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 scam and fake background

Author: herbert  (
Date:   12-31-07 12:57

Hello everybody

I am new from some weeks here and i never used dating site to find somebody.
What i found with my contacts are surprisingly more people trying to apply a "dressing window" on their background probably to hide some aspects difficult to reveal.
Where are sincerity and loyalty or honesty ?
How to understand and trust people when during first contact informations level you do expect is a formal BULLSHIT!
I can understand after reading that a lot of men are boring with girls talking what they want to talk but never the truth.
I don't speak here about "asking money process" or scammers finally I put in same bag, i talk about the doubt that lot of people have during the discovering process to everyone.

When you let your talk in a superfical status, you have a wonderful picture and you go deeper and deeper for details , women scared about this fundamental aspect of communication.

Does Ukrainian women are a pure myth?
I do not want to answer but about i can see from sometimes here , i have a serious doubt of the real motivation that can be : GO GO WEST !!!

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 Re: scam and fake background

Author: John  (
Date:   12-31-07 20:48

Herbert, you know I've met my share of fakers here, but I'm sure that most of the women on the site are real. They just happen to be the ones that don't answer my email, I guess.

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 Re: scam and fake background

Author: Patrick  (
Date:   01-01-08 18:27

Herbert, of all the sites I think this is the worst...I do not believe that most girls on here exist....I see some girls on here with other sites in UK with different names....My mate Dale will have something to say about this subject...

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 Re: scam and fake background

Author: Vix  (
Date:   01-02-08 07:05

Go, go WEST, go go man, are you a twin brother of our blessed darlinges supposedly vasectomized;) George Cloney?
Fake background? Every blessed Russian soul has a 0% credit history just because....... THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS PROPERTY LOANS AND CREDITS HERE, at least, in the vast prevailing majority of the FSU space;)
The fundamental aspects of every communication are trust, care, willingness to be tolerant and accept different cultural issues, opinions and extremely diversified habits and personal assets, be open with what you expect from the very beginning of your communication to avoid disappointments later down the line and, just keep cool, don't go into issues or hang-ups, they gonna turn out to be manias and phobias in the future, God forbid;)
I am a Western gal who's living in the FSU now and I never regret it.
East or West, home is best, and as we speak in the South, your home is where your heart, and your cat is.
Happy New 2008 to all the handsome men here, I LOVE YOU ALL GUYS;)

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 Re: scam and fake background

Author: herbert  (
Date:   01-02-08 11:45

Go back home Beetlejuice !!

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 Re: scam and fake background

Author: Vix  (
Date:   01-02-08 15:18

Why are you hurting me?
My home is here now.
Don't be verbally abusive to others, please.
God bless you, Herbert !

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 Re: scam and fake background

Author: Elena  (217.23.191.---)
Date:   01-02-08 16:38

Hello dear friend
I like your ideas about this site
Its true- not all women there are in real
I wish in New Year find your part and be happy
with best wishes

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 Re: scam and fake background

Author: Patrick  (
Date:   01-02-08 22:57

Elena..I would like to read success stories?...I do not think so!!

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 Re: scam and fake background

Author: Dale Benson  (
Date:   01-03-08 05:38

Yep your right Patrick this is one of the worst sites I have ever seen for fake and scams .

And as long as women on this site don't pay to use this site the scams are going to get worst and more will come like a flood out of control !!
It is long past time to make women pay on this site what we men have to pay and this will at least slow down the amount of scams on here , the scams will not stop by making then pay to use this site but by making the scamer pay for using this site it will put a large dent in the scams that show up on this site .

I stoped using this site from time to time because sometimes these scams get so wild on this site I am feed up with it all .
To make this all more a problem the managment rarely removes the scames or fake profiles because the scamer use attractive looking women photo's to attract men who have not learn yet the scam so this make a real cash cow for New dates newly signed up new comers .
In the Month of December I had 10 scams run through my mail box on this site and I keep reporting them with no action taken to remove them .
I just had a African scamer mail me today from New date with the Name Nikemi profile 82396 with the same old scam there father has died and their now in Africa with a family member and there all looking for my help to get out of Africa with my cash funding help .

I am very supried to see a women from Russian for once speaking up about there are really scamers on this site when most of the time women from Eastern Europe are the ones sticking up for the scamers when us men complain about all the women scamers .
Elena your all right big points for you !!

Men look out for these long time scamers on New date their from a marriage agency scam that I have reported many times to New Date managment that I personal think has some connection to New Date because New Date will not remove these Profiles .
Profiles Anna 78997 / Sveta 60917 / Ruslana 65712 , Anna and Sveta are from the same marriage scam , and a new scamer that is all over the anti scam sites profile Mayya 81771 and Ritusika 82312 is a marrige agency scam also because I was ask to send Ritusika money to pay her agency translations service fees after two letters.
Marriage agency scamer profie Marina 80849 is all over the anti scam sites under different names, Marina 80849 is a scam for visa and translations services which is on all anti scam sites and she or he is well know as well as Ekaterina 80912 is a translations scam and visa scamer reported on 4 anti scam sites .
last week I did a 3 hour anti scam search and found that there are easy 70% of the women on anti scam sites are on New Date .
So just to show my point after my anti scam search it was not hard to pick out a number of what is really on New date for scamer.

