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 Tanya #31407

Author: John  (
Date:   05-03-05 03:38

The last time I knew about her she was older and was a doctor and not an artist as claimed on this profile. The same picture was used for both profiles. Why doesn't the administration know this use of the identical picture?

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 Re: Tanya #31407

Author: James  (
Date:   05-03-05 04:30

Wow a scammer!!! What a surprise. Thanks John for updating us. Its upto us men to get rid of all these scammers on this website. Why did the administrator put this picture on the website if it is false picture. How can we guarantee how honest this website is? The adminsitrator still has not opend my email from last week with my list of scammers. I think all website care about is making money from foreign men.


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 Re: Tanya #31407

Author: Natalia  (
Date:   05-03-05 18:59

Hello John,

If you might have additional information about this member, please, contact us at

Thank you and best regards,


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 new scammers on site

Author: James  (
Date:   07-10-05 02:35

33930 - Valentina, Odessa is back with new lead pic - she is part of that odessa marriage agency which scams men for $1000's - she is on scam sites. You removed her before but she is back. The agency owner lists girls pics, and girl gets cut of all money made.

32671 - Ludmilla has also been on all scam sites as visa and flight ticket fraud.

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 Re: Tanya #31407

Author: JeffS  (
Date:   07-10-05 19:40

Scammers are everywhere. I had 1 yesterday try to get $460.00 from me for a flight to England from Romania were I was suppose to meet her. I saved her text and photo's and turned her in to WWW.RussianBLACKLIST.COM. This allows other men to check first before they are scammed. I will actually play their silly game just to catch them. I never send money so it is time that I have wasted. Some of these woman are very creative and others are just stupid. Then I wonder if they are woman. Men scamming with woman's photo's is very common to. The scamming will never end so it is just a matter of exposing them to others. If Ya catch them NAIL them.

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 Re: Tanya #31407

Author: James  (
Date:   07-11-05 03:02

I am hoping that a certain girl on this site will share with us all her experience with scammers in her home town. Its a very interesting and enlightening story.

I will not put her email story on here because i respect her right to privacy, and it is her choice, not mine, if she chooses to share her experiences with us, but i hope she does. :)

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 Re: Tanya #31407

Author: Andrew  (
Date:   07-11-05 18:37

How long before they ask for money Jeffs? One of my contacts (a young attractive girl who initiated contact) says she is in love with me in her 4th email so I can only reply with some suspicion.

Hi Olga

In Love!! Surely no, you hardly know me Olga. I could be a scammer and how would you know my innocent friend. I appreciate your letters and I am happy that you had such a nice day at your mother’s birthday, also thank you very much for the pictures. I can not talk as it is very late here and I must leave, I look forward to your reply.


Hmm what if she's the real deal, nahh it’s probably some grubby old dude poking at the keyboard with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth. Noooooooooooooooooo – think of a happy place. But then again I have not heard from my genuine contact for a couple of days I wonder what the old dude would look like with a clean shave and floral dress? Nahh,

life is just not fair

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 Re: Tanya #31407

Author: tann  (
Date:   07-12-05 04:15


That must be a joyful game to play Robin Hoods... Someone of you said: "Men scamming with woman's photo's is very common to." Do you think they use photos of their sisters or maybe wives? I suppose they steal them from the internet from... the same dating sites. It means you can report about innosent girls, have you ever thought of that?

I am against any black lists, men and women. It's too much these days. It is like people have nothing to do but only hunt for scammers and cheat each other.

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 Re: Tanya #31407

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   07-12-05 04:17

well said Tann!!

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 Re: Tanya #31407

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   07-12-05 04:27

Let me recap something I have written before,but maybe in a different way. We are all afraid of being deceived,but if you are truly righteous in your indignation,maybe you can stop the harlots of America--or the utility company--or the guy at Starbucks who overcharges you by 1 dollar,or my phone company--which does not seem to credit me when I sometimes overpay my bill. It is good to know and understand the many wrongs in life. To see them-to witness them-it only takes once. Recognize it,loathe it,hate the people who sponsor it---------then move on,fella! Buck up like a man and move forward in your quest instead of being a siren. If you must be an angry,self possessed hunter of scammers, get some detective programs ( which will cost you more in a year then the bogus "language lessons" ) and contact the department of internet fraud through the F.B.I. Maybe they will give you employment. All the talk of deceptions is just a bum trip,man. It is negative and defeatist Oh,you caught a scammer--whoopeee!!!!!!!! Now write something interesting and informative,so we can be provoked to constructive thought,instead of the boring scam rant

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 Re: Tanya #31407

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   07-12-05 04:43

one more thing--be very very careful who you accuse. Some men who are incompatible with certain women will jump on the " she`s a scammer! " bandwagon,instead of simply moving on upon finding out she has no attraction for him. This is part of being a man too--being able to keep your head off the table when you are rejected by a woman,and not letting your anger blow out your head sideways because she was not accepting of you,or lost interest. There are women who are falsely accused,and others who are in a gray area ( the partiers,sex nymphos,world travellers, and internet addicts ) Think of the devastation caused by a few misplaced and inaccurate words,especially if you have this knowledge second hand. And judge not--lest you be judged yourself. Who of any of you has not stolen? Lied? Cheated? Taken a woman who belonged to somebody else? Bore false testimony against an innocent person ( even accidently) ? Who here is as virtuous and sin-free as Jesus? If not--then imagine a lonely and misunderstood woman,crying and miserable in her agony- whose character and reputation was destroyed by an ******* of a man. I hate men. Always have. But this is because I have been brutalized,beaten and lied to by the ones who were supposed to be close to me. And this is why I love the ladies so much that I will simply dismiss the insincere ones,and hold my head up high from knowing that I am a different kind of man. Be proud,be bold, and let evil ways pass you by like the smell of a skunk in the wind. It ( they) WILL pass! Peace to you all Blaine

