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 help to understand men!!!!

Author: Marina  (
Date:   03-09-06 05:59

I do ask your help, as you do think It is right? Man which writes me a 2 month good warm letters. It speaks that I very like to it, I have a son it speaks very a lot of words about it, about our general life. I have a friend which is registered on this site. It wrote to it do not once know that I correspond with it. It appears, that sometimes we get identical letters, where it writes that loves and is sad, will arrive and that it speaks such words first time.
This is named to be reinsured when do ride in guests and a girl can be unreal or this mistrust to me or it simply does feel nothing to me?

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 Re: help to understand men!!!!

Author: Lorentz  (
Date:   03-09-06 14:53

A SCAM MAN !! - We need a new list !! Marina; the process of interacting at distance affects most all here and has many inherent difficulties. Do not underestimate however the power of your own feelings and imagination to become very involved and therefore vulnerable to being hurt through simple excange of letters. It sounds to me as though you have no problem with men, or understanding them, which is your question. What instead has taken place is that you have fortunately discovered a most insincere individual,( and I suspect his mass marketing will cost him in mass. so don't feel too bad, ) - after two months, and the good news is - ONLY two months - and you are in the perfect place to work that out and share your feelings about it. Good Luck !!

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 Re: help to understand men!!!!

Author: Karina  (
Date:   03-09-06 23:14

Thank you to you large that you responded to my question. I want to trust the men, but as soon as I begin to do this, I discover that I am cheated.

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 Re: help to understand men!!!!

Author: Karina  (
Date:   03-09-06 23:16

I earlier wrote this question in forum, but nobody answered on it. Thank you that you answered Marina and to me.

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 Re: help to understand men!!!!

Author: Marina  (
Date:   03-09-06 23:21

I am glad that were there been men which responded to my question. I see that this question agitates not only me, but also other girls and men. Yes indeed this good newness – only a 2 month. But it is difficultly to part with the dream)

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 Re: help to understand men!!!!

Author: Olga  (
Date:   03-10-06 04:44

Good luck Marina!

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 Re: help to understand men!!!!

Author: Andy  (
Date:   03-10-06 13:22

It does not bother me to talk about it. Number one, If you are only dialoging on Internet using
e-mail, as a man I must keep in mind, that the lady I am communicating with may not even be a woman!! So until the meeting of person, I will keep communicating with other ladies until
I have a meeting. At that meeting, the lady might not like me, or me her, (smile). But if all is as desired, and it becomes commonly agreed upon, then all communication, with other ladies will cease for me, and I would hope for her also the men (da).
So as I understand you have not met your man, he maybe thinks the same way as I do or he could be a "player" just as many women are "players".

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 Re: help to understand men!!!!

Author: Lorentz  (
Date:   03-10-06 18:40

Marina; Understand that the "feelings" you had were absolutely and in fact 100% REAL. You cannot deny them or dismiss them just because that which may have preciptiated those emotions was not the genuine article. If you believe that there was some "magic" in his words, you are mistaken. The magic was in you. - What Andy has mis-addressed in his post is that, much more than men, women are far more vulnerable to this type of false interaction. The hurt they suffer in such instance is much deeper.- On the up side however, Andy does also not "get" that each of the three women on this thread, and for all those like them, if they are so lucky, they will already be completely in love before the plane lands and the meeting will be simple pleasurable formality. Not a bad trade off.

Sin, YFN Viking.

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 Re: help to understand men!!!!

Author: Andy  (
Date:   03-10-06 22:51

I hope that this is true, about the ladies here being already in love before
the meeting. That will also cause them grief, some of the time (smile). This is only my opinion :).

Lorentz, if you are so wise, in all that is known of love and how all the women on here and women like them, why aren't there and not on this site?

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 Re: help to understand men!!!!

Author: Lorentz  (
Date:   03-11-06 08:33

Andy, - Howdy Pard!! - You are absolutely right. Each of us is entitled to
their opinion, and I tossed mine into the "Corral." - You seem to have misinterpreted my mention or yours, as you question if I am so very "wise in all that is known of love." - when clearly I make no such assertion. - Do ya got a burr under your saddle, or are you claiming "grazing right's" to
this area of skill ??

Well, before we "circle the wagons," so that I do not misinterpret your post as being directed at me, rather than the subject at hand, -I will respond as follows:

Certain that I betray no public trust, I stated that young women employ far greater mental imagery in their emotional involvement's than do men.
It is because of this they are made decidedly more vulnerable to being hurt if this is taken advantage of. - You do not acknowledge this in your post. - A difference of opinion, not a dare to a showdown at high noon.

My observation of this male/ female difference has been reinforced in my experience teaching at Cal. State University L.B., in coming from a large family with more women than men, in being blessed with a daughter to compliment my three sons, and in various other "interpersonal relationships."

As to why I am not "there" with any of the particular young women posted above or "those like them"- assuming of course they might otherwise be inclined, - while each of them is extremely attractive, they are quite simply put "age inappropriate" for me. I would think that, as I am old enough to be their father, I should'nt have to worry and am of no interest to them.
How do you think they should interact Andy, with someone old enough to be their grandfather ??

Yippee Ki Yeah

YFN Viking

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 Re: help to understand men!!!!

Author: Andy  (
Date:   03-11-06 17:35

Try never to get a "burr" under the saddle, the horse doesn't like it at all. And by no means do I have any portion of "grazing" rights.

This is a photo of me and my two kids. taken six years ago at Christmas dinner, at a friends
house. So I don't know what you are saying about "grand kids".
I was only posting "my" thoughts to the ladies. Being a Virgo, might make it seem one sided, but I enjoy your thought as well, as Blaine's, and every one else on the site.
Well I guess they are not going to let me show the pix of me and the kids. my oldest just turned 22yo last week and the boy 19yo 31 December.

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