Also men take my advice and stay away from Ira 4828, I personal meet this women , I was picked up at the airport by Irina and her mother and all the way through the city these two women could not stop asking me how much money I had with me and how much money my wine import company makes or do I have a really large house or a small house and what kind of new car I own , these two women were fishing for importaint impformation about me for some of their person gain .
This also went on for two days with Irina before she found out I was not telling her what she wanted to know about my business affairs and state of finances, and let me tell everyone Irina is a smooth one using her Police training to see if she can get you to talk about what she wants to know from you .
Let me tell everyone this women has the chance to be real serious problem because she works for the special Police department of Moldova in Chisinau Moldova and if she feel like doing some little Eastern European Police corruption black male on you your done for !!!.
I would guess she has used this smooth talk before to scam men because Irina in real life is a drop dead beautiful young women I mean a really beautiful women with everything put together just right in the right places !!!
You have to ask your self what women that looks like that is single for may years ?

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 Re: scam and fake background

Author: Natalya  (
Date:   01-03-08 11:28

Dale how you can speak so about all women whom reasons for it can be at you? Can you in something be guilty? Many men pay attention only to external beauty and a youth, you do not wish to communicate with women of the same age, more correct in behaviour, more sympathetic which can understand is better and which are sincerely interested in the man, but not in size of its purse. Therefore young girls wish you to use. For all this time I could not get acquainted here with the man so that our interest was mutual (though I hope that it all the same not so). Your statements very much offend me, in them it is a lot of rage. I would not wish to communicate with such person, to me there would be enough attention only one person, that with whom I now correspond (I think that this the man will understand my words). I once again can repeat as well as Marina, that you very much are mistaken speaking badly about all Russian women. The majority from which wish to see near to itself of worthy respect the man, reliable which can encourage the woman and itself requires its attention. The majority of women have here good work and wish to work having married to be equal with the husband. But the woman is not guilty, that at the first stage of home life with foreign the man to very difficultly both partners, year or two is required that the woman has received the status which will allow it to work level with the husband. Really you wish to see beside the helpless wife who completely depends on you which badly knows language and is not guided in realities of a local life? It is A lot of difficulties on this way and many men are not ready to it, but very much like to argue and dream on this theme. For this reason you come across " on a fishing tackle " nice young " rapacious women " (I do not wish to offend all girls whom here it it is a lot of and with which I communicated on Russian part of a forum a little). Read our part of a forum and you will understand, that I am right, on this site there are good women who wait when they will be written by the present gentlemen.))) happy New Year all of you, both men, and women, find " the half " and be happy!

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 Re: scam and fake background

Author: herbert  (
Date:   01-03-08 12:05


Thank you to try changing the situation in men women relationship.
However "gold digging" is by definition the status of any Russian women wanted to improve their life. As many dating site said " Russian and Ukrainian women" are clever , well educated, loyal and honest, now a lot of other sites said " it is a MYTH"!
Russian women has the most divorced rate in the world, most "scammers" rate in the world etc...
I would believe that here is no correlation beteween this.......

I think that the reputation of women mainly in Russia and Ukraine is changing and I can send you a very latest and serious report from the UN talking about the youth in Ukraine considering young girls as rapacious and depraved and ready to do everything for money.

If you are the only woman honest and loyal, you will find your man.

Have a good 2008 year.

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 Re: scam and fake background

Author: Anders  (
Date:   01-03-08 13:19

Hi All

I have been on this site before, and met what I still think is one of the most wonderfull women I have ever met. And she were (and still is) 100% real. Things did not work out for various reasons I will not comment further, but bottomline is...

there are real women here - also some of the young ones are real!

I have been in contact with a few, and I would say, that 50% of the profiles are scammers. Some are very easy to detect, and I could take out numbers like Dale, but then I would have to go and find them, and that would just take too much time. But they are easy to detect, and I can only say, that people (man and woman should be carefull when communicating over long distance. There is only little chance things work out, and great risk that things screw up.

I can recommend to read - lot of nice stuff.

Also, when you receive e-mails from girls, you can check originating IP on and see if the city is the same as she claims. Maybe she is travelling, but chances for that are small.

Also, professional photos can sometimes reveal a scammer. If the photo is a plain jpg format, you should be alerted. If you receive a genuine photo you can place the mouse over the photo in windows, and see what camera was used and date - quite usefull! But sophisticated scammers sometimes just go to town with their camera and takes a few photos of a good looking girl, and then invents a story about her....

