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 New Scammer

Author: john  (
Date:   12-11-05 06:07

There is a new scammer under the name of ALLA BOCHKAREVA,30 years old who has been scamming a lot of people using stolen credit card on to contact 384 members. she is using the email address and .We know know that the real person is a man.

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Author: Irina  (
Date:   01-25-06 03:46

Misters! SOS! The mankind dies out, as a kind. Where you, the present men, gentlemen, knights without fear and reproach? The forum has turned to concourse of the scared boys which shout: cautiously, us deceive! She
wished to take from me money for the ticket aboard the plane to arrive to me! She
wanted from me a gift! She
probably, simply deceives me!
I have invited it to appointment, and she
at once has agreed! And what for then you invited it, if did not want, that it has agreed? You, strong, young men, shake with fear also indignation before us, women! We want love! Where to take it if 8 men from 10 only and think, as well as a small fish to eat, and to not leave a part of the purse!
Where you, men from whom we wish to give birth to strong and courageous sons who will not slobber in a difficult vital situation? Which will protect mothers and sisters during unpacific time? And you name us feministic
that we, women, became stronger and We became more courageous than you! SOS! Men, the present men, die out, as a kind!

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 Re: New Scammer

Author: Elena  (
Date:   02-03-06 15:24

I agree with you, Irina ! There were many topics about women scammers, but men have a great choice , as here are a lot of sincere women, who are maybe shy to write first to a men, but are waiting to meet a right one

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 Re: New Scammer

Author: Tommy  (
Date:   02-03-06 16:07

Love is aways a risk. You can give your heart and soul to someone and there is no guarantee that they will ever love you in return the way you would like. No matter where in te world they are from.
If you are very afraid then you will never know love. I know I am ready in this small world to give all and I find women from overseas to be very beautiful and tender hearted.
I will take my chances as I know I will surely seek what I am looking for, True Love.

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 Re: New Scammer

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   02-04-06 07:36

Well said,Tommy! No matter how much you love someone--anyone, it does not mean they have to love you in return. And so often,people have different levels of love for each other. Whoever has the least amount of love really controls the relationship,as the person who is the most "smitten" must always defer to the person with the lesser feelings.

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 Re: New Scammer

Author: Irina  (
Date:   02-06-06 00:05

???????, ???????, ??? ?? ????????? ?? ????. ? ????????? ???? ???????? ???????? ???? ????????? ????????, ??? ???? ??????? ???? ???? ??????????, ??? ?? ????? ??? ???????????? ????????? ??????. ??, ??????, ??? ?? ?????, ??? ????? ?????? ?????. ?? ?????????? ??????????? ????????? ?????? ? ????????? ?? ?? "?????? ????". ??? ???????, ??? ??? ??? ??????, ????? ?????????????????? ?? ???? ???????. ??????? ????? ??????... ????? ???? ????????? ??????...
? ?????????, ?????.

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 Re: New Scammer

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   02-06-06 07:51

there is a saying--"do not judge a man until you walk a mile ( or kilometer) in his shoes". If you have decided that there are no worthy men here,then you have made a predisposed judgement of the forum. I personally have had my heart ripped out by Russian women,but I am not bitter,and have learned from my own misfortune. Again,I will say to you that in a forum,people write to be educated,to come to understanding. SOmetimes a man will be bitter about a woman who has rejected him,and might try to make her seem like a bad person. But this is clearly not Ayman`s objective. He has not disrespected this woman by revealing words personally written to him. Her letter is the same one that she may have sent to hundreds of men. Sometimes,when a woman sends the same letter so many times,it can actually be found on an internet search from a direct quote from the letter ( if it has been sent so many times) Ask as many questions as you need to!!!

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 Re: New Scammer

Author: Irina  (
Date:   02-06-06 15:56

I think, that some men try to speak badly about the woman that other people thought of it to the man " it better, it good ". Many men badly speak about the wife from whom they have divorced. You cannot find the wife in the homeland and write that Russian women have offended your heart. And what your women who live in one country with you have made to you? For what you do not love them? Tell to us, it is very interesting!

