots , you must be in control of the situation, you set up your plans.

2) NEVER TRUST ANY ONE ! YOU GO TO VISIT THE LADY AND SERCH HER BACKROUND, her family, her work, her friend. see and feel her feelings for you, if there are any ! is easy to find out, set a few traps. !

So far i had corrispondence with about 70 ladys, and up to now the outlook is very disturbing, , the chance to find a sincere one are propably in 1 to 4 per cent .

But those ladys they only bring shame up on themself and their fellows

They have no value of life, they have no respect for other people feelings, forgett about you and me . !

They think that they can fool anybody !! but their life is in a gutter !

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 Re: sammer or not scammer?

Author: Smiling  (
Date:   04-11-06 22:42

Poor Fausto!:):):). In my opinion there are two things: or you are a bad man or you a stupid man, who cannot find a good woman. I don't believe that all women and also all men are wrong.

Look for reason in yourself!

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 Re: sammer or not scammer?

Author: Angel  (125.244.115.---)
Date:   04-12-06 03:50

Yes it is a pity Fausto :))) Likely which all mermaids he caught in the sea, he rejected))) now has reached and here in the Internet. I am afraid that our Neptune remain one)))

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 Re: sammer or not scammer?

Author: Fausto  (
Date:   04-12-06 14:48

Thanks For the SMILING DOCTOR Opinion and the ANGEL DZINER !



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