Also googling e-mail address is a clever thing, but they change e-mail address like we change underwear ... so if it smells fishy, it is long time she/he changed .... ;)

Asking for phone number is also good - just call, it is cheap through internet - some are even free!

Finally, when getting involved in long distance relationship, it is a commitment for both parties, and it has to be clear to both who, where and how is the road ahead....

Last, remember, if she is real, she is a woman, with all the same issues as women in your home country. She will test you to see if you will provide for her and be a good husbond - to leave old country and friends for new adventure still takes a lot of courage I think - you should respect that, and just play by the same rules as you do at home.

Absolutely last: Happy new year - and may you find what you look for in 2008!

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 Re: scam and fake background

Author: John  (
Date:   01-03-08 14:03

Anders, while I haven't the technical skill or the patience to research the woman as you do, I agree with your general thought. Women are women, and have the same problems all over the world, the same hopes and fears.

I have been scammed, so what? Maybe I should wear it as a badge of honor. I tried to help someone and he/she proved untruthful. If I needed every penny I wouldn't be on this website at all.

I knew Russian and Ukrainian women in New York. I like their cultured attitude, a couple of them would invite guests to their place and serve a good meal and play the piano for singing later, Lara's Theme from the movie Dr.Zhivago being a favorite.

I think in this life you get as good as you get, which explains some of my hard luck, maybe I deserved it. The love of money is the root of all evil, truer words were never written.

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 Re: scam and fake background

Author: Natalya  (
Date:   01-03-08 15:44

Anders, thanks for last words: "
Last, remember, if she is real, she is a woman, with all the same issues as women in your home country. She will test you to see if you will provide for her and be a good husband - to leave old country and friends for new adventure still takes a lot of courage I think - you should respect that, and just play by the same rules as you do at home. " - I see that you understand, that at real women the same problems as well as at living there, near to you.)))) But I wish as to tell, that you not in all are right. For example, about a photo. I did not have a digital camera and I have been compelled to copy a part of a photo from a usual photo, the part of a photo to me was made by the familiar photographer. We did a photo both in a room, and in park, on the nature. The big lack of this site that I have no opportunity to place more photos and I choose best of those which I have. If to speak about phone in Russia many have cellular telephones, cost of conversation inside of Russia low, but for calls abroad we often use cards IP-of a telephony. I have familiar girls to France and the USA which I call in such a way, thus my number is not visible to the addressee. I was on trips across the Europe and if I had an opportunity to find the Internet - cafe I checked the mail. What you frightens if all of you know as to check up the fair woman from deceiving? Anybody from men does not know as difficultly woman to struggle with loneliness, to wait for letters from liked the man and to hope for reciprocal feelings! The answer one - man's egoism! I ask to forgive me for possible mistakes, my English not so is good as I would like. (((

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 Re: scam and fake background

Author: herbert  (
Date:   01-03-08 16:21

You are right , people from Ukraine are different a bit in US or elsewhere.
Laws and attitude can change these girls, you know what laws said about "fraud" in US , very poor effect in Russian and Ukraine for them. That is the story for me!

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 Re: scam and fake background

Author: John  (
Date:   01-03-08 16:46

Nata, our Russian should be as bad as your English.

I know from some friends in the US government that it is almost impossible for a Russian woman or Ukrainian for that matter to get a visa to the US, but it is quite easy for a US citizen to get one for Russia or Ukraine.

As for men and women, no matter where they are, it's always a question of trust and respect. Neither one of us have yet found a way to have babies alone, although our feminists are working on the problem.


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 Re: scam and fake background

Author: Natalya  (83.239.46.---)
Date:   01-03-08 19:58

I cannot struggle alone to change your opinion on Russians. While only I and Marina we try to make it. These attempts are similar to Don Kihot's struggle with windmills. Some men instead of searching for the soul mate for all remained life and mother for the children have found for itself a hobby - to search for swindlers in each of women. Really it does not have other employment?

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 Re: scam and fake background

Author: herbert  (80.125.177.---)
Date:   01-03-08 20:23

I think that your vision of the main subject does affect definitively your understanding of the question.
About my employment , it is very good and successfull! Don't yours?

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 Re: scam and fake background

Author: Natalya  (
Date:   01-03-08 20:37

Herbert, you have not understood me, I spoke about Dale Benson. It speaks it disrespectfully about women.
In each message it informs all new names of girls as which it considers scammers .

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 Re: scam and fake background

Author: Sveta  (
Date:   01-03-08 21:19

Natalia, did you call Dave Benson some times as IT in your last message spesially or was that just grammar mistake?(Smile)

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 Re: scam and fake background

Author: Anders  (
Date:   01-03-08 21:56


About checking up background throgh check of IP etc, I must say, that this is essential in the beginning. You cannot trust this media.

Anybody can claim to be anybody!

Now that you travel around, you should now that. And if you check e-mail abroad, then the guys would know they don't have to send you money! Also, if you explain about photos, there should be no issue, but you would have to try harder to make the other person understand your position. If you travel abroad, I am sure you have friends who have digital camera, who has taken photos of you?


