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 Internet love

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   04-11-05 04:43

Hello everybody! Nice to see you are still here Tann,and contributing to the conversations! I see many new postings,with guys asking about scammers. Guys,do not have preconceived notions about women or scammers. If you send a woman money-it is your fault! If you are generous and send a few bucks because it will change a poor person`s life,then do it with a good heart. Read up on the scam scenarios. Even in a site like Matchdoctor,where there are many scammers,there are also sincere women. This site has stopped taking women from Russia and Ukraine by the way. But I have met some there who are definitely not scammers. It is wrong to blame all women for a small percentage of scammers. If you are serious about this venture of meeting a FSU woman,you WILL have to go there,out of respect to her and the family. And if you do bring her back on a K-2 fiance visa,it WILL be expensive. SHe will have to be here for a reason,and after proving your relations with her through letters and pictures and receipts,you will have to go through all the necessary documentations,which become more difficult if she is divorced and has a child. Nothing worth having in life is always going to be easy. The best way is to just go to the country. Plan on spending 3500--5000 dollars to do it. It is an expensive proposition,because she will want to go home from America sometimes--maybe even 2 times a year if not more. Am I right in saying that a woman does not really want to leave her beloved home? SHe wants a better life with family values, stability and security. It is only possible to make your new life and family by going to her. Do not fall in love with the first long legged Latvian in a red dress and pumps. Be realistic about her. As in America,you may find a woman has irreconcilable differences with you. She will be coming to a strange land where she has few or no friends or family except for you. Do not do this if you have a weak resolve,or a too thin wallet either!! If you are able to bring a woman here,on a fiance ( K-2) visa,and she plans on staying,you will have to sponsor her in school--and remember,it takes 5 years to become an American citizen. So,you will have to do things to keep her from being bored. It is a nice dream,and a fantasy,but one you will have to work to obtain. For Charming Tiger--man makes the clothes,not clothes make the man. I know you do not wear makeup!!! Good luck to everybody,and be real,if not kind to each other

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 Re: Internet love

Author: tann  (
Date:   04-11-05 22:01

Yeah, Blaine, your post reminds me exactly de Saint-Exupery`s words: "We remain responsible forever for what we have tamed" :)

Don't scare men in advance. I agree with you, this is a long hard way and not everyone is able to pass through it to the end. Someone in love can. I am upset to see so many lonely people over the world, from the other hand I am glad to see that they are in search at least.

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 Re: Internet love

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   04-12-05 04:01

I think any real man should be part fearless,as this life has many unknown dangers that lay as landmines in a battlefield. If a man will persevere,it is possible to shape mountains into faces ( Mount Rushmore or Crazy Horse Monument ). If he does not accept some of these challenges,he must swallow a complaint about things he will not change for himself.

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 Re: Internet love

Author: Irina  (
Date:   04-17-05 12:50

You are completely right ?????!!! Russian women not all simply flirt, some have simply despaired. Life in Russia with each year all is worse and worse. Changes to the best are not present, for this reason women search for men abroad. Dream of any woman - the cosy house, loving husband and... A prosperity in the house.
Yours faithfully Irina. Blaine wrote:

> I think any real man should be part fearless,as this life has
> many unknown dangers that lay as landmines in a battlefield. If
> a man will persevere,it is possible to shape mountains into
> faces ( Mount Rushmore or Crazy Horse Monument ). If he does
> not accept some of these challenges,he must swallow a
> complaint about things he will not change for himself.

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 Re: Internet love

Author: tann  (
Date:   04-17-05 20:16

Irina wrote:

> Life in Russia with each year all is worse and worse.

What your opinion is based on? Can you please give as any rates?

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 Re: Internet love

Author: Richard  (212.176.235.---)
Date:   04-17-05 22:13

Life is full of surprises...sometimes we search too hard for better things elsewhere - chasing the rainbow. The internet makes it possible to cast the net wider, and maybe, just maybe you will find someone there who
you will get to know and come to love. Nothing can replace the chemistry which people feel when they meet face to face, but if you wish to make friends, get to know other cultures, and not hope for miracles - then the internet can be an amazing tool. :)

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 Re: Internet love

Author: Craig  (
Date:   04-23-05 19:10

Searching for love on the internet is a lot like looking for space junk on the moon. It is a long shot at finding it. It is hard to recognize even if you see it. You may see a lot of obvious dirt, holes, and other junk before you find the real thing....And most important....You could search for years and never find what you are looking for. The key is having a focus on what you are really looking for so you dont end up staring at nothing or assuming the real thing doesnt exist just because it is allusive. I have met several wonderful gals on the internet. None of which were overseas but they were real and unfortunately the chemistry and mix wasnt right. But they were wonderful women who are still my friends and it wasnt a waist of time to get to know them. They were in fact encouraging because they remind me that the "real thing" is out there. We all just have to be patient. God bless!

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 Re: Internet love

Author: Gerta  (
Date:   04-24-05 20:07

Irina wrote:

> Life in Russia with each year all is worse and worse.

Dear Irina,
You can live in any place in the world, but anyhow will not be happy and can speak in the future " Life in... with each year all is worse and worse ". You make your life and have not big fantasys that everybody Western man is a millionaire who will change your life.

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 Re: Internet love

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   04-25-05 00:13

Love will change your life. Money will buy more options,but will not buy love or happiness.

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 Re: Internet love

Author: Gerta  (
Date:   04-25-05 16:56

Blaine, I agree. I meant just a shade which I seen in Irina's message. And of course, this only my opinion.

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 Re: Internet love

Author: Emmy  (
Date:   06-03-05 12:51

looking for love in the internet is just like any other place in the world. internet is a great way of meeting people, people that you would not necessarily otherwise meet. really it is just a meeting place.

ideally, IF everyone was honest about their ad and what they are looking for. my opinion is that why would you lie, b/c sooner or later the truth comes out anyways. why waste yourself and others time?

so i can only hope there there is genuine and honest people in here....

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 Re: Internet love

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   06-03-05 15:48

there is,Emmy,it is just that they sleep too much,and are slow in posting...

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 Re: Internet love

Author: Geoff Burmeister  (
Date:   06-15-05 23:05

Message to Emmy - I have been on sites for 12 months & found it really hard to find some who is genuine - I had a bad marriage and I was put on these sites by someone from the Eastern European region as he felt that that type of women would suite my personality better than a local. I am strill battling with log distance and its really very hard going

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 Re: Internet love

Author: Irina  (
Date:   06-17-05 17:44

Irina wrote:

> Life in Russia with each year all is worse and worse.


It depends on what part of Russia you live. I know many women that make way more money than men, but still some of them would prefer to have a Western boyfriend or husband. I think it has to do with men, not with the situation, although I know that in some parts of the country life is really hard and women struggle to survive.

As to the "Internet love" I think that it helps to meet people, to make friends and in some cases to fall in love and get married, although I am not so optimistic about that, because it is really difficult to recognise a right one, especially if he(she) lives overseas.

I wish you all good luck! Miracles do happen, don't they?

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