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 More mindless drivel

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   10-01-05 07:54

No dots-no insults-no stereotyping-no culturally ignorant suppositions!! I go back to a subject which I abhor talking about. Gamers. Africa has been an endless source for the insincere women. Many women from Nigeria. I have only recently been told that there are some of these women who are in collusion with American gangs. They start with a classic scammer story--their insincere boyfriend brought them to Africa--or their parents died and left them stranded in a foreign country--can you help them get some of the money to come home ( they are still supposedly American citizens). I have recently spoken to 2 of these women. I was taken aback by the heavy African accents. I wondered if they had gained these accents the same way a person would if they lived in Texas or Tennessee. Some of the women are caucasion,some are African. So,the story goes that the victims of their deceptions meet them at the airport while their buddies break into and burglarize their home. I bring this up because there are women on this site from countries other than the CIS, FSU or whetever you wish to call it. Does anybody have any direct experience with this-or know more about it? When I broached this subject with one of the ladies on the telephone,she called me many bad names--but none that are familiar to me as American/English vulgarities.

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 Re: More mindless drivel

Author: Terry  (
Date:   10-01-05 18:20

Blaine I have had similar experiences to you, but perhaps have the advantage that I have been to Nigeria a few times. The usual signs are that they write in a different idium, more in the manner in which they talk. They will attack you verbally, its just emotional blackmail.
I've had them from the US the UK and the latest from Germany. All have one thing in common, they will tell you that there are no web cams available, well in fact there are in most of the I cafes in Lagos, I can tell you that for sure. The latest are girls (caucasians) who are originally from South Africa who also magically turn up in Benin (next door to Nigeria) Benin is a VERY poor country and certainly not one an educated South African girl would choose to live in.Would you for a poorer standard of living and a much lower salary!!
If you go on the Love Town site you will find it stacked full of them, they even outnumber the girls??? from Lugansk

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 Re: More mindless drivel

Author: Watt  (
Date:   10-02-05 06:44

I have experienced the same thing on too many occasions. I knew beforehand about the Nigerian scams. The latest seem to be the ones
from Ghana. For instance, one says she was born in Ukraine, but relocated
to the UK.. her parents died, and now she is living with her uncles in Ghana
who has a business there. Oh! and her uncle purchased her airline tickets and her visa, but she needs $150 for vaccinations.. I ask? Vaccinations!!
Now, thats a scary thought!!

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 Re: More mindless drivel

Author: Terry  (
Date:   10-02-05 09:43

Watt was she also in Cairo, her father was from Wales and her Yahoo ID "H" asianwoman2005
Tells a very good story though

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 Re: More mindless drivel

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   10-02-05 09:45

Here is my latest inquiry from the African woman--------Im a lady of 29 years single and looking. Born in fortvalley georgia but now in west africa,I should have be in the state back just that i dont know where to live when i get back to the state,and my only uncle that brought me here and he seems to be marctreating me here with his wife,well thank god i met a very good friend here that let me live with her for the main time and takes care of me her name is jenny..........and im looking forward to comming back as soon as i find the right man and i would like to know more about you too,becos my mind is telling me to make my search stop on you.I Like to meet a man who is interesting,that can afford me the real love,a man who has a good senses of humour,a man within the age of 30-60years..........................
I like to swim,dance,and sing,am a lady who is loving and i have no children but i know someday that will surly be .Am looking for a man who is ready and who will be bold enough to father my Kids,and who cares alot and loving. so i look forward to hear from you and you can contact me on my yahoo mail so that we can have a further is my yahoo mail id --------notice how poor the grammar and sentence structure are for an American woman from Georgia ? It is such a no-brainer!!