I'am sure, that girls do not just jump into a relationship - so why should men? We are not more stupid than average - if they get scammed again and again, there is no help for them - they have to learn the hard way. The same is it with the woman who always gets attracted by "bad boy" who beats her up. There is no help to her.

I know I cannot save the world, but I just say people should get facts straight and do some googling. Also, there are other options like I described. I can also refer to this site, where you find a lot of scammers, and where they discuss how to do it etc.

And - not all scammed people are men - some men scams women too, so you better learn the tricks to check up on people if you wish to find a new friend abroad. The same rules apply to internet as in real world. In real world, you would not ask a big fat man, if he is a hot babe.... but in internet world you would?

No - save time and worries, and check up on who you correspond with - then it is possible to establish good and solid relations! It's my advice, take it or be sorry ... I am sorry, thats the way it is!

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 Re: scam and fake background

Author: Anders  (
Date:   01-03-08 22:11

I forgot:

There are a great number of scammer lists - some of them require you to pay for their service. Don't bother. If "she" turns up there, there is usually more than one reason to it.

I also recommend to read this:

great advice how to detect scammers.
I only have one advice (#8) to add: If a Russian girl tells you that she will get a visa to the USA instead of inviting you, that is - under the current immigration law - a SURE sign that SHE LIES.

Here is the process how a Russian woman can come to the USA:

If she is considered a relatively young/ attractive woman (let's say under 40, hope I don't hurt anyone's feelings here), then there is virtually NO CHANCE THAT SHE GETS A TOURIST VISA TO THE USA. First the Russian Federation will not allow her to leave the country. Then, even if she was getting out, the USA will deny her admission. The reasoning is that she is considered a risk. How could she not be a risk? If she had family in Russia (husband, children) or a valuable business or real estate. Most likely the woman who writes you will be considered a risk. The only way for her to get a visa into the USA is this procedure: the foreign man visits her in her native area in Russia
they get engaged during such a visit - take photos of the 2 of you together
he flies back and applies for a K-1 visa. A K-1 visa is also known as Fiancee visa, used for marriage-based immigration
once the K1 visa is granted, the girl can enter the USA and stay there for 3 months. By the end of these 3 months you HAVE to GET MARRIED or the girl has to go back home.
if you get married, the girl gets a greencard and can work
after 3 years of marriage, the girl can apply for a US citizenship. That's when they interview you to find out if it's a real marriage. She also has to answer some questions about US history, political system, etc etc.

Here are Derrick's tricks (1-7) that he uses immediately from the start:

GOOGLE or websearch the first part of the scammers first emails and/or 'profile'. SEE HOW MANY OTHER SITES their listed on! RECORD THOSE SITES FOR FUTURE REFERENCE. THAT alone can give you a good idea IF your dealing with a scammer OR not.

GOOGLE or websearch the return email address. See how many 'hits' come from that search and also note all the sites. (many times you'll see the email end up on a 'scammers list') IF YOU FIND THE EMAIL ADDRESS LISTED ON A SCAMMER LIST - don't bother further, your only fooling yourself - no matter what excuse they might give you.

FROM THE START - ASK FOR SPECIFIC INFOMATION! A full name, address, phone number - something. OFFER THE SAME in exchange, except make it a P.O. box and a CELL PHONE rental card that will protect your identity. If you see your requests ignored, which you usually will, don't waste your time further.

ALWAYS ASK SPECIFIC QUESTIONS that would REQUIRE A SPECIFIC ANSWER outside the use of FORM LETTERS. IF YOU FIND your questions go unaddress in your reply emails from 'them/her' - YOUR DEALING WITH A SCAMMER. Again, don't bother further.

DON'T WAIT 6 MONTHS to offer to talk with the PROSPECT by phone! WHAT A TOTAL WASTE OF TIME! IF THERE IS CHEMISTRY OR APPEARS 'INTEREST' BETWEEN THE TWO OF YOU - then sieze the opportunity. ARRANGE A PHONE CALL! International rates to Russia and most places are reasonably cheap. IF YOU GET THE REPLY ' I'M SO POOR I DON'T HAVE ACCESS TO A PHONE' - drop the whole thing, your only wasting your time and WILL BE SCAMMED at some point in the future.


ASK FOR A SPECIAL PHOTO TO BE TAKEN. IF YOU SENT YOURS, HAVE THEM TAKE A PHOTO SHOWING THEM HOLDING UP YOUR PHOTO IN THE PICTURE! That is a good 'scammer filter' - even the most adept with Photoshop will easily be spoted.


AT THE LEAST - ASK THEM FOR A PHOTO of them wearing a specific combination of clothes and/or colors - something different then the usual 'model clothing' - most use to send out. OR AN OBJECT - TOASTER, ELECTRIC CLOCK, BY A COUCH, IN A ROCKING CHAIR something that would be very hard to use PHOTOSHOP to just PUT in another FILE PHOTO.