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 to Blaine

Author: Irina  (
Date:   02-07-06 04:02

there is a saying--"do not judge a man until you walk a mile ( or kilometer) in his shoes". If you have decided that there are no worthy WOMAN here,then you have made a predisposed judgement of the forum.
You have begun the first. In history of mankind the woman always was deceived. Now men speak as they were deceived. There can be you have lost courage? You are not afraid to turn to women? By the way, to gossip is a habit of women. You here are engaged in it.

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 Re: New Scammer

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   02-07-06 06:20

Are you trying to tell me that men do not gossip? This is a secret unbeknownst to you then!! I also do not judge. I have made good friends from this forum. I also have loved and been loved too. I have loved women who I did not think to marry or have sex with. Love does not necessarily mean marriage. You know it is much more complex than this!! Also,the history of man has little to do with me--as an individual person. No person is perfect,and I make no claim to be. Men deceive,women deceive,even children deceive. I pay for the right to be here to discuss subject matter which interests me. The fear of must always bare your heart open even if you have always been deceived. How else would the spark of a new romance turn into the flame of love and desire? Suspicion and paranoia do not kindle the romantic flame.

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 to Blaine

Author: Irina  (
Date:   02-08-06 01:00

Certainly, we very different. We were born and have grown in the different countries and are brought up on a miscellaneous. And I in many respects agree with you. Certainly, you have the right to state the ideas. For this purpose we here have met. But not be too aggressive. In fact women always not in equal position near to men. It has developed historically. Discrimination even at this forum. In fact nobody has told, how men have deceived women. Women do not like it to speak. Therefore when you speak much about that as you were deceived by women you use the position. It is unpleasant. And it does not do to you honour. If at you understand that such honour. In fact a word the gentleman English? It is in all languages. But anybody from you (rare exception) does not behave as the gentleman. Anyway in words. And in a life? You have paid for that to gossip? I thought for that to find love. I was mistaken? You savour also it unpleasantly. It entertains you. And it badly smells. Gossip please, to you I shall not stir. You have paid for it.

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 Re: New Scammer

Author: Ayman  (
Date:   02-08-06 04:06

Irina, this forum members mostly are men trying to find their soulmates and they are discussing their experience and exposing scams and criminals who are highjacking the site with their attitude. So there is no point talking about men who deceive women. Can't you understand?

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 Re: New Scammer

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   02-08-06 04:21

Our American media has related many stories about women who come to this country and are beaten and abused. There is also a blacklist of men who use the emotions of women and really have no desire for them. These are emotional deceivers,and they are men and women. I come here to enrich myself,and learn how to be a better person,and to understand the differences in men and women. I have tired of the search for a woman--it is like finding the holy grail,or a dog who chases his own tail. I enjoy all opinions,and often I will write to encite people to conversation. I have been gifted in my life,and if I am to find the woman for all life,then it will be an accident,or through little effort of my own. Until then---I am not lonely for women. And I still communicate with some who I met here. They are friends. I satisfy myself with loving friends,family,animals,and trees. I do understand what you mean,Irina,about having respect for a person who has given intimate details about themselves. But I do not feel this way about a dating site,because these same details are given to everybody. There is a point in relations where I would not dare to paste a letter--unless it was to a close friend. I am here,and will be reading all the posts,because I feel that all people must start as friends first-then maybe more later. I need communication on my own level of understanding,so that is mostly why I write in the forum. I have no juicy gossip for anybody,because I do not know someone here closely enough to have this kind of information. Hope to read more from Irina,and others!!

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 Re: New Scammer

Author: Irina  (
Date:   02-10-06 01:09

My God, as with you it is boring. From you blows melancholy and depression.

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 Re: New Scammer

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   02-10-06 07:57

You are a negative person,Irina. I have yet to read from you anything positive-or friendly even. I advise and counsel with my words. I do this for my friends in real life,and I am respected for my sage advice and many experiences . You do not know me well enough to blow out a lot of hot smoke in my direction. I will tolerate anybody`s opinion ,and defend their right to have an opinion,but I will not lay down to be disrespected or ill-treated by you or anybody else. As a matter of fact,I have a difficult time not saying something when any person is abused." I come here to enrich myself,and learn how to be a better person,and to understand the differences in men and women". I quote this from my last posting. If this is to you melancholy ( it is true--I am a melancholy man,and not ashamed of it) and depressing,I shudder to think what it would take for a man to crack the frozen tundra which has grown over your heart. Good luck to you,and lots of it!!

