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Автор: Tim (---.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net)
Дата: 27-03-12 22:56
I have found that there are some very sincere people trying to find the love of their life here, but also many who are fraudulent in many ways. From the male viewpoint, many of the women with the most outward beauty are scam artist, either trying to get men to send them money for translations, or visa/travel, or for family emergencies. However, there are also many attractive and serious women here, so I am hopeful. Recently I had many lies posted here about me by a friend of my ex-wife (someone who went a step further and actually married me to defraud me and then was extremely abusive before and after our divorce), so I did notice very much less responses to the few women that I have written. I guess I should expect this, but I am still hopeful of finding a truthful woman and a lifetime love here to build a great family and shared life together!