*** IF this person is real or sincere, they won't mind doing this for you! ALSO - offer to do the same for their comfort also - that is only fair.


If she talks about getting a visa or that she needs money to get a travel visa to the USA, she lies. See the proper course of action described at the top.

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 Re: scam and fake background

Author: Natalya  (83.239.46.---)
Date:   01-03-08 22:12

Why you compel me to be justified as though I the criminal???? Even criminals have " a presumption of innocence " ! Instead of understanding and encouragement you force us to cry. I stop this senseless discussion. Yes, it was the mistake, I have not checked up written.)))

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 Re: scam and fake background

Author: Anders  (
Date:   01-03-08 22:33

I think you completely misunderstand what I write.

Think about yourself in real life. Would you go to the man dressed in black leather, armed with weapons of mass destruction (where did I get that from?) and a long history of beating up all women around him? Would you go to him, and find out if all is true, or would you prefer to know this in advance and maybe move on to the next good guy in the row?

Just ask youself that question?

Maybe checking up is not such a bad idea? Huh!?

There is ABSOLUTELY no harm in doing a initial back ground check. If you have something to hide, how should anybody be able to trust you - ever!?

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 Re: scam and fake background

Author: Natalya  (83.239.46.---)
Date:   01-03-08 22:47

You can not trust, but two times I went to the Europe with the usual camera. I have bought digital only 31???????.)))) But I in-many agree with your last statements when you speak about the address, phone and other photos. For this reason I today have put a new photo (made the day before yesterday)))) Even if at me bad English, I shall prefer to speak by phone to hear a voice of the man which has interested me. But I consider what to delete the profile it is necessary after a meeting when two people have accepted this common decision and have understood that their feelings are mutual. If to speak about the visa now there are more than opportunities to go under the tourist or working visa though till now it is a lot of restrictions. Many familiar girls did visas under the invitation to the mothers, especially when they were pending the child and required the help and support during such moment.))) very good chances at youth to work in the USA under the program W&T. I think that many already know about this program. But as a whole I agree.)))

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 Re: scam and fake background

Author: herbert  (
Date:   01-04-08 13:59

I think that situation might change fast about the scam report. I know a friend living in Luxembourg and in connexion with more than 200 databases he can give a complex background on demand. I think he works with detective agencies and some investigation companies. I try with ID 17281 a woman names Lyudmila which I had some exchanges here. Some doubt about profile informations ( she change 2 times during our talks here) and became agressive after some " life questions". With only a picture ( i have no name or patronymic) I gave from the site , he can build a complete profile : name , surname, date of birth, occupation ( very interesting), visa request in progress, experienced abroad, hotel registration , economic profile, marital status ( official) , scammer profile ( if it does exist) , members of family and name with the same scope of information of everybody.
I asked this monday and had the complete record yesterday.
Now I know who is this lady and what she does here.

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 Re: scam and fake background

Author: Anders  (
Date:   01-04-08 14:47

Hi Herbert

Just skimmed the profile in question, and my first impression is that this is from an Agency.

Picture and the fact only Russian is listed as language combined with her age lead me to this belief.

But it is great you found another resource to run back ground checks. I think it gives a great comfort to know if the woman speaks the truth or is a scammer. Makes it possible to give more information about yourself without greater worries. Maybe you can share this resource with others for the benefit of all... well, except the scammers - but who cares about them?

I also think scammers are facing hard times soon. All internet traffic is logged, and it will be possible to catch them when the authorities get rid of corruption. Maybe 3-5 years from now. I think this kind of scamming is now at its peak, and people in general are more aware and protective. Just like with Virus, trojans and bot-nets.


For others, I would also ask you to be carefull when chatting with scammers - sometimes they will try to convince you to chat, and during conversation they will try to send you a file. That file can be a Trojan or key-logger. Remember, they are criminals, they just want your money, and if you don't send them, they try to take your money themselves!

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 Re: scam and fake background

Author: herbert  (
Date:   01-04-08 17:33

right Anders,
But the most important think is to prevent about gold diggers that are very difficult to identify at first sight even after some talks.
some tools are avalaible for that but after this , you can turn onto a paranoia when you found to who you hope to live!!


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 Re: scam and fake background

Author: Natalya  (83.239.46.---)
Date:   01-04-08 19:15

It is good, if you such clever men, check my profile. It is very interesting to me that I shall hear from you? Find my address, a place of work. I am not afraid of it because me to hide there is nothing. I deceived nobody, moreover, my work does not allow me to do anything similar. Audits spend almost every day on my work.)))

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 Re: scam and fake background

Author: Patrick  (
Date:   01-05-08 16:34

Anders you are correct!! Backgound checks are very important for Men and Woman..The problem a lot of women on hear do not exist...I did not know until Dale wrote that Ladies can obtain this site for free?..That I am affraid says it all...

