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 Big Age Gaps - story

Author: James  (
Date:   07-17-05 07:20

I must confess that i do know of one successful relationship between an older american man and younger russian girl. The man was in his mid-50's and girl maybe 21-22, and she came to USA to be with a very good looking younger guy, he was 29-30, so she got young man to get her a fiance visa and then when she arrived, she was with young man for maybe few months, and then she dumps him for older guy. It turns out the older guy has been writing her for over 2 years and she built up strong affection for him, and was completley in love with him (thru letters) and the younger guy had only been writing for maybe 3-4 months to her.

Anyway, the morale os this story is that big age gaps can work, but it depends upon the couple and how well you know each other.

This story came from yahoo russian chat site - younger guy was online, and was pretty cut up at being ditched by a beautiful girl for a man that was about 25 years older than him.

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 Re: Big Age Gaps - story

Author: Elena  (
Date:   07-17-05 18:11

The age isn't always going with the mind. Some of young people (as guys as girls) think and feel themselfs really more older than their age. And some of old men and women still keep young lifestile. So all we are diffirent and need someone who is right only for us.:)

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 Re: Big Age Gaps - story

Author: Paul  (
Date:   07-17-05 19:27

Good and interesting topic James.

Elena, you have good opinion, I must say that I agree with you. You said it very good. Finding the right person is like a journey. Lets hope we all find a pot of gold at the end of our journey.

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 Re: Big Age Gaps - story

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   07-18-05 01:07

Okay I am ready to tell you what the difference in between American men and women. Although this cannot hold true for ALL people,I believe it to be true essentially. Because of physiological reasons,young women emotionally mature faster than men. At the age of 10 perhaps,a young woman will grow a larger chest,and begin to release eggs.Sometimes a young girl maturing will be taller and larger then the boys she goes to school with. Boys on the other hand,generally mature later,and do not reach the same emotional maturity level of women until his 20s or 30s. Some never catch up at all!! So,the prospect of a young,mature woman,who has a very advanced mind, adult maturity,and a great body,is more desirable on the surface to men.

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 Re: Big Age Gaps - story

Author: JeffS  (
Date:   07-18-05 16:09

Your story sounds like more like a scam.

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 Re: Big Age Gaps - story

Author: Liliya  (
Date:   07-18-05 17:39

To Jeffs

for you all sounds like a scamm..... I think you are looking like a big scammer also :)

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 Re: Big Age Gaps - story

Author: James  (
Date:   07-18-05 18:40

actually its true - its one of 2 examples that i know of personally that are real. Remember i have been on this adventure now for 3-4 years, and i come across 100's of couples - please note taht all my friends in usa are married to foreign girls, and their friends are also married to foreign girls.

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 Re: Big Age Gaps - story

Author: Andrew  (
Date:   07-18-05 22:57

Personally I think 30 years is just too much of an age gap, although they may be compatible I think in reality especially the later years this will become a problem. At 40 - 50 I feel this girl will not want to just stop living an active lifestyle and her partner will just not be able to keep up. OK maybe he is very fit for his age but at some stage the large age gap will take its toll. Her friends of similar age will be with their partners - travelling, shopping, working on the house or in the garden, making love :) etc. She on the other hand will become a live in nurse. I read a post on a forum from a girl who was sad and concerned because her much older man was slowing down and losing much of his energy and was just happy to sleep on the couch in front of the TV, she was asking advice on what she could do to keep him active and interested and it was evident that she loved him and was very worried. Sad

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 Re: Big Age Gaps - story

Author: Paul  (
Date:   07-19-05 06:15

Does anybody know the age difference between the famous actor/director Woody Allen and his Korean wife.

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 Re: Big Age Gaps - story

Author: Liliya  (
Date:   07-19-05 09:38

yes.... this could be sometime, like Alla Pugacheva and Phillip Kirkorov - just show business....

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 Re: Big Age Gaps - story

Author: Paul  (
Date:   07-19-05 18:25

Blaine, will you tell me if this sex education story was meant for me or was it meant for James. I will have more to say once I hear your answer.

'Okay I am ready to tell you what the difference in between American men and women. Although this cannot hold true for ALL people,I believe it to be true essentially. Because of physiological reasons,young women emotionally mature faster than men. At the age of 10 perhaps,a young woman will grow a larger chest,and begin to release eggs.Sometimes a young girl maturing will be taller and larger then the boys she goes to school with. Boys on the other hand,generally mature later,and do not reach the same emotional maturity level of women until his 20s or 30s. Some never catch up at all!! So,the prospect of a young,mature woman,who has a very advanced mind, adult maturity,and a great body,is more desirable on the surface to men.'

