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 Please, give advice?

Author: Bonny  (
Date:   09-02-05 16:32

I love one man, but he doesn't believe... What to do?

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   09-02-05 17:09

You should make an unusual effort. Write him a postal letter or call on the telephone,or both. This would give him more assurance about your feelings. I know how special I feel when a woman takes the time ( and money ) to call me. There are different phone card companies that will make calls easier for you. Even 2 minutes on the phone could give this man happiness. Also,you might find one of the free greeting card sites,and send him a nice electronic greeting that reflects your feelings. It is little efforts like this that go a long way towards showing somebody how you care!!

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   09-02-05 17:10

If it is Jeff S.--just send him a photo of your sailboat!!! ;o)

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Mixtli  (128.221.4.---)
Date:   09-02-05 17:31

I agree with Blaine. For some men -including me- is not easy to "feel love" on a long distance relationship based exclusively on email interaction... if you call him he will know you are interested, and if he is interested, he will call you later... and if that doesn't make him fall in love with you, then I recommend a cold water shower (it works for me!) You cannot make someone to love you, all you can do is stalk them and hope they panic and give in :)

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Liliya  (
Date:   09-02-05 22:13

dear Bonny, maybe are you mistaken? how can you be in love with man which do not meet never on real life? it is like mirage in desert.... or you are in love with his photo? but it is only nice picture, no more.... for fall in love you need to have more than just picture, you need to feel him, to hear his voice, breath, to know his real nature and etc., etc., etc..... for all this feelings you need to have real meet with this person and only after this meet you can get real feelings..... and I agree with this man, who don't believe to you, because your love it is just virtual awhile... all the best to you, baby.... :)

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Bonny  (
Date:   09-02-05 22:44

To Liliya: It's impossible to love photo - I know! I saw him alive on cam - handsome. I've heard his voice in my phone - very pleasant. But it isn't the most important! If it could be the important, it would be better to buy beautiful doll and love it! The most important is heart! I love his heart!

To Mixtly: He loves me, but don't believe I can love him.
Cold shower is impossible - it's already too cold here. I freeze all the time. Hot shower doesn't help.

To Blaine: We communicate very much. In my mailbox there are about 300 his letters. Chatting for hours. Calling.

But I don't understand what he thinks in his head about me. That's why ask - maybe you know. Taking into account your life experience

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Elena  (212.116.246.---)
Date:   09-02-05 23:02

Bonny, you must ask him about his doubts and give him true evidences of your love. Good luck to you in it!:))

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Mixtli  (128.221.4.---)
Date:   09-02-05 23:02

Hmmm... you cannot really know his heart by long-distance, but this is always a gamble and you will never know until you really spend a lot of time with him personally... anyways, this happens also on short distance relationships, so keep the faith...

Taking into account my life experience? Well, when we men are unsure or not interested, we make a lot of excuses for not commit into a relationship... I don't think it is a lack of interest, unless those 300 emails are only forwards with jokes :)

So, he might be insecure... especially when meeting someone over the Internet... I would say, try not to push too hard into him to love you. Be lovable and nice to him and he will eventually fall for you if he really feel it. This happens to me, when someone shows interest, I tend to run away if it happens too fast (some men think that we suppose to be the ones that take the initiative on everything related to love.)

How about proposing to meet each other in your city just as friends? Without any commitments? Just "to see what happens"... To find out if you like each other in real life... If he likes you, he will go... if he goes, and he still likes you, he will commit :)

But don't push... ;-)

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Andy  (
Date:   09-03-05 00:38

Do not want to throw "cold" water on you, but never forget, he may be married, and it has that sound to it. Even after meeting, you might still not know (smile)

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: NAVARRE  (
Date:   09-03-05 05:48

Start stalking him! That'll make a believer out of him. That way if Andy is right and he is married you can kill two birds with one stone? Should you require advice on other matters, please don't hesitate to ask.

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   09-03-05 07:58

Bonny, I should have left my comment to you on this page,but it is in Jeff S love him or hate him. I also wanted to say that the internet makes long time searchers sceptical/doubtful that anything can be made of a relationship. There just seems to be too many difficulties. If you are both sincere in your mutual feelings,there will be nothing which can separate you or him and your good intentions together.

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Bonny  (
Date:   09-03-05 10:40

Yes, thanks for everybody! I chatted with him and we decided our problems. Soon we'll meet...

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Bonny  (
Date:   09-03-05 21:58

I see there are adult people here, who like to give advices. One more please?

How to find myself in life? I was excellent pupil, excellent student... I always knew what to do. And all my life was ok! Now I graduated and don't know what to do. I'm free, but I lost myself, I'm afraid to be engaged in something, which I waste my life stupidly... Don't know what to choose. I think all of you found yourself in life. How did?

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Nadya  (
Date:   09-03-05 23:07

I will not give you advice. Because all your problems you imagined
yourself. Many people have really serious problems in really life
not like your problems. Think about people of New Orlean .Think
about sick ,poor, homeless, invalides and really unhappy people.
And you will understand - your problems are small. You have only
one problem- you want to be in the centre of attention anyway, any
prise. And it is very serious your problem. And it is reason why you
ask advise here by people, who you don't know and don't ask advise
by your parents and friends in really life.
best regards

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   09-04-05 02:24

So many people in New Orleans did not take the warnings seriously. They said,"Oh,this will be another storm with a little wind and water" After all, they were not totally devastated by hurricane Hugo in 1989 or hurricane Camille in 1969. What I really find to be the saddest thing is that in America,where there are so many people who live comfortably,there is New Orleans, which has so many poor people who had no way out of the city because they had no cars,and no place to go! I have friends there. One of them lost 2 houses they owned. They have been told that they will not be allowed to return to New Orleans until 6-12 months. This is how long it will take to clear out all the water and debris from the storm.

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   09-04-05 02:33

Bonny,many people study at a school for years,only to find that they have lost interest in their field of study,or cannot make a comfortable living doing what they were trained to do. I have always felt that every person should have more than one skill. I am sure you have heard of people who have come to America from Russia who were doctors,and now they are janitors until they become citizens ( 5 years) and upgrade their educational studies. I can tell you that in my life,I have been lost and found many times over. The old saying is,"A man`s ability is only exceeded by his grasp" In other words,it is all about desire. And what you will do to achieve your goals is reflected in your desire. It is not so bad to be lost,Bonny--as long as you have diligence,and a map,and a plan,you will always find your way--again and again and again.

