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 Good luck to this Forum

Author: john  (
Date:   09-12-05 20:20

I'm afraid I have to join Tatyana in leaving this Forum, of which I have been a member for two years.

I have been shocked and dismayed by the behavior of two specific individuals, one who insulted my country by gratuitous remarks that no polite person should make, and another who repeated not once, but twice salacious and indecent jokes about religious women of my faith. I have two cousins who are nuns and I wouldn't want these self-sacrificing women to hear the so-called jokes told on this site. I can't explain why the women participating in our Forum did not object. Have they no self-respect?

I myself am a reserve officer in the United States Army, with over six years of active duty. I've heard rough talk of all kinds, but I never heard any such insulting language from any of my fellow soldiers, brave and decent men almost to a man.

If you check my profile you will see that I am well-educated, a graduate of an Ivy League university. I have led men in business and in the military, and I am on this site to find a decent woman, not to wallow in a trough of tasteless invective.

I grew up with Ukrainians in New York City, played ball with them. I also have great Russian friends whose love of country demands the respect of the entire world. Without the brave Russian Army, our world would have a much different look.

I am surprised that the administration of this site has not exercised its power to require a modicum of good behavior from the participants in its Forums. They should.

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 Re: Good luck to this Forum

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   09-13-05 01:21

Our religious zealot Pat Robertson just advocated the assassination of another world leader. The Mormons ( of which I am ) massacred over 150 settlers passing through Utah. Here in Phoenix,the Catholic bishop ran over and killed a man when he was driving drunk--then said he did not see anything--obviously not noticing the "thump" on his hood when the body rolled over the car. Catholics have gotten a bad rap lately because of "closet sodomy" which is so shameful that the young men who experienced it have only now began to tell their stories. My great grandfather,and all the men of his family were preachers. I also grew up with fanatical,hypocritcal teachings which were given me from the end of a stick,a boot,a razor strop,a cane,willow branches -or whatever was available to bloody my back. My brother used to treat the bloody welts on my back!! In church I would point out the idiosncrasies too. The pastor driving a brand new caddillac,smoking a big cigar. But what about the church and the people in it? WHat do you suppose God was doing when he forgave King David for adultery,and the killing of Bathsheba`s husband? WHy do you suppose Jesus said," If you are to keep any one of my laws--love your neighbor" DO not think for a moment that the curriculum of the church is what religion and worship is all about. Two people who discuss the bible are creating an impromptu church,and adoring God in their own way. Lastly--if God did not have a sense of humor--why would he have created mosquitoes? This is MY religion too--and there is no reason why I can`t poke fun at it. You do not know my relationship with God,but it is obviously good,because I am still constantly blessed. You don`t suppose maybe the way you have been talking down to Nadya had caused some bad feelings either? Don`t see the ant in my eye--when there is an elephant in your own

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 Re: Good luck to this Forum

Author: Andy  (
Date:   09-13-05 03:50

I think you both have tuched on a subject, that a war could not quell! What is important to one individual, may not be important to another.
A man puts a "cross" on top of a hill, to proclaim his belief, has offended,
an etheist.
This country was founded, to let all persons, belive anything they want, and to worship what ever they want, but now some have said, it can only be done in privet, and never in public.
I hope this is not the reason for this, that has been displayed her to day.
I think we should all push the "cart" together.

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 Re: Good luck to this Forum

Author: Mixtli  (
Date:   09-13-05 05:43

Who's Tatyana?

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 Re: Good luck to this Forum

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   09-13-05 06:39

Tann-who was sick of the fighting and mental midgetry she seen here

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 Re: Good luck to this Forum

Author: James  (
Date:   09-13-05 15:40

This forum sounds like the tv fantasy show the Survivor. This isn't supposed to be about feelings, but discussions. Humor isgood, but it Seems like way too much catcalling and fun poking , but I have just been observing. When religion , governments are the topic, It is easy to have different points of views and therefore lots of conflicts. I suppose that the differences of being raised in different environments and values are what comes to light in the discussions.
Being offensive to these sweet ladies isn't what it is about either. Guys... hey.. we can handle it.

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 Re: Good luck to this Forum

Author: Terry  (
Date:   09-30-05 14:28

I have just come back on this site after a couple of months absence, and have immediately noticed that this forum has degenerated into an inane discussion of drivel. Nobody minds good humoured banter, but the amount of sheer vindictive here is nothing short of insulting to those of us from other perhaps more refined cultures. I used to enjoy reading and occasionally partaking in topics, especially those involving John and Tann, two people who have learnt that the world does not revolve around US culture, and shallow society. There are some on this forum who should educate themselves before they open there mouths, I assume you know who you are.
Good Luck to you all

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 Re: Good luck to this Forum

