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 Translation service

Author: Ayman  (
Date:   01-16-06 02:13

Anybody knows a translation service in internet that would help in communicating in Russian? instead of being asked by girls for translation money to pay for them and to avoid any doubts that may not be right?

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 Re: Translation service

Author: Paul  (
Date:   01-16-06 07:38

Try this site Ayman,

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 Re: Translation service

Author: nicola  (
Date:   01-16-06 11:01 is the best and a short version is available for free on the net..
but be advised tha at times translation might result awkward so I advise to use simple sentences and don't soar in the highest poetic peaks..;-))
(a basic russian knowledge would help for a quick check anyway..)

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 Re: Translation service

Author: Ayman  (62.114.3.---)
Date:   01-17-06 02:18

Thanks guys so much for your help and advice. I do appreciate it

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 Re: Translation service

Author: Kate  (
Date:   01-17-06 19:35

To be insecure is your right, but I want to notice that $100 per monts, letters everyday... It's a very low price. I know it because I offer the translation services sometimes and I wouldn't do this job (If I were that woman).
And yes, promt is the best version.
One advice...
Don't use such a type of the sentences: I want you to know.... or... I want you to do smth...or something like this... ;-)

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 Re: Translation service

Author: Ayman  (62.114.3.---)
Date:   01-18-06 01:21

Thanks Kate very much for your advice. However, I'm really confused as scammers are listed here based on their request for money even for translation.

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 don't be fooled..

Author: nicola  (
Date:   01-19-06 12:21

..from what you read here..(!)
acknowledged parameters here are such that 90% of women are to be considered scammers..;-))
reality might be multi faceted but better you develop your own common sense, sensitivity and sensibility..

this can be achieved only corresponding with MANY you'll be able to detect differences between a "normal" woman and "unusual" behaviours (possible scam?) so that any common, naive attempt won't scare you any more and you'll dodge it at once..
youll soon recognize how lazy, naive almost all of those are..all others are the REAL danger!!

good luck!

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 Re: Translation service

Author: Jacques  (
Date:   01-19-06 18:45

Ma chère Elena,

Je viens de recevoir ton mail .. mais malheureusement parcielement peux-tu me le renvoyer s'il vous plait ..
Ta description me plait énormément .. et je me fais fort d'un jour te voir les yeux dans les yeux ..

J'écrirai plus quand je recevrais ton mail.

Bisous de Jacques

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 Re: don't be fooled..

Author: Ayman  (
Date:   01-20-06 13:35


I agree with you......out of my short experience here, what you said is true.

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 Re: Translation service

Author: Jacques  (
Date:   01-20-06 13:51

Dear Jacques,
ß â÷åðà òåáå íàïèñàëà íà òâîé ýìàéë è ïîñëàëà ôîòîãðàôèþ, íî ÿ ïîíÿëà, ÷òî òû ýòî íå ïîëó÷èë. Î÷åíü æàëü...
Ñåãîäíÿ ê íàì ïðèøëà íàñòîÿùàÿ çèìà ñî ñâîèìè ìîðîçàìè - 15 ãðàäóñîâ íèæå íóëÿ è íåìíîãî ñíåãà (äëÿ Êðûìà ýòî áîëüøèå ìîðîçû!!!)
Êîãäà ÿ øëà â êàôå-èíòåðíåò (ó ìåíÿ íåò äîìà èíòåðíåòà) Ó ìåíÿ çàìåðçëè íîãè è...íîñ (ïîæàëåé ìåíÿ...:0)). ß òåáå îñòàâëþ ïèñüìî íà ðóññêîì ÿçûêå ìîæåò ó òåáÿ åñòü ïåðåâîä÷èê è òåáå ëåã÷å áóäåò ïåðåâåñòè ïèñüìî. ß òîæå ïëîõî çíàþ àíãëèéñêèé ÿçûê è ïîëüçóþñü ïåðåâîä÷èêîì.

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 Re: Translation service

Author: Ayman  (
Date:   01-20-06 13:53

English Please......................................................................

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 Re: Translation service

Author: nicola  (
Date:   01-20-06 17:36

le texte original est tout à fait simple et on peut le comprendre aisement..
en tout cas adressez-vous chez "" la traduction est assez correcte meme en Français (mais,alas, ce n'est pas le cas toutes les fois!!)

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 Re: Translation service

Author: Kurt  (
Date:   01-28-06 16:07


Just ask mike from
He knows a lot of the scam ladys

Kurt from Belgium, just starting to find a woman

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 Re: Translation service

Author: Jacques  (
Date:   01-29-06 01:03

Have a good day! The service of the found me some profiles of men
which are based on the ideal criteria in my profile. First i've learnt
it and decided to answer you the first because i consider your profile
to be the most interesting.I hope you will find time to send me some
words to know more about each other.
I'd like to tell a little about myself. I'm 30 years old. My birthday is 10 jenuary 1976.
I've never been married and i live in appartament with my girlfriend Jenya. We rent small appartament.
After i having graduated the university, i started work. I like to
spend my time and rest gaily and active, from time to time i do sport
because i want to keep fit and stay in good form. I like to travel a
lot and visit different interesting places, but unfortunately my work
let me do this not often. I have a lot of friends and sometimes we
spend our free time together. We enjoy playing billiards and bowling.
I send you my photo because i want you to know with whom you talk
with. Hope you will like it. It was take this summer. And i will be also glad to see some
photos of yours.
ask me, please, what would you like to know more about me? I will be
glad to answer.
And i also have some questions:
What is your hobby?
What can you say about your character?
What qualities do you value and like in women?
Have you ever been married?
I will tell you more about myself in my next letters. I'm waiting
for your letters.
Your friend,

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