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: NAVARRE  (
Date:   09-04-05 02:35

Jesus Nausea, i mean Nadya lighten up! This is a very serious forum for very serious people. I mean you said you weren't going to give advice and yet you advice her to think about sick, poor, homeless. That's half the people in this forum. And then you have to go and mention invalides. Don't bring Mixt and me into this. And what difference does it make whether her problems are small or not? Obviously anyone who asks this group for advice has serious problems. Besides her parents were on here last week asking for advice. Nadya, if you want to joke around i'm thinking you need to go to This forum is for serious people only. Serious adult people!

best regards

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Mixtli  (
Date:   09-04-05 03:25

All that I can say, it is impossible to worry about everything bad that happens in this world (for some people dying in Africa what happens in New Orleans means nothing), but we should always -if we can- help others if they ask for our help doesn't matter how big or small their problem is... that doesn't mean we don't feel sad about other bad things that happen in this world, but we always need help and advice for small or big problems we have. Someone once told me that I could regret something that I said, or not saying anything when I needed to say something; that I could regret doing something or because I didn’t do it, but that I will never, ever regret being nice :)

(Of course, I am not always nice... I am just saying what someone told me.)

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: jbowe  (
Date:   09-04-05 03:55

Bonny, tell him you love him then ask him what he needs for you to prove your love within your ability to do so then do it no questions. The hardest part about long distance romance is the inability of each person to actually show the other their intentionsions and feelings. So it becomes a relationship of words and visual guestures. That is until both can actually meet and be together. jUST SOME ADVICE FROM AN OLD SAILOR

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   09-04-05 05:10

Bonny--believe me--just do what 99.9% of all women on the internet do NOT do. Send him a postal letter. He will be in heaven if you put just a little of your perfume on it,and can see words from your own hand which you labored for to give him. Draw a smiley face on it! ;o) Make a poem for him. Put a couple of your photos in it for his nightstand ( he will see you every day without turning on the computer!! This takes effort,as jbowe said. It is something way beyond email and the internet. I send CDs,DVDs,and fashion magazines. This really has a powerful effect.

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: tann  (
Date:   09-04-05 13:57

>Besides her parents were on here last week asking for advice.

:))) !!!

>then ask him what he needs for you to prove your love

I think love doesn't need proves, it should be obvious. If Bonny`s man has doubts, he might have weight reasons for that. And it's easier for a woman to make him believe in her love than for a man to her. Historically :) No, just because women are more attentive to little details.

>I send CDs,DVDs,and fashion magazines. This really has a powerful effect.

I see how powerful it was if you are still on dating sites...! :)
No, I agree. These type of things attract much attention.

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   09-04-05 15:33

ooooooh-Tann! That was a little slam,wasn`t it?

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Nadya  (
Date:   09-04-05 17:51

To Nowarre.
I don't want to spend my attention on your replay . Because it is
silly to answer a man who doesn't know such simple matters:
where Nigeria is located and where Russia is located , but this man
tries doing advises for the young girl.

And finely: If my young daughter like Bonny asked advises by
Internet and not by me her mother, I would get crazy, become sick

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: NAVARRE  (
Date:   09-04-05 19:47

Help me Tann help me!
ROTFLMAO Nadya i don't know what to say. Your lack of common sense defies all logic. "Reason has left the room!" Did you even read my letter or just look at the picture. My letter has a disclaimer: I'm an invalide (your words) remember and i'm from Canada (That's where Nigeria Falls is)? That should be self explanitory in itself. Plus i thought you were mad at Bonny. Besides i think your daughter was on here last week asking me for advice on family. Apparently it was ignored. Choose your words, carefully i can defend myself.

Tann, Mix, Blaine, Bonny, Andy help me! Nadya's being mean.

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Nadya  (
Date:   09-04-05 20:26

:) Navarre, go to study, get education. And after I will be abble to speak with you.
It is a waste time speaking with you here now.
Do you dare to treaten me?

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Bonny  (
Date:   09-04-05 21:56

To Nadya: You're right! I adore to be in the center of attention :) and I've used to be :)) But I see the same desire in you :)
But if I ask advice, it means I need it. All my friend are the same age and have the same problems. My adult relatives tell stories of their life and I see everything was determed by fortune! But I still don't see such fortune in my life!

By the way, about all unhappy people... Once on break between our lesson to our room came teacher of phylosophie and saw as one my groupmate ate rool with juice. And he said: "How can you eat it? So much people are dying in Africa from hunger!" She felt sick and stopped to eat. As a result she stayed hungry and people died. So sorry! No moral here... Just story from real life.

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Mixtli  (
Date:   09-04-05 22:42

Bonnie, who cares about Africa or any other disaster in the world? Poor New Orleans!

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: tann  (
Date:   09-04-05 22:54

Navarre: hahaha... misunderstandings happen :)
I myself hardly understand what this forum is about...! Never saw so much mess at the same place


P.S. Guys, I hope you use more "formal" language when you speak to Russian ladies otherwise misunderstandings will follow you as a nightmare :)) A hard task, I know but remember that.

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Nadya  (
Date:   09-04-05 22:59

Dear Bonny, I can write you a very big letter. But I cannot do it.
You must do your own mistakes and to get your own life experience.
Nobody has lived your life-only you. I repeat for you: You don't
have really serious problems in your life. You are healthy, well
educated, beautiful and young.- Do you want more? Many people
don't have that. I only tell you- I understand you very well, your doubts.

About fortune. Do something and fortune will be with you, don't seat
waiting something. I know about I tell you- I am a very lucky
woman. Many people envy me. But before getting it, I have suffered much in my life and can honestly tell I
don't wish such sufferances, which I had had, even my enemies. And I
am not tired to repeat: Thank you my Lord, you have helped me, I have not
deserved it, it is only Your kindness for my sufferances.
I have always done something, not waiting. I belive in God(I don't take
ceremonies)- He is and he sees all, what we do. If you are honest, kind,
help with love people,if you are without envies- God(fortune) will be with

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Nadya  (
Date:   09-04-05 23:41

Bonny: But I see the same desire in you :)

About it.
I am reading such thought about me here on forum the second time. What I can tell
about it honestly. I am for speaking on forum for last 10 months here,
still I have been learning English for these 10 months. To get
somebody for relations is it not main for me here. I like reading,
what are writing Blaine, Tann(Tanya),Lance, James(from Tulsa), Elena,
Paul, James,Liliya . I have not always agree with them, but anyway it
is interesting, because they have their own life experience. By the time I would like to ask where James is from
Tulsa. I have not read him here for a long time.
I continue to learn English and I want to write the novel about love
getting with help of Internet.
And it is all now. The other things about my life I want to save for

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Nadya  (
Date:   09-04-05 23:55

to Mixtli : Why are you joking with it? I mean disasters. Have you
ever help somebody without ask? No?

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Mixtli  (
Date:   09-05-05 01:20

Oh no Nadya! I am not joking... just being sarcastic (I know, this is one of the worst faces in my life...)