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 Re: More mindless drivel

Author: Watt  (
Date:   10-02-05 10:16

Terry! No.... I think she said her father is Ukraine and her mother was African.. Never heard the mention of Wales from her... and her name is Betty Blues....LOL

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 Re: More mindless drivel

Author: Terry  (
Date:   10-02-05 10:35

Ok Watt well at least no harm has been done, and after all we are hopefully grown men and aware of the pitfalls of this method of finding our soul mates. My view on all this is simple, if I am stupid enough to be scammed then who should I blame, certainly not the scammer who in many cases is just trying to survive. My reaction is always the same, move on and report. As has been pointed out before on the forum, its usually the price of a decent meal, and really not something to get excited over.
My objections to scamming are far more at home, the phone calls offering free holidays, the millions of cowboy builders, plumbers, roofing contractors who rip off vulnerable pensioners etc. Compared to them the people we run across are just dross

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 Re: More mindless drivel

Author: dwfikske  (
Date:   10-02-05 12:44

Hello Terry, i've been chatting with an american cityzen who chould be stuck in lagos and she's asking for help with a "BTA" she needs to board a plain to europ but i cant find any info on that subject

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 Re: More mindless drivel

Author: Terry  (
Date:   10-02-05 13:03

Hi My advice to you is straightforward, don't help at all unless 1. You have established beyond doubt that she is who she says she is. You can use the following methods, ask for her to scan and send her Passport, and check its validity with the US Embassy. 2.Ask her to find a web cam and establish her ID that way.3. Talk to her on the phone and listen very carefully to her accent, there is a distinct West African accent, which is completely different to any US accent I've ever heard.
Read what Blaine has said about the stories they frequently use to suck in gullible men. Stuck in hotels, motels after being robbed etc by boyfriends they came to meet. Mum and Dad now dead and she is stuck there, has been scammed by nigerian after going there on business herself is one tried on me. You can easily learn if she is genuinely a US citizen, by asking a few pertinent questions with regard to her home town/city after yourself learning a little by using the net. If someone is genuine they will not object to any of the above mentioned validation methods, after all they would want out of the place.
BTA is simply a ticket issued in one place and the recipient picks up in another. If you do decide to send a ticket ensure it is non negotiable, and non transferable, you could in fact restrict it to a specific flight.
It is always interesting when a citizen of one country is stuck in another, the British Embassy is always willing to repatriate UK citizens and issue a ticket providing you can convince them that you have the means of repaying the cost involved on your return home in a reasonable time, I would assume the US is the same.

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 Re: More mindless drivel

Author: dwfikske  (
Date:   10-02-05 13:17

Yes Terry, but she said she has a valid ticket to Amsterdam , me myself am from belgium and she is to stay here with me , she also told me the BTA is some kind of means of suport while staying her. i have a copy of her passport but the embassy dont want to give me some info about that , and i think she has a good american accent . i will ask her to find a pc with a webcam .thx

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 Re: More mindless drivel

Author: Andy  (
Date:   10-02-05 14:37


I would think about, why this young good looking woman from the (USA) is
doing in West Africa in the first place. Secondly, I have been hit by many of
this type of scam, and I have seen the same pic used on 5 different profiles, and three of four pics used on same profile. I have not seen an "ugly" woman stuck there yet (smile), Think about it!!!

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 Re: More mindless drivel

Author: Kevin  (
Date:   10-02-05 18:22

hi can someone answer is that normal ,all the girls am talking to sends 3 or 4 letter and then some mail comes from the agency and says i have to pay for the translate of her letter, is that normal or its just they work wich this agencys? thanks

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 Re: More mindless drivel

Author: Andy  (
Date:   10-02-05 19:12

in most cases, the agency where you send and recieve messages, pay the girls, when you answer them. That is how they make there money Anastasiea, 4 Russian women, ect. And some lure you into conversation, then ask for money to continue (smile)

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 Re: More mindless drivel

Author: Kevin  (
Date:   10-02-05 21:54

thanks for the answer, so you mean i shold not do this? so they just do this for make money? and is that eny serious girls here you think? or all is bluff? am new here so i need little information, thanks

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 Re: More mindless drivel

Author: Marcus  (
Date:   10-03-05 01:16

I would say a person just needs to be careful. I don't have to go on the internet or Russia to find scammers. They exist everywhere not just here. The job of an intelligent person is to distinguish between the good and the bad. I do it each time someone I know asks to borrow money. I must determine what the odds are that I will ever get it back or if the amount is just something I can live without incase I never get it. I make a decision of scam of not when a beggar approaches me and asks for a quarter so he can use the phone or ride the bus.

