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 answers from Ukrainian women

Author: Dale  (
Date:   03-26-09 18:17

I have a interest to know from the Ukrainian women here in this forum why is Lugansk the heartland of Ukrainian scams ?
No place more in Ukraine than from Lugansk will a man find him self being scamed by marriage agency's, translations servce and women who post adds looking for men but are really intenational scamers of some of the worst scamer on the Internet in all of Eastern Europe based in Lugansk Ukraine.

In this region in Ukraine is there more poor people than other regions of Ukraine who are in such need of money they turn to scaming, or is their more of the Russian culture in Lugansk that makes scaming men a common way of life ?
Do the Police get into the scaming along with women scamers in Lugansk?
I personal know that Ukrainian Police often team up with scam marriage agency's for a cut of the scaming profites and to offer protection to the scamer agency's or women scamers who can afford to pay protection money to the corrupted Ukrianian Police for protection .
I am a well traveled American business man that has been many time to Ukraine and I have seen how Ukrainian people change in nature from different regions so there is something in the lugansk region why there are more scamers than any other region in Ukraine .
Anyone like to make a suggestion here ?

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 Re: answers from Ukrainian women

Author: Sylvain  (
Date:   04-01-09 22:53

Yes, I have a suggestion : GO WEST !!!

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 Re: answers from Ukrainian women

Author: LORA  (
Date:   04-26-09 20:46

I do not think that absolutely all women in the Lugansk region are bad...
Possibly, did not simply drive you with a choice...
It is not needed on a few women to draw conclusion about a region and the more so are nations.
To me applied with boor improper suggestions of man from America...
But it does not mean, that all men in America are boors and indulge in debauchery.

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 Re: answers from Ukrainian women

Author: Dale  (
Date:   04-26-09 21:36

Lora, it is always interesting just how women like you from Ukraine are so disconnected from the serious problems of women scamer in your country Ukraine, and you do not see the serious problem that it is making for your country and how the good women of Ukraine are made to look so bad by these scamer !
Your coment does who how little you know about internet dating sites .
If you would do even a little research on Anti-scam sites you will find some sites list the most serious locations in country's where scams are coming from .
Lugansk Ukraine is well know to be the scam capitol of Ukraine on all Anti-scam sites .
For my self I never anymore respond to women that are located in Lugansk Ukraine because so far 100% have been all scamers .
This problem is not just a few women as you are thinking, it is more like a few thousand women doing all sorts of scams coming from Lugansk Ukraine .
You are Ukrainian so I know you are intelligent, so please do some research before getting on this forum and speaking on the subject of scamers in your country .

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 Re: answers from Ukrainian women

Author: LORA  (
Date:   04-26-09 21:55

I not going to probe the theme of skammerov. It does not interest me. I search the last man here. I will give the love, tenderness, respect and care him.
And I advise you more attentive to look closely to the women which write you and not to pour dirt
of many normal women.
Not allow itself to cheat - and nobody will deceive you.
Be a man, but not brush for shaving.
And then you will have to complain nobody.

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 Re: answers from Ukrainian women

Author: Liliya  (
Date:   04-26-09 23:44

Hi Dale,

I have only one question for you - for so many years you are here on this dating site - why do you still not find your special woman, it looks a little strange :)

Not say all women you find and meet is scammers.

I don't want to say you are lying - but I not believe. It is not possible every woman from Lugansk is a scammer - I know many woman from this place - very atractive, honest, cleverand they are not deserve such bad words.

Good luck to you.

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 Re: answers from Ukrainian women

Author: Dale  (
Date:   05-07-09 02:11

Liliya, Don't be so fast to make some silly comment about someone because they have been on this site for some years .
My long time friend -companion - Business partner in Moldova is showing signs she is more interested in us starting over and getting close to each other again for possible marriage .
Sometimes relations just need to mature even if has taken Svetlana 6 years to show new signs she is coming around to our relationship again being together.
I have to say She has been an excellent friend to me over the 6 years since we first meet each other .
So I do not use this site very much anymore and I know that 90% of the womens profiles are fake and connected to scams on this site .
I come and go from this site just to see who is still here and see what is on the forum from time to time .
I also like to make new friends in Ukraine and Moldova which a few good women I have come across on dating sites that are now good friends to me .

Liliya why are you getting into silly things anyway your normaly a better person than to side with some of crazy people on this forum .

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 Re: answers from Ukrainian women

Author: Liliya  (86.137.30.---)
Date:   05-09-09 00:47

Hi Dale,

thank you for your story - I wish you good luck with Svetlana.

Every lucky store just make me happy :)


P.S. Anywhere could be and good and bad people, doesn't matter where from they are.

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 Re: answers from Ukrainian women

Author: martins  (117.199.16.---)
Date:   09-09-09 16:40

i suggest you have to go West. this is good fro you.

hope you will go as soon as possible.

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 Re: answers from Ukrainian women

Author: Francesco  (217.203.178.---)
Date:   10-07-09 00:24

good evening my name is Francis from Italy and I agree with Mr.Dale .I have been for almost three years on these sites, I have talked to Ukrainian and Russian women and 90% after declarations of insane love ,having seen only me in two photos and without almost knowing me,they have asked me me money.
A system happened 8 times it is typical of the Ukrainian women: if you are ready to meet her and they miss only the details for the flight (that I clearly pay as document et cetera) and it misses a last letter to agree about the arrival , the society of services of internet says that the lady doesn't have credit anymore therefore you must pay a subscription of 200-300 dollars.
For the Russian women, this 5 times it is happened and I have reported it near the managers of the sites and my consulate:if a person organize the meeting (that they(the russianìs women) don't accept in Russia, they want to come here in Italy), they ask money for the Visa, then for the trip then for the customs where they must show to have 50 European a day to sustain in Italy
I have lost 6000 European, I know that you will say that I was stupid but there are whole organizations that works behind this and an Italian televione has made a tape on this fraud.Then I have learned to be a lot of diffidenete on the women of the east but too late

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 Re: answers from Ukrainian women

Author: Dale  (
Date:   10-09-09 18:09

I have been away from here for sometime but I see this site has sunk deeper into the toilet !
Now the scum porn site scamers are even getting in here !
What a joke, Go west then leaves a Porn site link !
I also did a fast scan through the womens profiles and their are even more well known Photo's of scamers that continue to be on this site and other dating sites .
I also see in my mail box a Hugh amount of Nigerian scamers have comtacted me so there goes this site to the Nigerians .
Some old site looks like New Date just contributes to the international scam dating with out any care at all .

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 Re: answers from Ukrainian women

Author: Notice: Undefined variable: new_dat  (
Date:   05-07-10 03:26

Hello everybody

I am photographer, some years ago I worked in the photostudio in the Ukraine(one city), and I took the pictures many single women who wonted marryed. Some of them was really honest and inteligent person, but I saw some beautiful girls, they are going over the border for relaxation, for money.

And your mistakes that you are lookind not soul in the women, you need body, just beautiful body. And they catch you for your wek spot.

Sorry for my poor English. :)

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 Re: answers from Ukrainian women

Author: Irina  (
Date:   05-07-10 03:26

Hello everybody

I am photographer, some years ago I worked in the photostudio in the Ukraine(one city), and I took the pictures many single women who wonted marryed. Some of them was really honest and inteligent person, but I saw some beautiful girls, they are going over the border for relaxation, for money.

And your mistakes that you are lookind not soul in the women, you need body, just beautiful body. And they catch you for your wek spot.

Sorry for my poor English. :)

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