I am glad you are always helping other people, good to know there is still people like you :)

(And yes, I have helped people without ask... who doesn't?)

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   09-05-05 01:27

There are a large number of women who are currently writing from Africa. Especially Nigeria. Many from the city called Lagos,which has about 1,000,000 people . There is social and political oppression in this place which people are trying to escape. Currently there is much violence there,and the incidents of rape against women is truly alarming in South Africa. I know a lady who lives there. She calls sometimes,and I often hear the drone of a generator in the background,because the electricity goes on and off all the time. Ladies,Be easy on Navarre. He is playing. Our North American sense of humor is sometimes very strange to you,I am sure--as is a European sense of humor to us ( Tann!! ;o) ). I find that in the US,there is also differences in eastern-western senses of humor. Life is too short to be so serious all of the time. Humor in this forum helps to ease stress,and break tensions. There are many kinds of humor--sarcastic,sexual,bathroom are among these. I am a plumber--so when somebody calls to tell me they have a toilet which runs ( leaks),I say to them, "Well,which way did you see it run? Maybe you should have called somebody who catches toilets!" Or I tell them, "Hurry! You can still catch it!" Sometimes this makes people laugh and forget their worries. Sometimes they do not understand it. Navarre--you made a little boo-boo,like we all do !! Niagara Falls is on the Niagara River,which is located on the border of Canada and the United States--more properly it separates the state of New York,and the Canadian province of Ontario. By the way,there are 3 waterfalls here--Bridal Falls,Horseshoe Falls,and Niagara Falls. A spectacular place where many people get married,these waterfalls were formed by the last major ice-age of the earth some 10,000 years ago,and are also connected with the Great Lakes of America. They are simply beautiful,and at least 10,000,000 people visit there each year!! I want to say that I agree with you,Nadya--even though you are mad at me! My daughter is with a lazy man who will not work. I hate this,and wish I could make her leave him. But she does not sit--she does not think except with her emotions--and so I am here to help when she falls down and is hurt. But I know I must let her make her own mistakes. By the way-I have said before---if a man from Russia was writing and trying to persuade her to leave here( US ) I would be very stern. SO I know that sincere women also have parents who would be very worried and sick if something bad should happen to them. In other words- if the daughter just left her home,family and country to be with a man she knew nothing about! If the man was my own age,I would probably want to beat him bloody. I would have a very hard time with this. Last I say to you also ( Nadya) that a person really does not know the power of faith until something life-threatening happens. I know this,and I believe in and thank God for every good and bad thing that has happened to me, Amen!!!

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: tann  (
Date:   09-05-05 02:26

Blaine, I wouldn't say humour is much different in general. It's always a reflection of what goes on in the world and if not to follow for example American news, we'll hardly understand it. Fortunately there are still eternal things about situations with people :)

Yet there are always people who don't understand any humour. Like customs on the border...! hahaha :)

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: NAVARRE  (
Date:   09-05-05 02:37

Nadya you are kind of hogging the forum here. I see a pattern forming. Did you really say "Many people envy me"? Why is that??? As far as my education goes perhaps we can have a spelling contest? There, i have thrown down the gauntlet. You seem very opinionated so now " i dare to treaten you!"

Your pal Nav

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: NAVARRE  (
Date:   09-05-05 05:42

Blaine you cant be serious. I made e a little boo boo. Did you really think i got the Niagara falls mixed up. Come on you have got to be kidding. I'm from Canada . I figured Nadya for single digits I.Q. but come on. Trust me, if error with this crowd it's deliberate. I've traveled all over the world doing underweater photography. Trust me Blaine i know my geography. Hell i'm a pilot. Do not make apologies for me please! A boo boo! unbelieveable!

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Mixtli  (
Date:   09-05-05 06:18

Well, I live 30 minutes away of Niagara Falls, and they look like Nigerian Falls to me... I am going to propose a name change to the Parliament!

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   09-05-05 07:55

Well,hell,I tried. You are on yer own flyboy! Tried to defend your twisted but likeable sense of humor. In your international travels you probably realized that communications also differ from one ethnic group to another,and I definitely know that Nadya is a very sensitive woman who needs respect more so than our twisted humor. I am certain that many people from British Columbia,Alberta or Saskatchewan know nothing about Nigeria Falls-even if they are from Canada. You could probably do the "Man on the street " interviews of people in Los Angeles,and many would not know that Cheney is Vice President of the US. The same people would tell you that Scwarzenegger is from Australia instead of Austria. Sorry if I got your hackles up airman Navarro Bizarro!!

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: NAVARRE  (
Date:   09-05-05 08:27

Blain: Nadya sesitive my ass! This all started with her letter to Bonny that started with "I will not give you advice" Then went on to give advice about people in New Orleans. (way out there) Trust me this one is pissed off at the world. She will turn on you in a second! She stuck her beek into this one and threatened no to give advice remeber! P.S. i liked the Koala bear story!

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   09-05-05 08:31

I am just curious if the ladies ( Tann in particular ) will see these jokes as a reflection. I believe that humor is much different. SOme people tend to like a very dry humor. I like many kinds of humor-as you will see I just posted a "Little Johnny" joke--one of the nicer ones I know.

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: tann  (
Date:   09-05-05 10:56

Ok. Right you are. I could never understand Dilbert comics. Something beyond my understanding :)

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Bonny  (
Date:   09-05-05 13:52

Tann: It seems to me (taking account your posts) you always understand nothing! Learn english or raise level of education :)

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Aida  (
Date:   09-05-05 14:06

Nadya: Is it hard to give a piece of advice? Instead of it you insult person! If you don't know what to say, remember wise English proverb: "Speech is silver, silence is gold"

Bonny: Don't understand why you can be so impudent in conversation with person much older you! The first advice for to be more polite. The rest will come.

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Mixtli  (
Date:   09-05-05 14:47

To Aida: never, ever call a woman "old", even if you are defending her ;-)

To Navarre: sensitive your what??? ;-)

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Nadya  (
Date:   09-05-05 15:49

Thank you, Mixtly that you have defended me from Aida and Nowarre.:) But I don't need.
Only a man ,who is equal with you, can offend you.

How you understand, Nowarre and Aida could not offend me.

Mixtly, I was happy to know you to help people without ask. To be
kind is more better than to be sarcastic. Don't hide your kindness.


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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Bonny  (
Date:   09-05-05 16:10

I think you think tooooo god about yourself, Nadya! Please, be more modest! You offence people, but don't notice...

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Mixtli  (128.221.4.---)
Date:   09-05-05 16:16

Nadya, I am only sarcastic when is really necessary: at all times.

(Very ashamed) The truth is that I really didn’t try to defend you; I was just being sarcastic with them.