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 Re: New Scammer

Author: Smiling  (
Date:   02-10-06 13:25

Blaine, don't spend your health to explane everybody you are good.I am for a long time on this forum. And can tell everybody you are enoug well-mannered, patient for this forum man.I can't tell so about all people on this forum

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 Re: New Scammer

Author: Svetlana  (
Date:   02-10-06 14:42

Dear Irina, let me ask you: what do you do on this forum? If you know English and can read what they talk about use it trying understand men better.
It is the best you can do here.

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 to Blaine

Author: Irina  (
Date:   02-10-06 16:41

It is not necessary to shift from a sick head on healthy. You see it in all women of informers and negative characters. It you deceive many times, by your letters. To me it is boring with you because you constantly complain. And about anybody you have not written any good word. Therefore I do not value your opinion, it to me is indifferent. If in my heart tundra, in yours desert in which is not present ???? a drop of water of life. You has offended that to me boringly with you? But it is a life, and it not a sweet! You are time to get used to difficulties, already adult boy! Try to prove to be from the cheerful party, do not cry about what all bad, and you one remarkable. And people to you will be pulled!

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 Re: New Scammer

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   02-10-06 17:11

Thank you,Smiling. I have been in this forum for some time now,and I really do try to be useful in my conversations. There is another forum at which I used to attend,but the war of words and argument left bad feelings for many of the men there. Instead of being informative,it became a war of words,and personal attacks. I do not want to engage in what American men call a "pissing match",or spread negativity throughout these conversations,although I will pose questions meant to stir or provoke thoughts from others. Apparently I got what I asked for in Rina. I am a noble man,and magnanimous,so I will let this bad seed wither and dry up,rather than entertain a harsh discourse of quarrel and further name calling. It is good to know that I have been recognized by people who have been here long enough to observe my sincere intentions. I wish you all a very good day ! Blaine

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 Re: New Scammer

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   02-10-06 17:24

Now,I would like to apologize to John for highjacking his topic. This topic is about Alla. John, she is apparently not new,and is listed on all the scam sites. She is asking for 2475 US dollars for her heart sugery. I have written before,and want to inform the ladies here that insincere people are everywhere. Men will answer advertizement in magazines or local newspapers for escorts. Frauds are here in our own cities,so please do not feel bad for all the scam talk you read. In my opinion,real people are responsive and sincere in their letters,and it is easy to see the difference between good and bad people

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 to Blaine

Author: Irina  (
Date:   02-10-06 17:50

I do not wish to argue. I do not wish to quarrel. If you do not understand me, I do not understand you, what for verbal fights? I promise you, Blaine, that at this forum there will be from me no message. Yes will be so!

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 Re: New Scammer

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   02-10-06 18:08

Oh,but I DO understand you!! I believe in honor--especially in a world where there are fewer men to set good examples for their children. I would defend the privacy of a woman,and I certainly do not "kiss and tell' of my own private engagements with women. BUt let me use Alla as an example. The letter John received can be easily viewed by anybody,because the same,exact letter has been sent to many--perhaps hundreds of men. This is no longer a private letter. I believe people should work to make solutions to problems. It is when people have no more ideas that they turn to attacks. I believe this to be very true concerning our conflict with Iraq,and very true of people in their daily struggles with each other. I do not see this forum as a "scam buster" site,but I feel some sympathy and understanding for men who pose questions which are meant to bring them understanding. It is difficult to know what is in the hearts and minds of some of the people who are close to you,and much more difficult to understand the intentions of people who are on the other side of the world. ANd as it has been said so many times--there is never a dumb question which has not been asked. I also do not wish for you to "walk on broken glass",Irina. I do not hold a grudge and I am mature enough to let you have your opinion which is just as valid as my own. I do not try to take away your viewpoint. I will wait to see if you will write more,as I do not have to work until later this afternoon.

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 Re: New Scammer

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   02-10-06 18:10

One more thing--very cute cat in the photo. I like his facial expression

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 to Blaine

Author: Irina  (
Date:   02-10-06 20:31


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 Re: New Scammer

Author: Jim  (
Date:   02-11-06 12:18

lol, dog that chases his own tail. that is too funny. but very true

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