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 Yah yest ee peet koishto!!

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   05-11-06 09:53

This is my subterfuge to attract attention to my topic!! Actually,I will be taking a break ,and leaving New Dating pretty soon. I have so much trouble in my personal life now. I was injured last December, my daughter has received almost every dollar I had for my FSU vacation( she has legal and custodial issues now),I am in much daily pain from a disintegrated miniscus in my right knee, and I am not happy that my voice to the proprietors of this site have been ignored. I know I can draw a good business for this place with topic discussions,but this is probably not enough to create financial power for the owners of this site,or their approval/disapproval. I miss Natalia,and was very pleased whenever she came into the discussions--even to inform us that another dishonest person had been ejected from the site. One of my main issues with human behavior is the lack of ideas and communications. It is the lack of these skills ( or efforts?) which lead to conflict,and misunderstanding on a grand scale. If only our early childhood schooling would teach a course in " The data of escalatory human conflict"!!! In writing to women from FSU or DOC or ROC, I demand response-even if it is in broken english. I am pleased to speak Spanish when I am in Mexico,and I also look forward to the day when I can go to FSU to use my language skills na pah roosky!! I have met a lot of decent men and women in this site,and it has been my extreme pleasure!!! I feel the good of this site outweighs any bad. I will be back sometime in the future-- but for now I am just going to let my membership fade to black,like at the end of an old movie. I will be going through the big changes in my life soon,and I have the positive wish for everyone here that they will all find a good friend--if not a spouse!! I do not know my last day here--so here`s my email addy :truotslayer_1 I am not certain if I am allowed to give my address out like this--but the second part of it is @ the site which is named after a cowboy yell!! I learned to do this on free sites from FSU women. They are all not only hot--but sharp as a nozh too!! Peace-and joy to you all!! Blaine

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 Re: Yah yest ee peet koishto!!

Author: Angel  (193.26.13.---)
Date:   05-11-06 12:08

You throw us? I shall miss for you.....

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 Re: Yah yest ee peet koishto!!

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   05-11-06 12:56

I would never throw you!! I am just taking some time away after my membership expires. You can always write to me at my email address. I will be checking in once in a while to see what inspiring conversation there is here. I just need some time away because I have too many other things in my life right now. I will be starting another job next week,and I will be moving to another house soon also. I am paying a lot of attention to my daughter right now,and paying a lot of money too-so I will not any time on the computer for a while. I will be taking a lot more work. Thanks for your nice words,Angela!! We will talk again!!

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 Re: Yah yest ee peet koishto!!

Author: Lorentz  (
Date:   05-11-06 13:17

Blaine; - Just before you go,...- What is the meaning of life ???
Your post on Sams thread was outstanding, - and if it is to be your last long one for awhile, at least you're leaving on an excellent note. I am in sincere hopes that the old minisci start to give you less trouble, but from my personal experience ( my knees look like I got in a knife fight with a midget and lost. ) - it's just one of those things that never completely goes away ( like ex-wives.) - You have to learn to live with the pain and hope the lessons are not too hard. You will be missed, ( I should think,... by - someone anyway,?? ) - whereas, for myself, I am anticipating that I will not be shed a tear over at all, as coincidently, I will be departing myself soon, for different reasons. - Just when I got Quasimodo to stieffle his stuff too. - ( Not so much as a peep from the peanut gallery of late. )

With any luck, who knows ?? As it stands, I have enjoyed our interaction and would not object to 'bumping heads' again at some future point in time.

Hata Luego, Y Buenas Suerte Amigo ! -


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 Re: Yah yest ee peet koishto!!

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   05-11-06 13:43

There is no meaning--there just "IS"-- the time matters not and anything we say or do does not make it any more objective or subjective because we live in a small fragment of eternity on this physical plane. My time here is almost up, however,so I am just going to run it out. I have left here before for some time--but I will return. You sound like my doctor--he said exactly the same thing to me-"You just have to learn to live with it" It is strange that I seem to know more about the latest techological advances in orthopedic surgery then he does. The FDA has yet to approve a fibrous cartilage injection. This stuff is incredible,as it grows to occupy the space between the knee joints,and is the best remedy yet to not be approved!!! . I hurt my knee on the job,and expected to be left holding the bag! When the orthopedist told me" We are both getting older",and "Well--you still have to walk",I asked him if he just started working at the clinic,and did they start him at 5.15 an hour. I was at least expecting cortizone treatment,and I would sue his balls off except I have no choice about going back to work now,and this will effectively negate my claim to pain. He did not know many of the techinical terminologies which resulted from my MRI scan. Love the dentist--hate the doctors. The dentist cured my pain--I have yet to be cured by any doctor!! Hey,Lorentz. Darya is a great person. She was not dishing on me or you. She could be adversarial and mercuric to match anybody in a ranking session. I know this for a fact. She can be the most humorous,intelligent, and capable of friends,also,and I am quite proud to count her as a wonderful compadre here in the forum,and out of it too!! Hey what did happen to James? Was he just a foul-weather friend? A little general disagreement never made the world end or the sky fall!! I was wrong-because there were still plenty of detective names to use. I really thought he was going to take up a career as Deputy Dawg!! James--I am teasing you. Men do that to each other sometimes too. It is not only reserved for the ladies!! Poka -poka!!!

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 Re: Yah yest ee peet koishto!!

Author: Blaine  (
Date:   05-11-06 13:51

I see that my spelling needs some work!!!

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 Re: Yah yest ee peet koishto!!

Author: Elena  (
Date:   05-13-06 08:37

Blaine, you deserve all the best in this life - good luck to you!

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 Re: Yah yest ee peet koishto!!

Author: Smiling  (
Date:   05-13-06 08:46

Dear Blaine , I wish you to be strong in fighting with difficulties of life and I wish to win this fighting. I think you desert to have the best life and to be happy. I will miss you here.

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