Talking about equality, men and women will never be equal... women will be equal to men only the day that women can be old, bald and fat, and they still think they are attractive ;-)

I’m sorry; I can’t help it on being sarcastic… I inherit sarcasm from my mother. But I am also kind! I am a sarcastic kind of person :)

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Nadya  (
Date:   09-05-05 16:22

To Bonny: it was my mistake to write you, You don't want to get adwise here- you have the other aim here.

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Bonny  (
Date:   09-05-05 16:25

Very funny, Mixtly! Really I'll die, if one day I see in mirror myself bald :)
Don't want to be equal with men, because then I'll need to bring hard things, earn much money to have young beautiful wife :)))

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Kate  (
Date:   09-05-05 17:21

I'm agree with Nadya... It's not a problem, Bonny. You wish somebody to decide your problems. What do you need your education for? For to work and earn money by yourself or for to marry with a reach man? Did you try to work in your life even one time? Or you don't want to work? If my English is not very understandable, I can repeat in Russian...Or in Ukrainian... Or in French... Sorry if I hurt you ;-)

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   09-05-05 17:49

Brrrrrrr! It feels rather chilly in this room. Maybe we can start all over again and forget about the unpleasantness? Ladies!! Peace be to all of you. All opinions are valid,even if not commonly agreed on. Aida and Kate welcome to the forum!!

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Nadya  (
Date:   09-05-05 18:27

Why Blane? It is very interesting talking. Ok, I am an old woman for our beauty Bonny, who is the centre of Universal, even not the world. But it is appeared we have in Ukraine and Russia not only such bonnies and also really beautiful, intelligent serious girls. Because such bonnies and aidas I see every day in Kiev with old foreigneras( I live in the centre of Kiev).

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Nadya  (
Date:   09-05-05 18:30

girls, who use their education only for getting reach men

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Mixtli  (128.221.4.---)
Date:   09-05-05 20:08

What kind of education? ;-)

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Mixtli  (128.221.4.---)
Date:   09-05-05 20:20

I don't agree with anyone! (including myself)

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: tann  (
Date:   09-05-05 20:22

Mixtli wrote:

> I don't agree with anyone! (including myself)

It is the best post in this thread! :)

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   09-05-05 20:51

I do not point the finger at age because I know that with a little luck and a healthy lifestyle--we will all be there some day. Younger people think less about the loss of beauty,health,and physical strength. It is all relative,because a 10 year old child will see a 25 year old woman as --an old woman!!

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Anders  (
Date:   09-05-05 23:19

So true - damn so true!

I remeber when I were 19 and surrounded with nice women - but their age.......... 25........... ARGHHHH

Now - 25, a bit young - maybe 30, which were close to dead in my young days.

Live your live - live each day. You always have one day less to live - remember that!

just 2c - or 2 rubles - or whatever :)

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: john  (
Date:   09-06-05 14:31

Goodo, Blaine on your backgrounder for the Falls. The last time I was in the city of Niagara Falls they had a parade for a newly married couple. Twenty years earlier the groom had fallen off his father's boat into the Niagara River and over the Falls in nothing but his bathing suit, the only such survivor who had no protection. The townsfolk gave him a great welcome.
If any of our Russian/Ukrainian friends want to see them they had better hurry up. In several thousand years they will have eroded away into Lake Erie.
The American town of Niagara Falls is down on its luck, even Shredded Wheat, invented there, is no longer made in the city.
Canada lucks out on the view. You have to go there to be really awed by the sheer power of all that water.

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Bonny  (
Date:   09-07-05 12:52

To Nadya: Oh, you made great discover! I'm center of Universal! It's cool! I was so glad when learnt it! Thank you very much! :))) Oh, I forgot to ask financial report before fell in love! What to do????????

To Kate: Yes, I worked one year, when was on third year at Uni. I worked at school as a teacher of English. We found common ground with kids very fast and began to drive crazy the rest teachers. It was very funny! :))) But it's not very good work - no money, no nerves, no result :( I don't want to be a teacher, do you want Kate?

To Mixtly: I received bachelour degree in History, and I don't know what kind of education Nadya meant. Maybe something special, what I don't know? :-P

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Aida  (
Date:   09-07-05 13:04

Nadya, I want to take back all my words for Bonny. Now I understand her behaviour to you

The first, maybe you don't know, but Kazakhstan isn't part of Russia or Ukraine. It's independent country. I've never been in Kiev (it's too dangerous taking into account your revolution :-D ).

The second, I respect your age, but it doesn't mean you can judge about me (or bonny, or any young beautiful girl else) without respect.

The third, If I'm young and beautiful, it doesn't mean I'm a hooker or try to sell myself! There is no man who can pay enough to buy me. Love isn't for sell, it's free, but just with one man!

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Aida  (
Date:   09-07-05 13:06

By the way, I don't understand how on my post appeared photo of other girl? Is it problems with your server? What's up?

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Mixtli  (128.221.4.---)
Date:   09-07-05 16:26

Now that is what I call "self-esteem" :)

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: NAVARRE  (
Date:   09-07-05 17:28

Where do i sign up for the free love????

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Mixtli  (128.221.4.---)
Date:   09-07-05 18:27

Love for free? Yeah right... For someone to love you, there has to be always something in return, even if that in return is also love. Try it, be indifferent to someone, don't give anything in return, lets see if they still love you :)

Not even love is for free :(

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Mixtli  (128.221.4.---)
Date:   09-07-05 21:20

To Bonny: Life is my school, and the only bad thing about studying in the “School of life” is that graduation parties are always a funeral :(

Bachelor degree in History? Great! I have a question: What happened in Rome on 14th of October in 1582? :)

To Kate: Hola hermanita :))))

To Navarre: Just kidding. I really have nothing to say to you :)

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Kate  (
Date:   09-08-05 15:48

To Bonny: I can't say "I want" or "I don't want"! Because I AM! ;-) I teach people, but I haven't a big profit of this, simply I like to help people who really want to know...

To Mixtli: ¡Hola hermanito! :-))

To Navarre: What kind of love do you mean? ;-)))

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: NAVARRE  (
Date:   09-08-05 16:11

Kate:the love comment was in response to Aida's comment: She said love is not for sale it's for free! It's was an attempt to lighten the mood????

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Mixtli  (128.221.4.---)
Date:   09-08-05 16:15

Well... mother's love, that one is for free, but... who really wants to marry his mother? ;-)

(Anyone suffering from Edipus complex here?)

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   09-08-05 17:59

it costs nothing to love a pet rock,or a tree

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   09-08-05 18:02

Kate ,are these your friends--the owl and the ferret? I was wondering if you keep them at home or they just wanted to pose with you for the photo?

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: john  (
Date:   09-08-05 18:28

I remember that from High School. The calendar by a stroke of the Pope's quill went from Oct.4 to Oct.15, doing a lot of folks out of a birthday celebration.