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   10-01-05 07:41

WHo is to be the judge of decency? By whose decree? The same man who made insulting remarks to Nadya? I still communicate with Tann. It is not because I espouse drivel or backhanded chauvinistic or ethnic remarks that she left this forum! A shallow attempt to belittle my intelligence. Ludicrous! Who made who? Did God make the church? No--man made the church,God made man,and the spirit of man`s goodwill and search for righteousness made the congregation. If you have a more direct and useful observation to make,spit it out,man,and do not hide behind clandestine rhetoric!! I doubt many people have my knowledge of culture or societal issues,whether it is the Innuit women who wear their teeth to the gums softening seal skin for their clothing,or an Cockney cousin who barters philosophy over a room temperature pint of Watneys Triple Stout Ale. Refined? Can you really make that judgement? Can anybody? maybe you missed something between the lines of these many forum pages. Even if it seems to be only drivel,I am certain you will find at least one grain of truth in the chaff here.

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 Re: Good luck to this Forum

Author: Elena  (
Date:   10-01-05 11:19

To Terry: It seems to me John was man who has insisted very much that the world revolves around US culture! Maybe you didn't read mostly of his posts, Terry?

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 Re: Good luck to this Forum

Author: Terry  (
Date:   10-01-05 11:23

Blaine I most certainly not addressing my remarks to you, or for that matter most of the people who attempt to (and sometimes succeed) introduce a modicum of information and education in this forum. We can all make disparaging remarks about others culture, but for your own education I've never drunk a pint of Watneys beer nor am I a cockney, for that matter neither have I eaten your Macdonalds. Thank you for your information with regard to Innuit women. As someone who does not subscribe to your religous views, your philosophy is meaningless to me. You appear to have missed my main point entirely, instead you choose to attack me for pointing out that in my humble opinion this forum has become LARGELY inane, women trying to score points off of other women, men trying to show that they are superior to others, me I'm a well travelled man who knows your country rather well having spent 2 years in Boston working with Ford Aerospace. At least your points on this forum always are interesting and well constructed. There seems to me to be a much more interesting way of learning about others than the path chosen by some people on this site, and yours is one of them.

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 Re: Good luck to this Forum

Author: Terry  (
Date:   10-01-05 11:32

Elena that might seem to be the case to you, but actually John and I have exchanged E mails in the past, and I can tell you that he is a man very aware of other cultures and has a broad view on life. There is nothing wrong with being proud of ones country, but there is something wrong when one fails to recognise that there are others, at the very least the equal of your own culture. As you may or may not know, the US and UK have very strong historical and political links, we even speak approximately the same language (another subject). But that does not mean we should accept all that emmanates from there as being the way we should live our lives.

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 Re: Good luck to this Forum

Author: Elena  (
Date:   10-01-05 15:19

I respect your opinion about John, Terry, but I didn't see any breadth in the views on life in his posts on this forum. I think many people here can confirm it. Perhaps, John couldn't or didn't want to show his better side. You can see in this thread not many people are sorry about his leaving from here...

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 Re: Good luck to this Forum

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   10-01-05 17:01

We all have unique opinions,and I value this in any person. It makes for deeper understanding. I will not learn from somebody who is a mirror image of myself. Many Americans do not have a sense of international culture-even of our British forebears. It is not their fault really. Mainstreaming and nationalism causes blindness to ethnic differences. It is only when a person chooses to self-educate that they can travel beyond the social studies prescribed in school. I wish John did not leave the forum,but I do not believe that anybody is a squeaky clean purist in their opinions--and this means me too. John made some disparaging statements--I have too. But this does not mean we should walk away angry. Wars are started by people who run out of ideas,and ended by negotiators.

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 Re: Good luck to this Forum

Author: Paul  (
Date:   10-02-05 12:15

Its funny how John is more popular since he has left this forum

Elena, I fully agree with what you said. I don't think Terry has read all of John's previous posts.

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 Re: Good luck to this Forum

Author: Terry  (
Date:   10-02-05 13:14

You are quite correct Paul, I have not read of all of Johns threads/posts nor anyone elses for that matter. My judgement is purely based on what I have read and know from personal mails about John. I found his dry wit stimulating, but can understand others who would not understand it. In any case I personally will miss his input to this forum, as I will Tanns. I seem to recall John's admiration of his Ukrainian friends in New York and his praise of the Russian Military. I am not here to defend Johns views he is more than capable of doing that for himself. Popularity is not an issue for me, neither Johns Tanns or anyone elses for that matter, we can all learn if we care to listen or read, but we should not be asked to read complete drivel by people who do not appear to have the brain of an ant. I do not think it matters a jot whether you agree or disagree with someones views, what matters is that they make you think and learn

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 Re: Good luck to this Forum

Author: Paul  (
Date:   10-02-05 13:25

The important thing is that you got the message that Elena mentioned in her post.
This is an international forum, and everybody deserves to say what they want, but some people should learn they do not have a higher morality then others since we all live different lives in different circumstances.

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