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 Re: Big Age Gaps - story

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   07-19-05 19:46

Nah--hell I was half in the bag when I wrote that,Paul. It was for no person in particular. But I was inspired. I believe most of relating seriously is dependent on both peoples` emotional maturity levels. And girls definitely mature sooner than boys. Maybe some of it is playing with dolls,having "tea parties",and pretending to " play house" while boys are doing other less domestic activities. It is more true for us of the baby boomers,because little boys used to be made of " snips and snails and puppy dog tails". Now little boys are more about X-box and computers and watching TV. I must add to this that being a practicing drunk or druggie is also a sign of emotional immaturity. How could it not be? It deprives the home of the solid man who is an example to his kids,and to all other kids too. It is pure selfishness. And for the most part young men are selfish too,in thinking only of themselves and their own desires. My daughter is 19 years old and pregnant now from a 20 year old "man" who is not ready to commit to family now that she is pregnant. I have heard and read this same story from many women of the FSU. So,if they are reading this-- young Ivan or Boris or Vlad are the same as Junior. And to take this example a little further,my daughter is having a difficult pregnancy,and had been told by her doctor not to work. I help her as much as I can--but Junior parties and cannot keep a job. She has the whole weight of this pregnancy ( and her other 3 year old child ) on her. She works,pays her own bills,and has just told me that she is also going to pay for a ticket to move Junior back home,where he needs to be with his mama. Pretty mature for a 19 year old girl,huh? It is an old and familiar story which belongs to many people--not just me. Of course there are exceptions. I know a young man who was 19 and got his woman pregnant. He completely devoted himself to her,married her,and at this stage in time they have 3 boys, and are happy together. Some women dream of the beautiful matrimonial life even when they are just young girls. Most boys are not thinking of this. My thinking is that a man is really not a man until he goes down the hard road a few times and has the sh** beat out of him,falls down,then gets back on his feet again. A little wisdom breeds emotional maturity,and I must confess that all I was, until about the age of 30,was a sex machine,and the more women the better. All women young or old,fat or thin,beautiful or homely looking. Black,brown,asian or indian. I was cheated on by a woman I really cared about,and this was one of the best lessons of my life. Being abused and neglected by women also gave me some good lessons. I definitely want to read some other opinions people!! Bash mine if you want,I do not care. I am not too old to learn another lesson,or change my way of thinking. Glad to see this forum is so active right now.. Hey--where is our fair moderator/administrator Natalia now? We have some people advertizing on the forum it seems!! Give them the boot,`Talia !!

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 Re: Big Age Gaps - story

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   07-20-05 00:15

Attention; #1313 where are you?

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 Re: Big Age Gaps - story

Author: Natalia  (
Date:   07-20-05 10:20

Those self-advertizing messages have been deleted on the other day, so everythings is ok, I guess.

Best wishes to all of you.

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 Re: Big Age Gaps - story

Author: Aida  (195.69.160.---)
Date:   07-20-05 10:32

To James: Your story really looks like a fairy tale, especially "happy end"! :)

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 Re: Big Age Gaps - story

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   07-20-05 16:05

thanks-good day to you Natalia

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 Re: Big Age Gaps - story

Author: Lance  (
Date:   07-21-05 06:22

"This story came from yahoo russian chat site - younger guy was online, and was pretty cut up at being ditched by a beautiful girl for a man that was about 25 years older than him."

I'm sorry, but that's just wrong. There is something not right going on there. It may be one of them, or both of them, but that's just not right. Aida was being nice when she called it a fairytale. I have other words for it and I'll leave it to Dear Reader to guess what they are.

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 Re: Big Age Gaps - story

Author: James  (
Date:   07-21-05 06:57

Thanks for input Lance - like i said it was the only one of two that i know about so far, the other example hit too close to home. It does happen unfortunately and i dont know why.

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 Re: Big Age Gaps - story

Author: Elena  (
Date:   07-21-05 21:10

Blaine, story with your daughter is so sad! Maybe her story will not finish as sad as it lasts right now... Although all we here cann't help her we wish your daughter all the best!

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 Re: Big Age Gaps - story

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   07-21-05 23:43

That is very kind of you Elena. Thank you. I think some people live in the opinion that AMerica is a fantasy place---Disneyland,Las Vegas and more. I believe that many of the men here are poor in spirit like men from FSU. Often it reflects the economy of a place,and how little hope a person has. SOme people simply give up in desperation. I am very happy to say that my daughter learned how to be tough like her daddy ( mentally and physically),and also how to laugh at many problems instead of letting the troubles of life defeat you

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 Re: Big Age Gaps - story

Author: Elena  (
Date:   07-24-05 15:01

Blaine, it's the better what you ever could teach your daughter, so proverb say:" Don't give the fish to hungry, better learn him to catch it!"

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 Re: Big Age Gaps - story

Author: Elena  (
Date:   07-25-05 18:24

Back to topic: who is looking for beauty and youth - that will find only beauty and youth, who is looking for body - that will find only sex, who is looking for friend can find not only friendship, but love...

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 Re: Big Age Gaps - story

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   07-26-05 00:53

very nicely said!! It seems to go further. Who looks for the love of family will want children. Who seeks spiritual love will become closer to God or religion. WHo looks for passion in love will practice romance. I like it,I like it!!!

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