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Mixtli  (128.221.4.---)
Date:   09-08-05 21:11

What a memory! ;-)

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Mixtli  (128.221.4.---)
Date:   09-08-05 22:11

To love a Pet Rock or a Tree? It could cost a lot of money in Psychiatrists ;-)

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   09-09-05 05:09

It would cost less in hair products and cosmetics too. Love is really a state of mind,and harmony with nature and ones self. Spousal and matrimonial type of relations are extensions of the love you have already created. If you do not already have love,in what way can you give it? Be careful! It is too easy to confuse the meaning of love and sex.

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Kate  (
Date:   09-09-05 14:33

Blaine, it was not the free love (I love animals), I paid money for their love, espesially for marten's love (I didn't ask to give me that owl when I made the photo) ;-( People, please, do not confuse me with a pervert ;-)

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Nadya  (
Date:   09-09-05 15:13

Dear Kate, Blaine only joked. He is really kind and understanding. I can tell you serious about your photos. You look as a young beautiful, intelligent girl on your photos. Don't pay attention on different replay about your photos. I think you will find fast what you want and will not be here for a long time.
best wishes

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Bonny  (
Date:   09-09-05 15:25

To Kate: Maybe you will se your monument during your life :)

To Mixtly: My specialization is Asia, Arabic countries :-P!

To everybody: What people! Don't you know what is love for free? It's REAL LOVE, when you love someone not for money, not for present, but just love... feel it in your heart... When you're happy to see your darling, to hug him/her, to kiss him/her... When you think how to do something pleasant for your darling not asking something in response... When you're happy loving someone... It's love for free...

If you need to pay for love... so sorry... You're unhappy person. Wish you to meet real love.

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   09-09-05 15:30

I liked the photo with the animals. It is different than what people normally post for a photo. I was only asking if they were your pets.

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: john  (
Date:   09-09-05 16:06

Kate, some of my best friends are preverts.

Thanks for your correction of my military Russian. I know in the Ukrainian Army when someone gives an order no one listens. I grew up in NYC near a Ukrainian neighborhood. They were always overcooking the kapustu.

Did you know that in high fashion it's becoming a la mode to wear a scarf of stone martens, like maybe three or four of the little fellows all biting one another's tails and draped over the glamorous woman's neck?

I kid you not.

Yours in Sports, Dyadya Vanechka

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Mixtli  (128.221.4.---)
Date:   09-09-05 16:20

To Blaine: Different than what normal people post? I don't agree. I can see a LOT of pictures with "animals" in this site ;-)

To Kate: I like your ferret, is she single? (Ferret love is free love!)

To Bonny: Real love is not always for free. Yes, you give it without getting any money back, but if you don't get love in return, you might not going to love that person anymore soon. Love rarely survives without getting love in return, and thus, it is not for free.

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Kate  (
Date:   09-09-05 19:12

Oh, I know that was a joke… I’m here only for the good of fun! And I hope I’ve already found HIM… ;-)
A shame, these pets are not mine ;-( I have 3 cats and 1 ugly dog (I don’t joke)
I don’t want to have my own monument! The monuments are always polluted by pigeons! ;-) Pshaw
To John: I don't talk with racists! "",","!

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Mixtli  (128.221.4.---)
Date:   09-09-05 19:16

I am a racist too... I don't like martians... martians do not need to apply!

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Nadya  (
Date:   09-09-05 19:33

To Mixtli: I am ashamed,but I wondered who are martians.Where do they live? :) Possible I don't know this words in English

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Mixtli  (128.221.4.---)
Date:   09-09-05 20:56

We have martians among us... don't you recognize them? :)

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Nadya  (
Date:   09-09-05 21:02

To Mixtly: In this case more better to be martians than like you, speaking all time about nothing.

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: john  (
Date:   09-09-05 21:10

Kate, how's your Shakespeare, as in "You have witchcraft in your lips, Kate"?
I love your English, like "Pshaw", very old Western, do you know our Spaghetti Westerns with Clint Eastwood, et al?
I'm only kidding about Ukrainians. They built half of the USA, and are great people, but certain people are just made to be enraged as you can see.
You have found HIM already? You will be causing mass suicides on this site, you've barely arrived.
Krivoy Rog= crooked horn, no? Why?

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Mixtli  (128.221.4.---)
Date:   09-09-05 21:17

Nadya, it is much better to speak about nothing, than being arrogant and speak about everything. If I want to speak about something, I write a personal email, but only to people that really worth to speak with :)

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Nadya  (
Date:   09-09-05 21:37

to Mixtli: it is possible to speak in personal e-mail, if you got a personal e-mail. But if you get public message - you should answer public, too.

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Mixtli  (128.221.4.---)
Date:   09-09-05 21:53

And why am I doing right now? Cooking spaghetti?

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Mixtli  (128.221.4.---)
Date:   09-09-05 22:01

Correction: I wanted to say: "and what am I doing right now"... (well, I really wanted to say something else, but my mom told me that I have to respect women and people older than me.)

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Nadya  (
Date:   09-09-05 23:34

I got one more mosquito, trying to bit me.

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Mixtli  (
Date:   09-10-05 01:40

This mosquito would never bite you, this mosquito doesn't want to get diarrhea.

Nadia, part of the problem is that you take everything serious and personal (and of course, the other part of the problem is that I really don't care about taking anything serious or personal... not a good mix.)

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: NAVARRE  (
Date:   09-10-05 02:08

Nadya can you please ask your daughter to stop writing me for advice. Normally i would not betray your daughters confidence but this sounded serious. Perhaps you should lighten up on her!

Author: Nadiadi (
Date: 09-09-05 23:34

Dear Navare I have much hard time to go internet café now due to my mother Nadya. She be very jealous if she know I ask for you the good advice how to make my mother crawl back under rock. I knowing she be witch but she like some person name Mixtli. Tell me please , do you know who is the Mixtili. All day long Nadya talk about Mixi do this, Mixi do that. Some time she say your name Navarre but no nice word. I think she jealous of you because you the natural blonde and she no. She mad at you to because you tell people her fiancée die from old age. I think he lucky. Nadya have the new man now but yesterday she catch him in bed with other man. His excuse he say he thought it was Nadya! What advise can you give about Nadya many problems?

Your Ukraine friend Nadiadi

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Andy  (
Date:   09-10-05 05:05

WOW, and I'm going and leave all this behind WOW

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   09-10-05 05:35

We`ll keep ya posted Andy!!