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 Re: scam and fake background

Author: Sveta  (
Date:   01-05-08 16:52

Patrick, it is the site of your level. It is shame when the British engineer ( or are you not an engineer?) writes ON HEAR instead IN HERE.

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 Re: scam and fake background

Author: Patrick  (
Date:   01-06-08 12:19

I realized my mistake too late!! Thank you Sveta for Gramma correction.

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 Re: scam and fake background

Author: Vix  (194.24.162.---)
Date:   01-08-08 20:13

Ask them to take a photo eating a big fat thick green cucumber.

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 Re: scam and fake background

Author: John  (
Date:   01-08-08 23:29

So how does one say, dill pickle, kak skazat ukropoi oguriets?

You should be a stand up comedienne Vix, but what kind of unfortunate guy is going to be able to keep up with you?
Can you sing? Vi poiawte?

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 Re: scam and fake background

Author: Irina  (
Date:   01-09-08 00:47

LOL Sveta
Yeah I think it's not only site is of his level but his "mate Dale" is too.
He hadn't told us all about his trip to Kiev/Odessa or Moldova????? yet by the way. he he
We need more gems of wisdom on "Russian Scam.....bags"
Keep going Vix LOL

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 Re: scam and fake background

Author: Dale Benson  (
Date:   02-01-08 04:22

Irina if it was not for Russian scam sites I would never have found your mug shot and all about your scams you have been up to !!
What a real bottom feeder you are !!
I would guess your in Nigeria or Ghana with your grubby looks and dress .
What quality Ukriane women dress with old dirty shoes and old clothes like you .
With your man hating personality you make a good scamer !

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 Re: scam and fake background

Author: Irina  (
Date:   02-01-08 14:11

read the profile first looser!!!
I'm not a Nigerian, dummy, I'm Russian
About dresscode... well the pics were taken in Australia and it's I was overdressed overthere and if you think that your moldovian made leather jacket worth peanuts is cool and you juge people by their clothes you sound more like moldovan, not a yankie. They sure dress well in your fashion central Oregon
I'm not on a men hunt and I haven't scammed anyone here, unlike you pal,
all you are doing in here just winge about scammers and promote your crappy business...and by the way read your own stories before posting new ones, may be then they will have some sense in them
Get yourself a life, being 48 and never married, speaks for itself, such a successful businessman, so loving and caring, sure women just fight over you, looking for a girl of 22 being 48, you asking to be scammed, or your development stoped when you were 22?
Kind regards Irina

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 Re: scam and fake background

Author: Sveta  (
Date:   02-02-08 00:45

Bravo, Irina. It is my mind about this man, too.

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 Re: scam and fake background

Author: Irina  (
Date:   02-02-08 12:23

Sveta, I don't really know why I even bother to reply him, putting myself at his intelligence level. Wink

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 Re: scam and fake background

Author: Irina  (
Date:   02-11-08 09:40

Bravo Irina! If the man speaks so about the woman, he rag.

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 Re: scam and fake background

Author: Uffe  (
Date:   02-13-08 00:59

Come on guys,,,what do you think!! Old farts like us ..bald..fat..why should these young women and girls want us for?? Of and other things that some of the guys will send them,,,There are a lot of naive guys over the net...and we are not one of them...lucky for us,,,but unlucky for these guys that are traped.

Sorry about my english but you know what I mean anyway

Uffe from Sweden

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 Re: scam and fake background

Author: Jerome  (
Date:   02-15-08 06:26

I have had correspondence with several women on here(20-30 ladies),and i think I have found 3 or 4 that are genuine! (these are not very good odds..) But one of the fellas(Anders) in the forum suggested have the ladies take a photo holding a photo that I sent,I did this with a couple...I think they are for real the furnished me with my request, and I thought it was cool to see ............Infact I am still in contact with them and communication is going pretty smooth so I am planning to meet them...Perhaps I will ask the next ones to do the photo eating the big fat cucumber as Vix suggested...that indeed may be more outstanding than them taking a photo with my pic...Just ask alot of questions and be careful out there guys!

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 Re: scam and fake background

