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 Id # 37332 is a scammer. The Proof.

Author: JeffS  (
Date:   11-02-05 09:54

Hi my dear Jeff
For me was very pleasant to receive letter from you.
I want to tell you about me.
I live near Moscow in Bryansk. I am 25 years old.
I have highest education (designer).
I am work in the shop as photomodel for advertising.
I am advertise the closer.
I like travel and cooking. I like very much sport.
In free time I am going on fitness or play tennis.
I am playing in tennis from 5 years. Maybe someday we shall play in tennis together.
I do not like russian man. They are coarse.
I want to meet man who shall be gentle and carefull.
I shall be wait for your letter.
Kiss you, Nika

Hi darling Jeff
I am so happy to receive your nice letter.
I want to tell you about my family.
My mother work as doctor, my father work as ingenjer on the factory.
I live alone. My parents live in other city.
I have brother, he 14 years old, he live with parents.
My family agree with me that I want to find foreign man.
I think you nice men, I like you.
You know, people can learn each other just after meet in real live.
Internet it is just virtual.
So, I think if we shall have relationship, we must meet. Are you agree with me?
I shall be wait your letter. Hope to hear from you soon.
Kiss you, Nika

Hi my darling Jeff
Thank you for your letter. It make me happy.
You know, now I am sure that I want to meet you.
I have speak with my parent and they not against.
I think it is good variant if I come to you.
I have visa for three month.
You shall show me your city. I like to know new citys.
Or, if you want, you can come in Bryansk.
I live along and my door always open for you.
Tell me, what do you think?
I shall be wait for your letter.
Gentle kiss you, Nika

Hi my darling Jeff
I am so happy that soon we can meet.
When I thinking about you my heart go fast.
Maybe it is destiny?
I shall borrow money from my friends and fly to you.
Tell me please, for which airport I must fly?
Soon as I can I shall go in agency of travel.
I am waiting for your letter darling.
Gentle kiss you.
Your Nika

Hi my darling Jeff
Today I was in agency of travel.
I borrow 400 USD and wanted to bay tickets to you.
But tickets cost 675 USD. I have no enought money.
I want so much to see you that I have payd already my 400 USD.
You can help me to bay tickets. You need to send 275 USD to agency of travel.
I give your e-mail adress in agency. They shall send you all information.
I hope that all will be OK. I want to be with you.
I send you copy of my passport.
I will be wait for your letter darling.
Gentle kiss you.
Your Nika


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 Re: Id # 37332 is a scammer. The Proof.

Author: Liliya  (
Date:   11-02-05 14:29

hahahaha..... write that you are ready to flight in her country and look what she will answer.... good luck ... :):):)

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 Re: Id # 37332 is a scammer. The Proof.

Author: Elena  (
Date:   11-02-05 16:20

JeffS, I hope you had enough time for being pleased with her pics?

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 Re: Id # 37332 is a scammer. The Proof.

Author: JeffS  (
Date:   11-03-05 03:07

Naw she is not to pretty

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 Re: Id # 37332 is a scammer. The Proof.

Author: Elena  (212.116.244.---)
Date:   11-03-05 17:22

I am sorry about you... Hope all others will be better.:))

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