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 Re: Tanya #31407

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   07-12-05 04:47

oh,I said a bad word!! ******* They use this word on American television now,and it is actually a harsh form of the word used to describe the place where people excrete hard waste from ( just in case you wanted to know )

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 Re: Tanya #31407

Author: JeffS  (
Date:   07-12-05 07:29

How many men are supposed to be scammed with a fake photo. The men and the fake photo are innocent but you need something to show scammer web sites who to look for. The more men that see this photo the better. Men do not start this game they are the ones that pay for it.

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 Re: Tanya #31407

Author: Liliya  (
Date:   07-12-05 09:40

this problem possible to solve simply don't send money!!! if you are not sure of this woman, don't invite to visit your country, better take visit her country and her house, there you will know how is real this woman, just say that you want to see her and ready to arrive there.... if this woman is real, she will glad to meet you....

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 Re: Tanya #31407

Author: Andrew  (
Date:   07-12-05 09:40

Well Tanya I dont think I would ever report anyone unless I was really harrassed, a couple of strait up questions usually puts them off and thats it for me, no more emails. But really these people are so obvious with numbered emails and pictures and the same email sent twice etc. I'm sure to most people who are just trying to find a life partner or friend Its a pain in the ass at the very least. Maybe they should have a joining fee for both male and female or the agency running the site should have a simple verification system for local members like a simple phone call to the agency to obtain a verification number before joining, It wont get rid of all of them but hell I got 4 in a row just last night. I can see how some guys get upset and take it upon themselfs to do something about it and I dont blame them.


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 Re: Tanya #31407

Author: Nadya  (
Date:   07-12-05 23:43

Tanya, I completely agree with you:
,,I am against any black lists, men and women. It's too much these days. It is like people have nothing to do but only hunt for scammers and cheat each other.
Dear men of this site, let me belive, you are not so stupid to be cheated, let me
believe you are enough intelligent and smart to be cheated. If it is
not so, I will leave this site. I don't like more than all stupid
not intelligent men.

best regards

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 Re: Tanya #31407

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   07-13-05 00:06

Like the new photo Nadya!! And I agree with you,and what you said I don't like more than all stupid
not intelligent men.

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 Re: Tanya #31407

Author: Andrew  (
Date:   07-13-05 01:55

I'm sure there are many intelligent men who have been cheated, maybe they were simply unaware.


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 Re: Tanya #31407

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   07-13-05 03:14

It is a hard education for anybody to be cheated. But this lesson starts right here at home,in the good ole USA. And if you haven`t been cheated on or deceived,from what perspective can you share your experience? It does not come from a book or a forum. It is like teaching a child respect. Damn tough lesson to give,easier lesson to learn firsthand from being disrespected. . Being deceived is like driving a junker car. It gives you more perspective and savvy to see the warning signs a little clearer the next time around. And when you do experience a sincere relationship,you appreciate it more. Intelligence=learning the lesson correctly the first time around. Dumbass=keep sitting on that same hot stove despite the many times it has burned your heinie.

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 Re: Tanya #31407

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   07-13-05 03:18

That 1313 is a fine looking woman isn`t she? ;o)

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 Re: Tanya #31407

Author: Andrew  (
Date:   07-13-05 03:37

I totally agree Blaine :-))

nice to see another tradie online

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 Re: Tanya #31407

Author: James  (
Date:   07-13-05 06:35

hey blaine for once i agree you with - you have to burnt once to experience a real relationship and then you can appreciate taht much more, and you can spot red flags before you get serious the next time around.

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 Re: Tanya #31407

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   07-13-05 07:31

One of my exes said to me,"Just because I loved you yesterday does not mean I have to love you tomorrow"

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 Re: Tanya #31407

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   07-13-05 07:33

oops-I am sorry. You agreed ( it had to heppen sometime) that #1313 is a fine looking woman?

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 Re: Tanya #31407

Author: Andrew  (
Date:   07-13-05 09:19

Yes!! ;)

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 Re: Tanya #31407

Author: Andrew  (
Date:   07-13-05 09:20

Ohh and some of the other stuff you said

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 Re: Tanya #31407

Author: tann  (
Date:   07-13-05 11:32

1313 must be a scamer, too beautiful photos lol

To Blaine: "And when you do experience a sincere relationship,you appreciate it more." I think it's a very good point. Than scammers is a useful thing hehehe

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 Re: Tanya #31407

Author: john  (
Date:   07-13-05 16:57

Vsemu: #1313 is not only a looker, but she runs the joint doesn't she? Anyhow if I ever saw a number to play it's that one. If I win it's drinks on the house for all and roses to Natasha.

I really am grateful to all the scammers. They have taught me how really beautiful Russian women are. Have you seen Masha Sharapova slip the camera from under her cute little tennis shorts? I love her forehand!

The trouble is in 50 years there won't be any Russians left, they're not making any babies. Ditto Italy and Spain.

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