Author: Albert  (
Date:   10-03-08 07:35

when you go to a public restroom do you believe everything you see on the bathroom wall. Come on now! If you really believe what you read on the bathroom wall then i got some swamp land that i want to sell you.
Are there people out there that want to take advantage of you sure. But make sure you do your homework when it comes to this. You do not want to offend people. How do you determine this secretly without offending people. I caught 2 women who lied to me about there location they told me that they lived in Russia. The photos were more like glamour shots modeling photos. Then i did research on this woman and found out that she according to others scammed someone. Well really we do not know for sure we only know the one person that got dumped by her or what ever happened, but ultimately that is between both of them not me. So i read the information and took it into consideration. I then recieved some emails from her and looked at the pictures and also looked at the letters and responded. There were holes things did not make sense, but i did not judge until i felt like i could. I then traced her IP address. She stated that she was in Russia, when i traced her ip address she lived in Houston. Now i recommend that you research all ip address even if its a russian website with a ua or ru ending. And this is why....Every IP address has a starting point like houston then it goes to the URL like yahoo or ua, or ru website which is a russian website and it will give you a russian IP. then i t goes to your IP address. now the distants it might differ your ip or thier ip might bounce 15 times until it hits your location or theres but it is always the beginning or ending point. here is a free download i want to help men and women it is called visual ip trace you can also get ones that gives you a satelite image where the ip is coming from. look into it have some fun but do not judge until you have the facts. People change give everyone a chance at least listen to them cause you do not know who you are going to fall in love with or what kind of hurt people went through. Be patient and kind and most of all do not give up on your dream on finding the right woman here. She is here you need to have an open heart and mind and listen too.....she will reveal herself to you have faith.


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 Re: scam and fake background

Author: Richard  (
Date:   02-12-09 19:42

Thanks guys.....another great thread...I'm new here, and am learning alot.

Is there a particular site that's considered the best, with the least scams?

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 Re: scam and fake background

Author: Steve  (
Date:   02-28-09 08:49

If you are Looking for Russian Ladies & girls - click link below:

Here you can come in contact with Russians ladies, ukrainian women and russian girls who is seeking men for marriage, and its totally scam free.

They are Licensed Introduction Agent in the state of Queensland, Australia (registered introduction agent license #300 81 69 Queensland, Australia, ABN 65104205709).
You can also contact the Office of Fair Trading ( and check the records.
and for any question you can call at:
+ 617 5562 2937 (Monday-Friday during office hours, Australian Eastern Time).


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 Re: scam and fake background

Author: Liliya  (
Date:   03-01-09 14:01

Steve wrote:

> Here you can come in contact with Russians ladies, ukrainian
> women and russian girls who is seeking men for marriage, and
> its totally scam free.

> Thanks
> Steve

Hi Steve, can I ask you?

How do you know there scam free - did you meet each woman from this site?


Good luck,

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 Re: scam and fake background

Author: Jeff  (
Date:   03-05-09 23:50

To reduce my exposure to scam artists, I ask for several key things.
- the lady's exact home address.
- The name and exact address of her place of work.
- her phone number and the best time to call.
- where is she accessing the internet? Home, work, internet cafe? and what is the exact address of that access point?
- I like the idea of a photo having her hold a photo that you sent to her. I was having them hold a current issue of the local news paper but the photo idea is better.

When I visited both Russia and Ukraine, I found sincere ladies, but the biggest problem I encountered was non-English speaking ladies. Because I believe that communication is the most important part of a relationship, I will now only communicate with English speaking women.

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 Re: scam and fake background

Author: Mathias  (
Date:   03-17-09 00:09

how do I find the IP?

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 Re: scam and fake background

Author: mika  (
Date:   03-19-09 12:19

Hello guys, it's of course very interesting topic. I'm a lady that have registered on the site to find my soul half as well as you do. I'm waiting for my profile approval finally and while it's not I have decided to write here about many what was called "scammers" as you think there are.
So, I want to say it's not exactly so. Women register on the site to find a foreign man to firstly leave their country some day, to secondly find a real relationship. They don't need your money, they need to see you in real life. As mostly of them don't have gross income they usually can't go to your country to see you. Young naive girls think they could ask for anything any man, it's only Eastern Europian women's nature and our tradition to depend on a man. You should not be scared of this, just try to openly explain them that you are not going to give anything to anybody before you know and see them. I wish all of you to find exactly what you want to find.

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 Re: scam and fake background

Author: mika  (
Date:   03-19-09 12:31

Patrick, women's names on such sites do mean nothing. There are only nick names. Please read my reply to this topic. With respect, mika

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 Re: scam and fake background

Author: mika  (
Date:   03-19-09 12:40

Hello Vix, thank you very much for so interesting thoughts! You are very right about Russian souls.. It's wonderful that there are such women like you on the site. I wish you all the best! Thank you.

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 Re: scam and fake background

Author: mika  (
Date:   03-19-09 13:00

Dale Benson wrote:

> You have to ask your self what women that looks like that is
> single for may years ?

Dear Dale, may I ask you, what a man that of your age (48) and looks like you is never married and single till now?
It was bad luck only. Take care.

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 Re: scam and fake background

Author: Reggie  (
Date:   04-28-09 00:21

Hi guys!

New to this forum and I can say the dialogue is very engaged, to say the least. I can say I can agree with various points most men and women state here.

First off, we all have to respect opinions and attitudes of the others, even if we may disagree with them. These are formed from our individual life experiences which NO ONE but ourselves can know. Dare not to judge others!

And if you find you disagree, understand why. I see some name calling and subtle dissing going on, a form of defense I guess because you feel someone is attacking you? Get over it. This is a forum, an exchange of ideas. If someone personally attacks you, then all should see that he or she is promptly removed.

