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Автор: Tim (---.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net)
Дата: 27-03-12 22:48
I am very tired of the many lies that my ex-wife and her friend Larisa have told here and in other parts of the web about me.
Please know the following FACTS about our situation and my ex-wife (her name not listed, as I am not trying to personally attack her):
-- she had fraudulently got me to marry her after asking me to father a child with her and then promising that we could have a family together.
-- she had broken just about all her promises to me (to move to the USA and to have her and our child's name as Quey)
-- she is a control freak and is very abusive (verbally, emotionally, and physically; even to the extent that she shocked her parents and her father had to constrain her from hitting me when I refused to even raise my arms to defend myself from her abuse).
-- she regularly cheats sexually with married men -- even soliciting them (both in Moscow and in different parts of the world).
-- she forges documents and lies regularly (even in our marriage application and her divorce application).
-- she has cut off all communications with me when I asked her for a copy of my divorce application.
-- she initially denied all my requests to support our son and tries to conceal him from me.
-- she would not allow me to have any freedom (what she calls addicted to computer games was less than 1 hour a day when we were together) and prevented me from taking care of my son (even when he cried when she changes his diapers but likes it when I did).
-- I have tried to keep our communications cordial -- offering support and greeting her on holidays and special occasions. She responds with posting lies and acting evilly. If I were to act as she did, I would post to all her family, friends, associates, and to the whole world that she was responsible for my mother's death.
-- She claims I lied to her. I did initially misrepresent my age to her, but I told her my real age (five years older) before she first met me (she traveled to me in the USA) and she said that it was fine, absolutely no problem for her.
-- As for her friend Larisa, I am far from certain that she is a lawyer. She posts malicious things on the web putting up lies about me and temporary websites, that seem to be false (I cannot confirm this, but she does not act with any ethics at all). Note that even here she puts up one day profiles and then deletes.
-- I AM VERY SERIOUS ABOUT FINDING THE LOVE OF MY LIFE, MARRYING and STARTING A FAMILY!!!! This is what led me to initially accept my ex-wife's lies and to put up with her abuse. I believed we had many things to work through, but I loved her and wanted to have a family together. She claimed again and again that she loved me, but then just tried to control and abuse me as soon as we were married. We have never even had sex after we were married and she stood me up on our agreed meeting in Moscow the day after we married. Does this sound like someone who was at all serious in her marriage commitment and in having a family together?
PS My ex-wife uses abusive language all the time. I used an inappropriate word once when I described how she was being abusive to me and torturing me in many ways. I have not used that word with her after that (to the best of my recollection), but she uses that word and many other obscenities when communicating with me.
PPS My ex-wife also lies about my work history and other things about me. I think that this is very inappropriate, but she and her bogus, unethical friend (supposed lawyer, Larisa Semennikova) keep on posting lies about me and about themselves. Just yesterday, I confirmed another of her lies when I visited one of the Russian consulates here in the USA! Please note how Larisa puts up one day profiles, posts lies to the Forum, then deletes her profile.