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Kate  (
Date:   09-10-05 15:29

Juan, soy la brujita, you're right.
About "interesting words": I have an interesting dictionnary, I love to learn languages!
Oh! Are you going to be the first with the suicide, hah? ROTFLMAO
Kryvoy Rog was built by one Cossack, his name was Rog. He had only one eye - that time "man with one eye" = ??????
I hope I'll try spaghetti very soon! ;-)

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Mixtli  (
Date:   09-10-05 17:27

I don’t think anyone will commit suicide. Suicide is the idea of many people, but just a few actually do it. And a lot of people in this world would commit suicide if they could still be alive after.

My spaghetti burned, but I will make tacos instead :)

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: john  (
Date:   09-10-05 17:33

Dorogaia Katya,
"One-eyed Rog", I love it. He could be in one of those Spaghetti Westerns I spoke of. Can you Google there? If so, read about them, my alltime favorites by Sergio Leone. They have become "cult" films, that is films beloved by a certain type of nut, like me. I recommend "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly" if it's possible to get the film. They were conceived in Italy about old Western days and I think filmed in Spain, but they are so American in spirit. We tend to see things in moral terms and since I think suicide is wrong I have postponed my decision on the subject, "stari babnik" that I am.

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Bonny  (
Date:   09-10-05 22:15

I see my topic is very popular :) I'm glad to make you pleasure :)

Thanks everybody who gave me advices. I found job of office-manager/translator... but the most important: in 3 months I meet my darling! It's great! Maube your advices helped, maybe my fortune wake up... :) don't know... but I'm really happy!

Wish the same for everybody!

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: john  (
Date:   09-10-05 22:27

Schastlivovo puti! and keep your arms down.

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Mixtli  (
Date:   09-11-05 05:17

Bonny, you wish I meet your darling? (you said you wish the same to everybodoy) ;-)

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: NAVARRE  (
Date:   09-11-05 18:11

Mix pay attention: Bonny said she is meeting me in 3 months! (big sigh!)

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Mixtli  (128.221.4.---)
Date:   09-11-05 20:40

Navarre, I knew it was you the one that Bonny was referring to... tell me something... why you don't believe that she loves you? ;-)

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Bonny  (
Date:   09-12-05 09:34

Oh, guys, thanks for attention!

To Mix: I meant I wish the same happyness and luck for everybody... But if you want to meet my darling, you can ;) it's your matter... I don't think you can recall in him the same feelings ;) Although, taking into account your love to JeffS... Well, my darling isn't interested in men, so you needn't waste your time to meet him :-P

To Nav: When I said I'm meeting you? I have not very good memory, but I've never forgot such important infirmation... Please, remind me when we decide it? ;) And where we are going to meet?... ;-P

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Mixtli  (
Date:   09-13-05 05:42

Bonny, your darling not interested in men? You never know... you never know ;-)

Navarre, I am so happy that you found the girl of your dreams in Bonny, and she looks crazy for you... well, she looks crazy, just look at her face jijijiji (spanish laugh).

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: NAVARRE  (
Date:   09-16-05 14:42

Bonny, Bonny, Bonny! Must i take care of everything. (big sigh!) Ok first I was meeting you Slavgorod for a couple of wild & crazy days of excess. I suspect vodka will be to blame. And then we were taking a private jet to go and hang with Gorby and Ivan in Moscow. Remeber you wanted to buy some of the fancy Russian easter eggs for your collection. Probably more vodka as well & lest we forget several postcards of us having fun to send to Mixi. Then you insisted we go to Amsterdam. You said that was the only place that you favorite dish was legal er ah i mean on the menu! More shopping i suspect in the red light district. (i know what you are thinkin Mixi and no its not for more easter eggs) Now Bonny, i can only assume that this must have jogged your memory. Do you need to hear the rest of the trip or do you remember now? I can't believe you forgot already, Most of this was your idea. Hey pop quiz for mixi, see if you can guess which part of the trip was my idea, not bonny's or ah bunny like she likes me to call her. Bonny, who cares more than me? cya

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Bonny  (
Date:   09-18-05 22:41

Navarre, the next time don't chose real persons as heroes of your fairy tales. I consider your post as insulting, but I have too good bringing up to reply you in the same way. I just wish you to find real good woman to make cometrue all your fantasies. Be happy.

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Elena  (212.116.227.---)
Date:   09-19-05 16:03

To NAVARRE: What drugs do you use usually? It seems to me they are very hard for you... Save your health, dear, and choose more light tipes!

To all: It's so boring to read so much silliness here!

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: NAVARRE  (
Date:   09-20-05 00:47

Geez everyone is so grouchy. Who said anything about drugs. Sorry no drugs!

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Elena  (212.116.246.---)
Date:   09-20-05 15:09

Then try to be more clever, well, NAVARRE?

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Andy  (
Date:   09-21-05 23:18

well well,
things are still the same, I thought by the time I got to Italy, it might have gotten better da
maybe by the time I get back to Kiev, will change (lol)

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Elena  (
Date:   09-23-05 15:45

Andy, are you NAVARRE?:)) Anyway, good luck to you in your adventure in Kiev!

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Paul  (
Date:   09-26-05 07:03

You look very nice in that yellow top Elena.

Things can be frustrating sometimes, I agree with you Elena. It would be nice if this forum would get back to some of the very thoughtful ideas and topics we once had, but for now, I can imagine you might be thinking some people need a right jab, then a left hook, then a kick in the #%$&

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Elena  (
Date:   09-27-05 16:26

Thank you, Paul!:) And really I am sure that some people need it sometimes.:)) Because they aren't able to stop by themselves...

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Pierre  (
Date:   09-29-05 20:39

bonny: you man is not called pierre? is he ?

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Stephen  (
Date:   09-29-05 23:33

Bonny the trace of this thread has gone hopelessly astray. Do you still love one man who has gone astray?

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Bonny  (
Date:   09-30-05 06:37

His name isn't Pierre... and I still love him...

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Stephen  (
Date:   10-02-05 11:58

And he still doesn't believe you?

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Bonny  (
Date:   10-03-05 06:51

He already does

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: JeffS  (
Date:   10-09-05 07:19

Is this man called Sally?

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Bonny  (
Date:   10-09-05 09:38

No, he has short, tender and very nice name... don't break your head on it - no of you knows him!

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Stephen  (
Date:   10-09-05 15:46

Ok Bonnie, this is a very tip for the guys too. Change the superlatives in the profile to include - "Looking for someone who is short, tender and has a very nice name". Please note if you don't come up to scratch "don't break your head on it" as none of you know me.

Hope this helps.

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Bonny  (
Date:   10-09-05 20:53

Hahaha, it's nice Stephen... by the way, you aren't jbowe, are you? I'll change my profile, but in other way... not looking, I already found... I'll think how to change it, ok? And one more, he isn't short... he just has short name...

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   10-10-05 01:03

oh--so you do not like short men,huh?