I can say for the record, I am a twice divorced, age 53 man in search of a under 40 wife. My main reason is that I desire more children and a woman close to my age is NOT going to have kids for the most part. Also, most of my friends are younger and I have very few even near my age. I get along quite well wiht the mature younger woman. I have been accused by some women, that all I want is a young hot babe! Well, if one comes along who meets my standards, of course I will take. Duhhhhh!!!!!!
I am the father of a lovely 7 yo son, from a Belarussian mom 20 years my junior. We would still be married had she not proved to be a very high drama, problematic, nothing ever good enough and never compromise type of individual. Over time we just saw our attitudes were very different, but that we must always love our son. I married her too fast, plain and simple. I kno wmore what I want now and more so, what I do not want. so that makes my search very difficult to say the least, coupled with most Online Dating and dishonest women (applies to men too).

I have perhaps received well over 2000 letters and exposed over 700 women in the last 5 years who I could prove as scammers (hundreds more I had high confidence were scammers, but can only report those provable). That is a far cry from the late 90's. You can not trust what is on the Internet profiles until it can be verified. So Nata, do not take it personal if someone wants to verify you are real. It is a fact of life. I always check out a woman before I give focus to her. Out of 100 women who write me, I find maybe one who is sincere enough to talk too. Pretty bad odds and very typical for the experienced online dater. I can say perhaps I am more well versed in scams than anyone here, but maybe not. I certainly have seen more than what I care to share.

All I ever want for Online Profiles is for the person to be honest. Is that so hard to require? Also, if a man has to pay for membership, the woman should also. Correctly that would severely curtail a lot of the scams out there. A scammer wants to make money, not pay it! LOL's Now the woman maybe does not have to pay as much as a man, but something to show at least there is some sincerity. Women get it free but men always pays. Now is that really fair?

I have little sympathy for scammers. I think all should be hung or shot (can't tell you how many times I have had my hopes dashed by discovery of deceit, but thankfully I found out). I educated myself, read letters carefully and use common sense. My pants may tell me I am attracted to a woman (women, MEN are visual creatures and have been for all time! You seems to forget that a lot) but I try very hard to let my brain tell me who is real or not.

You can say I do not trust a woman and I don't, at least until I can determine how real she is. Asking for a phone number to call, a photo with recent newspaper date, or something as webcam can go a long way. anyone can be anyone on the Internet because there is no transparency. We are free to be anone we want to be, the 53 yo who is the handsome, perfect young stud, the woman's dream, for example! LOL's I know I am not and I do not try to be, I am pretty honest about who I am, pitfalls and all. I am more honest than the women who write for the most part.

Anyways, if I can be of help to any man or woman here, feel free to reach out. And if any woman out there knows of someone seriously interested in marriage and family and children, under 40, and yes attractive, a referral is appreciated! Keep up the dialogue, it's how we all learn!

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 Re: scam and fake background

Author: LORA  (
Date:   04-29-09 19:44

I think that before to lay women to skammer, it is necessary to check up them, as it is done by many men. If a woman is sincere and honest, it is not afraid of your verification. It with pleasure will give you the telephone number and e-mail for letters. I want to give advice men - be more attentive to the women, set them many questions and attentively read their answers. Woman - a player will prove very quickly. And woman which searches the companion of life really, with gladness will answer your numerous questions and answers of it will be honest and detailed.Skammer does not have the real details and they will not answer you on your questions. Be kind and not offend women vainly. They, as well as you, came here with hope to find the pair.
I wish all inhabitants of forum of happiness and love!!!

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 Re: scam and fake background

Author: Tatiana  (
Date:   06-07-09 00:41

Hi Herbert.
Of course a lot of women write real bullshit in their letters.
Because of a different reasons. For example - I'm not Hemingway too.
But a lot of men write real bullshit too.
I'm not sure I understand what Myth of Ukrainian girls you write about?

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 Re: scam and fake background

Author: Oksana  (78.154.168.---)
Date:   07-04-09 22:38

Those Ukrainian women who are a "pure" myth not "pure" Ukrainian :(

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 Re: scam and fake background

Author: Notice: Undefined variable: new_dat  (
Date:   07-16-10 16:33

Everything is so vague..Noone can be sure in this Internet dating!

A person appears and one day comes and he says: " I love you!"
So, what`s next??
It`s really difficult to communicate on line or by correspondence without seeing a man in reallity.
It`s like writing letters to a personage from the book.
After long discussions it`s all goes to a deadpoint.
Because - a woman is afraid..
A man- wants to be more involved or to have a fun!!
One of the case may be really funny.
I myself had an experience.
A guy wrote: "I need to discuss the details of our marriage and the documents to adopt your daughter soon."
He promised to come asap..A few days later-he disappeared for ever for good.
It`s just all for fun.
To love someone is necessary to see him or her in real life.
Don`t you think so???

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