Simply be careful. There are many beautiful and real girls on this site. Frankly though, the extra effort in trying to determine if one is real or not is making me discouraged. But since when are dreams easy to fulfill? If I end up with any of the few I'm writing to, I would consider myself a very lucky man.

I do have a question. Would it be considered scamming the women if we write to more than one girl while we still haven't met in person?

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 Re: More mindless drivel

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   10-03-05 01:25

No reason why you cannot befriend as many women as you want. But if you become serious with one of them,it is only right to be honest with the others. Remember also that many men are suspected of being sex tourists in FSU. If you go to a social there and meet several women,the women who you previously have seen and disregarded will feel suspicious and hurt by you. Do not be in too much of a hurry. Meet some new friends,and enjoy your communications!!

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 Re: More mindless drivel

Author: James  (
Date:   10-03-05 13:31

I think that there are mostly good nice girls , but the scammers stand out.
Kevin, my experience with Anastasia has been that all the girls on their site are very respectable, aside from the personality issues. They have
a way to punish and fine the agency that has a scammer in it. I have met ladies overseas from that site and they are very outstanding from the web site. but it is up to each person to decide from the letters the sincerity.
I received from one lady from this site, the first two letters were nude. But I think that she is probably a sweet person, and after about 4 letters, the agency said that she was behind on her pay and I would have to pay for regular correspondence. But I seriously think that they lady is real, but it is expensive for translation and internet usage for someone that doesn't make a lot of money. Another girl is taking her computer and writing on a disk bc, she doesn't have the phone line and then taking that to her friends and sending email from that disk at her friends home. So that is pretty ingenius.

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 Re: More mindless drivel

Author: Kevin  (
Date:   10-03-05 13:51

ok thanks for the information

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 Re: More mindless drivel

Author: Andy  (
Date:   10-03-05 19:05

Anastasia, has been sued, for making up the women, and useing models, and paying the ladies for your answering them. I have met 6/7 from the site. and well you make your own choice, I learned much from this site.
some of the ladies I corrisponded with have moved to other sites, and have told me about it. I met my first lady from Russia in 2001.

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 Re: More mindless drivel

Author: Natalia  (
Date:   10-04-05 21:58

Hi guys,

I'd like to say a few words about agencies again. I emphasize that we do not co-operate with any agencies, so any person or fake agency posting photos on to make money is acting illegal.
These are the agency names we have been recently reported about:

"CONSENSUS", manager Raisa Shevchenko
"TantalService", Director Vyacheslav Drogannikov
"ABCcompany", manager Mark Shainsky

We do remove profiles that are reported about, although it's impossible to identify them before they send their letters out. We ask you all to forward us these money request messages along with the ID numbers of the profiles they come from.

Thank you all and best wishes!


Natalia, Admin

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 Re: More mindless drivel

Author: Marcus  (
Date:   10-05-05 01:09

Damn Natalie, you are one hot looking admin!

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 Re: More mindless drivel

Author: Stephen  (
Date:   10-09-05 16:28

Yup Natalia is a dead ringer for Liv Tyler. I was presumptious and asked her out for a scrumptuous dinner date in down town Kyiv. Alas she was too busy censoring scammers and reporting sites to accommodate me.

Thank you Natalia, we all want you to know that we really appreciate your good works. You do all this in order to maintain the honor and dignity of our good names and remove the world of a necessary evil. Hallelujah.

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