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Bonny  (
Date:   10-10-05 07:17

It depends how short... :-P! Really I don't care. I have a friend who is rather tall, and it's a problem for her, because the most of guys are smaller her... :) But I'm rather little, so it isn't problem for me...

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: JeffS  (
Date:   10-10-05 08:18

4 foot tall.

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Bonny  (
Date:   10-10-05 20:29

Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! I'm 5 5! 4 feet isn't man's height. It's child...

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   10-10-05 21:38

oh Bonny! you could not love a man 4 feet tall? That`s so cold!!

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Stephen  (
Date:   10-10-05 22:16

Be careful of midgets Bonny, they have special talents that most women are unware of !!!

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Bonny  (
Date:   10-10-05 22:42

Stephen, explain, please, what do you mean?... I don't understand maybe because of my bad English or something else...

By the way, you didn't answer my question to you...

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Marcus  (
Date:   10-12-05 05:09

Hell, I couldn't love a woman that's 4 ft tall. Bonny, there is nothing wrong with not wanting to be with a man that is 4 ft tall. That is your choice. Just like my choice in women are 5' 4" and taller and if you are over weight...I'm not going out with them. Not to say that I dislike them. They just are not my choice as a date. If that makes me shallow then so be it. But then so are the rest of you. Any one of you could get a fat and short girl to fall in love with you in America or the country you live in, but you chose to look for attractive women outside your country....and nothing is wrong with that either.

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   10-12-05 06:38

what if she was fat,short,and very wealthy?

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   10-12-05 14:37

or--what if she is beautiful and just a little overweight?

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Bonny  (62.64.9.---)
Date:   10-12-05 14:44

Blaine, do you like puzzles? I think everybody can change appearance. Sure, not to change height, but weight and face a little. It's necessary just to have great desire...

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Kate  (
Date:   10-12-05 17:46

Why to ware of midget's talents?

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Marcus  (
Date:   10-13-05 02:44

Money would never be an issue. I'm not rich, but I will never try to marry into a rich family. Slightly chubby is fine with long as she is willing to spend time with me doing the sports I enjoy. But then again don't misunderstand me. Even a woman in perfect shape I will not date if she will not participate in my sports activities. I spend at least 2 hours every day in the gym. I would love to share this time with my girl. I love skiiing. I want my girl to do this with me also. If she is slightly overweight...I could care less. If she enjoys doing the things I do and has a good personality that compliments mine...I've found my match! But short, fat and rich don't work...hehe.

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   10-13-05 05:19

Just the answers I was looking for.....without desire-a pretty woman with an ugly manner leaves me cold. A chubby woman---I will probably never go hungry!! It is also nice to adopt some of ( at least one) of the woman`s interests. I do not care for opera,but if she did,I would gladly go,but certainly not expect her to be interested in my fishing activity. It is true,dear Bonny,that relations are much like a puzzle! As much as you try to force 2 pieces of the puzzle together,they simply might not fit! IN the rare occasion when they do--it may be that they fit,but it is obvious the pieces are from different areas of the same puzzle. Yes,indeed,a midget may have many good talents! And she might be beautiful inside and outside. But she may still not be the right piece to complete your puzzle. Also,a person can change their looks-but if they do not clean the makeup off,it will come off on the bedding anyway,and Cinderella might become Cinder-fella!!! ;o)

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Stephen  (
Date:   10-13-05 10:07

sorry, typo error, Kate. Should read:

Be careful of midgets Bonny, they have special talents that most women are unaware of ....

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Bonny  (
Date:   10-13-05 23:45

Stephen, even with your correction I don't understand what do you mean...

Marcus, excuse me, but it seems to me you're rather selfish person... you write... "I want..." "I need..." "she must..."... at Uni I had very interesting course of phylosophy and learnt that there is special law of life: "If you want to receive something before you must to give something..." Think what can you give, not what you want to receive... believe me, Russian girls can appreciate men's care... And one more... it isn't very good idea to carry your girl everywhere with you... try to imagine how she makes you to spend hours in shopping or cosmetic salons waiting for her... how do you like? It's much better to spend time together just there you both like to be, otherwise she will be boring with you very much... and boredom is beginning of the end...

Blaine, you're really right... especially about fishing... my godfather adores fishing... I'm afraid alive fish... but when I asked him to take me for the fishing even once he asked not to take offence, but refused. The matter is that his friend took once his wife for the fishing and she liked it very much... and it appeared she is much better fisher than he... so, now he hates to take her there... but she wants to go... and it brings soooo much problems into their family... and now that man can't enjoy fishing as before... so, my godfather didn't want me to become crazy with fishing and spoiled his mood on fishing... :) and I'm still afraid alive fish... so, it's really nice thought to enjoy some hobbies alone or with friends, but not with life-partner...

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Marcus  (
Date:   10-14-05 02:42

I don't think you understood. When deciding on a life partner I know what "I want". This doesn't mean I'm selfish. This don't mean I'm going to spend every waking moment with her, but it does mean the important activities of my life will be shared with that other person. I am not saying she must give this time to me...what I am saying is that it must be natural part of her life as it is mine. So it is not of wanting, it is of "sharing". I don't want or need anything from another person, ....I want it to be a sharing experience.

Don't tell me I'm selfish before understanding what I have written.

?? ?? ???????? ??, ??? ? ???????.

I'm looking for common characters in my life partner. If exercising with me makes this girl bored I don't want to be with her. ??? ?????? ??????????? ? ????!

You are also wrong in thinking I am not a giving person. I was simply pointing out the characters I wanted from a partner. It is also simplified characters. It is also not complete. In truth, I don't know who I will fall in love with tomorrow. I can not tell the future. I might all of a sudden fall in love with a short, fat woman that happens to be rich.

Don't ever make an assumption about anyone by simply reading one post. But if you think I'm just a selfish man in general...then that is your choice to think so. Take care and have a "ochin" good day.

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Marcus  (
Date:   10-14-05 02:54

Also, I was simply answering Blaine's question.

"what if she was fat,short,and very wealthy?"
"or--what if she is beautiful and just a little overweight?"

These questions were asked in a joking manner. So I answered simply the questions. My post was a simple answer to his questions. I'm not sure what part in that question I was suppose to answer what I can offer.

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   10-14-05 04:39

I would be proud to have yopu catch more fish than me,Bonny! BUt if I have to keep baiting your hook because you are catching so many--I will not have time to watch my fishing pole if I also catch a fish. Men usually do not like to take women fishing. Often the woman says," it is getting dark outside--can we go home yet?" Or "I am cold" or, " this is boring". But what I especially love about fishing,is that I take some things to drink,and a picnic basket,or I take a small grill and cook for her at the place we are fishing. When it gets too hot,and the fish are not biting,I will strip off my clothes and go swimming!! It is more important to me just being near the water--watching the sun dance off the current,hearing birds singing,seeing deer and foxes. I too become hypnotized by my fishing rod,so I try extra hard to pay more attention to nature,and to that special lady who I cook shish-kebobs for!

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Victor  (
Date:   10-14-05 09:48

Hello bonny , i'm surprised of your statement but t's very true , love has nothing to do with recieving , but giving and earn to recieve .
About chairing a hobby , it chould work out , if you are to accept that there is always someone who can beat you in this !!! It can just aswel be your loved one .

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Victor  (
Date:   10-14-05 10:08

Bonny, the fact that you wright many letters dos not mean there good letters , you chould read his last letter, ten look at his picture for 15 minutes and read his leter again .it's a different letter . then wright to him and dont think of what you are gpoing to wright, but simply wright down what you are thinking !!! it will be written in a different context ! when you are chatting, keep it short to be sencire, and i still think there can be more feelings put in to a letter. If you wright your letters from the haert i'm sure love will find it's way. good luck to you , Victor

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Kate  (
Date:   10-14-05 13:47

I think Stephen simply jokes. Right, Stephen? Correct me if I mistake.
Just think what pleasant can do the 4 foot tall man for you? ;-)

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   10-14-05 17:11

The joke is that the short person can have a flat head to carry and serve your drinks

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Kate  (
Date:   10-14-05 18:34

Blaaaaaaaine!... :-$ I wanted somebody to think a little bit!

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Bonny  (
Date:   10-14-05 21:56

Oh, Marcus, I'm sorry... I see I offenced you very much... really it isn't worthy to accept so seriously any posts... and your new pict really can make to be convinced it's really great to love physical training and spend so much time in the gym... look amazing...

Blaine, really concerning fishing it's true... I think that my godfather also thought I would ask to go home, to freeze as I usually do etc. But I know some women who are really crazy with fishing... and their men hate it, because they envy... women like to tease men so much... and about your fishing... really it sounds like a rest at the nature... nice... but I think for your lady it would be pleasant in such situation see you not staring at your rod... ;) Do you agree?

Victor, I know about letters... even more is phone conversation... even more meeting... it's ok... I already needn't to persuade him... he is great... I'm waiting for meeting really soon...

Stephen, two beautiful girl ask you and you keep silence! What does it mean? :(

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   10-15-05 00:52

Kaaaaaaaate!!! A short person is also helpful when you need a short ladder to step on,and to get a discount at the movies" Yes,this is my son-he is 9 years old" Also,you can hide him in your "carry -on bag" when travelling by airplane,and just pay for one ticket. I like the vowel sound in both of our names --it makes the name seem so long! Are you Caterine,Katherine,Katrina,Katerina,or should I just call you the American version -Kathy? Or Katie? Sounds kind of nice! I once knew a lady name Kathy who I just called "Kat". Keep those witty letters coming Kaaaaaaaaaaaaaate!!

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   10-15-05 01:07

May I call you ???? or ???????? instead? I will allow you to rename me if it pleases you!

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Marcus  (
Date:   10-15-05 02:44

Bonny, sorry I over reacted. I've never been told I was "selfish" before and I simply did a knee-jerk reaction. Izvinichi.

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Kate  (
Date:   10-15-05 11:31

Bonny, I'm sure your translation is right. Looking at his sitting position, the position of his hand when he tells something and paying attention to his self description we can make the conclusion he likes to force people to think (as I love to do it too). I'm sure he won't explain... :-)
If I said something wrong I'm ready to ask sorry (of course!), Stephen.

Blaine, I don't like to rename people, but I don't mind if others do it ;-)
All the variants you wrote are right, simply the French variant Catherine uses the letter "h" that you don't read.

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   10-15-05 14:40

Katen`ka it is then!!

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: JeffS  (
Date:   10-15-05 18:51

I am so confused.

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Bonny  (
Date:   10-15-05 20:36

Oh, what a surprise! Everybody here became so polite and kind! Can't believe! I don't know why but I'm in the same mood right now. Maybe is it sun radiation so big now?.. :)

Marcus, sometime each of us should hear such words... just in such way we can have oppotunity to see ourselves by other eyes... and change something...

Kate, I agree with you. One more version: he wrote it without any sense and now doesn't know what to reply... :) By the way, maybe I also will see my monument during my life... I escape my job as office-manager... it appeared it's necessary to have "additional obligations" there... except for basic job... I think you understand it... so, now I'm at school :(... really it's funny... 9,10,11 grades... I got the worst as teachers said... but I found them rather smart and funny... so, I'm a teacher now... little money, but I can keep self-respection... it appeared it's very important...

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   10-16-05 00:21

Maybe you will give private lessons ( tutoring) as many teachers do

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Bonny  (
Date:   10-16-05 14:43

I don't know. Maybe. Anyway, I don't want to plan something before I meet my dear. If we like each other in meeting as we do now, my future plans will depend on him... if no... oh, I don't want even imagine such case...

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Stephen  (
Date:   10-17-05 09:02

One thing I had in mind Kate and Bonny was the ancient Egyptian God, Bes, amongst other less obvious things.

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   10-17-05 09:18

I still think the midget has an advantage. Bonny,I hope you were joking when you said that I should not be staring at my rod when with a woman!! I joke too! I wonder if you will understand it?

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Elena  (
Date:   10-17-05 15:14

It's absolutely obveous fact (although having scientific basis!) that the midget has an advantage and it's only the nature!:))

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Kate  (
Date:   10-17-05 18:23

I know what advantage the midgets have, but I won't tell ;-)

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   10-17-05 23:06

Okay--I am going to have my height reduced!!!

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Stephen  (
Date:   10-18-05 00:09

Bes is shown to be ugly and grotesque in appearance, with a large head, bushy tail and "protruding tongue". He bore a plumed crown and wore the skin of a panther. Short but noble. Despite his appearance, he was a beneficent deity and his appearance was meant to scare off evil spirits.

Unfortunatley, little Bes was regularly taken into the service of lascivious ladies from the High Court of ancient Egypt. He stood beneath their skirts. The ladies could not deny the satisfaction of his special and intimate gifts. They simply swooned for this foreign man. Midget, or no midget, Bess was determined to prove himself as a man. Alas, he failed. Poor Bess took to drink. This he felt was his last resort. To finally prove himself and to authentically quench his thirst. Bess died a drunken man. Which spirits really killed him we shall never know ....

Pint of lager and a packet of crisps please Bartender.

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Kate  (
Date:   10-18-05 13:57

Bravo ;-)

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Bonny  (
Date:   10-18-05 22:25

Oh, really sob story! I wanna cry...

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 Re: Please, give advice?

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   10-19-05 02:08

You know--if Darya was here right now she would say that little Bes died of a carnal overdose!!

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